/ssbbw/ - Super Sized BBW

For those who like 'em bigger than big

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DelilahBoopity/Cunt Dracula DelilahBoopity/Cunt Dracula 08/15/2024 (Thu) 05:49:26 Id:3d6a51 No. 127666 [Reply]
Anyone got any more videos of her? I have a small OnlyFans collection but some of her Manyvids stuff would be nice https://mab.to/t/8s1Y1Fbjhkn/us2
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>>137277 Not all of them are on Spankbang. Not even most of them.
She just shared this on her Twitter. Unreleased scene for $25. Here's the preview: https://bunkr.fi/v/dmisTmU5i6o84
>>137137 I think they fixed Bunkr. I've been able to view and download her scenes now.
>>144335 Wifey fr
She has genius humour very fysically way too. She can be world top comedienne actress if she would just tried it.

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Spanish Beauties Anonymous 11/11/2024 (Mon) 00:45:12 Id:a3f1ef No. 136641 [Reply]
sweetgoddessana/immobilesoon & _fatvenusbelly These 2 seem to get little to no attention yet they are both IMO some of the best in the game. Spain is producing some real talent https://gofile.io/d/NmrSIc
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>>143768 An @ for this one would be much appreciated.
>>143776 No bruh. All these are from Spain. I've been years trying to find girls like that in my country
>>143788 instagram: @anabelguerrero10
>>143805 _clariortizaragoza_ isn't.

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Brianna and Jae Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 17:05:14 Id:b537ef No. 121349 [Reply]
Now that the store is down and Brianna doesn't want to sell the clips anymore, let's collect everything we have. 59 clips: https://gofile.io/d/czDLTT Does anyone have these remaing 15 vids? https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/111076/16771106/brijae-physical-attraction-to-eachother https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/111076/17762046/brijae-fucking-briannas-belly-button https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/111076/17880382/brijae-3-girl-mcdonalds-stuffing-with-bbwleightonrose https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/111076/18065062/brijae-munchies-w-leighton-rose https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/111076/18391743/brijae-stand-and-compare-w-leighton-rose https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/111076/18391179/brianna-and-jae-tease-leighton-rose https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/111076/18397164/brijae-measure-together https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/111076/19219389/spanking-jaes-huge-ass https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/111076/19224967/brijae-candid-fat-chat-and-weight-gain-goals-2018 https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/111076/19225335/brijae-wooden-chair-overflow

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I swear my pockets got LARGE🎶
https://we.tl/t-ykHLz8KhWD I bet yall have it already but here's Brianna_FatRoommateBathroomStruggle
>>143723 Great upload, these types of videos of these two are the best. Just watching two fat hogs go crazy on 5000 calories of food. Nothing beats it. https://gofile.io/d/eUCpVZ

Anorexic to ssbbw transformation Skinny to ssbbw 01/08/2025 (Wed) 10:00:12 Id:78f56e No. 142977 [Reply]
Thread for girls who went from underweight to ssbbw. (Pic: Delicious_delilah from reddit)
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>>143403 Thats Babyyaga
>>142977 She’s a different fetish. Mentally ill abuse victims victimizing themselves further. Try posting it on /selfabusechan/
>>143403 I remember her. That was weird
Where can I find selfabusechan?
>>143497 More like self love

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Creampuff Anonymous 06/01/2024 (Sat) 06:38:11 Id:db8589 No. 119856 [Reply]
Anyone have any of her newer vids? Here’s what I have. https://gofile.io/d/TOGpwA
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>>134471 morbid shake is a minor classic
Does she still make content? Does she have an onlyfans?
>>142976 I hate to entertain beggars but sometimes youve gotta do what youve gotta do for new content. Heres some cream puff shit: https://gofile.io/d/mAtuFa
Requesting her newer stuff https://gofile.io/d/5bEu4d

Nettyyylove Anonymous 09/28/2024 (Sat) 09:06:06 Id:b6983e No. 132423 [Reply]
Let´s get a thread going for this absolute blimp of a woman, probs one of the most underrated models imo. Share what you can. Here´s what I´ve got. https://gofile.io/d/ngSjoH
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>>132565 >https://gofile.io/d/EustsN Medical inquiry time. The doctor is in.
Shes so underrated
wow she has amazingly lovely hair.
If only she had a coomer for her shitty OF...
wonder what her weight is.

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Mary- Missing Person Report Mary 03/31/2024 (Sun) 09:28:50 Id:f271ae No. 113760 [Reply] [Last]
Missing Mary…she was 384 in her last weigh in and then disappeared.
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>>142897 totally. if you can, please take the responsibility to monitor her weight and raise the warning once she reaches the unacceptable lower weight threshold
Mary is up 10+ pounds this year!!!
Holy smokes that BeatSaber video is incredible. Really illustrates how big she’s gotten.
>>145750 Drop a link when you can

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Leighton Rose Anonymous 10/04/2024 (Fri) 00:23:09 Id:d5cafa No. 132936 [Reply]
Looking for the videos in post thumbnail or any other stuffing vids https://mab.to/t/giwICmruthl/us2
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aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC85YldBQ1c= Here's two videos I have. One of them is her 426lb weigh in. Does anyone have any of her other weigh ins other than the first one? Or really anything that's fat chat.
>>133779 This is just the wrong thread
>>133249 another weigh in from 2020 https://gofile.io/d/EF8Xtk
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Posting some health-oriented Leighton Rose vids. Here is High BP Babes from Hefty Hotties and Health Update- Suggies (not sure if anyone has posted this one before since I picked it up a few months back) https://gofile.io/d/RRPU6D Looking for more health-oriented vids, like her "Diet Industry Dropout" videos or "Diabetes Update 3 Donut Binge"
need more of her newer stuff

urlovingcatgirl Anonymous 12/23/2024 (Mon) 23:34:03 Id:cba5f2 No. 141318 [Reply]
does anyone have extra face videos of her? She is so amazing, i can't get over it Some videos that are not on the coomer https://gofile.io/d/LQbGaF
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>>141765 How much was it?
Old stuffing and q&a https://gofile.io/d/3o7YGm
>>141772 Thank you so much sir
>>141772 atleast one who is doing the right thing unlike some certain morale mark yapping about “yOu waNT ONe bUY One and DoNT BE cReEp“
>>142546 Lmao die mad

Steph Anonymous 12/23/2021 (Thu) 08:27:49 Id:ba3bbf No. 33011 [Reply] [Last]
Looking for content from this rare SSBBW. Trade: WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRreldsTTFNQyhWaW9sZXQpaEtZVzFsY3lsaVF6a3dURmhyTW1GWGNFOWhWRnBIV2pJNFBRPT0=
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>>142060 It seems like she doesn't have that many fans here. No one is sharing newer content from her return other than the few videos that got dropped ages ago.
>>142062 I'm not sure that the issue is that she doesn't have fans but rather that a BC sub is a mid proposition bc updates feel so sporadic. Steph's site is a minimum of $20USD to join and with updates sometimes not coming for 3 weeks at a time, that might be just one update during your billing cycle. BC / John / Heather used to at least hit the socials regularly to drive traffic to the model's sites, but nowadays it feels like it's on autopilot, verging on life support
Before onlyfans bigcuties was worth it I remember subbing to 3 models at the same time the models were curteous and would post on message boards when they had updates they were simpler times.
Models on bigcuties used to update at least twice a month and we wouldn't have some of the great models we have today without bigcuties but this was ten years ago.
>>142065 Well, BigCuties seems to be in a death spiral now. Both Becca and Sadie retired recently, so there are only eight sites "regularly" updating now. Maybe that won't be such a bad thing. If models like Steph migrate to other platforms, they might update more regularly, and their content might be more accessible.

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Ssbbw Sweet Cheeks Anonymous 10/16/2024 (Wed) 16:50:16 Id:3a3eb3 No. 134327 [Reply]
Does anyone happen to have her C4S stuff? aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9BbkpoQUc=
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>>137452 she escorts all the time, you too can have the same experience not everything on here is a lie lol
>>142204 she is now in her mid sixties
Does she still escort in Las vegas?
>>142272 No, she unfortunately retired a couple years ago. Wish she still had more content on the side, or released some older rare stuff for the public fans
>>141608 ive been on the hunt myself for the more of the same. i think suzyQ is the closet option and she is or at least was posting feeding content. im just waiting for all the current models to start deflating and getting all that cellulite dimple effect.

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Vanilla Hippo Anonymous 10/24/2024 (Thu) 00:27:03 Id:32a82f No. 134937 [Reply]
missing video 4 and quite a few pic sets (45 and everything after 46), if someone could help fill in those gaps or provide any other juicy content, that would be great. posting everything i have, which is 99% complete. https://gofile.io/d/IoH2Kc
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>>142096 Which retarded mod decided to unban Kilotroll?
>>142113 You're the retard if you can't figure out he's a persistent ban dodger
>>142107 use 7zip
>>142150 No bans actually happen here retard
>>141420 Can someone drop this unzipped on gofile?

Baby Yaga Baby Yaga 11/17/2024 (Sun) 18:20:13 Id:e3ef5c No. 137316 [Reply]
Now that she leaves the scene, I´ll drop my stuff. Hopefully she comes back. Would be nice if someone drops something beside this. https://gofile.io/d/VhHLwx
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>>137316 Shes German, but shes one of those Filter ones... nothing relay lost
>>137316 Can you reap the bud where she’s tied down and being force fed to the go file it’s on of the only ones I was looking for and of course one of the only ones that deleted smh.
Is this a variante of Baba Ja-ga?
Reup of the first link please
Some of videos from the link disappeared

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BigReddBitch Anon1993 08/14/2024 (Wed) 22:49:34 Id:3fb8da No. 127634 [Reply]
Anyone knows what happened to her? I can’t find her socials anywhere and I’m trying to get as much content of her as possible.
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>>127634 https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMhkuQKL1/
That bitch is trash and nobody but a tease
Y’all want her IG here it is fellas @juicy_reddb_reloaded
Does anyone have her old OF content?
>>141333 she does facesitting still? thats where i first heard of her.. her videos

TheBreakfastChub Anonymous 11/05/2024 (Tue) 01:14:54 Id:d757f3 No. 136102 [Reply]
Intended to give something back to the old thread, but it's gone so I'll make a new one! Reupping everything I have plus I got her fat housewife vid. https://gofile.io/d/i3230x
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>>136535 nah her thick eyebrows are sexy, makes her stand out from out bbws. Plus her body fat proportions are absolutely perfect, big all around
she posted something recently on tumblr about having a new feeder/partner, anyone know anything more about that? hope this leads to some massive gains!
>>136102 God bless you dude, I made the last thread then deleted everything off my computer, so having this back up means I can see em again.
That smoke detector hanging on for dear life in wg chat
Just updated this to add her bikini try-on. Merry Christmas. https://gofile.io/d/i3230x
