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New Reenaye Starr Thread Need 03/04/2023 (Sat) 14:29:40 Id:f3050d No. 73870
Decided to make a new Reenaye thread because the other one is kinda dead. So post any vids you have of the ussbbw goddess
>>120555 I can't wait until this retarded shit is finally dumped into the grease trap of history
>>120556 First off (person you're responding to) I'm a cishet millennial Second, what kind of insult is "lesbian zoomer"? A lesbian would also be attracted to WOMEN, so you're basically admitting you're gay?
>>120554 honestly, the short hair works for her face. some women, hell no to short hair, shit just doesn't work for all face types, but Renee it actually does so it doesn't matter to me. retards on here just complaining to complain like the massive fat body doesn't detract from fucking hair lmao
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fuck it old reenaye pics lmao
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and a webm for you look if youre gonna argue about reenaye and shit, at LEAST post some content cmon now
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>>120988 Damn, she was so hot before she went down the pronoun hole and started cosplaying as Dodoria
>>73870 Pity she stopped being friends with Ivy wonder what happened
>>121333 I have no info, but my read on Ivy -- from social media only -- is that she is a shrewd (and perhaps sometimes ruthless) business woman, and some of the super woke models can't really understand that mindset.
>>121335 ???? It had nothing to do with wokeness or business. Reenaye put her kids in a unsafe situation and instead of taking responsibility for it, blamed Ivy. I have no skin in the game either way but it was personal drama that was pretty much entirely Reenaye's fault, nothing to do with wokeness LOL. Ivy is not a shrewd business woman; she deeply wants to identify as one but isn't actually one. She constantly hires unvetted unprofessional immature toxic people who waste her money and time, because she just wants to hire people and FEEL like a business women, not actually BE one. She pays $1,000s to fly them out, pay hourly rates to a bunch of random people for no reason during the shoot, and then doesn't make it back because she hired a random, deeply mentally ill woman she met on twitter.
>>121337 >nothing to do with wokeness >unprofessional immature toxic people >random, deeply mentally ill woman she met on twitter. uhhh lol, yeah nothing in there sounds like the heavily woke online community at alllll lol /s
>>121391 you just used a tone indicator on a fetish board while complaining about wokeness. do you not understand how pathetic you come off?
>>121337 Please explain what the issue is with Reenaye and ivy ????
>>121391 Oh come on dude, he's not talking about "wokeness" itself, he's saying the Models who act super woke in general, also have a tendency to have these other issues like being difficult to work with and toxic, immature mentally ill people from twitter. The venn diagram of these things is practically a circle
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ok i guess someone has to actually post content
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like, if you're gonna argue n stuff go for it, but at least post something
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>>121481 😍😍😍
>>121337 >Reenaye put her kids in a unsafe situation and instead of taking responsibility for it, blamed Ivy. You got any further explanation on this?
Question, is she actually still gaining or did she stop because I can't tell anymore?
>>123632 Well the number she puts out is a lie. If she gains it's in small amounts but she definitely is not trying to. It is a massive fantasy she is selling.
>>123640 Like of narrowly any fetish model (which make sexual content for customers)
Does anyone have the latest weigh-in video? It looks like she reached 800 pounds
>>128929 lol it's true, my leprechaun told me during his livestream of half life 3
>>128986 On her "special scale"...🤫 So in reality it would be 181Kg...
>>128929 lol read up on the posts above you. She doesn’t weigh anywhere near that. Probably in the low 500’s. It’s all a fantasy.
>>129011 No less, it is like half of the number she spread out (some a bigger liars, while Jenna is a smaller liar), she is most likely between 150 and 185 kilogramme
>>128929 >>128986 >>129003 >>129011 >>129013 She literally says even in her preview video that she hasn't reached that yet. So enough with this shit already, either someone puts up and dumps some of her recent videos or just shut the fuck up and let this thread die already. Fucking hell, even highschool girls aren't as gossipy as you useless cunts are.
Wild watching this delusional milf eat herself into oblivion
I heard on a Spanish YouTube channel that she broke a scale in a video. Does anyone have that one?
>>129619 That did some SSBBWs on videos recently (in last couple of years) or pretended to have done it
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Ok, woah. It's been a while since Reenaye as done something so creative like this. Think anyone bite the bullet and share this with us?? I'll see if I can share any Reenaye stuff i have too
>>129780 Given that she's exposing her own kids to this stuff I don't think this is a good look for here
>>129785 He children are all over her youube channel and shes mentioned many times before that she has kids. Her ex husband is from america
>>129785 Reenaye's "Subby" doesn't even live in america or is american at all? how the fuck does that even work? long distance relationships barely work out, how is a long distance marriage even a thing?? how much did Saxxon fucked up his marriage for that to happen?
>>129818 She said it on Youtube, I think (during live chat), maybe does they skype/ facetime or snapchat The husband of Vivian was from Italy, but not sure if who lived in the USA already when they got engaged. But if oversea or at different ends of the coasts is maybe not so much different, as one are 6 - 8 hours, the other at least 4 hours to fly, I suppose
>>129826 I meant Valeria (not Vivian), excuse me for mixing up the names!
>>129785 >Are you sure she has even kids and if so are them fat? Yikes
>>129785 looks like the kilotroll is reaching new depths of depravity, like fucking christ
its been two months since anyone has posted literally anything about reenaye other than rumors or other shit you people are idiots i s2g, if you're gonna bitch, post content too jesus https://mab.to/t/25InxTKwGr8/us2
>>129995 Finally somebody who gets to the point
Its pronouns are Rock/Steady
Anyone got this?
>>130067 I have a preview of this and it's the hottest make-out scene ever. No sex as that's probably impossible, but her sheer size and glorious rolls in different positions are the stuff of dreams.
>>130067 Here you go https://mab.to/t/g5ydFi9loBJ/us3
>>130186 Thank You. You would think that there would be more of her recent videos out there. She looks amazing. Especially at that size!
Anyone have sex vid?
Here are a couple more with Subby https://mab.to/t/tklRyLM1hSQ/us3
I can’t stand when these chicks cut their hair super short.
anyone can share the video of her that call A Feast of Fatness
