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Juicy Jackie Anonymous 02/25/2025 (Tue) 07:51:10 Id:062945 No. 148255
Last thread got bump blocked so lets start this again! https://gofile.io/d/O25t7L (220GB Upload!)
Epic Drop! Thank You
Epic indeed
Has anyone got her recent livestream she did or the one where she was eating pizza
>>148294 She scheduled that livestream but never showed up that day ://
>>148255 It really shows that 2019-2021 Jackie was absolutely god tier. She made so much content during that time and the variety was gold. IMO she really peaked with the drive thru video. I wish she'd recreate it.
epic indeed indeed
No sir she is at her peak as we speak and only getting fatter so that peak keeps peaking! Yeah she did more in her vids and the flow of content was better but she is so big now and it makes me diamonds!
>>148442 Dude same. Her legs are crazy. Can't wait until her cankle fat can touch the ground lol
I think it might even do that now tbh! Very very close if not, she needs to flaunt them more it's my fav part right now
>>148459 I need to see her knees disappear lol.
when was her last weigh in?
>>148491 Sep. 2024 with whopping 600 pounds!
>>148459 At this point I would love to see more of her cankle.
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>>148565 The fact that Jackie reached the goal that Kellie Kay aimed at and failed is truly legendary
>>148581 She wasn't the only one, Ash did too.
>>148584 Ash got to 600, eventually her last BigCuties weighin was 613.
>>148588 Not to further derail but you can definitely see she kept gaining after that weigh-in. Wish we had a max number, yknow?
>>148589 Tbh you can safely assume she reached close to 700 lbs.
>>148584 Fact that she wore these light color pants in multiple vids is great. Seeing those enormous thighs from behind and belly from front is so damn wish. Wish she’d surprise us with an OF
I think it's about time for a new weigh in compilation
>>148588 Word on the street is Ash is almost 800 now, but she does not want to share after the podcast debacle.
>>148677 what podcast debacle?
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>>148677 Ash is 800… no. Girl lost a ton of weight an looks all haggered. We need photos for some proof
What fake streets are these for either 800 or haggard, probably still just in 600s lol
>>148677 lmao word on what streets ?? she's been lying low for a whilllle now, so unless you know someone who knows someone who knows her personally and is claiming this, you know nothing.
Word on the street is that the illusive kelligirl is making a comeback at 800 lbs lololol
>>148255 The only thing I don't like about these gofile drops is how the posts aren't in chronological order. Too hard to find the recent videos in them.
>>148679 Try and remember that people have a life outside of Bbw-Chan and Feabie. And we stay in contact with each other, or might be someones SO. All these communities are here because some people actually DO want to be fat, the internet just has a tendency to bring like minded people together.
>>148712 where did you get this, I gotta see
>>148720 Like yeah, but what's your source for this? Because otherwise it just feels like you're making up nonsense.
The Kelligirl was a sarcastic joke for the OP who talked about word on the street for Ash. Here’s another joke - word on the street is that echo is back to 800+ lolol jk
>>148736 I cant really tell if the comment youre replying to is some kind of larp, but as far as your comment is concerned, whats nonsnense about girls wanting to be fat?
>>148677 No way. Ash is one of the GOATS and if she actually got that big, she would definitely want to show it off.
>>148677 The podcast wasn't an issue. Lazy ass fat entitlement that was bullshit and went against her being a fat fetish glamour porn creator but she really only had a patreon for it. The first grift was her online Vast magazine, $15k of donations for a free online 'magazine'. The next some absolute shit about a spa resort for fatties. Now she's rightly shut the fuck up for being a mouth about anything online without actually knowing what she's on about. That and her husband being exposed as being hard right wing MAGA when she's so liberal. So she's now posting nothing and getting fed into infinity by her feeder husband.
>>148788 Really is a comedy of errors with Ash. I get that her heart was in the right place with the podcast, but the movement she was in really doesn't want fat sex workers clouding the message; unfortunately fatties that want to be treated normally can't share the stage with fatties who are debasing themselves for money by being fat. As much as we wish she stayed on camera and showed off, I'm betting the numbers were telling her that this wasn't something she could rely on sustainably and she pivoted - after all, we all could tell her heart was in it anymore and the quality was suffering, so it's not like she was going to put more effort in. The attempts to stay relevant and contribute to the movement were overshadowed by those cash grabs. Now, I'd be surprised if we ever hear from her again. God knows she'll never swallow her pride and be on My 600lb Life.
>>148788 She flew a bit too close to the sun in this little niche world. She went all-in on the HAES grift just as Ozempic was about to kill the movement. She was great at raising money, but absolutely failed at making any effort to put out a good product -- her podcast was decent until she gave up; I read the first few issues of Vast and it was a joke; and then she did some Canva-quality graphic design for the mystical fat retreat. I doubt we'll see her again unless she runs out of money.
All of what has been said may indeed be true, but if she is the grifter you guys say she is, why the hell wouldn't she be posting about being 800 lbs and making bank off of the market that is clearly there. Pics or it's bullshit heresay.
>>148802 I don't believe she's 800lbs, but she's not going to make content for us again because she's thrown in her lot fully with the HAES and body positivity crowd. Her pride genuinely won't allow that.
Ash has her own thread. Can we get back to the gorgeous Ms. Jacqulyn? Now that's a woman I would love to see hit 800! Well, maybe 700 would be enough. She is fairly short, and 600 already is enormous on her. But who am I kidding: 800 it is!
>>148855 The way she is going she definitely will hit 800lbs in good time
Was it Jackie who has the video of hee gettung fucked while wearing a CPAP mask or was that someone else?
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>>148868 I can’t remember if Jackie ever made a clip like that, but I’m pretty sure you might be confusing her with SpanxBeluga
>>148868 not jackie. maybe it was naughty nickie? not sure
Pt 1 https://drive.google.com/drive/mobile/folders/1Gk6c7voJ9xVGAyhnk7nTPvWFhI7Xrk99?usp=sharing Pt 2 https://drive.google.com/drive/mobile/folders/1MpBwhOspu2GT0bRId0VMo-aKkMInlM3N?usp=sharing Old site rips uploaded in the old thread
>>148897 Thanks, man
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>>148897 THANKS! JJ is the GOAT!!! Such a beautiful pile of lard!!!
>>149068 It's such a shame she doesn't make videos more often.
>>148897 Someone needs to uplaod on MAB or Gofile, since downloading everything 1 after another takes days... lol Thanks anyways for the share
>>149153 It was 100% worth it. Don't be a choosey beggar, weirdo.
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Wonder if back then she thought she’d gain at least another 250 lbs.?
