/ssbbw/ - Super Sized BBW

For those who like 'em bigger than big

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Hayley a.k.a Gingerbunny Thread Redux Anonymous 05/31/2024 (Fri) 16:31:30 Id:d98af1 No. 119772
I just noticed that her last thread got bumplocked and nobody cared so, someone had to do it
>>128483 Wish she’d post more often. Her content when I subbed was so good. Long chats, great angles. I dropped last year because it had been more than a month without a post.
>>128565 Supersoft is acting this immobility partly like it does this Spanish one Immbobilesoon, but have also a similar shape, but are clearly smaller than Goddess Patty, Zsalynn or Queen Racqui were. Hailey is just slightly in SSBBW teritorium, her belly is rather of a slimmer BBW (the one who was shapped similar and I met 3 times in the past 3 years, had in my view a thicker/ more voluptous tummy and is not much shorter, but weighted around 165Kg); she is about 80 - 100 kilogramme away from a USSBBW Though Doughbelly (Jenna) is rather one, she is clearly over 200 kilogramme (but below 300)
The Frensh/ Bosnian Jenna could be a hundred kilos heavier than Hayley is At least is her dress size over 60, while the younger one has maybe 50
>>128599 >>128605 Again you have no idea what the fuck are you talking about you fucking ESL retard.
Maybe it's a subjective term but I thought ussbbw was 600+ pounds?
>>128635 Subjective term. USSBBW is when you’re so big you can’t really get around on your own much anymore. For some women that’s like 550, for others it hits at 700 plus
(148.55 KB 750x1334 Tumblr_l_48623507051759.jpg)
>>128643 It is necessary to assemble a bureau of BBW standards to sort these matters
Wow! Could some Hero upload some of her new video? Thank you so much
>>128645 Sweet Jesus she's enormous
>>128635 Yes. BBW, SSBBW and USSBBW categories are all subjective regarding the weight ranges and stuff, some also take height into account. But the problem here is that this one retard thinks Hayley is like half of her actual weight which is fucking ridiculous knowing her measurements and all
>>128643 It depends on the height, I suppose, so USSBBW may be a BMI of upto 70 or at least 50 In general it could be a quarter tone (250Kg) or 300 kilogramme
I may have the difference overestimated a little bit, as Jenna (which should be in the 500s) is possible 50 - 80 kilogramme heavier than Hayley. I estimate the first to be around 220 - 260 kilos
>>128483 Seriously. I would be subbed all year if LadyJiggles posted consistently a few times a month
In the past was it Lexy too
>>128645 Do you have the video for this?
Regarding the ESL spammers confusion around the acronym of USSBBW: mobility isn’t even relevant. For a brief history lesson, it was more recently and popularly coined as an “ssbbw over 600”. I think jae in 2019 was who popularized it or caused its resurgence. At least I saw it being used in regards to her, and rarely ever before, and probably more importantly in this chicken egg scenario: she started using it in her own contents titles. Around that time boberry started getting tagged with it too; since she, coincidentally, was also hitting her highest weights at the time. Before that I don’t think there was enough women who happened to be that big while also being so demonstrably beautiful out there, especially publicly, for the term to justify itself or take off. So it barely ever came up. to the point it might as well not have existed or even been purely theoretical lmao. A speculative category of fatlete. anyway, mobility doesn’t have anything to do with it but obviously it’s a big ask for any beautiful woman to be 600+ lb AND have some hustle in her bustle 24/7. Funnily if jae was who popularized, she was “very mobile” for such a big woman at the time, but she’s also pretty tall, so everyone who debates bmi over hard numbers probably has more room to argue than people debating mobility in this case, if she was the precedent. She definitely wasn’t a blob at least. Even now after 4 years of lockdown exasperated sedentary menhera-ism and a 100lbs heavier: she isn’t a blob, so I don’t think the body shape spammers have a horse in this race either. >TLDR haven’t actually read any posts in this thread not directly linked to a pic of Haley, but the term USSBBW caught my eye and so skimmed the retarded barely legible babble around it and am now dumping my own on top of it. Idk how Haley and Bo consistently have the most horrible shitpost bumps to content posted ratios on this board
>>128461 190kg is absolutely massive. To put things into perspective at 6'6 and 6'7 tall Brian Shaw and Hafthor Bjornsson only weighed 210kg at their absolute heaviest, and these are roided up giants we're talking about and not some 5'10 woman who doesn't work out.
>>128422 Damn, she looks so good from the front, from any other angle she looks weird. Such a shame
>>128686 Based on most recent weigh-ins, Jenna (DoughBellyGirl) weighs less than Hayley. Jenna looks like she weighs 850 but isn't even 650, at least as of her May 1st weigh-in. I think height is a huge factor here.
>>128736 I liked her much more at around 500 lbs.
Someone deletes some old messages in this chat..
>>129314 The censorship on this board is too damn high. These women obviously have some kind of genetic or mental disabilities yet the libtard mods are cracking the ban hammer on anyone who says it about the white women.
>>129318 Because no one cares about you discussing with other nerds about pointless shit. Or weird rants. This is a porn pirating site.Not a discussion forum.
>>128645 Fuckin' hell, she should re-create that getting into the sedan car vid, i doubt she'll be able to even get in this time.
all the power to this girl, the only girl I know of who is just barely resisting the urge to be an internet whore. I hope she disappears and goes and lives her life.
On the YouTube channel BBWWiki was said she weights 150 kilogramme (by an Indian guy/ the owner of it)
>>129423 >On the YouTube channel BBWWiki Literally who? >was said she weights 150 kilogramme Source? What do they know that no one else does? >(by an Indian guy/ the owner of it) Yourself?
>>128736 Let me tell you something. She looks weird from every angle. People who weigh over 500 pounds look weird, and YOU'RE also weird for being attracted to them. Stop trying to convince yourself that there's such a thing as a "normally attractive 500+ lb body" you fucking freak.
>>129427 No not myself, but this Indians (as I pointed) often. Though some are nonsense, as of Susanne Eman like a year ago, there was claimed she weight not more than 160 or some lower number even (but she is at least stil, 180, although not at her heaviest, by far), either they got these by insider informations (like social media) or estimated this just. But here it could be reasonable, as I reckon Hailey appears like in the range of 135 to 175, so a SSBBW in my view.
>>129434 Boring troll
Several of these Youtube channels about BBW models are even spoken by female (Indian) voices. Though this one was the familar male one (who own likely different ones)
>>129442 >But here it could be reasonable, as I reckon Hailey appears like in the range of 135 to 175 You're fucking retarded just like the pajeet (or blind, maybe both)
>>129434 Where do you think you are retard
>>129318 >>129320 I forgot the ignorance of people that doesn't know what is a nerd and they keep "imitating" the NERD EMOJI, without noticing that this entire place was made by nerds ... but I guess mods have NO FUCKING respect about this site because of course "no discussions". (>>129445) we must bully and harass them "they said" without noticing that we are paying them, I wonder what happen is we show the addresses to public and stalk these pathetic asshole: since FEMINISM is allowed to "ruin lives" who the fuck you guys think to be?!
(8.80 MB 2160x1920 Hayley Chair.webm)
Any chance of a reup of her most recent weigh in? Here's an Instagram that's got some of her videos https://www.instagram.com/reel/C9l4hPcMKDpKnYLLOzvUC0pvIJHjDQXaG_esTQ0/?igsh=MTZnYzh5ZHFkcnQ4ZA==
>>129480 God she is so beautiful. I love that her ass and belly can almost not stop jiggling now, they got to be the some of the softest thing in the world. Her ass is also just huge cankles. Her arms are alos just so meaty, I bet she gives amazing hugs.
>>129480 God damn that is incredible
>>129482 It's private.
>>129480 Fuckin' unbelievable, effortless gain in just a couple of years.
>>129508 Sorry, didn't realize. I've been following them for awhile. You can try requesting the follow, I think they're pretty open to new follows
>>129427 >>129442 Possible was this estimated (or calculated) by an AI, on reference to her full body photos. Maybe are even the voices of these channels made by scientific intelligences...
>>129480 It's amazing how huge she looked in the first video but how she is dwarfed by how big of a land whale she has become.
Does some gentleman have her latest videos or pics? Thank you so much!
Not to judge but can anyone explain to me why they're into this girl? Her body is kind of shapeless and she doesn't look too good without makeup.
>>130079 Bro she has like 90+ in hips and 50+ in thighs, shapeless she is not. Also if you think she doesn't look too good without makeup I have to wonder what are your standards considering this site and board, unless you think Boberry is natural or something lmao
>>130079 well I liked her better when she started the ass is massive though
>>130081 Are you telling me that Boberry is not natural? I lived deceived all my life
>>130079 It's the fact she went from not making content to becoming one of the fattest models out there.
