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squishy-brat Anonymous 01/07/2024 (Sun) 23:04:34 Id:e3a5ce No. 104938
i think she deserve a thread
>>120274 >>120271 Coomer uploading has been broken for OF for two months now. Only fansly can be updated. They usually fix it eventually.
>>120731 sure, bWFrZSBtb25leQ==
>>120733 You fucking got me with that one lol
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She is getting so big. I truly wonder how big she will get.
>>122231 Immobility on the cards? Honestly if she keeps gaining the way she is
>>122119 Would love to know as well, fucking sucks Coomer is still broke as shit so haven’t seen any new weight updates since like April.
https://gofile.io/d/zBCq7q june weigh in
Sorry for poor quality screen record. DRM sucks
>>126705 something in the way?
I bet she's getting huge!
got an OF account today, but they've made some changes to the platform and I can't figure out how to save vids. Any tips?
>>126825 Got his python downloader to work for me recently, so might want to give that a shot https://github.com/Voldrix/onlyfans-dl-2
>>126826 I'm not a python guy. Thanks anyway though.
>>126825 Internet Download Manager still works
>>126825 UC Browser/downloader on Android works great
She's a DRM user so any suggestions that don't work with DRM will be pointless.
>>126907 I paid $30 for the lifetime license on PPTube. That has allowed me to download any DRM video. I tested most other "solutions" beforehand.
>>126908 Alas... PPTube is windows only. Need a Mac solution. Thanks anyway
>>126915 The pptube wesite has a mac version on it
>>126915 https://pptube.org/
>>126915 Just tested the free trial on my Mac, it worked.
>>126939 I knew I could count on you guys! This is why Google is losing the search battle.... Hang tight, might be a few days before I can get you back.
>>126969 as promised. thx for the PPtube tip. https://gofile.io/d/IhQYn7
>>127240 legend o7
>>127240 Thanks dude
>>127240 You rock my man!
The fact she’s just gained such a massive amount of weight and still posts several pound gains each month is awe inspiring.
>>127240 thanks!
She's bigger than ever!
Weigh in postponed til next month due to scale issues apparently Excuse or not, the gain is sure to be insane
>>128167 >excuse or not, the gain is sure to be insane Definitely. She looks huge. The two possible reasons for this delay are 1. she was just too lazy to do the update (she's a total lardass, what are we expecting?), or 2. she is too heavy for her scale and/or somehow broke it. Either way, that bodes well for the gain
Anyone have any of her new stuff?
>>128793 Or three she hasn't gained anything and didn't want to step on the scale on camera for that reason
What a fucking cute face attached to that giant body
New videos???
Here are some https://gofile.io/d/j7PTK1 https://gofile.io/d/qhmnL8 https://gofile.io/d/FO6lr6 She says new weigh in coming later today
>>130922 I love you…
holy based these gofile uploads are legendary, thank you. what an incredible belly, insane how far it sticks out at her weight. my ex was 380 and had a huge belly but wouldnt be able to compare at all to this girl.
Weigh in up
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This pops up for the last two recent gofiles. Anyone know why?
>>130993 I thinks it just you but I'll reup, which two recent links specifically do you want
>>130994 https://gofile.io/d/qhmnL8 https://gofile.io/d/FO6lr6 These two please. I’m pretty sure it is just me but idk y. It only started doing this in the past like two months.
>>130989 417lbs. 3lbs in two months, at least it hasn't gone down, at least it explains why she skipped the one in august lmao. I love her but monthly weigh ins can be a "trap" and get really disheartening if the number doesn't go up alot each month. Hopefully it doesn't disencourage her
Does anyone have this video?
>>130995 No problem I got u, let me know if you run into any more issues https://gofile.io/d/Xu091b
Anybody got the weigh in?
>>131161 Folder is private ;)
