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Boberry says: “Halt die Fresse, Kilotroll!” 03/02/2024 (Sat) 19:29:01 Id:ac5012 No. 111309
New Boberry thread, since the old one is bumplocked. What happened so far: Pt. 1: https://we.tl/t-6oCuUTfdvW Pt. 2: https://we.tl/t-fTc3w5Q3z3 Pt. 3: https://we.tl/t-9mMu6hqmlu Pt. 4: https://we.tl/t-bKkqtjyzkO Pt. 5: https://we.tl/t-1pP9wMOw56 Pt. 6: https://we.tl/t-XGE0sulYgw
I met Mary because my wife saw a video of her on Instagram, she has very similar proportions. I can say that thanks to Mary my wife is encouraged to do things that she didn't before, that's why I am very grateful to this woman.
Does she do request videos?
Broke: Hey, this plus-size influencer just posted a review of a restaurant in the UK! The food looks good and the place looks cozy! Woke: That fatass must have eaten all of those dishes presented to her. Not sampled - consumed.
So what’s the story on this. Is Mary just vacationing in the UK or does she plans to go elsewhere into Europe? Is the English dude her friend or BF?
>>117892 I thought she was planning on visiting other countries but as side trips, not like a world tour or anything. I mean she's not even planning on going to Italy which sounds like heresy for someone who loves food. Also, and it may just be me reading too much into little details, but I remember there being fans of hers that donated on her live streams from the UK. Given how she's been with friendly people over there I'd venture to say someone got her attention enough on the VIP site to get special access to her. If we're still ascribing to the "she's actually an escort and hiding it we'll" theory... Maybe a fan is renting her as a girlfriend for 8 months? I mean genuinely, why stay in just the UK? Why not travel around like she did with Spain & Portugal for a few weeks at a time?
Yeah I figured there might be a part 2 to this trip if you’re heading over that way. She did Spain so you would think Italy or France might be next. Makes some sense about the escort. Is she with her BF on this trip? I’m guessing it’s that small guy in comparison photos in black. It seems mad someone renting Mary for the day while her BF just lingers around in the background.
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Mary leaving stuffed and happy :)
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Mary vs family of 4 :D
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>>117921 Yeah she gained some weight back but prime bo was a different breed i doubt that she is even 600 :/
>>117423 Her admission to feeling the floor bend with every step, is probably one of the hottest things said in a video for quite some time
>>117931 AGREE
>>117925 This is a new video?
>>117931 But what did she says about the floor exactly? And she points the floor but i didin’t see anything weird on it
Guess she sits on a big cushiom.
>>117956 Like I said 9pm eastern uptick 👀
>>117931 Which video was that? I think I have all the ones in this thread saved but I must have missed when she said that.
>>117925 this is fucking incredible. can't wait to see the vid this is from
>>118001 it had potential but in real life she posted a 16 sec clip :// shame
>>118017 yeah, just found it in the gofile not long after i posted. bummer, though even those 16 seconds were incredible
>>117927 > Yeah she gained some weight back but prime bo was a different breed i doubt that she is even 600 :/ ~600 vs ??? (now). I think you're right that she's probably not 600 again, but she doesn't look far off. Unrelated, part of me wonders if the length and extravagance of this Europe trip comes from the realization that she's only going to keep getting bigger, and she won't be able to do all this travel forever. In one of the latest vids she's leaving through the metal staircase of her hotel's fire exist, and she barely fits through the *hallways* now. Add a few dozen pounds, and I'm not sure she'd fit in that hotel at all.
>>118024 Incredible
>>118001 It's right here, as are all her other pictures and videos: https://gofile.io/d/7L2M8f
>>118048 legendary... but... could you upload somewhere as 1 file? so i'm not clicking download literally thousands of times?
>>118056 I'd rather recommend a browser extension like Snap Links, which allows you to access thousands of download links at once with a simple click-and-drag motion.
>>118021 Yes I’d like a table. Outside. How bout this one? Imagine sitting with a group of friends at that table with Bo’s ass next to you on the glass.
Imagine checking her into a hotel and wondering if she’ll break the bed. It’s not an everyday to see a 600 pounder like her.
>>118024 >Unrelated, part of me wonders if the length and extravagance of this Europe trip comes from the realization that she's only going to keep getting bigger, and she won't be able to do all this travel forever. In one of the latest vids she's leaving through the metal staircase of her hotel's fire exist, and she barely fits through the *hallways* now. Add a few dozen pounds, and I'm not sure she'd fit in that hotel at all. She's always been teetering on that size of being "too fat" for basic accommodations, but frankly most places worth their salt are able to work with her size. Still, there's an external world limit where she's going to risk breaking older installments like wooden stairs and typical chairs, as well as a personal limit where she's going to start being too fat to even get around reliably. I mean hell, she's made traveling work for her so far but even that has a hard limit for her size; there's going to be a point where it doesn't matter if the airplane bathrooms are handicap accessible, she's just too fat to fit. She's already outgrown sedans, but there may be a point where she won't be able to wedge her fat ass through the doors of a rental car or be comfortable in the seats. My guess is when those moments start becoming more frequent, that's when she's going to tap out. She likes showing some of the struggle on camera if she can play it off as sexy, but if there's a moment where she can't get up without help or breaks a bench in public, then I think we may be barred from seeing it. She's never really been a "circus sideshow" humiliated type of fat model, y'know? She's smart in knowing her fat ass is the reason she's able to afford these trips, but smart and prideful enough to know when she has to stop before she balloons to needing mobility aids.
>>118070 100% agree. I don't see her as one to show us the descent into total immobility. For a more "basic" woman like Juicy Jackie, you can tell she doesn't really mind that world travel or 5-star dining is now off the table for her. But I can see those as being staples for Mary. I bet that one day she will just 100% vanish from this scene and that will be that, and she'll privately be a 350-lb woman still able to tough it out on long-haul flights.
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>>118070 to be real she really was not with all that travelling when she was at her highest she broke up with her boyfriend and she was living her best life with her frinds thats how she got to 620+...but probably after her father passed her ex reached out to her since she was low and crushed and they got back together and they are till today and yes he is living the traveling lifestyle she adopted it from him she wasnt traveling on her own...facts
>>118056 just use gallery-dl
>>118076 i was googling for something like this, just found half-baked bash scripts that errored-out thanks for this
Seems like all she has been doing this trip is eating so maybe we’ll be ok.
>>118070 >Still, there's an external world limit where she's going to risk breaking older installments like wooden stairs and typical chairs There's a video—it might've been one of her earlier vip ones iirc, where she describes visiting a friend's house and damaging their porch having almost fallen through because the wood couldn't handle her weight.
>>118070 Yep. Wanting to be immobile and working towards it is objectively stupid. Ssbbws already have screws loose as is but the smarter ones are at least able to prevent themselves from becoming immobile
>>118178 You're a retard, get out this fetish. Clearly you don't get it
>>118178 FINALLY! Someone w/ actual taste in this damn fetish... the whole "immobile" craze is idiotic. The rare unicorn that is a bubbly semi-athletic U/SSBBW like a Boberry is obviously superior to your typical lazy slob immobile blob that most weirdos in this fetish seem to yearn for.
>>118186 Dude this is your third wife shut up before I gun you down with your family
>>118186 You’re spitting facts!
Does boberry do RP vids? Cant find any anywhere
>>118186 >>118178 Facts, my man. I agree 100%. These immobilitytards need a mental evaluation as they are clearly mentally ill and have a double digit IQ. Immobility is objectively disgusting.
>>118220 What is RP in this context? Received Pronunciation?
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>>118178 This. Mary is fucking perfect just how she is. She's like a female version of Coop from Megas XLR. and I fucking love Megas XLR. A giant woman with the mobility that she's got is one-of-a-kind awesome
>>118223 LOL love the idea that Mary speaking in a posh British accent would be an entire genre of soft core modeling No, it means role play in this context
>>118237 The back catalog my man. She’s smaller, Oder, and lumpier than ever. Sets 1-200 look like a different person.
>>118186 >>118221 I don't like immobility shit either but I think it boils down why you're here. It usually seems to be dudes who have a dependency thing and like the fantasy of taking agency away or the ones who get off on worsening health. Obviously none of the girls would be here if they had healthy habits but I think people would agree there's a line where the fun stops. Of course I'm soapboxing about healthy body weight on a fat fetish board so maybe I have no grounds to insult anyone
>>118246 I see. My hopes as a linguist have been crushed. :-(
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7JuqZZicop/?igsh=b2ZjMTFpMnE3cjM1 I love when big booty women clench their big butt cheeks. Boberry is no exception and it looks great here but does anyone notice she hardly ever does it? I’d watch a whole video of Boberry butt clenching
>>118251 I think you’re totally right. My own hobbyhorse with this stuff is that “fat fetishism” isn’t just one thing, it’s an umbrella term for a bunch of kinks and fetishes that share an attraction to bigger bodies, but can otherwise be quite different from each other and maybe even conflict with each other (how big, gaining vs no gaining, immobility vs not, etc)
growing her to the point of infatuation with culinary pleasure is the ultimate goal, me thinks
