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juiceefruitee anon 04/26/2024 (Fri) 00:16:54 Id:51764c No. 116184
just wow !
>>143695 now you shut the fuck up man
>>143719 lol all you proved is that she is sick of you harassing her
>>143719 lolllll it sounds like she is actively pushing back loll if you wanna post more of your convos, that would be great I am all for it lmaooo
>>143719 bro posted evidence of her being pissed off at him? is he retarded?
>>143719 When people say they talk with someone every day they usually mean a nornal fucking conversation not harassing them like a psycho lol. Leave the girl alone before she stops posting because of shitheads like many before.
>>143719 Tell her to open an OF or a Curvage
>>143741 Omfg 😂😂 You all comenting about me are so funny and retarded. And it seems you are maybe too jealous for not even having the chance to have a word from her. Yeah, we talk everyday and it is normal to have opposite opinions and points of view. Here we were discussing about what was the most effective way to lose weight. As a 24 y old soccer player, who trains everyday combining gym and training , I was just trying to tell her that she doesn't need to have a 800 kcal deficit to lose weight, so I told her that she only need to go through cetosis and autophagy bc I lost like 30 kg 4 years ago , eating like 4000kcal but only eating real animal food. So she was a little upset bc she thinks that the only way to lose weight is through a huge calorie deficit. All of you simps look like never had a real conversation with a woman lol.
>>143767 What kind of autism is this?
>>143767 You sound fucking retarded. Leave the girl alone before you fuck it up for the rest of us.
>>143781 what am I supposed to fuck up for the rest of you? Fucking simps 😂 In your best dreams she texts you back man.
>>143801 > what am I supposed to fuck up for the rest of you? The genepool
>>143801 Actually no, I take it all back. My nasty comments were just copium for how inferior I feel in the presence of a real gigachad player, whose opinions on fitness and diet she should value greatly. You obviously deserve to have the last laugh. Why don't you just post a photo of you two working out together? Should be easy for you.
>>143767 You honestly seem like a loser with a very fragile ego ngl
>>143767 That is not a real conversation, that's her telling you to stop going on about it. Literally "So stop preaching". To show this off is the ramblings of a mind only casually attached to reality. TOUCH GRASS
>>143801 >he thinks I should feel bad and jealous when a random fat girl doesn't respond to my messages lol. lmao even
>>143840 if he negs her a little more she will sleep with him. trust me, my manosphere YouTube feed assures me of this
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>>143840 Yeah she says stop preaching bc I usually tell her the same, that she doesnt need a huge calorie deficit. We have the confidence to talk directly like that
>>143844 you a huge simp
>>143854 Idk if I'm tripping, but she doesn't seem all that interested in the conversation
what's funnier is the thought of her googling herself and reading this thread. if she was enjoying the conversation, even slightly, that sweet wet enjoyment would dry up pretty quick when she instantly realizes this dudes an incel bragging to his e-frenemies on a feeder message board about how cool he is for merely DMing her. classic
>>143854 Looks like she wants your dick. Go for it
>>143864 haha word. Dudes more concerned about showing off to his fellow coomers than actually sealing the deal. Your insecurity is showing homie
>>140117 nah man. you dont speak for everyone into this shit. fat fetishism is an umbrella term with a variety of flavors. death feederism is the most morbid and far gone aspect of it. its fine if if thats what you jerk off to, but acting like basic empathy cant penetrate this fetish for other degens is a shortsighted cope.
Retards. All of you.
>>143854 Come on man shoot a sextape with her and share it here, JUST DO IT
>>143854 Don't forgot to ask her about OnlyFans
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Holy shit
>>145168 I've been following this woman for years and I've yet to notice her losing any weight
>>145168 >that angle It's been camera angles this whole time, I swear.
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>>145992 Tittie stretch marks are always so hot
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If she's not going to jiggle her bits. lets use AI
>>146206 thank you for proving how garbage AI is
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I’m surprised nobody has never shared this I think these is one of the sexiest photos I’ve seen of her
Daym, when's this from? She looks fatter in this than any of her other photos or videos
I mean the second one up, lol
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Improving health while constantly on holiday is unrealistic at best. And she is always on holiday. Then there is the deep love for food—i.e. she’s in Thailand but posting photos of donuts and croissants (that isn't even a thing there). If she wants to turn it around, I genuinely wish her the best, but it won't be easy with these two habits.
She is beautiful but lately I see that she has lost a lot of weight :'( However, if she went back to her old habits, my God, she would become mega beautiful with her curves because she has everything, arms, beautiful breasts, hips, butt, legs, even her belly looks pretty round and her face extremely beautiful
>>146994 I thought this was her highest and saw that no she was a lot bigger. Huge face and a much bigger belly. Definitely on a weight loss journey and it's such a shame.
>>146994 She looks the same for a long time to me.
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bit of see through in a recent story. edited the lighting. the difference is more noticeable as you switch between them. I think I can see a nipple piercing.
>>147899 Can you post the unedited one too?
