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For those who like 'em bigger than big

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juiceefruitee anon 04/26/2024 (Fri) 00:16:54 Id:51764c No. 116184
just wow !
>>116303 Looking at the other models on that website and it seems to be a plus size swimwear brand. But Juicee seems to be the biggest one.
>>116321 They were public, but it looks like a janny deleted my posts anyway. Try this: https://mega.nz/folder/NA50Fa7C#WjYHwKtjQoqqLGRjpqS55A
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She really is perfect
>>116343 thanks chief, love that all these sites encrypt the images
1) Frick, she is hotter than I thought (she almost always hides her belly in online pics) - she has got to be well into the 400s, and I cannot imagine how hot she would have been when she was even bigger. 2) Those are damn expensive bathing suits! I don't know how you justify $159 for pretty ordinary suits. She's a hot model, but unless she comes over to model it for me, that is so not worth it.
>>116345 ffs im diamonds
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Incredible. Don't forget this one
>>116496 Helen of Troy on the shores!
She’s an absolute stunner.. I wish she was into being bigger/gaining
She was prettier when she was bigger 100%
Shed be stupid to lose the weight seeing as her brand is all about body positivity and being a ssbbw if she lost the weight all of her relevance and probably modeling opportunity's would eat shit and why would she want to be a ok looking thin girl when in the gainer community she's making bomb shells and doesent even make content
That coastline pic though… AH-MAZE-ING
>>116545 Not to mention all that excess skin. The Gatsbysgal effect would ruin her
>>116545 Unfortunately most SSBBW influencers are full of self loathing and internalized fatphobia. Even if their brand is built entirely on body positivity, many will jump at the ozempic opportunity if it knocks. To most SSBBWs who aren't actually into the feedism kink, body positivity to them means "fat is ugly, but even though I am fat and ugly I am learning to love myself anyway". So they don't see trying to not be fat anymore as being hypocritical even if is damaging to their influencer brand.
>>116582 Nail on the goddamn head. They will either lie from the onset (geparke), come up with a justification for why they need to be on it (glitterandlazers), toy with the idea of losing weight but say "it's okay if you don't" (loeybug), or be completely quiet or almost combative about the use of Ozempic or general weight loss (mostly everyone else). It detracts from their brand but what do they care? They're finally getting their second chance to be "pretty" and they already have an audience. Even if you are obese and looking at these whales for inspiration, it's usually under the guise of "they may be pretty but at least I'm not THAT fat". And yet, they scratch their heads as to how they got that audience in the first place.
>>116582 >>116589 Or it could honestly be that being that fat for so long starts to take a toll on their bodies. It's fine when you're younger because that bill comes due in the future, but for those in their late 30s or 40s they have to make a choice: either their health or their fanbase. Considering most of their fans are coomers and don't give a fuck about them as a person, they choose WLS or ozempic to start a new life and enjoy things they couldn't previously. Im in the community and go to bashes with these models/influencers and have had this convo multiple times with many different people. It just loses its luster when you hurt every single day and plenty of them ride the wave as long as they can, but as soon as health concerns Set in, they want to get healthy so they can live a longer life. Wouldn't you?
>>116589 Exactly! Glitterandlazers was on a fantastic journey and looking so massive. Saw so many women say she was an inspiration to huge women and now she looks like a deflated balloon.
>>116591 When I first made this post I was really hoping nobody would bring this up lol
>>116345 Do someone have some vids of her?
>>116603 Yeah u only go outside to leave.. cant even take them outside
>>116603 i'm begging you to stop bro please
>>116603 Big lizz lol
>>116628 Is that her with chocolatedad pawg late for work video?
>>116598 Everyone here’s so used to getting thrown under the bus they can’t even take a moment to appreciate the here and now lol runs straight into pessimism
>>116668 People who masturbate for a living being pessimistic? Noooo....
holy fuck
>>116668 Why does everybody on this site give the vibe of the I studied the blade guy it ain't that deep
>>116227 >>116593 GlitterandLazers and Juicyfruittree are influencers who are into fat acceptance, but they have never said they liked being fat or did not want to lose weight, and they only gained weight because they cannot (or could not) control their appetites. That is different than some of the women like Adeline or KellyKay who were all about gaining weight and saying they love being fat. The former make sense that they lose weight, as they always have been honest about wanting to lose but were just never able to but they want to love themselves at whatever size. The latter, though, are more hypocritical when it comes to losing weight, as they glorified being fat and truly made it part of their brand. I get why they want to lose, but when they do that, they should bow out gracefully (like BigCutie Trysta, for example, who stopped posting when she had WLS).
>>116788 Some models are into FA/feedism for the kink; others are not. As much as we might ideally like to, we can't live out our sexual fantasies 24/7. It isn't that complicated.
Unfortunately the more famous these huge women get, the more pressure they get from the world to lose weight. Certain levels of fame mean they have dieticians, personal trainers, or even doctors and surgeons who want to be the one that helped them lose the weight for advertising purposes. Also: it's rare for a woman to prefer being fat to being skinny; most of these SSBBW models are just making the best of a bad situation. From there it's rarer for a woman to prefer being incredibly, comically huge. Rarer still for a woman to feel compelled to get bigger and bigger on purpose, especially the ones who start off skinny and conventionally attractive, who decide to ruin their own bodies. Rarer than that for a woman to be sexually turned on by her own body getting so fat to the point of being handicapped, health problems, rejection from society/friends/family, etc. Most of these SSBBWs would, if they could press a button to become skinny, would absolutely press that button.
>>116918 I generally agree with you, but I am not sure that they get more pressure to lose weight as they get more famous. Other than when they get made fun of - like the video of Boberry getting on the plane and needing more room - their fame is generally within the FA community. Not to say that their social media does not attract many, many trolls, but by and large I think they ignore the advice they get from them to lose weight. I've in fact seen the opposite of this - I forget the name of the model now, but I can picture her in my head - and they have become dependent on the income they get from modeling but they know it will disappear if they start on a weight loss journey, and they are forced to chose between their living and their comfort/health. There are few who have been able to monetize losing weight - not sure how much Zsalynn made from My 600 Pound Life, though I doubt it was very much and that she could have made way more feeding herself into oblivion - but the financial pressure and pressure from the fanbase I think is the bigger pressure they face related to their weight.
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>>117010 Bro your using this thread too
Where tf do people get this rich parents narrative from. She works freelance on social media campaigns for fashion companies. The day rate for that kind of stuff easily pays for holidays.
>>117062 Some people see any woman taking mildly upscale vacation photos and immediately leap to the assumption that she must come from the 1%. (See also: Boberry.) I guess this is because the vast majority of SSBBW models are pretty downscale.
>>117062 I also think most people here are autistic and basement dwellers, so they see any sort of vacation or restauranting as RICH, even tho that's standard middle class. Shit I'd go as far to say that it's a rarity for guys into this fetish to do well for themselves. Seldom do we see rich guys into fatties.
>>117062 >>117111 Also consider the fact that Juiceefruitee and Boberry both (to the best of my knowledge) don't have kids. It's much easier for one to afford some nice vacations on an average salary when they don't have kids
>>117111 I'm a very ordinary middle class guy. Her vacations look like the vacations I take. Decent beaches, medium sized pools, clean hotels. She's noting special -- just a single, working woman without kids. She's not 1%.
>>117142 It's not that Juicee is taking vacations, it's that she appears to be always on vacation.
In the UK, most workers who work a 5-day week must receive at least 28 days’ paid annual leave a year. This is the equivalent of 5.6 weeks of holiday. Many jobs offer even more than this. Many also let you accrue holiday days from previous years, days off in lieu of overtime pay and even "buy" days. With Bank Holidays, weekends and other miscellaneous holidays, it is not unheard of to be able to get nearly two months of the year off. Combine this with cheap deals to sunny European destinations from the UK, and her apparent lifestyle does not seem unfathomable.
Why are we talking about her salary lol just post pictures and enjoy the show
>>117268 You must be new here
>>117268 The "relevance" of the convo of whether she is "rich" or just a regular woman is whether there's a chance she ever gets into fetish modelling. If she's rich, no chance. If she's a normal woman with a travel addiction, maybe?
>>117285 breh she's never getting into it this convo is cringe
I wish she would come over to the dark side and do bikini/food eating videos for money lol
>>117297 This is how half of the threads operate anyway. This whole site is cringe. If you hate it, why are you here?
>>116332 May I get a reupload, please?
>>117297 >>117315 1) Don't get why talking about a hot SSBBW getting into fetish modelling is "cringe", especially on a site like this (maybe I get it if this were some woman empowerment site, but bbw-chan?!). 2) Even if it were vaguely cringe, this site is a place we can go to have those cringey discussions with others who enjoy them. Just ignore any convo that you don't like, but don't judge the people who do.
>>116197 ah yes, the side profile. the bane of all fat 'health' influencers. this is definitely the first time ive seen her posing like this and I don't think ive ever seen any other influencers do it. it really shows how big they are sometimes when all you see is front facing or just their ass
