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share what ever you have Ssbbw adeline 08/30/2024 (Fri) 10:45:36 Id:40eb8e No. 129163
A new Adeline threat due to the previous one dying. Here is 4.5gb of video's, most of them during her peak weight. Does anyone have her b/g video and/or any new video? https://gofile.io/d/W8g5zX
>>146369 She's going to be below 500 soon. If you only count the actual fat, she already is well below 500. She's got at least 70 pounds of loose skin now.
>>146580 >>146583 Impressive work! Mustve taken some time finding comparable angles
Man I miss that 700 pound ball of lard just seeing her waddling around and skirt being pulled up by that massive belly was enough for me. Half of me doubt she well balloon back up other half of me wishing for her boyfriend to fatting her up again if it was me I would have.
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>>146580 Another: https://s3.ezgif.com/tmp/ezgif-31a1962809b824.gif
>>146535 >>146563 you guys need to get to a copium den or something jesus christ
>>146686 unfortunately this link is not working
>>146686 Bro, ezgif images get deleted after some minutes, you gotta upload them somewhere else.
>>146369 She's starting to have that creepy weight loss face
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>>146693 >>146686 >>146692 >>146693 this should work https://gofile.io/d/7uz0bC
>>146602 no i dont but that vid is morticia rose not bubblybooty
>>146583 >https://gofile.io/d/7uz0bC already gone, unbelievable
>>146758 >https://gofile.io/d/7uz0bC Still there this morning when I tried.
And you guys actually bought that it was gall bladder surgery and not WLS. Simps.
>>146761 It was both. She had to get WLS to get the surgery.
>>146580 It looks like she also deleted this video (On the right, out of breath waddling) from her MV. Strange.
>>146024 Fat people eat at the same rate as others just more and longer
>>146802 Obv you never saw Delilah/Lilbigmama eat pizza. Or Juliet Summers eat anything.
>>146802 some of them kinda inhale it. just depends on the person
>>146764 its still there just removed for sale i guess so not deleted entirely
>>141266 >https://gofile.io/d/5LAaJH Guys can anyone reup Mollie
>>146838 Wonder why she removed it for sale. Embarrassing in hindsight maybe?
>>147256 If I had to make a guess, she might be wanting to stray away from content at her heaviest to deter people from asking when she's going to be back to that size.
Don’t buy her spanking video. The guy does play light handed slaps and at no point hard spanking her ass. He’s basically just lightly touching her butt like a beta soyboy simp Do not purchase
>>147273 Share the vid my boy, gotta make sure what you are telling is true
Anyone knows what video this screenshot could be from?
>>147578 Help I'm melting
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>>147578 bitch built like a bean bag
>>147599 with over half the beans gone
>>141243 I think that's so fucking hot, ive missed goddess patty every day.
>>147578 Her tits look like sad pancakes
it's insane how people on here beg models to get bigger just to turn on them when they do
>>147777 Ironically, fat bitches cant have their cake and eat it too.
>>147777 Except she's gotten smaller but ok
>>147844 Except she's literally still the same size she's hogged out too. Bet you think Boberry is actually growing too, fucking retard
>>147847 Mate you need fucking glasses. She went from being so fat she's unable to stand up straight to being able to stand up fine and being obviously smaller if you look at any of her recent pics. But a retard like you wouldn't ever notice that. Although tbf the real smoking gun is her saying that she wants to be around 500 on a livestream.
>>147843 they were possible Stolen and the second person on the photos made both profiles up. When the other was not aware of it
>>147847 Except BoBerry IS at her fattest ever and still gaining.
>>147848 wow she said that thats super disheartening
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>>147848 fuck fuck fuck i hate it fuck fuck fuck i wan her at least 2x that fuck this makes me wan to die but! if she does her best to get skinny but fails and ends up 2x 500 then i can cum buckets and be super over moon sad thing is it is sad when girls loose fat but also sad when they die but i think it is better to die at peak much hotter even if they younger than they would half died as as a skinny
>>147904 At a certain point, you just have to admit that you need therapy, dude
>>147904 If I recall correctly she said her main goal was to maintain her mobility so aiming for somewhere around 500, may be a bit heavier or a bit lighter. Because past that point stuff started getting difficult. Seemed a tad bit upset about it but that was most likely acting. Idk if there was a health scare or something which caused it but yeah sucks. Although bit fucked up to say/hope if she injures her knees again she'll probably gain a bit more but probably unlikely to surpass her peak if she's serious. End of the day it is just fat chicks on the internet though so don't take it that seriously dude, there's always a bigger whale out there somewhere for you to beat your dick to.
She’s going to look so hagegred. When after this loss. Trysta is a prime example
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>>147904 Bruh: the post
>>146583 Anyone have the vid on the right?
>>147950 Here are a few vids, including the one on the right https://gofile.io/d/pSye1l https://gofile.io/d/eHLRhA https://gofile.io/d/mJgHj9
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>>147931 >>going to Have you seen her now?
