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SSBBW Super Soft SSBBW Super Soft 10/17/2024 (Thu) 15:09:38 Id:3210a2 No. 134400
Do you guys have any content of SSBBW Super Soft? Especially the latest mobility video. Here is what I have. https://we.tl/t-CxjAOqGnJL
>>143578 I think she will die in few months
>>143635 is her OF worth subbing tof?
>>143578 Don’t go toward the light
>>144559 No, you're getting essentially everything here
Has she ever done a sex tape?
>>143635 For sure within next 2 years that is absolute max this girl is 100% a ticking time bomb
>>143635 When she does die the husband might just take the account down & we’ll never really be informed - If she “disappears” she’s dead.
>>144652 Next 2 years? I think it would be 6 months, her heart must be on max. My GF is 350lb and have insulin resistence, high blood pressure, leg swelling and so many health complications. SuperSoft will die very soon
>>144673 It's very individual. Most people don't have issues beside short breath up to 450-500lbs. My ex wife at ~ 420 lbs couldn't run for long and had sleep apnea. But she had no severe issues and her weight did not stop her from getting into physical fights and kicking ass of some guys who irritated her. My current gf is way over 400lbs. She is hypotonic (that's when you have low blood pressure). She is somewhat insulin resistant but it has zero overall effect. At the same time my ex had a firend who had heart, blood pressure and hormonal issues at 90-100 lbs. She also had severe back problems despite never been obese or overweight. Beside personal experience you should also remember when a former model passing was discussed here. And that girl was over 500 since 19 till late fifties when she passed due to covid. So as much as some folks here may enjoy death feedism Supersoft is as much likely to outlive you for 2-3 decades as she's likely to pass tomorrow. Supersoft seems to use CPAP and addresses issues rather prompt. Its likely her health is actually better than yours.
>>144676 Thats true, but remember body can't stand 700lb for long time. Her health is breaking by every pound she gain. She maybe doesn't have health problems right now. In future she will probably have so much health problems. My GF is 21 and is morbidly obese for 5 or 6 years, she have so mych problems with heart but she can't stop eating. How long SuperSoft is morbidly obese? You say every body, and health is individualy, and that is true
>>144676 theres nuance to this stuff but youre thinking way to wishfully
>>144676 There's some truth to your body being resistant to the woes of morbid obesity if you were huge at a young age. That tends to be more true than not - your body while it's developing learns to overcome those maladies normally associated with it and better prepares you more than if you grew up thin or average and blob out later. Hell, look no further than MochiiBabii - girl sprinted towards 400lbs and got Covid, then had to tap out for good. Meanwhile someone like BoBerry was over 500lbs when she was in high school, is over 600lbs now, and is ostensibly living a good life. That being said, the engine of your proverbial car wears out faster if you're pushing it to an extreme like that. You could have high performance but you're not going to last nearly as many miles as someone taking it easier on themselves. BigCutie Summer came to mind - she was over 500lbs all of her adult life and the second she got sick and hospitalized it was over. Supersoft might have more years left in her but I'm betting she's not going to see the end of the decade even if she about-faces. Continuing and even pushing her limits? Much more likely she keeps over in under 2 years.
>>144676 >Likely her health is better than yours Buddy, I hate to be the one telling you no, but that is just not the case. I love the idea of being as healthy as possible while being fat, but nobody at 700 lbs is generally more healthy than someone at 150 lbs. Could I die earlier? Sure, I might tomorow of a hearth attack, but in general state of the body, she will be done for way sooner.
>>144676 I think 2 or 3 decades is just fantasy. She can't walk long distance (20 steps from bed) In one video she can't breath after small walk at home, I think her heart attack or stroke is just ticking bomb. She must have angina pectoris or diabetes.
guys come on, keep calm. She obviously simulates the heavy breathing and mobility issues because she knows it is hot
>>144713 Idk, even Adeline who is one of the most hardcore foodies out there decided her life at 700 lbs was too bad and lost weight. Same goes for jae. But I am also not the biggest fan of Supersoft in general so I'm biased
>>144716 >Adeline I know she has a good head on her shoulders and all, but the jury is still out on if she would have made any life changes if her gallbladder wasn't giving her grief. Girl was eating entire cakes regularly and ordered out a fuckton. She honestly could have eaten herself legit to death if nothing went wrong.
>>144719 Adeline blew up when her knee was hurt. She must have not moved around much, while continuing to eat and eat. It's honestly incredible she didn't go immobile because being injured/sick and stuck in bed for months to the point of muscle atrophy is generally what is making SSBBWs immobile, such as HeatherBBW and this one girl on Feabie. But Adeline clearly didn't want to be immobile, which is why she did so much physical therapy. The gallbladder thing was one motivating factor but she also got more active when her knee healed.
>>134522 Now, I've seen many double bellies, but double boobs? That's new
>>144716 I'm honestly a little surprised Adeline managed. I know her knee got better but she was/is also a full-blown food addict. It happens but it sure isn't easy
>>144724 While she is tremendously fat, no double boobs here. Just the common - if uncommonly large - underboobage.
the deathwishers/predictors are pretty gross. should keep it to yourself and your fantasies.
>>146284 According to her she has $7k in medical debt. So... not sure if there will be much content going forward.
>>146307 How will she pay it off without new content? She's way too fat to get a real job
>>146307 Source on this? Medical debt is fake. She doesn't actually have to pay it. Healthcare is so fucked in the US anyways, 7k probably just means she had her heart checked out. Sounds stressful though
>>146311 Source? Research...
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>>146329 There is a TikTok account of a lookalike with Video, but German text
>>146329 She deleted everything on IG
>>146381 dead then; just damage control; they still hope to make a few $$$
>>146310 Exactly. Her only option is to turn the dial up to 11 and push for profit. And her fans aren’t interested in seeing her lose weight so that only leaves one option. Buckle up gentlemen.
>>146456 That is a ridiculous conclusion. Mind you, also makes no sense why she would delete the content from IG: I get why she might no longer want to post there (since she said she had to focus on her paid content), but that remains a good vehicle for promoting her OF account and keeping herself out in front of FAs. Maybe in pausing the account it locks all the content? Anyone know how IG works?
>>146512 Hey, it's not a thing you see every day
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clips4sale updated on the 6th. if you are so sure she's going to disappear each one of you should buy whatever you can and keep a few backups. hold it for 5 years when it's almost lost media and you'll be holding gold
She just posted this on Twitter ngl that death feederism video is gonna be on point. I don't normally go that dark but idk if it's because she's already so far gone or what bud I'd genuinely feed this woman right into a heart attack
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>>146617 are you a simp, or just her handler? she hasn't posted anything worthwhile in weeks, and is presumably dead; so let's reserve our judgements until AFTER we've seen those supposedly "on point" videos
>>146865 I completely agree with you.
Coomer been updated
>>147215 My lord that woman is literally a beached whale. Only disappointment is that they did not film her getting out of the pool. That, and I wish she would do a little acting and grab her chest and complain about pains shooting down her right arm after some of those stuffing sessions. That would be "chef's kiss" - take the videos from merely great to GOAT!
some of y’all are legit psychopaths
>>147426 Only those who are into hardcore death feedism... Most of us aren't into that
>>147473 >Most of us aren't into that >Posting in a thread for a 700lb woman with rapidly declining mobility, emerging health issues, regularly posting videos binging on meals enough to feed a small family Imma hold your hand when I tell you this
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>>147426 concern trolling, mods ban plox
>>147475 "HeaLthY aT AnY SiZE!!!11" I'm sure she'll make it to a ripe old age. Lots of 700 pound septuagenarians about.
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Lol wtf she doing
>>147936 The only thing she can do at that size. Struggling.
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>>147936"on point contend" 🤣😂
>>147952 Found the vid but it doesn’t say anything about farts and she doesn’t fart in it https://thisvid.com/videos/post-stuffing4/
