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SSBBW Jenni Bombshell Anonymous 05/01/2023 (Mon) 22:25:36 Id:368a45 No. 80534
Please I need content from her, is there a hero who shares something?
>>120523 She remarried and new content abruptly stopped. Which probably means new hubby doesn't want to share, or she's making a life change along with the marriage and quitting the game as part of it. Maybe her declining mobility has something to do with it as well, but the timing suggests otherwise. Keep a candle burning, she wouldn't be the first model to step out for a year or three and then return.
>>120669 I sure hope to see her again
>>120523 Or she's just done dude. Most of the "models" I've met irl never wanted to do it forever. Most are looking for a man, or just want a little side cash. One they have a major source of income come their way, they don't NEED to do it anymore. Goes to show all you guys still living in your moms basement. Hustle, make money, and snag one of these fine girls. She'll be all yours.
https://youtu.be/E9eKo4YdKzw?si=LGnTyThh5RB1WRyB Boberry vs Jenni who did it better? Also what’s up with models doing videos that show their butts only to wear panties that completely cover said butts? Never made sense to me
>>120833 >https://youtu.be/E9eKo4YdKzw?si=LGnTyThh5RB1WRyB I'll just pretend that Boberry is Jenni's niece. That makes it even hotter that she's talking after her """""aunt""""
Has Jenni ever done a swing-set video? I wonder why Jenni was seemingly scared to do more physical videos even though ssbbw bigger than her have done those types of videos
truth be told she has given off really vengeful vibes 1. Punishing all her fans by nuking Bombshells because of a few bad apples 2. Having no problems cutting of contact with all her FB friends just because we saw the wedding pic 3. Posting gifs of the weigh in for no other reason than to spite us
>>121451 Yep. The way Jenni and her content manager went about it is cold and out of character. I understand not being happy about the leaks but everyone’s porn gets leaked. That’s how it is unfortunately. She’s punishing over 99% of her fanbase for something less than 1% of it did. Ik some ssbbw porn stars have had their differences with their fanbases when stepping away from the scene but this is one of the more angry/negative examples. Too bad, especially considering Jenni was one of the better/nicer ones in general. Tho, if there’s anyone who’s taken years long breaks then randomly made a comeback, it’s Jenni. Her comeback is more likely than us ever seeing those missing clips of hers lmao
>>120802 > Because it's the entitlement here that drives me nuts. People on this board are Mental and somehow believe they are entitled to weigh in on these girl's life choices just because they've bought content from them in the past. Imagine the entitlement of being paid to be a public figure and demanding the public only acknowledge you when you want their money. She posted it online for the world to see, we’re part of the world.
>>121616 Was Jenni’s Facebook public or private? If public then her anger about the pic leak is less understandable. If private then the anger is more understandable, but then again, that just means someone in Jenni’s “inner circle” or at least someone she’s familiar with leaked it. Tbh I think the whole situation of Jenni not content thing is more her content manager’s doing that hers. She seemed happy about content making in 2022 and beyond. He didn’t
>>121770 >her content manager She owned Bombshells. She was her own boss.
>>121774 “Manager” isn’t necessarily the exact correct term I just meant the guy who recorded and published her content
>>121409 Barely any swimming videos, one workout video, no wrestling videos, few squashing videos, barely any twerking/cheek clenching videos, few bouncy ball videos and only one where she bounced on it. For being one of the more physically coordinated/mobile ssbbw models, Jenni’s videos mostly seemed like the type of videos way fatter/lazier ssbbw would do. The one time she does a workout video and it’s her last video so far lol smh
Is there a different Jenni thread? This one seems inactive
Who has a bigger butt proportionally than Jenni?
https://youtu.be/JoG6TkpjECE?si=umT4scyOUvgm-pmF Looks like the video ended abruptly. You think she fell off right after it ended?
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>>123920 What lockdowns did to a woman. Lol. You know Jenni gained lotta weight in that gap when some guys saw that picture on the right and thought she was Bobbi Jo. How much of a weight gap yall think that is?? The real shame is that we only got like 10 videos of Jenni at that size
>>123920 Most prefer her look on the right, but does anyone think her ass looks better on the left?
https://www.pictoa.com/albums/monster-booty-jennifer-3874417.html Never seen Jenni with a black man. Wow there really is a first time for everything. Who knows if they smashed?? Also is the white guy she’s sitting the car with an ex or someone else?
>>124718 You see something new every day
Giant-assed white woman with a black guy... it's like a leprechaun riding a unicorn.
>>125027 Didn’t think Jenni liked black dudes since I never saw her with one although I guess she’d have to try one out to determine that lol. Or, maybe she was in a different phase. Maybe she’s a closeted bbc enjoyer
>>123920 From a purely selfish perspective, what frustrates me most seeing the comparison pic is that Jenni used to be around my wife's size (built a little differently, but both are pears) and now I wish my wife had followed the same journey and ended up like the pic on the right!! :D
>>125027 >https://www.pictoa.com/albums/monster-booty-jennifer-3874417.html Did someone take down the pic of her with a black dude? I just checked and don't see it there.
>>123904 Lolz. Yes it looked like she was about to fall. You're funny.
>>125657 https://s2.pictoa.com/media/galleries/295/829/295829601112f7d8d7d/3874417601112fad4195.jpg Just going off this pic, to think they fucked might be a big baseless assumption, but is it tho? For the simple facts that she’s a white woman with a huge ass, has been around a lotta blacks, and made content in/for a market dominated by them, I had a hunch she’d been blacked at some point. We may never know. If anyone knows it would be her first ex or any of their immediate associates
>>124718 It looks like a bash picture
https://images.app.goo.gl/dEUU8dHLjk5Cgm8M6 Anyone remember that from years back? Good times lol. Would be nice to see that type of comparison make a comeback
It’s been officially over 2 years since Jenni’s last content update. Damn shame. Anyone know of less popular models or women in general who look a lot like Jenni or at least have very similar shape?
Anyone know if Jenni or any of her friends went to the recent Vegas bbw bash?
https://youtu.be/EXOZsDHLg9Q?si=wzedU60TwNlpwaK1 Probably the most physical she’s ever been in a video, right? What yall like better, that or the squashing video, and why?
https://youtu.be/K5htGzdAnz8?si=wppvW-fgenlAGZka Jenni listed at 5’3 Barbie at 5’8 but they look closer in height than that so who is lying about their height? Also does anyone know why they only did one collab together?
I wonder if there is any beef between them. Barbie’s twitter implies there might be
W have Jenni contrent as well as other ssbbws with big asses Join b_gm@®vb today (_ = I)
Pics or vids of Jenni without makeup?
Looks like any discussion about Jenni is done unfortunately. Dead subreddit. Dead thread here. Etc. A damn shame
Any luck or update on her comeback? Been too long. I’m willing to bet she’s either pushing immobility if not outright immobile, or she lost weight. I doubt she’s around the same weight as she was 2 years ago. Thoughts?
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Hard tellin bro. For me its 50/50. But it would be amazing of she cameback like this.
>>129421 She has lost 250 lbs
>>129435 Basically prettier Bobbi Jo. Would also be amazed if Jenni came back like this, but I’ll accept any comeback of Jenni regardless of her size as long as her ass is still huge >>129436 Proof?
>>129435 That are morphs (photoshopped) obvious...
>>129502 For once you're right.
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4EPDKgp1I8/?igsh=Ymd5bDZlaGVobzgw Look at the end how she shakes the bed just by clapping her butt cheeks. How heavy would her butt cheeks have to be in order to do that? Lol
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Guys sorry for my inconvenience but does anyone have these to share. Please
>>129603 https://youtu.be/GusZcJeyyJA?si=jHHSPoVEDCMfTeBU There’s one. Seeing these pics makes me think of a few things. Did Jenni/her partner come up with these content ideas themselves or did they let fans dictate the content or at least pitch ideas? There’s certainly some variety here. Also seeing the Wii bowling pics got me thinking: with all the booty focused videos she got, why didn’t she wear g strings more often? Then again, why even wear them at all? Ass is completely showing, and her belly is too big to see her pussy, so what’s the logic?
>>129436 No proof? Why is no one else questioning this? Imagine how big of news this is that she lost so much weight
Recently I’ve DMd seemingly the only 2 people on Reddit who know Jenni personally but they won’t respond smh
What’s up with these men in Jenni’s circles being such gatekeepers?
