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Thebigassssbbw new thread Anonymous 05/27/2023 (Sat) 12:29:16 Id:6a1397 No. 83522
Let’s get a new thread of hers started
The link don’t work bruh
>>107487 Bruh nobody cares about your birthday go buy em yourself lmfao this ain’t a charity
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Does anybody know where I can find the full length video or is it just a preview
Her newest video is making me diamonds just from looking at the title. What a legend https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/43265-would-i-fatten-up-my-step-daughter-%F0%9F%91%80/&tab=comments
>>110216 Holy fuck
This girl is getting huge real fast.
>>110251 Freedom riders. Did you know the mafia sent men to torture and kill KKK. for the death of those boys. Dont fuck with the mob.
>>110251 It's nice to see. I can live with her exaggerating her weight as long as she's actually gaining!
Reup of the donuts vid: https://we.tl/t-mkixsxBJhs Anybody have her Last weigh in ? https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/42863-weigh-in-feb-2024-goals-immobility/
>>110558 Based
>>110590 https://mab.to/t/SIjqlGGV6pq/us2
>>112416 https://gofile.io/d/HKqXJa I dont know if this is a reup because i cant remember what was on there but here's some vids
Whoever is in charge of her coomer please update and don’t just put in pictures videos livestreams whatever you can find just update it
>>112571 are you retarted?
>>112606 How about you STFU, wit your arrogant ignorant live in your mommas basement self.
>>110285 She’s not actually gaining though, shes just huge and gross lol. She’s so ugly I seriously don’t get the hype. I really tried to watch some of her clips but yikes. Ugly ass troll.
>>112613 She’s pretty but her body is weird as fuck.her fupa looks like a dick
>>112619 I really don’t see the pretty thing, she looks like a bridge troll to me and her fupa definitely looks like a lumpy dick for sure ha
>>112613 Agreed, she seems really dirty and just gives a bad vibe
>>112635 She’s got a boyfriend so good luck with that brother an clean yourself real good after dealing with that
https://we.tl/t-sM5xDuDA1R Wanted to share this one, haven't seen it posted yet. Pretty hot imo, if someone could share some more that'd be great
>>112613 >>112619 >>112622 >>112634 her fat distribution is disgustingly feminine and hot to me. insane amounts of cellulite, the rolls and her belly and fupa hang really low. the 'nasty' discolourations are part of the appeal i flat out dont see how the fupa looks like a dick at all
(2.90 MB 3840x2880 cellulitemonster.jpg)
>>113529 🎯🎯🎯 I’ve been neglecting this thread and honestly don’t know why. You hit the nail on the head. Her body is insanely hot and Cute face to match too.
>>113623 you have now the chance to explain how cleaning your trash posts (see picture >>113621) is stopping you from sharing. better make it a good explanation. otherwise we have to assume that you're trolling.
>>113529 Your standards are awfully low bro hahah but enjoy your dirty dick fupa
>>113737 are you on the wrong board? her fupa is indistinguishable from any other obese chick. literally what are you taking about
>>113757 Those red pimple and sores are definitely not “normal” but again, enjoy
>>113757 Simply not true bro none of the fat bitches I’ve fucked nor most bitches I’ve seen model have a fupa dick. Roxxie, Layla, jackie Lisa Lou, Veronika Jaide, ffs even boberry and Adeline don’t go shits that hang that low.
>>113529 Agreed, it looks like massive fat pussy.
Fat Kardashian, beautiful!!!
can someone reup these links aHR0cHM6Ly9hbm9uZmlsZXMuY29tL0cxOGR VM3k2emYvdGJhXzd6XzAwMQpodHRwczovL2Fub25maWxlcy5jb20vQjA5NlU3eWR6NC90YmFfN3pfMDAyCmh0dHBzOi8vYW5vbmZpbGVzLmNvbS9sOUE2VWF5OHpjL3RiYV83el8wMDMKa HR0cHM6Ly9hbm9uZmlsZXMuY29tL1Q0ODNVYXkzejYvdGJhXzd6XzAwNA
it says they aren't available
I pick up heavy bikes & huge wide asses. 👀
>>116754 folder is not public.
>>116754 Thanks for the link but showing as private.
the link is showing as private
>>116746 The links are shut down. Site is down too
can you make the go file link public its still showing up as private
https://gofile.io/d/zdXH3g says public on my end so hopefully this works
this was on the Coomer page, but the video wasn't on it
anybody have this video
Someone have a video fart?
Anybody have this sex video the previews were on her coomer but I didn’t see the video
does anyone have the video of her chuggin two bottles of wine?
anyone got the video where she's getting her fat belly squeezed by her feeder? i think she straddles him too while she's gettin felt up. it's on curvage, posted a while back
YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WVdJdWRHOHZkQzgxZVhCclkwRkNaVkpYTVM5MWN6TT0= Can whoever uploaded this link re upload it tried going to it but it said was in available
reup pls
>>117803 There is one of her downing 2 bottles back to back? Something so hot about how a lot of her weight must be from drinking
