/tits/ - Tits

Hangers, bosoms and knockers

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Anything on her? 04/23/2024 (Tue) 16:12:03 Id:5384d8 No. 245708
Anything on this beauty?
Gross looking tits ew
>>245714 Yeah they feel like a bag of sand right?
>>245714 You know this is like a gay guy telling us he likes cock right? No one cares what you like!
she used to have some good pics on tit...huge rack but i dont think were was ever nudes i forget her name
https://nudostar.com/forum/threads/alexa-ab123.96626/ Looks like the insta has been deleted though.
On the other hand https://www.instagram.com/___its_alexa_/ is still up.
>>245714 I wouldn’t say they’re gross but she doesn’t have the conventional looking cleavage that majority of men would like
>>245719 Someone posted topless pics in her last thread, but it was deleted before I could save them. I could tell that it was her based on that same boob curve, but it doesn't look that bad outside of the bra, though.
If it's one thing I come here for it's the good critque of a bitch.
She looks like Demmy Blaze, but uglier and with smaller tits than Demmy.
(31.81 KB 510x677 srhxfowb00t81.jpeg)
>>245708 From last year I think
(86.41 KB 525x1080 alexabez_0003.jpg)
She do kinda have weird titties though. Like why do they hang so separately like that? I don't think I've seen another girl with titties that big whose sternum you can see in every picture because it's like a line of demarcation between the two
>>245806 I think partly because while she's not exactly skinny now (or recently), she was much much heavier a number of years ago. There are a number of pics on the internet when she was younger and she looks quite a bit heavier. Unf I'm not going to link/post them here cuz some are from high school and I'm not sure whether she was 18 or not
>>245826 I wouldn't even risk posting them, honestly. I do want to add that it just seems like she didn't completely fill out though, because it isn't like she is a small girl in the first place. Her boobs just look better nude or in a tighter bra than anything, because anything loose makes them look terrible.
>>245830 keen observation indeed. unf her tits look much better (relativelys peaking) in clothes than out. no doubt i'd love to get my hands on them a few times, but afterwards i don't think i'd find her attractive enough to continue. just my own personal preferences
>>245867 Its normal sexual attraction tends to fade when you actually get to fuck them and that goes for men and women
>>245708 name?
>>246245 Live wire !
>>245736 Great contributions. Does anyone have any videos of her? She’s amazing
>>246730 Guys this is just spam, ignore it. Fuck you and your affiliate links you asshole. What a cunt.
