/tits/ - Tits

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Yungfreckz TigOleBitteLover1985 06/12/2024 (Wed) 14:21:33 Id:c1f068 No. 249514
Anything new on her? - https://gofile.io/d/cYUoN2
>>249537 That's clearly not freckz also says the name in the bottom right corner
I've been trying to find newer stuff of her I've only come across these so far
Oh look. Shes not showing her nipples. Yay
>>249537 wrong thread, retard
>>249543 Freckz is absolutely gonna break the Internet when she reveals them. So beautiful and humongous natural freckled cans. Unicorn
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At least we can see how her nips look like, look at the bottom corner
>>249564 >when she reveals them At the rate her content is progressing, that'll be in 2030 when her nipples can touch her ankles
>>249564 the cope for this hoe is unreal. What do you think her showing nipples is going to change? How many years has she even been around, and still refuses to show them? She's more boring than abbi secraa, she's more boring than hilari baknew. How do you even manage being more uninteresting of a "content" creator than abbi? Nigga get a grip. Search huge boobs get 2 million results
>>249581 abbi shows her boobs. not yungfreckz. she's just shaking her meat all the time in her kitchen.
A waste of time,fellas!!
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>>249581 And the seethe towards her is just as sad. Calm down, white boy. Anons are going to fap to what they fap to. No need to jump into a thread just to complain.
Found this on reddit - https://gofile.io/d/9HpxRZ
>>249590 An thats why her vids expensive
>>249576 That's a nip indeed ! First official win? Maybe so
Are there any vids of her tits just hanging loose, no restraint at all? Honestly it's been so long I've given up on seeing her nipples. I just want to see those puppies hanging and swinging free
There are some moments here and there in newer videos, but I don't know of any videos where she just lets them swing with no support.
Anyone still giving money to this girl is actively preventing her from getting nude. She's been doing the same shit for what, five years now? Starve her of money/attention and she'll either wise up and get her tits out or fuck off for good
>>249740 If she's been making content for five years without getting fully topless and people have been paying her for that content for all that time... It means that she has enough of an audience that likes her and what she does that you or anyone who thinks like you is not going to "starve her" for money or attention any time soon, if ever. So enjoy the content or walk away. But you aren't going to get what you want unless she chooses to do it, whether it's go topless or quit. And going into her threads to write the same ideas that don't work is pointless.
>>249742 Absolute brainrot take, no shit people are paying her to not go fully topless. I can't imagine being so infatuated by one whore that you jerk off to slightly different videos of pasties. Look at this fuckin thread. Her fans act like the people clamoring for water in fury road when there's the slighteset chance of seeing nipple.
>>249744 Exactly. The way that these "fans" cope and move goalposts for this girl is batshit insane. I have never seen this amount of genuine white-knighting for a model that has literally gone over 5 years without a single nipple being shown for no reason, and actually defend it to this extent. I feel like I am watching asylum patients together when I see the messages in all of her threads. They literally think that they are the noble ones for not expecting more from this dumbass scammer.
>>249744 >>249745 Why are you overcomplicating simple shit? It's just a woman who jiggles her tits for money and doesn't get fully topless for it. If someone pays, fine. If they don't, fine. Simple as that. You're not paying, so why do you care? But here the both of you are. Caring more than you should about a woman who jiggles her tits for money who's content you don't like but can't move past. And claiming that somehow, it's her fans that have brainrot or move goalposts. Good luck to you. You're going to need it.
https://gofile.io/d/9NSnVj The cleavage in this video is insane
Typical autistic channer behavior
I just don't get it with her. You're already bouncing your tits all over the internet for money and people have seen every other centimeter of them besides the nipples. Anyone who would be disappointed in you for making porn most likely already is. What could possibly be the hangup over showing that last 5% of them?
>>249764 Like her idiot white knight said in his messages, she really has no reason to do anything more since people have paid her for the last 6 years to just do the bare minimum in the first place. I feel that she and her fans are completely fine with her doing what she does because they assume that one day their patience will be rewarded. In reality, though, people paying for this bullshit are being played like fools and her bullshit keeps her paid and laughing while those same fools justify it...
>>249766 This is absolutely correct and applies to 99% of Onlyfans accounts. If people pay them for doing nothing, they'll keep doing nothing. Their is zero incentive for them to do more than the bare minimum when they're making a ton of cash.
>>249764 >>249766 >>249767 But why do you care? At all?
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>>249775 blonde? she's rusty af
>>249769 Wow, you are a massive pain in the ass. No one can criticize or have an opinion about your beautiful nevernude queen, I see.
>>249788 It would be one thing to have those criticisms during the first month or even the first year she was active. But it isn't. It's been five or six years now. You know who she is and what kind of content she makes. The criticisms haven't changed, and neither has she. And it reaches a point where it's pointless. But if you like and enjoy sticking around and complaining that a woman who jiggles her tits for money doesn't jiggle them the way you like, then good luck to you.
>>249790 Yes but who cares man just like Amanda dawn any freckz is good freckz. These ultra busty women have their own mind granted they're not as popular as mainstream nude busty queens but still they have a place in the boob community and you trying to force them to be nude is bad ju ju for everyone. Trust me women love when we have patience something to remember.
It’s been years and years and you guys are still praying for a nipple out of this chick. Meanwhile her tits are aging and sagging with every year that goes by.
>>249803 What the fuck are you talking about? I'm not arguing for or forcing them to get nude or not get nude. All I'm saying is that things are what they are, and as long as the woman isn't doing legit scamming like some of them do, go and find what you enjoy and leave the shit you don't like alone. Please stop while you're behind and just enjoy the jiggling tits.
>>249806 It's like motherfuckers don't read. They just post just to post and to do something. Everyone who knows her knows what kind of content she does. If she shows a nipple, then good. But if she doesn't, it's not the end of the world. It's like you guys all read from the same script.
>>249807 >YF - New Clip - 36.webm Full vid for that last clip?
>>249823 That was all I could find. I hope someone shares the full clip of that one and the mermaid video. Or just any of her newer videos.
>>249823 The heart pasties where she has her boobs hanging is all there is and unfortunately there isn't a longer version of only this short 35 one since i came across it the first time,and the mermaid pasties video is 2:04 I've only seen the short version, I do have the navy bikini,yellow tank top,tan bra,sailor moon top, and maid bikini these are some older videos I haven't come across any newer videos yet. I can post that i mentioned if anyone is interested in them.
I'd like to see the sailor moon top
>>249831 Here's the sailor moon top video https://gofile.io/d/Ds5OLK
>>249832 >>249830 Is the yellow tank top the "slippery when wet" one? But could you post the maid bikini one? And thank you for sharing.
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>>249831 >>249836 Hey you're welcome and not a problem here's the maid bikini video https://gofile.io/d/AJ406b and this the yellow tank top
>>249838 Thank you again.
>>249830 Thanks for sharing. Could you please post navy bikini and yellow tank top. What vids are you missing?
>>249840 Your welcome and here's the navy bikini video https://gofile.io/d/jvsa2v And here's the yellow tank top video https://gofile.io/d/cwkyAP
Id be interested to see her actual body shape - sometimes boobs don’t look as big when you see the whole body. Hers look massive and she looks pretty slim .. but I don’t think that’s the case, if it was you’d see more full body, not nude, but shape. Think it’s a Karla James where angles make things look way bigger
>>249844 People posting here that claim to have seen her in the wild say she's bit of a cow. Not as impressively stacked as her pictures suggest at all and that's not a surprise. She is selling an image after all.
>>249843 Dude, these are fire! Thanks!
>>249847 >>249844 She has a sort of "mostly boobs and belly" build, but people are being porn addicts if they're acting like they're not impressed – you can see full body photos of her in sweaters and stuff on social media and anyone who looks at humans irl on a regular basis can clearly see she'd make you crane your neck.
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>>249843 Do you have the video that this image comes from?
>>249852 Unfortunately i don't have the Santa pasties one I've been searching for that video but I've never seen it or come across it.
>>249852 https://gofile.io/d/7kkDjG Go nuts. Ill update my camwhores with more of her stuff
What type of virgins are you that you guys get excited over nipple pasties LOL
one who deflowers cannot be a virgin
>>249856 Why are you thinking about other men and what gets them off? Sounds like a weird habit you got there.
>>249858 I noticed it with a lot of guys like him. Thinks more about other guys and about penises. Nothing wrong with that, to each their own. I'm here for boobs though.
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>>249854 Thanks for the share and someone had asked that if there was a longer version of the heart pasties video the one with her boobs hanging because I've only seen the 0:35 one that I know of maybe you might know if there is a longer version or just that short version. Included pic too
>>249851 Speaking for everyone here are ya?
>>249878 You telling me you'd turn her down if she wanted to fuck? You're supposed to come out to your parents, not in this thread.
>>249854 My dude right here, thanks and keep it up! 👍
>>249879 Because I'm no into this particular woman I'm gay? It's getting late. School's tomorrow.
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An older image, but she should show her ass off more
>>249881 You came into a thread to tell everyone in it about how unattracted you are to her. So if that's not you being sassy and proud and out, it's still attention seeking behavior while wanting approval from other men. But you're right. You could be bisexual.
>>249892 Sassy? And I'm gay? Or bi. lol
>>249893 I mean, which do you want to be? Gay/bi or a man desperate for attention and approval from other men? But at least responding to you was a good excuse to post more content to the thread.
>>249894 Well I congratulate you making me use the word sassy for possibly the only time in my life.This actually might be my first homosexual experience. She's a little fatty that isn't going to show the goods.
>>249886 You wish she would show her flat ass some more? Smh
>>249860 Apparently not, you’re here to be ripped off.
Since there were some great videos shared, thought I'd get in on it, too. https://gofile.io/d/6pRTT3
>>249906 Thank you for sharing the video.
Amazing 😇
You guys are legends. Thanks for reaching freckz she my babymomms
>>249564 Ya'll have got to get the fuck over it already. She's been doing content for well over 6 years now. If she wanted to show the nipples she would've showed it.
>>249582 I love Abbi but she not as exciting as YungFreckz. Nipples or not Freckz is more attractive to me and I enjoy her content more. Now as far as who content I would get over the other it would be Abbi. I mean a 10 minute over a 1 minute video is always going to be better. Just like 30 pictures will always be better than 3.
She is what she is. Can yall just let her shake her titties in peace for us without yall crying for dick lmao damn
>>249991 >>249987 Classic goofy statements
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>>249994 I see you gave that a lot of thought.
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Came across these pics of her
Does anyone have the video where these pics are from
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Anyone have these?
>>250454 Judging by these images, it seems to be a video. Hopefully someone will post it.
>>250462 >yungfreckz Are u the owner?
>>250463 Well its my page so
>>250465 Why don't u post them here
>>250466 I agree, we can't watch them, because it's private.
>>250496 Lmao what a faggot
>>250496 I'm sure everybody and their mother has seen her vids, she doesn't care.
>>250462 Sent my request bro
>>250507 Yah, seriously, even her own mother has seen her OF material; this is not the model who would snap just because we're worshiping her body in a snapshot.
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she makes enough tips off of a single post to afford a very good camera but she still films with what looks like a smart phone from 2015
Someone AI some nipples on these photos already. Enough of the pasties bullshit.
>>250743 Tits aside, she's technically overweight and probably doesn't consider herself very pretty so she covers it all up with filters and a shitty camera. Why do you think we never see any long angled shots?
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>>250765 fake >>250766 very old stuff
>>249769 because he and others want to see her topless you fuckin potato
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>>250892 It's been either five or six years since she got started, and she's only had one actual nipslip. If you're still trying to figure out how to get her to go topless fully, then you're either obsessed with her or just enjoy making yourself miserable looking at content you do not like. Give it up and move on.
>>250895 I understand what you are doing and why you are doing it, but you do know that it takes more effort for you to reply to every comment with complaints about her content than it does for people to complain, right? We all know that she isn't changing her content after all this time, so us talking about her isn't going to do anything. You constantly white-knighting for her also isn't going to stop people from saying that her content is terrible. All you are doing is wasting your time and making a fruitless effort to try to tell people to move on when you should do the same.
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>>250903 You really don't. Because you know and I know she's not going to see the comments and she's not going to reward me for anything written here. So calling it white-knighting is just making excuses to justify making a comment. All I'm doing is using that excuse to post content to keep a thread on the front page. And if others like it, they'll click and download and go on about their day. Maybe even subscribe, so long as they know what they're getting into. But here's the part you don't understand. The ones that sincerely don't like her content aren't going to stick around or post a thing. They're just going to scroll past. It's the ones that are still hung up on her and want her content that stick around. They make themselves miserable for the quick second it takes to type a comment instead of doing the smart and easier thing to just scroll past. All I'm doing is pointing that out. So enjoy the content.
>>250911 I feel that you have completely misinterpreted and misconstrued the entire point of this site. People are going to bitch and complain about any model posted on here, no matter who it is. Shit, there are threads on here right now about a girl that makes cooking content and a girl that has transitioned into a man and people are just begging for their old content just like they are in this thread. No one is seeking any of Frecks newest content because we all know that she hasn't changed since she started. You are constantly bumping this thread to the top with this insane "If you don't like her, then just ignore her" rhetoric and whenever someone points it out, you defend yourself by saying that people should ignore you and enjoy this bullshit or just move on. You have to be tired of your hypocrisy by now because you actually sound miserable. No one asked you to care this much, and you are being an annoying jackass about it at the same time.
Well, back to posting content.
>>250916 This is`nt content. Its scum.
>>250985 So leave? I wish she did and showed more, but I don't give her money. So I'll take the free table scraps and get over it. If her stuff bothers you that much (and I don't blame you), just go somewhere else. You guys always gunk up these threads with this kind of complaining. Stop.
>>250985 Yea dude go get lost no one cares about your feelings.
>>250991 No. This shit clogs the board with non-content and bumps models that show things. Go share your terrible shit from your stupid waifu some place else.
>>250993 You mean like how your rage and these subsequent replies are also bumping it to the top?
>>250995 After the 4 previous bumps within like an hour? It hardly matters you weird derailer.
(4.81 MB 640x480 Yungfreckz_Maid_Bikini_1.webm)
Here we go, back on topic.
Any chance for someone to post the hot tub videos?
>>251042 Hopefully someone will post the full video.
>>251044 It's on Camwhores, but you'll need to friend the guy who posted it.
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She'll show her nipples anytime now lads. Just you wait.
>>251190 🤣🤣
>>251190 How long?
>>251189 Doesn't have to reveal for me to be absolutely turned on by her content. Lot of busty next door babes don't truly understand the power of seduction. Freckz has that shit in spades.
>>251220 Seduction is a strong word here. She's a silly lush and not what most would consider sensual.
God damn simps, she's a brain dead "model" with with huge boobs. Not seductive or sensual she's barely one step up from Skywhy12. She's stares at the camera with dead eyes and touches her boobs like she has no idea what they're used for. Don't get me wrong I still beat my shit to her but not because she's sensual or seductive.
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One man's "unsexy" is another man's "sexy." Some do like that she's not doing the typical "sexy" routine that models do. That she is awkward and goofy. But I will admit that it would be nice if she looked like she enjoyed what she was doing and looked like she enjoys that she has huge tits. The touch and feel and their size and shape and whatnot. Not in a fake way where she's clearly trying to sell something.
I would like it if she fondled and groped her tits more. Just really got into it.
>>251190 Who implied that's what we're waiting for?
>>251507 who's we?
>>251508 They mean the Royal "we." Now back to posting.
>>251258 >But I will admit that it would be nice if she looked like she enjoyed what she was doing and looked like she enjoys that she has huge tits It's weird because all the candid clips of her show her clearly flaunting her size and loving being the biggest in the room. Like I don't think she realizes how much she'd make if she pit out even a single video of her talking about how much she enjoys being bigger than all the other girls.
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>>251601 I think she comes from a family of big titty women, so being the biggest in the room is probably something she doesn't really think about or actually care about. Plus, that "being the biggest in the room" gimmick is something that women like MandaDawn or Vixen Virago would do to sell content. I don't think that's something that Yungfreckz would do or feel comfortable doing. I would rather see her have fun with her tits and how they look and feel.
Can anyone get that 4th of July vid she dm’d, it has that rocorder blocker on it?
Anyone have that groping vid she dm'd?
Cute face, Nice tits, terrible content
>>251970 Is there a preview?
Does anyone have the full version of these previews https://gofile.io/d/cYpSlb or this one too hopefully it works https://gofile.io/d/E3hxg5
>>252156 I really hope this is a good sign for new content. And that the groping video is real.
There's a groping video?
>>252268 Someone mentioned here that she sent out a groping video through DM's. I'm assuming she's groping herself in the video. So, hopefully it's real and someone leaks it here. I want to see her fondle her tits more.
I do find it puzzling how in her most recent video she's fully topless fondling her breasts with pasties on. Surely she recognizes this is still NSFW content? It's still "porn" in all the ways that matter to those who would judge her negatively for it. She could not post this on instagram without having her account deleted. It's just rather strange thinking at this point of "I haven't technically show my nipples so this isn't porn".
>>252425 I don't think she's pretending that it's not porn or pretending that guys don't buy her content to fap to it. I think she just doesn't want to show her nipples and be fully topless. But what video is she fully topless and fondling herself? Can you post the full version or was it just a sample?
This girl just keeps getting fucking bigger, she looks absolutely massive in the hot tub clip
Hot Tub Clips - 1. https://gofile.io/d/xCgJiz - 2. https://gofile.io/d/5OKoPh
>>252516 Very much appreciated!
Here are the files without the redgifs watermark. https://gofile.io/d/7AQhEW Hopefully someone will share the full version.
if anyone wanna chip in for her measurement video hmu dGVsZWdyYW0gQHJhY2hlbF8yOQ
Not sure if this is the video you're looking for The measurements video of her but here you go https://gofile.io/d/bvnXcI
>>252862 Whether it is or isn't, thank you for posting the video.
>>252889 Your welcome and happy to help out
>>252896 is that it? if theres another one lmk please
>>252897 Unfortunately that's all I found if there is another one I haven't seen it or come across it yet
>>252897 no there's 3 vids in total, check your dms, i dm'd you
>>252965 Can you post them here?
>>253003 yeah after we buy them sure, but the guy isnt responding to my dms.
It doesn’t matter to me that she doesn’t show full nudity. I just wish she would show more full body photos/videos. Everyone knows she’s thick and that’s what makes her great alongside those enormous udders. Not to mention she seems like she would be a lot of fun to hang out with.
>>253035 They're probably scamming, so hopefully you didn't give them money for anything.
>>253050 i didnt, sad if thats what's going on, her ppvs are kinda expensive so was hoping to buy them together with someone
>>253054 I don't think you'll find anyone here that can help you do that. But I hope you find what you're looking for.
>>253054 didnt find ur msg
>>253103 your un is Rachel Li right?
>>253140 rachel_029
>>253143 cannot find it, you have reddit? my un is heroalomgod
>>253229 Thank you for posting this collection.
>>253229 Is the "FL_20221115_0087-2-hCeDnFzo" video upscaled? Who did the upscaling and did they do more?
Something new - https://gofile.io/d/ZyBpnx
>>253327 Thanks.
Has she ever worn a see-through shirt without pasties?
>>253625 Nope. The most you can hope for to see her nipple is the nipslip when she jiggled and fondled her pink frosting covered tits. Or pokies when she wears a normal top but didn't wear pasties.
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>>253850 tbqh I'd rather see in her in a colossal bra that actually fits her. t. bra fetishist P.S. Nursing bra photosets are so simple and easy to do but so few busty models do them. Someone should encourage her to try one.
Came across this over on reddit and is this true or a scam or bogus it said that she wants a breast reduction and too help fund it,so I'm not sure if this real or legit but if it turns out to be real then it's goodbye to big breasts
>>253969 I really doubt It's legit, she would've had it posted on her beacons page - where everyone can find her OF, Insta, etc.
>>253969 Ita fake because she's currently in the 0.19 percent of onlyfans which iam sure shes making atleast 20 thousand probably or more from onlyfans a month. I almost guarantee she has 5 thousand for a breast reduction if she really wanted one or you can sub to her page and ask. Dude I can't even look at ihearttrenity without getting a hard on so I can only imagine how many guys are throwing her money. I read somewhere that when she goes out theirs guys that legit try to fuck her all the time but her sister and her friends are serious cockblockers
>>253977 She confirmed on Instagram that it's not her, so we're all good here.
>>253987 That's good to know that it's not her and that this is scam and completely bogus and fake
Short video and it has no sound, but it's decent - https://gofile.io/d/KX4pHA
>>254161 Thank you.
>>254161 The size of those oO THX YOU
>>254161 Thanks for sharing this and if you got any more or come across anything else, it would be nice if you could share them
Came across this pic hopefully there's more of these pics or a video of her wearing the rainbow 🌈 pasties
>>254323 Ok she don't show nipples but DAMMMNN, she got GIGANTICS WOWZERS oO thanks you for that.
>>254497 Your welcome and happy to share
I’ve interacted with her before. Her tits are huge as hell and she’s actually a really sweet girl- but she’s dumb as shit. Her friends control her and use her fame to enrich themselves. Shoe is an extremely gullible person- the definition of a dumb blonde.
How come no one ever convinced her to show nipples then
>>254741 U mean like in interacted with her in real life?
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Дрочіть на здоров'я)))
>>254741 I don't think getting free drinks at the bar is "enriching themselves."
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These are clearly shopped but still fun to imagine
I need them new clips
Some new clips - 1. https://gofile.io/d/6lSG47 - 2. https://gofile.io/d/hG6k8w
>>255217 >>255215 >>255131 >>254732 Thanks for the new content.
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>>249514 Bbw ebony lesbian very much for your time today for the coffin eminem
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>>255636 >>255638 Thank you for sharing this.
>>255636 >>255638 I appreciate you sharing these pics and thanks and hopefully there's more pics by some chance
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