/tits/ - Tits

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raisabra finnish on time 07/25/2024 (Thu) 15:53:18 Id:fda6af No. 252533
raisabra big Finnish tits. i matched with her on tinder but have not seen her in a while. here is all i have
https://www.dosyaupload.com/2NFnk/raisabra_VID_79370719_041455_222.mp4 Wasn't there a guy who posted he had a sex vid session with her and was going to post it? Did that ever happen?
Again with the A.I. shit. Jesus, learn to spot the difference.
>>252595 I still don't see it. What makes you think it's ai
>>252595 >>252596 there is no AI image here
welcome in 2012!
(20.69 KB 400x400 jxSr5d0m_400x400.jpg)
(140.59 KB 800x800 1695360894591.jpg)
(455.55 KB 743x743 Raisa.png)
Can't hide them
>>252596 >>252598 Nothing makes me "think" it's A.I. - because one of the pictures clearly is (see the original post, 5th pic). If you have spent more than a few weeks online, you should probably spot it clearly. Furthermore: there was/is a thread on TiT about a specific Lora made for her, which generated many A.I pics of her - among them the above mentioned one. If you really can't see the difference to her real ones, there isn't much more to discuss. The rest of the pictures are real. Last general point - although I know I'm going to get a lot of flag for this: please stop posting these deepfake A.I. pictures of living persons. I'm here because of the interest on titties just as much as the next guy, but creating AI-powered nude pictures of someone against their will/acknowledge just isn't right, no matter how much they post their own real pictures online. In the future you are probably standing on the wrong side of the law with this, so please take care.
>>252598 yes there is you fucking moron, second last pic in first post, HOW THE FUCK YOU CAN NOT SEE IT???
Okay we've all had a nice rant about AI and how stupid some of us are. Now can we get back to pics if you have them?
>>252598 Retard
Is there anything new pictures ot videos from her?
>>252706 bro, touch some grass
>>252833 you are not even trying are you your mother should have swallowed you
>>253463 Oh no, not the mother card
