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Anonymous 10/28/2024 (Mon) 02:26:49 Id:a0bcd5 No. 260716
Strange that her thread was deleted
first pic is shopped af
It is but at this point that's how big they really are lol
>>260717 It's not. It's a video screenshot. Nothing is edited there.
I think it’s great that she’s growing bigger and hopefully she keeps growing and gets just insanely gigantic. It’s fun to follow.
Seem to be from a video
>>260730 Hope someone has the vid
Yes, please share
I don’t have that particular vid, but I do have this one… https://gofile.io/d/QhoNbG
There is no way somebody in this world hasn't offered her an obscene amount of money to meet her. She's gonna be so rich. Literally has a winning lottery ticket on her chest.
>>260730 great thing about her is she loves her size. never hides her beautiful face shes a gem
Those pics r shopped
>>260770 They're literally not.
>>260740 Love everything about this woman. Sexy voice, Seems cool and actually loves how big her tits are getting. I just wish she would show off her body more. I absolutely love how thick/fat she’s getting.
>>260813 Amen brotha!
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Y’all really just be saying anything 😂😂😂none of these are PS’d
>>260813 i like her but i need her to show her belly more.
>>260985 Goddamn her tits got huge big full and wide it’s just a trip her areola and nips are so tiny lol
Wow, she’s got a double chin now
Who's got the video? (:
>>261007 It's cos she's just getting fat. That's where her growth is coming from.
>>261007 Amen bro
her weight looks fuckin good
Halloween vid: https://gofile.io/d/KSAkVT
>>261066 Holy fuck, thanks so much!
>>261066 Jesus fuck, they way she keeps trying to put her nipple back in the top, but gives up because her boobs are so big they just keep falling out. This girl is like the diamond in the rough of huge titted amateurs. We need her to to get as big as she possibly can before she’s sick of them.
>>261066 Thanks mate
She used too much filter, her face looks very artificial in this video, although I know that her face is not the reason to watch the video
This girl is a gem. She seems to really love them. And she’s massaging the fuck out them. I can’t wait to see how much they keep swelling up.
>>261126 She says that before she hated her breasts and visited doctors to reduce them, but now she loves them and is happy because her breasts do not stop growing. I hope she's not lying.
>>261126 >>261136 I'm sure the monthly paychecks help
>>261136 She loves them because 🤑🤑🤑 she’s just another fat big titty OF whore
>>261136 Lmaooo y'all are idiots. If she tells you she's doesn't like them then she truly doesn't like them The only thing that's keeping her from chopping them off is the money she makes because of them
>>261140 Bingo! I been telling the guys in her reddit thread to stack up on her content and even buy a custom from her before she chop em off, it'll be a couple years but it still will happen, shes a active girl (not gym wise haha) and i know the new weight and titty size make it hard for her to ride her bike and etc, i got downvoted like a MF because they didn't wanna hear the truth, BUT she could also just become fat and lazy for the long term but i doubt that, i think she’ll get a tummy tuck and reduction with all the money she makes when shes ready for the next chapter in her life, remember shes 22 so it all can change by 25
>>261140 Maybe she's telling the truth. Lolosavo never hid that her objective was to make money to spend on the reduction
>>261140 Well, she doesn't hate them now, so get outta here with that noise, please.
>>261154 Lolosavo also gets made fun of all the time because of her reduction and makes a shit ton less money. Men are going to like what they like. Hell I called her Frankentits and all she did was block my messages she didn't ban me or nothing. If she's that worried about riding her bike she could lose some weight. Her boobs 2 or 3 years ago wasn't nearly this big when she was skinny.
>>261147 >THE truth Lesson 1: Until something is proven it is just a theory or opinion. Or in your case, a personal opinion that you are trying to push as "the truth". No wonder you got downvoted.
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To bad about dors feline. I thought she was absolutely gorgeous the way she was. I was a big fan of hers.
>>261174 Are we to assume this with every girl with big boobs? You tripping. Shut up and enjoy the content wasting your time typing up essays, bro.
>>261174 Exactly with how much mfs on here fantasize about women hating big boobs you would think they get off to its or something.
>>261174 So I'm not allowed to to enjoy big tits because one model, somewhere might get a reduction? Sounds legit.
people spent as much time on posting videos, as "discussing" their guesswork :-) Her tits are nice, she still got em, lets move on from there ;-)
I keep thinking this chick is Jolyne whenever I see that thumbnail.
>>261191 Exactly, they are obsessed with the possibility of reductions. Do you people not understand yet just how fickle the female mind is? They will think about reductions for as long as you weirdos continue to talk about them and give them the idea. Enough with the talk of reductions. I never even say that word around my wife, that word is not spoken in my house.
>>261195 No one is saying don't enjoy big tits.were all here bc we love the female form specifically big tits. We're saying don't be surprised when she decides to eventually chop them off. Its not a matter of "if" but "when" Can't say we didn't warn you.
>>261214 the words we and when are doing some heavy living here
The paranoia in this thread is palpable
>>261221 After Lolosavo, Codi Vore, and this Thaynara woman from this last few months, I can understand being defensive. At the same time though, just look at her massaging and rubbing those things in the latest video. There is no way in hell she isn’t in love with those things, especially with the shudder as she tweaks a nipple. We’ve got little if nothing to worry about.
All this concern about chicks you’ll never meet, whose actions you can’t control. So either keep living in your video fantasies or get out and meet some actual women.
Y’all talk(type) too damn much. Stfu. We’re here to see titties, not mfs yapping about a mf they’ll never get next to.
>>261260 Stfu we can chat about these hoes we all here for a reason
>>261261 Of course you can. That is all you CAN do lmao weird ass niggas
>>261265 “Duhhhh I’m black duhhhh”
>>261280 I'm blue
Less talk, more jaw drop
>>261190 If you consider that an essay, then maybe you should trying reading something with more 10 words more often.
>>261295 I think the first photo is from last Christmas, less than 1 year ago. It means that her breasts have grown a lot in less than 1 year. Incredible. I hope her growth doesn't stop.
>>261316 Who cares?
Some of these girls would benefit from some type of hardcore content.....toys something lol.
>>261316 It's an image board. That's an essay.
>>261346 There are trolls and brain broken collection addicts that legit do not like to think beyond their latest download and hate reading past the first sentence.
>>261348 Who is actually here for the witty repartee?
>>261349 Not everyone can post content. Something has to bump the thread so it stays alive.
>>261350 If there is no content what use is the post?
>>261351 A thread with content and positive comments convinces more people to buy and share content than a thread with shitposting and trolls looking for attention. Otherwise you get shitposters looking for attention.
>>261354 What's funny to me is that now these appear in your google search history.
Ayo, somebody ban this weirdo! What are y'all on posting that for a bunch of guys, bro? Get banned!
>>261364 If you don't like it just come out and say you don't like it.
>>261368 Stop being gay, bro!
You faggots are strange….
And just like that, this thread was horrifically derailed.
If there's no more content then it's out lived its usefulness.
The reality is that most chubby girls doing OF get bigger. They make enough money which means they don’t need a real job moving around. Women with money tend to eat out more. The track record checks out. Only fans plumps out women.
>>261391 I agree with that being a reason, that’s why some put money into having a trainer so they stay in shape, trenity idk I feel she’ll probably try to get in the gym and then stop once she see the grind isn’t for her haha, she’ll get a tummy tuck and call it a day and I’ll be fine with that because we’ll pretty much get skinny trenity back but with chubby trenity’s tits
Tbh I wouldn’t care if this thread was nuked. Y’all yapping more than Mr. Resetti
>>261391 thats fine but shes going to get sick of those breasts one day and thats what im sure everyone is trying to say. she isnt the first to make a career out of this and she wont be the first to chop her breasts down. sadly all of them seem to think they can get a reduction and keep their customers and thats nowhere near the case.
>>261413 So damn thick and I love it. Those tits just keep on inflating along with her belly. She is one of the few who wouldn’t have to gain weight for me although I certainly won’t complain if she continues to thicken up.
Thanks king
There was another busty Latina that gained a good deal of weight and as a result got much better looking tits. She had a thread on here at least a few months ago. Lots of people loved trash talking her. Can anyone remind me who?
>>261705 This girl vs Tallyberry, who is bigger?
>>261729 Not the thread bud
>>261730 Can't comparisons be made in this thread?
>>261731 Is it a tally thread?
>>261732 No, but it's just a comparison, I'm not posting Tally content. If I made this comparison in a Tally thread, then it wouldn't seem right to you either and you would say "is this an iheartrinity thread?"
>>261734 yes i would. there's a thread specifically for this
>>261734 Wow, that's some Champeen Nonsense!
>>261735 what thread? Also, I don't understand why a simple comparison bothers you so much, if you don't want to answer, don't do it, but stop lecturing.
>>261736 It couldn't be more nonsense than your comment, in fact he says he would act like that
>>261738 commonly known as the simp thread. >168289 because you're filling the thread with nonsense and not just nonsense, off topic nonsense.
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Make em Clap
>>261814 >>261815 We need the full vid
https://gofile.io/d/ZxAFCw Here is the Instagram video
>>261454 i dont really see her liking her gut that much. i agree with whomever posted up thread. cash in on this while shes around because one day shes gonna flip the script and get a reduction.
>>262072 There's no reason to think that until she actually says so. Until then, why bring it up?
>>262085 Because those weirdos love speaking on hypothetical situations that quite literally have zero correlation with their everyday lives.
>>262072 It's ok to fap to her old pictures if she does... or even if she's dead. Just enjoy the show.
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>>261814 Love everything she does. She keeps thickening up and those tits keep growing. Hopefully the holidays are real good to her bust and waist.
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>>262543 This is old
>>262770 Why would she show more effort? She already bought a house off you dummies. Her end goal has been met. Wouldn’t be surprised if she stopped doing it in general or only came back here and there to collect, drop more mid shit, then spend it on her and her boyfriend of like 2+ years she been secretly hiding.
>>262851 And this is why I only buy full nude content. I'll take mid tier content for free but If I have to pay for she's either going to be fully nude or iam not buying it.
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>>262956 What’s her ethnicity?
>>263003 White, Black, Native American
>>262956 God she’s fucking perfect 😍
Not mine
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https://saint2.su/embed/VDRLY62nGw2 young goddess is getting the hang of it
>>264031 Thanks for the post, but these were posted already.
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She posted this tease and wants 40 bucks for the uncensored one,some on feeling generous enough to buy and share please 🙂
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>>264111 Here you go friends!
May the Gods bless where you have taken and thank you 🙏!!!
There's no way she charged $40 for one picture.....
She sure as shit did and some one paid and shared the win !!!! King !!!
>>264117 It still feels like a tease in this one. Why didn't she move back a little further?
>>264127 Because people are gonna keep paying regardless
>>264267 There's a topless version of that?
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Yeah she released it a couple of months ago along with this handbra pic, but i was unsuscribed then. I've been searching for it but nothing
Her videos are boring, she only shows her tits. It would be much better if she showed her whole body
There’s a 4:50 video for $100 available. Only info I have is that she’s on her back topless doing whatever. I ain’t buying it but I thought I’d let y’all know👀
>>264951 On her back? You mean, she's laying down?
>>264960 Nah. She’s levitating.
>>264961 That was serious question. No need for the sarcasm.
>>264973 Ay man.. I come with my ammo ready. Never know what it’s gonna be like on the Wild West Web 😂
She sent me a 6 min 28 video of tittyfucking for 100, I'm also not paying but it's out there.
>>264995 >>265003 Do you guys know if she's ever made a full body video? There aren't a lot of those out there.
>>265003 Tittyfucking a dildo?
>>265004 Doubt it. She seems conscious about her body. She’s always hiding it.
>>265014 She has a pudgy stomach, sure, but it's not like she's morbidly obese or something. It shouldn't be a big deal tbh.
>>265019 She’s definitely fat, not just pudgy lol but I get you. I be wanting her to show everything too
Charges outrageous prices for lame content>>264121 People gotta start using their head up top not down below & stop paying, force her into dropping those prices & better content
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It's tempting to buyyy, she said it's toplessss
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Somebody have it?? It's out there
>>265101 Nearly $300 gotta be lying to justify even $170, insane prices
>>265096 Will lose fans/subscribers eventually when dudes realize there’s other OF girls even bigger 🍈🍈 than hers charging single digit - $40 for customs/PPVs etc. who are friendlier, chat, & don’t screw their fans over, actually put some effort in wanting to please fans
Had a deal of $50 for a custom, then later refused to for $50 claiming isn’t enough that it’s too low for a custom after offering it previously. Scammer don’t trust or do business w her. Took screenshots
I swear some dumbass/agency running her business charging ridiculously absurd prices & that it’s not actually even her replying to messages. All seemed sketch her up early morning hours well past midnight to ~4 am checking messages multiple nights. Sus
>>265096 Are you actually gonna do it? Kudos to you if you do, although that is a pretty steep price.
I know someone is gonna pay for that content because they just can't help themselves. Just have to wait and see.
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New tittyfuck with bigger dildo
>>265246 Is she posting these gifts on her page?
>>265251 *gifs
>>265251 No, no she’s not
>>265254 So what's the deal with the gifs then? Is the person that has the full vids just making gifs as teasers instead of posting the full videos?
>>265264 Seems so or maybe that’s literally all he got from somewhere else
Seems to me that he got all the vids, they're not cheap. So this guy is just giving us the spoilers of what the vids are cause trenity is not posting them in her dm's as ppv but selling direct to whoever ask her for the vids at a steep price, the tittyfuck vid i heart she's selling for $170 and is over 5 min long
>>265274 That’s funny. There’s literally no point of him even posting “spoilers” for all of that.😂
Not mine https://gofile.io/d/za6rQr
wow, nice drop the quality is a bit low though any chance of improving it?
>>265385 Great job discovering one of the three videos teased earlier.
>>265389 It's the same link that was posted on another forum, quality is as originally posted
What other forum
>>265430 Socialmediagirls
We.. yes I said WE, gotta stop having these hoes believe that their content is worth more than $15-20 max. I seen some mf tryna sell 6 pictures for $150. Not a even video.. just images 😂.
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So much words in this threads
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>>265222 Did anyone find this video yet?
>>265108 maybe? but i dont know. someone gasses these women up and they think its okay. one lady asked me what i wanted in a dm. i usually dont answer but i did. this woman quoted me $100/min. i told her that was a bit much. she dropped it to $50/min. i still said that was a bit much. i mean, $1k for ten minutes? i better be seeing her and filming it myself. thats an entire mortgage payment for a ten minute video. thats just ridiculous. and most of these models do it in one shot, filming it on their cell phone camera. i know there have got to be some people out there dropping it but im also very sure that there are more than enough refusing for them to know that barely ever happens.
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She charged me $500 for a topless dildo tittyfuck vid for 6 minutes
>>266208 LMAO $500 is egregious! She tried to have me spend $120 and the outrageous af. She must either take you for an easy mark or she's testing the waters for victims. That hoe is bugged out.
>>266207 HORY SHIT!!
>>266207 Finally, a belly shot. She normally has that covered up. This is the best pic I've ever seen thus far. I wonder how much it cost for this and the other two pics. Probably hundreds a dollars as per usual, I'm guessing.
>>266207 Man, she needs to take more pics and vids fr. Man, those things are GARGANTUAN. Can't believe how much they've grown over the years. Also, to agree with that other guy, yeah, she finally decided to show her navel there. Lol she's definitely big around the waist a little bit but I like it tho. She's a real BBW.
>>266287 To me it adds to her physique in the best way. Like sure her stomach is getting bigger, but her tits are big enough to almost cover it in spite of that? Unreal, honestly.
>>266303 I certainly agree with you there. I think she's incredibly sexy the way she is now. No idea what size her boobs are at this point, but regardless, they're amazing. That full frontal pic is literally the best pic she's ever taken out everything I've seen from her because I see her stomach and not just her boobs. I hope to see more like that, even though they won't come so frequently given how much she charges for this stuff lol.
>>266238 You're not wrong, but folks are still spending their hard-earned cash on her regardless. That's why we have all this topless content here in the first place. The boobs are just that hot. Them dudes spending on this chick must be mad rich tho.
>>266363 Hey, we're seeing fat tits, and rich dudes are getting scammed. That's a win-win in my book.
>>266388 I guess I see what you mean there. Anyway, awaiting the next drop whenever that may come. I hope she does more pics like that standing up next time. I can't stop looking at that full frontal pic with her boobs and belly showing. It's literally her best topless out of every other one we've seen before that one because of that. It's just too good, man.
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That double chin is coming through
>>266459 She's become a real BBW. I think she looks good tbh.
>>266459 Makes a girl cuter
>>266516 >>266459 Makes her look even better honestly
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>>265096 minor gripe, why do these kinds of dms always have typos? riding "you" peach? her tits are "juggling"? is she a clown tossing them from one hand to the other? and then you leave marks all over her titties marking "e" as yours? i mean, who is even doing these?
>>266895 Marking *me as yours. No typo in juggling And it’s not riding you peach. It’s riding you, with a peach emoji afterwards. No typo there. Just the e as me was a typo. I think it’s just her writing these lol
>>265222 Something told me this bitch would sell my custom, the homie I shared this video with told me this was here, I spent over 6 months communicating and hundreds of dollars just to get her to make this, even paid $250 after she made it as well, the French braid and her sticking her tongue out with her eyes closed at the last minute of the video was all my idea, I got all my messages on OF for proof, if you guys knew how much advice and everything I was giving her in the last year on how to make better content, you wouldn’t buy shit from this bitch, I’d just wait it out and let others leak her shit, I don’t want anybody that don’t have money to fuck off getting taxed by her, that was my play money I usually spend on 304’s so it didn’t hurt my pockets, gotta trick safely now haha
>>266985 I thank you for your dedication and service to the greater community. You brought the wall down. Leaks are coming and its beautiful. Someone is gonna pay but most will see it free of charge. Thank you!
>>266991 All good bro, if anything she fucked herself, I would have kept dishing her ideas and paying for more videos to be made if she charged me less and posted them to the public, I even offered to buy the first set of cosplay outfits for the video ideas I had in mind, if she followed thru with my ideas I promise everyone would be going crazy for her stuff, even showed her how to be more consistent without putting more time in it too, I was like a manager to the bitch but she wouldn’t listen haha oh well
>>266992 Tbh it probably wasn't even her you were talking to but some dipshit community manager that runs her account. Some of those guys can be some of the most idiotic money grabbers that burn bridges with fans so bad. I am irl friends with a top 0.1%'er and she has mentioned she has gone through like 4 CM's in a year or two because they keep doing dumb shit to alienate fans for a quick buck. Not sure if Trenity is that high up but I wouldn't doubt she has some wish.com dipshit running it. lol
Has anyone tried offering her a substantial sum to meet? Hell for the dudes paying a grand for video clips, might as well offer up way more and see if she'd go for it!
Wow thank you king been waiting for these Christmas once is there a video for it ? Please share
Here's the vid https://gofile.io/d/a95L84
>>267105 Thx for sharing
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Damn, look how fat her fingers have gotten
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I wish she’d show her belly more !! She’s become one of the best BBWS
This page is gonna die soon. Gotta make a new one at some point.
Damn, someone nuked the Trenity subreddit 😩
I just fucking love the way she loves clapping those gigantic massive meat melons of hers together 💦💦💦
>>267401 She needs to do more like this tbh. That's exactly why this is her best nude pic out everything that's ever been leaked. Seems like this page has been slow with any new posts as of late. I wonder how things are going on her end.
This was her last TikTok where she answered some questions. She gave some pretty interesting answers to some of them here. https://www.tiktok.com/@ihearttrenity/video/7465770177318358302?lang=en
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She's so fine
No new content dropped and the page is almost dead.
>>268415 You got the titty fuck dildo video?
