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tamia heart Still top 10 10/30/2024 (Wed) 09:48:36 Id:e666fb No. 260874
huge titty baby momma looks but so much hotential not even funny
she is hot. isnt she a canadian stripper or used to be? but im tired of seen this chick pregnant every damn year. if she wanna be a social media ho and make money thats fine, but why she gonna shoot out kids every year still? her stomach is nasty btw but her boobs and her face are what keeps her going
>>260886 Because those genetics need to be spread as far possible to bring forth the next generation of huge breasted girls. Whoever is with her understands that and is turning her into a baby factory.
>>260887 You think the fathers (multiple btw more than 2, that’s how much of a whore she is) are breeding with her so their potential daughters have huge tits? Are you retarded?
Never seen her before and I am obsessed all the sudden Someone absolutely has to have her videos somewhere. Her OF is expensive as hell
I cant be the only one who noticed right away that most of the pics and the videos are morphed, am I? I mean, if you didn't notice it anywhere else, the dead giveaway should be that second video posted. That is, unless its perfectly normal for a human hand to dramatically change size during an 8 second video...
LOL right
shes been around for a couple years shes fkn sexy, but like i said...always preggo search her up lylasbigheart
do you have this video?
>>260900 I might be misremembering, but I'm pretty sure this chick legit said she supplements her income with her child support payments. And when asked to clarify if she was baby trapping dudes, she doubled down on it.
imagine being such a lowlife women that u would entrap a man to have a kid with just so u can get the child support. kids deserve to have a family growing up with both parents, not just a mom who u grow up to find out was just a whore who only wanted kids for the money
>>261514 This is the way of things. Best to jerk of and not worry about what goes into the sausage.
The only thing i read was that when somebody asked her if her man is financially supportive, she said yes, and he's really good to her.
>>261521 Stop with the nonsense. Her and her so called man break up all the time because she's always making tiktoks about them being on again off again. These girls mess around with guys that have always been in her circle because their not getting anything else. She's made tiktoks about her being rejected by men all that shit. Don't believe a word these women say.
>>261523 That’s real. Hard to believe a woman so hot and beautiful can be so twisted mentally and spiritually
>>260891 her OF does not have pregnancy content. its also a complete and total rip off. >>260886 shes preggo every year? i just noticed her preggo last year and that was it. >>261501 >>261514 i couldve swore i read online that she claimed to be borderline rich due to OF. its funny to see that she supplements being rich with child support payments.
This chick is white trash to the core. Pretty sure she’s from Barrie, which if you live in Ontario you know it checks out. Disgusting slob with no redeemable qualities other than those fat sacks of flesh hanging from her chest.
big tits but truckstop vibes and face
>>261530 >shes preggo every year? i just noticed her preggo last year and that was it. She was pregnant before modeling. Started and OF, got pregnant, boobs got bigger, got pregnant again and boobs look slightly even bigger now.
>>261687 i didnt know that. i know she was preggo recently but her OF doesnt show it. she put it all behind fansly which is DRMed.
>>262352 >https://gofile.io/d/4bBdLy Her OF says, she is 28
(105.54 KB 596x1280 yG2xXjoI_720p.mp4_000025.667.jpg)
She is clearly a mess of a woman/mother, but who cares. Unless you're in a position to marry her, just enjoy the tits. https://gofile.io/d/lYAxYF
>>262374 >https://gofile.io/d/lYAxYF she has that sad look in her eyes too as if shes always been let down she was so happy pregnant
this is crazy. i rmember when she first started the OF she wouldn't shot ANYTHING.
>>262382 shes still something like that. there is zero content on her OF and even on her fansly, which is so DRMed nothing can be saved, she has stuff hidden behind a higher paywall.
https://pixeldrain.com/u/GghQEfAB https://pixeldrain.com/l/rApa2Viz looks like she's craving more meat from the back. I would impregnate her too not afraid to admit it
At this point she should just go full on porn star
>>262754 If you own a computer, you can download these vids just by: >play the video >shift+right click on the video >click "save video as"
I had sex with her 2 years ago, videos will be dropped
>>262892 ok man
>>263396 Good lord. Thanks king.
>>262324 Need to see more content like this. Looks like she's been forgotten about, eh?
>>263396 The fucking smoke alarm chirp lmao
>>262380 >>262753 pretty sure she just posted on her insta she misses her pregnant belly but maybe i got my models mixed up.
https://bunkr.fi/f/DGLvcgAnXFBof https://bunkr.ph/f/J3dwvNy4QiRL9
Milk https://bunkr.ph/f/OlKJvXjeGYJZN
>>262374 If you've ever tuned into any live that she's done you will quickly realize she's completely retarded.
