/tits/ - Tits

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Demora Anonymous 11/06/2024 (Wed) 18:01:57 Id:0a0bb1 No. 261441
Lets get some of her recent chaturbates posted up in here! https://gofile.io/d/LGPx1g
Anyone have this one? Or the previous one as it looks like this started at the end of the oil
she's still mauling her hubby's needle dick? lmao poor woman, needs a proper COCK to fuck those bazookas
More clips! https://gofile.io/d/iXDKKy
>>261484 Why don't you find a woman who's into huge breasts instead of wasting your life on the Internet wanking while judging other people?
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Does anyone have the few giantess videos shes done?
Anybody got this newer scene of hers???
>>261526 That’s an old one. Got way newer than that.
>>261531 Oh cool...post it. Lol.
she doesn't seem to be doing much b/g content anymore. Titfuck stuff anyway
Not hating but need to understand Why do the bottom of her tits now sorta wiggle or flop around a bit more than they used to? It’s kinda odd.
for those who don’t know, she frequents these threads
>>261554 It's the implants.
>>261554 She got new 'internal bra' implants to raise her breasts off her chest. Problem is they implant is relatively high and not full so the bottom of her breasts are empty and flappy, hoping she does a few more fill sessions and that evens out.
I know I'm in the minority but I always like that flabby look a lot of women with implants get at the bottom of their tits idk why
>>261575 Bingo. I’m doing more fills but might have to travel back to the surgeon to do them because the line may have gotten twisted. I don’t want it to be super implant but that is something I’m wanting to go away.
>>261554 Can you post any video/gif of this? Or where can I find them?
>>261600 IIRC Keysha Evans breasts used to have that flab, not sure if she's still making content, been ages
>>261628 God I miss her, had a real trashy vibe and LOVED having huge tits. Did she ever do anything hardcore?
>>261617 Do you think you'll do any more saline infusions when you've finished filling your implants, that'd be insane to see how big you could get with a couple of thousand ccs in your breast tissue on top of the implants
>>261628 Yeah Keisha Evans had it really prominently, that's probably why I like it since she was my all-time favorite >>261641 Never hardcore, showed her ass and bush a few times. Disappeared off the internet completely earlier this year after her x account got suspended since her website shut down about a year ago. I miss her so much
Keisha and Demora are hands down my favs, they both really enjoy having large breasts and it shows, makes it that much more enjoyable.
She said on her site she’s going bigger again?? How??
>>262140 more infusions rejoice
>>262140 Another implant fill, 500c per side. I've heard her plan is to do 6 fills total.
>>262155 Like, another 6 fills?
>>262155 So wait- this is her 3rd fill (1000CCs initial, then went and got 500 more, now she’s doing 500 more next week). So you’re saying 4 more including the one next week?
She can probably correct us but I think she's had a total of 2 500cc fills total, tried a third and Griev had issues so they're going to the original doctor.
it's getting ridiculous at this point
>>262192 Yep. Gotta agree she was hot but this try hard shit is making her very weird and desperate looking. Ruining her own vibe and wave. But what can you tell a greedy white woman.
>>262161 The one coming up is the 3rd. I've heard, not directly from her, that she's planning 6 total. I think it's been 500cc a fill. She was planning 1000cc a fill, but there were problems with that much at once.
idk guys, the fact that she basically has to go even bigger for maintenance purposes is extremely hot to me. the fact that she's this big and not done yet, hoooo lord.
>>262162 This will put me at 2k, hoping to get rid of the floppy boob thing, and that is really what I’m going for; hopefully that is gone before 3k. >>262195 The same thing you tell someone who has no clue what they’re talking about: stop assuming shit you know nothing about. I did the implants because they the sheer size and weight was basically giant bags of jello and would sit in whatever is the most uncomfortable position. So I was faced with either a lift or the implants; I didn’t want a lollipop cut because it would reduce the sensitivity and since my hysterectomy those are the most sensitive for me. So I went with the implants to help give them some structure…. I know this will fall on deaf ears because you think you know all, but I’m sure someone will find it informative.
Ever think about getting any face work done?
>>262278 There's no Doctor or Surgeon that can fix that train wreck.
>>262278 >>262279 That is the most legitimately autistic question and response I’ve ever seen. Social cues, boys. Do you know what those are?
>>262264 Hi Demora I think the floppy boob movement can't be fixed with fills I think it's caused because the implants and your boobs don't have the same density they move in different ways your body fat is far more movable than the saline implants I mean I'm a big fan of Keisha Evans myself and she had fat deposits under her implants that also moved differently from the rest of her 6000cc implants As I understand it, your implants sit behind your breast fat at the bottom of your breasts against your chest to lift your breasts so you dont have the pressure of your breasts on your chest all the time, so you have something hard as a base and something wobbly on top, like a pile of pudding on a spoon.
>>262264 God bless you babe
Hey Demora if you're still around can you do more (suction cup mounted) dildo tittyfucks? I don't think you've ever done one, but I recall some very short clips from (maybe) a year ago. I'd love to see more especially if you use a realistic size dildo like 7-8 inches. Good luck with your surgeries and hopefully you can fix what needs fixing!
You guys seriously think that's Demora responding? 🤣🤣
>>262458 O it’s definitely her. She isn’t dumb she pays attention to her fan base. >>262264and ok demora point taken. I meant no offense but it’s kinda like watching your favorite boxer become a raging alcoholic. Have a right to enjoy my fantasy cest la vie.
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>>262458 Can confirm, truthfully, it’s really her. Or at least it’s her husband but 100% they’re here often.
She's very active on here and on the TiT forums as well as her REPORT MY POST. Part of why she has such a cool vibe.
>>262488 People forget she's absolutely a gooner for huge tits. Obvious to anyone who followed her pre-op She just followed her dream.
>>261526 Anybody got it?
>>262464 Wow she looks amazing here. I’m just fine with this being the future of big boobs imagine that women are able to manufacture stardom from scratch. Talk about female empowerment Lol Giganantomastia rules
>>262505 This isn’t gigantomastia lol.
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She enhanced her whole image up’s her level. I’m not into CS surgery but the fat transfer done numbers
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>>262551 This lady went and turned herself into a hentai manga cover model, and for that I salute her!
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>>262264 Come on you can't be telling us that part of this isn't your desire to see how far you can go.
I remember Demora saying she was basically done a couple of years back And wow it's wild seeing her now compared to then. Love it, even outside of the sheer size she looks incredible
Her husband should be careful. One day her tits could blowout like a big truck tire.
She just got back from another 500cc fill session, wonder how things are looking!
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>>262882 >She just got back from another 500cc fill session, wonder how things are looking!
>>262551 love the first picture here she's such a beautiful girl and so so generous proud of babes like her
Wish she posted more vids on her OF, it seems to be 98% photo sets. :(
>>262568 >hentai manga cover Given the proportions and, most critically, the shape I'd say your right. Hentai-tier tits irl
>>262551 Shit's shopped You idiots
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>>263061 To be fair, not wrong it is apparently shopped… But here’s the original, and… it doesn’t change much? 😅
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Does she still create VR Content?
Can't lie I for one love the fact that she's been making her tits bigger by surgery. The fact that genetically she'd still be reasonably stacked but that wasn't enough and she wanted even more, come hell or high water she was getting it, and now she's got a rack big enough to warrant implants to keep them from getting floppy _and_ make them even bigger? Sign me the fuck up.
i hate how she has to remove fat from other body parts to do it. it looks weird and disproportionate. her lower body has nearly no curves left at all.
It's pretty incredible she's still going Looks great on her I am curious what her goal is
>>263109 >I am curious what her goal is to make millions off of losers
This bitch is old. Can't imagine what she will look like in her 70s
>>263153 with a comment like that, you're nothing more than a shit stirring dickless asshat
>>263172 its the internet bub, plus she is a millionaire, married with children. You don't need to be her champion on a titty site.
>>263097 usually with blush erotica, though I did just buy a camera/lens to do stereoscopic VR content. >>263178 millionaire eh? that would be nice. but hey, whatever you need to wake up feel like it's other peoples fault you haven't gotten anywhere in life 😊
@demora. Which site do you prefer loyal fans or only?
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>>263179 >>263179 > but hey, whatever you need to wake up feel like it's other peoples fault you haven't gotten anywhere in life What the fuck does this even mean? It pertains nothing to the conversation except as a randomly perceived womanly insult. I'm just some random anon, stick with flesh peddling and leave the online fan interaction to the pajeet webmaster... asumming this isn't a huge larp
>>263112 But tell me that's a bad plan tho
>>263185 Lmao someone's clearly hurt. LOSER
>>263153 wow she looks spectacular here who knew suspenders would make a come back on huge tits
>>263185 The salt! lol
So... that's a no to facial reconstructive surgery then?
a lot of preoccupation concerning faces hererecently. anyone would think we'd be into breasts or something.
whatever mod keeps deleting my posts how bout you delete some of this trash from these trolls from this thread instead of actual level headed contributions and comments? I'm sure you'll just delete this too
Ur photos looked photoshopped because you are trying to make your face not look wrinkly. Ain't no hiding that mug so you might aswell embrace it. You look 50 years older tho
>>263178 another clueless dipstick, flaming is rampant here. I'm taking the side of something called respect, maybe you never heard of it. I'm not trying to be anything your infantile mind may think nor do I care what Demora thinks. And having been in the biz for many years it's amazing how some of these retards have such disdain for those they have no problem jacking off to.
>>263109 Is there a comparison to how she looked starting out to midways, to most recent?
>>263241 Idiot. Fap and move on.
>>261441 I've always felt like she was really pleasant to deal with
>>263267 Same. She seems really down to earth. I do wish she'd go all-out with with her face, though. Not because I think she's unattractive as-is, but I like it when a woman goes for the complete augmentation package.
She looks like a 40 year old trying her best to be a teenager again
>>263295 Are you being forced to fap at gunpoint? Please give us a sign if you're being coerced.
Missed her latest chaturbate but found a clip, the projection when shes sitting down is stupid hot.
>>263366 Fuck yes! Keep being you demora, you're a damn legend for BE. Goddamn makes me happy to be around at a time like this.
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Always amazes me just how HUGE she is. But needs to get that face a lil....
>>263374 Da fuck is wrong with people? It's not like she's ugly. Got the nerve to act like they wouldn't hit with the opportunity.
>>263378 Oversaturation of porn and social media thots with filtered and photoshopped features. Any woman that looks average or normal sticks out like a sore thumb and breaks them from the routine of obsessing over porn and social media thots. But they've also reached the point to where, even if she was standing next to them with legs wide open with a "cum here" sign, they wouldn't fuck. Both out of fear of losing their routine of overconsumption of porn/social media and because their sex drives are so warped by the oversaturation and just their general nihilism towards sex and dating and marriage.
some people here have rotted brains
>>263381 Sir, are you ordering a baconator or not?
>>263378 I agree most people are bullshitting when they complain about these chick's faces but she's not cute. That's all I'll say.
>>263381 How can you have a generalization of the human psyche pertaining sex, marriage, or relationship unless you've experienced all three. I buy adult content because of the women and the fantasy of it. I don't take it for more than what it is. I'd rather watch porn then go out here and cheat on my wife because I have self control unlike alot of men nowadays but me wanting to pursue sex at times feels like a biological feeling then an emotional one and I don't know why. Demora avarice is great I've always enjoyed her content and I don't why people give her shit she's doing what she wants to do. I don't understand.
>>263387 Feel better? Can we move back on to the tits again?
>>263385 Sure. And I'd like a Chocolate Frosty and the 4 piece nuggets too. Barbecue dip. >>263388 For fucks' sake. You just described yourself using porn as a coping mechanism and a restraining bolt for your own actions. If you had the self-control you claim to have, then you wouldn't need porn to stop you from cheating. Just saying to yourself "I don't want to cheat" would have been enough. Maybe you got bigger problems going on there, champ.
Tits gentlemen. Tits. Therapy this is not.
the only thing shes missing is to start taking some dom so we can see her titties spraying milk
>>263295 Isn't it great? >>263366 There's a clip she has of her testing out a couch where she reclines and they roll up into her face that's super hot, I love that kinda shit
>>263390 Yeah because iam sure telling yourself "iam not going to cheat" works with everyone you dumb bastard.
>>263419 Unless this is one of those magical situations where someone is physically forcing you to cheat, you usually have a choice and it's as easy as saying "I don't want to, so I won't." The only people that it doesn't work for are people with poor impulse control, people clinically diagnosed as hypersexual, or people who hate their partners but don't have the courage to break up with them. Porn isn't going to stop you from cheating if you actually want to. And if you're constantly tempted by every piece of ass that walks by you, there is something wrong that you need fixed.
>>263366 When she sits down and you see them visibly go "play" into her lap taking up the entire space, gods above dude that was hot >>263374 I like her face honestly she's got a very homely "girl next door" vibe to it, feels comfortable too when she looks happy with how big they are
i can't fap to this fucking text how dare you deny me my fap
>>263385 Damn that's a good one
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>>263648 That swimsuit had to be glued on! lol
Have there been pics since her latest fill? No idea how long it takes to heal
Yeah there's been a few, and one video.
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Hoe hoe hoe
This was from her stream when she was at Exxxotica.
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when her pastey came off and she didnt realize :D
I wish Demora would go back to the old days of her OF conten with consistent new video clips and new pic sets. Right now her focus is so heavy on adult expo showings that there is very little to no videos, and the same picture sets split out over a week. Its gotten to the point to where keeping a monthly sub just isn't worth the content. Bout time to just sub every quarter, check out all her stuff, then cancel and do that again 4 months later. :(
>>264756 fair criticism. something i'm hoping to work on; but it's also one of those things where I'm currently feeling a bit of block in terms of stuff to do as well. I actually am planning on dialing back the adult expos after AVN so hopefully that helps; even when I do other ones it won't be stuff i'm on the floor at all day so it should make more time for actually doing other things.
>>264780 Hey demora rua says hi. Lol
>>264756 Agreed. I used to sub more consistently when the videos were. It's taken a backseat. It's time to not branch out or do those other things when core quality suffers.
Im waiting for more videos. The RP or even dirty talk videos were my fav, one of my favs was the one where she was “talking to a fan” right before her new upgraded. I’d love a part 2 to that one. I always bought the videos but now I’ve got nothing to buy
The future is extremely bright if fat transfers one day take over even a just a portion of huge titty surgeries that women get. I get that that it's more expensive, but holy shit the the results are great. Even before she got the expander implants, her 'enhanced' boobs looked way more full and sexy than other girls who grew similar by luck eg abbi, milena.
Just saw her post on OF about changing gears and trying to do more videos, super stoked to keep my sub to see what she has in store.
Her chest almost covers her bellybutton. It's incredible to see
I bet she can deadlift 250lbs given she has to support the "seemingly" equal amount up front lol. She looks absolutely fantastic damn!
Is Demora now the biggest? How close is she?
Her new ppv42 looks to be promising, anyone pick it up and is it worth it?
where to get her longer stream or camclips from avn and at home where she tries different tops. her of seems only have weird close up clips which i dont wanna see at all. this: http://fastimages.org/images/2024/11/02/demora_avarice_02112024_2352_female_Chaturbate.jpg
Demora talked about wanting to be more active and post more and different content, but her “daily Demora” content that costs another 10 bucks is more like twice a week Demora. It’s sad, but she hasn’t cared about customers for awhile and only really cares about the next trip she takes or the next expo. And when she does do her trips, you better believe you’re gonna get the lamest content on earth. I’d say at this point, save your money and just sub once a year… maybe. You won’t miss too much content between subs.
I seriously wonder how much those weight each, it's so insane. Also, so many ungrateful dudes in here.
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In my opinion looking at this picture the woman on the right has about 0.5 kgs per breast and Demora is now about 7kg, maybe 8kg per breast. Nina for comparison is about 6.5 kg.
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she is super ugly. super ugly face, very ugly fat lardy body, ugly saggy tits.
Her fella must of shaved his chest
>>267190 You’re a weirdo.
>>267120 I'll second that on whenever shes on the road, you get two pic sets split apart across two days over a week of time. Its pretty bad lately as far as content. Also then found out that she a completely different content set on another paysite so really you need two subs to get all of what she puts out there. I let my OF lapse and I'll be back in a few months to see if things have improved. Shame to see her content devolve into what it has, she's always the nicest and sweetest person it just seems like her priorities and delivery went in a negative direction for us the consumer of her content. :(
I just want to see her on chaturbate more, shes so fun to watch
Hoping a video follows this, will buy that instantly!
>>267468 i've addressed that recently, been working on making the focus to content again. Also the content is not different; OF has basically stayed the same, and has all the content with the least paywalls for things. I respond a lot slower there because there is so many messages I pretty much get in once a day and that takes me almost an hour if not more. I also don't harass people with constant unlocks or anything like that... it's just a more chill thing. LF/fansly don't always have the newest content posted, and does more to reuse older stuff. It's more for the people that want less of the real me and more of the typical OF girl type thing. responses are faster there but messages have fees. Also since it has the store it's easier to post some of the paid stuff to that which obviously OF doesn't have. So really, there isn't any content difference it's just more how it's utilized to give people the experience they prefer. like the real me and newer stuff? OF. Want a more fake model experience that is less "me" and more just a girl with giant boobs? LF/fansly. What I don't understand is that if there's a issue... why not actually bring it up to me on there? people like to come elsewhere to say things instead of talking to me directly. I don't bite. well I do bite Griev but that's a different thing. >>267191 That is quite obviously a dummy torso.
