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Ju_autentica Anonymous 11/06/2024 (Wed) 21:35:55 Id:0a6fa2 No. 261451
https://gofile.io/d/PT9pwe https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/ju_autentica
>>261451 Wow, that's a new one for me, fantastic tits !
20 bucks though for a sub is a little to much though for only doing mainly topless.
>>261466 Yea but look at her face and tits top tier combo. She’s perfect really nice having a new babe on the scene who has all the goods
>>261470 Yeah but 20 dollars a month is a full nude sub price
>>261474 Who says hot chicks can’t aim high. Just look at the videos her titties are huge firm and jiggly we don’t see that everyday on top of that her face is beautiful and feminine. 20 box is like 3 cups of coffee she’s totally worth that:)
>>261479 Iam certain this is her. You will get more subs and sell more ppvs if you do full nudes.
Wonderful boobs and body shape. PS: she milks…does she have any preggo video/pic or it’s just induced milking?
Incredible discovery!!
>>261511 I'll sign up for a month when I get paid. Does she do customs?
>>261486 How do you know she milks?
She milks her tits pretty easily in a few of those gofile videos. Love seeing those huge areolas and full tits spraying a lil milk but she just does it a little not the focus of the vids
>>261516 Bro you kidding, i watched them again and she doesn't lactate even a single droplet
>>261522 I plan on subscribing to her I’ll see if there’s any actual lactation content and let you all know my findings since we can’t get a clear answer out of these guys. Yea 20 dollars for a super hot busty babe ain’t shit especially in inflationary times.
>>261451 amazing find. she reminds me of sensual jane
>>261525 You probably won't find any, lactation content is prohibited in OnlyFans. I understand portuguese, many of her posts she writes that her boobs are "full of milk", but it sounds like only a figure of speech.
Love them
great find! is she brazilian or portugese?
https://gofile.io/d/YyKFnn She lactate in this video near the end
>>261749 I signed up for a month. It's ok wish their was full nude content though
>>261749 Ty so much citizen She’s amazing those boobs are really fucking epic they’re so full and fertile gonna go beat off to it now
What is her bra/cup size?
>>261733 She's Brazilian
>>261966 No shes Portuguese
gorgeous and very refined looks, and a real fat and firm pair. what a gem. great job folks.
>>262090 She's Brazilian, in Brazil we speak Portughese.
>>262090 She's from São Paulo - Brazil if i'm not mistaken.
She's Brazilian, from São Paulo, if you pay well, she'll do anything, she's really naughty, she loves a dick, a threesome with a man and a woman!!!! Really naughty!
>>262357 Hi Ju_autentica
>>262360 Yeah I'd pay for a custom if she checked her messages more than once every 5 day
>>262521 Iam subbed to her page and her video quality sucks.
>>262523 >>262523 She should film herself in landscape mode, I'm sick of videos in portrait mode! !!!
So in love with this girls rack face and body. She is the perfect big titty dream babe. Impeccable good looks
>>262575 Impeccable good looks? I wouldn't say that but I do like the way her body looks. She runs her onlyfans page like she has no clue what she's doing. Have you noticed that more and more women and men are starting to do sex work. Than ever before.
>>262578 She has a ppv for 20 bucks but I don't have any money for something like that this week.
Is her IG down...? Her TikTok is gone
$20 pussy running PPV
>>262586 Yes I don't have the money for it this week
(86.51 KB 949x1280 IMG_4141.JPG)
we re late to the party nice growth spurt though https://pixeldrain.com/l/JLMfJYHQ
Don’t buy her PPV shit, it’s like 6 seconds full shot of her pussy, 4th clip I’ve bought that’s been just bullshit.
>>262697 Thank you! Share it here, then no one will buy it again!
>>262697 Yeah I bought one for 10 bucks and it was just a vagina shot that was 25 seconds long. Not worth the money. Her vids need to be longer and needs to show her entire body.
>>262697 dude whats the point of telling grown men what to do with their herd earned money if we wanna be simps and support these women because whatever reason thats our prerogative you guys just a bunch of lonely online bullies who think you have it all figured out let me tell you you dont!
>>262706 If you can cum in six seconds then be my guest.
>>262706 If anything you are the one that sounds like the idiot here. Bro gave us valuable info on what you get for $10. If I cared to support any of these women Id be greatful for this info. Alot of these women are low effort scammers Its unfair some women lock videos down to the point you dont get to see a small highlight clip of the video b4 purchase.All we have to go off of is models shitty description and the video time length. If you honestly think about it, its basically a lootbox system. If youre fine with wasting you money on porn lootboxes lol then thats fine but alot of us arent. and the fact that OF allows this is insane when you think about it.
>>262706 >dude what's the point of being a good samaritan and saving other simps from wasting their hard earned money
>>262741 bro cheap af 10 dollars dont even pay for my toilet paper gtfoh i dont understand why its so hard to support beautiful hot women lol who raised yawl mofos
>>262898 Because we choose not to spend money on something we don't want. Admiring gorgeous women is fine but just giving them money for no reason is not.
Unfortunately the content is really bad, now it has two watermarks, short videos with poor quality, I don't see any advantage in subscribing, there's very little breast showing, no pussy and she doesn't read the private messages, none, I've written several, days ago and none of them were read!
>>263236 Your right. More and more girls are using onlyfans to scam motherfuckers and guess what we buy right into.
>>263238 She just sent me a lactation ppv for 20 bucks and iam not interested in lactation content in the least.
Wow I would be glad to see the lactation vid
Might stick a huge dildo in her pussy soon, she kinda tit fucked it
Just posted on her privacy a video with a buttplug Her pussy looks weird
She’s starting to release dildo videos
Looks lik she’s doing BG now
>>263799 I quit buying her stuff because she never answers her messages and she doesn't make it clear what her ppvs actually are.
It's still the same shit, practically all the content is on coomer, so I advise you to stay away, her PPV is expensive and it's not that great, besides, you have no idea what she does in the video, she doesn't say, she doesn't respond to messages!
>>264151 Wait. What? Where? Source?
>>264151 She did one ppv that was bg that legit wasn't even 40 seconds long. She's needs to start making longer vids.
>>262609 Holy shit nice drop! I had no idea she had a modeling career. She's fucking hot both before and after!
>>262357 Oh word? How much are we talking about? Because it's high time I visited Brazil, if she's down, I'll just come over and fuck her myself
Judging by her coomer. Her ppv seems to be 4-5 minutes now.
