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Anonymous 11/08/2024 (Fri) 02:30:41 Id:8546a6 No. 261529
New Janeth thread
Nice. About time!
>>261529 So that’s gigantomastia udders they look yummy!
(9.38 MB 480x848 Getting dressed.webm)
Need some new content
Has she actually released new content? Her Patreon looked dead since early October.
Legit just wanna see her oil them tankers up and shake them. Maybe even slap them together. Would be crazy!
Fuckin tits look like two briskets
Anybody got the nude walking vid and the putting on her clothes vid? Missing those
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1dNyrTb14SAPH1jyH0r8La09fQm63qNBY?usp=drive_link These are what I have missing those two mentioned above also the vid of her talking braless with the right black tank shirt
>>261565 Thank you!
is she still growing?
>>261682 They never stop until they're cut off. That's why it's retarded to wish it on people.
>>261683 Rofl, they do stop at some point. For some it's not as extreme as this and other cases tho.
>>261685 Rofl all you want doctor. All women that get this condition get a reduction.
>>261686 >All women that get this condition get a reduction. Nice retarded logic right there.
Ms Janeth Gisloc where are you? asking for a pic..just one pic damit. straight from infront of you. no minimizer bra like on the few pics your team have managed take to the world this far. just one pic....could you sir team Janeth Gisloc manage to success in this hard task. just asking for one single pic. mega boob ladies on the net are so playing hide and seek these days or playing stripteasegames with no boobs showen. c mon!
>>261696 Prove me wrong.
I feel like at a point they would have to stop growing even if they don't get a reduction. Its not like they are going to reach the size of beds or something on their own even with this condition
>>261703 How about Norma Sitz the woman with the largest natural boobs in the world. Are you new to big boobs or just stupid?
if it is true about macromastia disease why is there no lady still suffering it and letting it live its own life. many of them say i want to have the largest longest tits ever walk this planet. proof it i cant recall ive seen one standing at the top of a say ten floored building looking down having her tits hang all the way down to groundfloor or close... janeth gisloc please show your tits now...
>>261716 Yes because Norma is exactly the same as this woman. Silly me.
when do you guys think she manages to release the next picture? did she release the last pic this year? her pics may be over 10 years old just sayin. hope there surfaces at least a couple of pics in the coming years. i have one or 2 or 2 pics of her that i really dig. janeth gisloc please start an own site with lots and lots of updates. i would join
>>261550 I must be the only one that doesnt really care for oiled up tits. I prefer when they look soft and you can grip them
all of ya, just stfu, keep posting and someone update kemono!
https://saint2.su/embed/o0rKb8qk_wB https://saint2.su/embed/R38wWRgqpTS https://saint2.su/embed/6sh0fVJ04S4 https://saint2.su/embed/1VhVxEHqKgQ
>>261790 Awesome! Do you have the one where she’s walking nude?
>>261760 Ahhh Boobs are like cars. You either like the look or don't Lol Me personal oil makes everything look better xD
>>261790 Never saw this one that she's lying. Insane!! Thank you so much
>>261726 Well you got proven wrong so yea 😏
>>261818 Austism and sarcasm make very bad bedfellows.
>>261819 Can't even spell Autism right but you're retarded so I'll give ya a pass
>>261821 My typo doesn't make you right.
>>261827 You're a retarded faggot cuck.
>>261790 how do you manage to download these?
>>261922 My typo doesn't make that true either.
>>261827 You said 'ALL women with this condition get a reduction' and then you moved the goal posts when you got proven wrong You're very 'austistic' 😂
Hoping to see more of Janeth's huge breasts
>>261982 I maintain these are different conditions. How's that for autism? You proved nothing. All you said was Norma Stitz, like that did anything.
janeth vizloc please post a new pic will you? how hard can it be for your team do produce a pic? you do maximum 4 pics one calender year.
>>261982 >>261993 how about we just say you're both retarded for arguing on a tit board and move on here's all i got, probably some duplicate content but w/e: https://gofile.io/d/lyAYx3
Thank you brother
>>262025 You're a prize cunt and a car fire is too good for you but at least you shared something.
>>262029 understandable, have a great day
>>262025 Thanks man such a phenomenal buffet of femininity these ultra busty babes they just turn me on to no end
>>261993 You maintain moving the goalposts. Nice autism indeed.
>>261947 I got you fam https://gofile.io/d/ScjN5u
Hope those cowtits triple in size.
Pretty amazing watching those grow over time, very rare to see that level of macromastia in real time.
>>262489 Her and BustyVivian are the ones to watch right now.
A bit of macromastia never hurt a tit man, but I just can't get into her. She's not good looking at all, hair always tightly tied back, never ever smiles, her video's suck, she always looks depressed and bored, and honestly, they look like tumor tits... Like giant deformed mutant potatoes with dried up veins. Yuck. There comes to a point where... oh, just forget it. lol
>>263182 The freakier the tits, the better. I like perfect smooth tits too but this gets me going as well
>>263195 nothing wrong with her at all she's third world beautiful these guys are too used to looking at rich big titty women janeth is the genuine article
She finally posted on her Patreon. Wonder if it's any good.
Apparently she did a live nude zoom call??
(89.07 KB 496x620 DEZPz9CgCTt.jpg)
(633.85 KB 640x1144 12h46m30s544.png)
>>264269 There's no way that she's doing live zoom calls with that potato camera.
commodore 64 videocamera or old videocamera from 80s with film sandpapered afterwards ? i dont understand there models. why are you here ? ???????????
aaaaand boobs minimized everytime ....why? does she have >HUGE< tits? are her fans interested in seeing her tits small or minimized to unrecognisable ones?
welcome to earn money janeth when you are ready to show MEGA BOOBS How long must we wait?
>>265916 I haven't seen these before. Mind dropping the rest of her content? Would be greatly appreciated!
>>265957 That's all I got that's missing here. The rest is being gatekept at her patreon or new vimeo link if it exists. I can grab and share them if anybody has a link.
Her breasts are magnificent. Hoping to see more in higher resolution. Better camera and regular updates would be wonderful
finer breasts than abbi secraa. maybe bigger too. but her clips are really poor. she dont show them at all. minimizer on all the time. this is just horrible. there is NOTHING TO SEE. all we do is wait janeth. are you gonna show your tits? please answer. face and boobs on screen all the time. and full body mostly with tits and face too. please dont weigh your tits anymore or put them on a table unvisible anymore. so please show your tits now looked at her patreon there is 3 different memberships. first is 10 bucks. then there is 20 bucks...and third for liek 70 bucks. i believe you dont see anything for 20 or less and for the 70 you get one tit our or something. i am not gonna pay
(256.39 KB 1170x1152 IMG_4141.jpeg)
Wait a sec folks...
>>266416 Here we go!
Wow Could be something special Having said that, updates have been poor up to now…very infrequent and poor quality Fingers crossed
>>266416 Oooh let the content flow
>>266489 Content seems to be coming out at a quicker pace too...
Anybody got an update?
Looks like there are other updates worth a look too…
what do you have to pay to see all her patreon content? are there any good lipc now. no under microscpe filming please. no more commodore 64 videocamera clips. thank you
She said adult content....then 2 days later posts a video named voting......feels like to me it's a video of her going to do an adult thing and vote. I ain't paying 75 bucks to see her vote 🙄 Show me the melons wtf
impossible to see huge tits anylonger. they have put a minimizer on and the price is so high that no one påys. and if a fool do..they fool him by showing nothing.. this is like hoping for a cassette comeback. it wont happen. last man take the boobflag with you.. bye!
janeth....75 bucks is something that is more than most guys can save in a month while working. we arnt diamond pickers what country are you in? we are talking american dollars arnt we? come on!
i think 75 american....us american.....northern american ....trump american....cents for a videoclip would be fare. the income for people are so low these days. please titladies...help us working men who hold our contries somewhat on feet....let us buy clips for reasonable pennies.. please show your tits properly. take off the embarrasing minimizers and show your face with the gozons at the same time. janeth? are you there?
But content and video filming (whoever it is) is horrible. No boob drops, no jumping, not even dangling. Even Abbi has more action ans she is like watching paint dry:D
I paid 75 for her patreon package in the past. It's not worth it. Even her messages feel AI written
I bet you a 100% that there won't be any adult sex video shit! be real guys, this lady or whoever operates this page are a SCAAAM!
Is there anything new from her at all? I saw her Patreon had a few updates, one about “washing her bust” does anyone have that?
We haven’t had ANY new pics or vids since her laying on her back months ago. has she not posted ANYTHING, or just no leaks ?
No leaks bc she's been posting. I think she may have switched off from Vimeo which is making it harder. I'm thinking of taking the plunge for it just this once so we can get some of the new stuff for those that want it. Not soon though.
Thanks bro. Would be greatly appreciated
https://www.er0m e.com/a/5JE3P9Fd
>>267133 Thx for sharing. This could have been amazing but they chopped off the bottom half of her boulders
So, it's just another video they messed up. Is she trying to be annoying on purpose?
Thx for sharing....agreed it's quite pointless we want to see them, fully on display
excuse me Ms Janeth, could you please show your tits? we are not interested in seeing you tits UNDER MICROSCOPE!!!
(153.21 KB 1284x1266 IMG_3866.jpeg)
Latest post she mentions a video of someone undressing and touching her. Seeing is believing so let's see.
is that a screen from "sexy girl" commodore 64 game back from 82? show you tits vizlet! we are waiting. we wont pay for nothing. start from there. thanks
Does she post anything on new vimeo? Does someone have the link?
Sorry for the wait /user232821700
>>268087 hero of the day, thanks dude!
I don't know how to do it.
Is there a link there?
>>268165 >to >>268165 For the Vimeo
sorry for my ignorance but I don't know how to see it
>>268196 just search any video vimeo and change the code to user232821700
Change what code? I don't get it
>>268317 https://vime0 .com/user232821700
Got it thanks. Wow she really has such great tits🤤🤣
horrible filming. HORRIBLE. COMMODORE 64 videocamera used to film boobs from 1cm . i cant see a thing. ms Janeth pleasae show your bobos and full body of retire. we do not want to see nothing anymore. BESHINE and ABBI SECRAA the other MEGAboobed women already are in the NOT SHOWING THEIR BOOBS CATEGORY. ms Janeth please dont join this group. pleasae show your boobs or retire
>>268534 How much anger! hahaha it's true, we just have to wait patiently and hopefully see that pair of wonders in all their splendor. In the meantime, we will always have other equally interesting options.
>>268550 I would like to discover them if u don’t mind please!
