/tits/ - Tits

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astarbabyx0 11/11/2024 (Mon) 09:04:06 Id:45b7a8 No. 261784
Had a great time posting last time, so lets go one more time, she's much bigger now almost at yungfreckz size, here's something to get it started https://gofile.io/d/9HqNP7
https://mega.nz/file/yl9BhYya#L_VaCPqw67WLLls4TTjPHauVs-MvKO8KilkS18D9weY Here's one of mine
God bless you
>>261787 thanks but it's an old vid. she's bigger than that now, look that
Her videos would be better if she showed her whole body, not just her tits.
This is literal perfection. Why can’t all women be shaped like this?
She sometimes has a strange face, I know she put filler in her lips but I don't know if she has made any more changes to her face. She has a beautiful face, she doesn't need to change anything
>>261798 The world would be the paradise
>>261784 Is the vid new or old?
girl mentalhealths her way out of making real content and money
>>261824 This concept might just blow your mind but she isn't duty bound to do what you want regardless of what you would pay her.
this girl is fkn stunning absolute hottie in the face, but her most recent boob growth is too much. she was a 10 for me prior to her recent boob growth. i mean she still is a 10 but i wish she would stop growing. there is such a thing as too much and her boobs are now getting too big
>>261837 Are you coming out?
not gay whatsoever. i mean did u see how she looked a year ago compared to now? her boobs went from being huge to now getting un-natural looking big to the point where shes gonna end up getting a breast reduction soon if she doesnt stop growing. mark my words. she will get one soon
How can I induce this growth on my wife? lol she is an E cup now but it’s from weight gain. I don’t want her gaining anymore weight but I want her tits even larger
>>261837 Never "too big"
>>261844 Play with her boobs lovingly every day give her eye contact and express how good she makes you feel. The hormones in tits make them expand with intimacy and eye contact. Science
>>261852 lol what a fucking loser
>>261852 Fake as fuck. 10 years touching my wife boobs every day and they just got bigger because she got fat.
>>261837 You are in the wrong part of the internet.
>>261869 Who says she wants you touching her. Might not be attracted to you. That’s a factor as well.
>>261797 >Her videos would be better if she showed her whole body, not just her tits. this tbqh
>>261881 Now that you've said it I'm sure she'll get on it right away. In fact I'm 100% sure she's not been asked this at all.
>>261852 Try r/nbe
If she keeps up this growth she might get as big as Mara.
>>261916 a perfect sphere with tits like spaniels ears? yeah yay.
>>261797 https://gofile.io/d/E3jLi0
A few days ago...
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Is she selling new vids? First pic is a year ago btw. Not sure if she grew or that’s just the fetish talking
>>261923 her body is fuckin perfect, and her boobs are only getting bigger, love to see it
>>261924 she def much bigger now, she is 36L australian which is converts to 58Q us
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Idk I’m not convinced. The left pic is from last year
>>261921 I think those videos are old. She is bigger now
There's a ton of her videos on ero. me Just search her name and the site
Balding big tit Aussie whore
>>261930 Where did you get that pic from? I don't see it on her coomer party.
Balding?? Wha
>>261956 Yo mama is balding
>>261956 Did you say her tits were too big too? What are you doing hanging round here? Run out of dicks to suck?
oil or shower is really the best content imo.
why her face looks like shit
>>261959 Coomer stopped updating a while ago, but I think they recently fixed it. So unless someone is actively uploading it's probably not going to show up.
She's now selling a topless boob-play video, about 4 minutes and 30 seconds. She strips out of a cosplay outfit. $30...
Forgot the pic
>>261916 mara is huge but a star is on track to be bigger
U got that new $30 vid?
>>262003 Cause she is insecure as fuck despite the monster fat bags hanging from her chest
LAST 15 POSTS IN HERE-ONLY 1 PIC OR VID SHARES. i hate when these threads get hijacked by u fkn keyboard warrior losers nobody gives a chit about what u gotta say. either post some pics/vids/links or gtfo and dont spam the post. we aint here to talk
>>262035 Thanks for all the content you just posted.
>>262035 You must be new here.
>>262035 Your pics didn't upload, try again please. Unless you are another keyboard warrior.
>>262035 Such a cavalcade of genuine quality content you posted here. How do you do it? I truly bow at you feet oh king of kings for this bountiful harvest.
Anyway, is that cosplay pic the only thing she’s posted on OF? I understand not spending the $30 on the vid but could someone hook us up with pics at least?
>>262049 Just ask >>262035 . He has it for sure.
>>261929 australians dont use underbust inches for bras they use dress sizes (dont ask me why) that is like a UK bra size as most brands that run that big use those sizes or similar. if she is a 36L uk that means her bust measures 56” or 142cm
>>262007 Jfc she really has gotten bigger
A lot of these huge tit overweight girls suffer from PCOS which causes hair thinning at the crown. If you pay attention many of these girls are balding.
>>262060 Ok doc
>>262145 Yes I am studying to become a naturopathic physician. I am very familiar with this. My wife even suffered from PCOS in the past and her tits were growing like mad at one point.
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>>262181 What a sad little twerp you must be in real life.
>>262174 Naturopathic medicine defintion: Naturopathic medicine is a system that uses natural remedies to help the body heal itself. It embraces many therapies, including herbs, massage, acupuncture, exercise, and nutritional counseling. So yeah make of that what you will.
i'd stuff her so fat. shes perfection
>>262403 I just assumed you were here for the women you find unattractive.
one of the hottest sexiest chicks out there. I wish she would go hardcore and start doing b/g though. can u imagine if you got to titfuck her lol
>>262005 >$30 >USD bruh
>>262556 thank you! She is absolutely gorgeous and her voice sounds so pretty, it totally suits her looks! Love seeing her try on those tops and seeing how heavy her chest is
>>262718 But that video is old, she is much bigger now
>>261931 Anyone have the vid the first pic was screen capped from?
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>>262724 https://gofile.io/d/jiXhYT It's the second one.
>>262802 Are the vids recents?
One day she'll show belly ;_;
She needs to collab with her fellow cow titted strayan Ari Faith
She is so beautiful and chubbier https://www.instagram.com/reel/DC1w1kvRt9x/?igsh=MTNpanlxanJnZjJzMg==
>>262893 Exactly
>>262872 One can dream...
https://gofile.io/d/FvLnYU i dont have premium so please grab and share i hope she gets fatter. are there many recent ppv? was thinking of resubbing but i know she doesnt always put out new videos regularly
>>263049 Are recents the videos?
>>263056 if you're asking because she's bigger now, why not just look at the videos yourself? even if you can't tell, if you have to ask what does it matter? her tits are massive either way but to answer your question, no, these are older videos from the first half of the year
>>263049 good idea the watermak in the middle of the vid... anyway thanks but it's old stuff. we need new vids. she's double now.
>>263058 Bruh, a simple yes/no was enough, no need to schizopost like that.
>>263049 thanks for the drop! and yeah she was on a hiatus but seems to have to have returned, recently she has posted a shego cosplay ppv and a outdoor boob play ppv and a pic set ppv
here's my share https://gofile.io/d/GWWKpw
>>263062 legend. the size difference in some of these is nuts
Is it just me, or is gofile not working rn? Every link I try is impossible to connect to
>>263080 it's you
Nvm, my wi-fi was buggin
enough of her old vids, we need new ones.
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the perfect 10 boob hottie shes what yung freckz and tally berry should be but better than both together she fulfills all the fantasies a big titty babe supposed to
I remember that this girl was called "the new lolosavo" in the beginning. But she's much bigger now than she was then
>>263116 feel free to buy and share them with us
Just posted the other day...
Shes great but all the effort she puts in hiding her belly/body ruins her content. Not that I want to see her belly (I do tho), but that limits her content to weird angles, weird poses or too close to the camera. Those limitations make her content too repetitive. Anyway, she has a pretty face and shes enormous, I love it, but content could be better.
>>263363 Agreed. I would like to see her whole body
>>263363 Its a common trend with big tit models. A lot of big tit models also happen to be plus-sized models, (heavier women often have bigger tits, what a concept!) Part of it is showing off what they think are their best assets, but a lot of them are also embarrassed to show off their full figure because they think they're fat and dudes won't like them as much if they do. Frustrating to see so many models who hold themselves back because of insecurity & trying to appeal to "normal" people but what are ya gonna do.
Bro really felt the need to explain this lmao
>>263363 If you look at the first video in the 262802 post you will see at the end she does show her belly. It's not a new video since you can tell she is a bit smaller. But there are a significant amount of the bustier/larger women who just won't show their belly. It's the part of their body that they will generally be the most self-conscious about.
You belly psychologists make me laugh
>>263610 thank you kind sir!
>>263784 >>263775 special kinda girl! what a rack
https://bunkr.ph/v/nNbtvpkzgkiBf https://saint2.su/embed/G85o5ikS3-W https://bunkr.site/a/cPqU3Imd https://bunkr.ph/v/V0qwoRXPK7li9 https://gofile.io/d/36THmG
>>263825 This woman is incredible, her face is beautiful and her tits are huge, and she is now even bigger than in those videos
>>263825 Nice some different ones in there
Sure is nice, I can get it
>>263963 She is huge now, but wants to lose weight ☹️
>>263965 If she loses weight her tits are gonna deflate in the worst way. They are too big now to go backwards. They will sag like crazy and be pointy
>>263965 of course she does. they always do.
It's summer in AUS, I full expect her to go into some mental funk and not post for months on end once summer's over.
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so huge
She goes to the gym, that means she wants to lose weight and then her boobs will shrink
>>265445 Thanks for the drop!
$12 in Brazilian currency is impossible to pay for just 4 photos, someone from abroad could strengthen it.
$15 Correcting
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I asked her for a custom today and she told me it's $100/min with a 5 min minimum. You want me to pay $500 for a single video? These chicks get more and more delusional every day
i'm the sucker who paid for her nudes. you're welcome
ty kind sir!
I hope that in 2025 she goes on a diet to gain weight and continues to grow naturally, how beautiful that woman is.
Is her of worth it? She's looking so massive lately i am dying tk see the newer videos, but worried everything is behind paywall and OF is just pictures. Is anybody currently subscribed?
We used to get regular updates on her Reddit page, but it was taken down recently
>>266756 I'm subbed right now and I kinda regret it. About 90% of her stuff is paywalled I'd say, you'll usually just get a teaser on the feed and then have to pay $20+ for the full video
>>266819 Thanks for the reply, was afraid of this. My sub going to mushroombitchx instead. A shame cause astar tits near unparalled
>>266819 i really dont get why they do that. i think its to prevent people downloading and sharing but for me it just makes me cancel my membership. i already paid to get in. im not dropping another $20-100 for a video. i dont mind something under $20 every once in awhile but thats only on free pages. in fact, IMO they should only allow paid DMs on free OF. paid OF should not have them.
video from 2 days ago: https://gofile.io/d/CCTWwp
>>266951 She’s so massive now, thx
https://gofile.io/d/wvluRS Her nipple sucking vid enjoy boys
You also need to know how to be grateful, thanks to the brave people who share her private content.
Thanks for the video bro
>>266951 They’ve gone from huge to giant. Reminds me of vsnaps
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>>266951 two hands and they’re still flopping out. Thanks for the shares
>>267000 Many thanks. You guys are certified legends
https://mega.nz/file/fhNQlLpT#UY_4ff80xF7TCebmzsMCx_v7NdrktRgdO4TwHFYFdYs Pretend doggy vid. Up for a week
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Just saying
She just posted this the other day
>>267560 I love when she doesn't just show her tits.
>>267331 >>267350 >>267560 Ngl I love that shih, instead of minding her size, I love how she carries it, she wears it like a crown, at least so far. I'd date the fuck outta her shamelessly >>267221 Did anyone manage to snatch this and would care ro re-share?
These were just posted yesterday
