/tits/ - Tits

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Notyourfeedee Very very swelled juggies 11/18/2024 (Mon) 01:47:13 Id:11a623 No. 262372
One of the feeders chicks tell me those aren’t world class juggs wow
>>262372 Dude I can’t believe she’s like 20 💀
Been hoping someone would make a new thread for her Here's a video from her last thread: https://gofile.io/d/QNuzte And her coomer could use an update if anyone is feeling generous: https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/notyourfeedee
she's been inactive for months and all of her shit is already on the internet, this thread is pointless
>>262402 Curvage profile says different.
>>262402 Damn bro why so mad, did you message her and she blocked you or something
>>262442 Basically. When will these guys learn you don’t talk to hot women as if they’re men. Bozo.
>>262462 Just talk to them, like they are regular people. Doesn't matter how "hot" they are.
>>262463 Exactly. My experience is that truly hot women prefer to be treated as normal as possible. It turns them on big time when they aren’t on a pedestal
Y'all can't ever stay on topic lmaoo
One of my all time favorites, in a large part due to the tits. Accordingly one of the few whose content I've thoroughly tried to archive. Sadly I'm pretty sure she's been inactive for a while now. I'd be happy to be proven wrong though, obviously. Here's everything I have of her. Sorry about the folder structure, simply easier to keep track of what I've already downloaded that way. https://gofile.io/d/c8anY7 If any of you happens to have more stuff from her, please do post.
>>263612 Hey thanks man this is great!
>>263612 Killer upload tysm
>>263612 the goat
>>263612 Holy shit, you're him.
>>263612 Best upload I've seen in a long time here. Thank you for this! Would you know if she ever showed her face?
>>263612 Merry Xmas kind sir
>>264767 AFAIK she never did, not fully at least. But now I've got to ask you guys a favor. Could someone with a ThisVid account grab the private videos from these profiles and put them up on Gofile? They have a bunch of her videos, including some I don't have in my archive. Thanks in advance https://thisvid.com/members/5741281/ https://thisvid.com/members/6079826/
>>265685 >https://thisvid.com/members/6079826/ which videos exactly?
>>265854 *from both accounts
What is her cup size recently
>>265685 >I don't have in my archive damn that was pretty comprehensive
>>265855 I can get them but which ones are her so I don't have to go through every video?
>>267015 first profile: https://thisvid.com/videos/what-a-belly2/ https://thisvid.com/videos/big-boobs-bbw/ https://thisvid.com/videos/huge-tits15/ https://thisvid.com/videos/bbw-huge-tits2/ second profile they've pretty much only posted her videos super easy to find them. https://thisvid.com/members/6079826/
>>267127 https://gofile.io/d/AMAojH That's all I could get due to locks on the others plus the website crashed. If I can get more I will add them.
>>267146 sweet thanks dude
(675.71 KB 1284x1840 IMG_0332.jpeg)
Yeah she got a little chubbier but her tits blew up
