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Think she'll do it again Anonymous 12/03/2024 (Tue) 10:57:06 Id:d0d65c No. 263430
So recently she's been trying to not do tooless content but is trying ever other form like food reviews and whatever. They don't seem to work. Think she can be convinced to going topless again.
>>263430 what a surprise...
If the money trickles, she'll go back on her own, or she won't and just does the job thing. At this point, there's a bunch of shit out there of her topless anyway, so let her cash grab if it's a cash grab. Long as she isn't scamming.
She’s been getting in front of the cam more, doing like candid just walking down the street with huge tits. They look big as ever. I hope she whips them out again.
>>263444 Glad I'm not the only one who sees that they've inflated a bit more
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>>263489 >>263488 I'd swear that someone wanted to see this kind of video in the last thread.
anyone have pics from before she started doing OF?
She'll jump back in next year, the demand for her is too much
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Dose any one have this video of her playing with small vibrator?
>>263670 I think that's a butt plug.
Theres a short video of her in a bunny suit trying to hold her monster tits with nipple clamps. Anyone have the full vid?
I'm curious what she posts on her onlyfans https://onlyfans.com/danigamerstar I suppose it's basically a goofy ass private Instagram
>>263696 Don't sub to it, this thread has been cleaned from earlier posts and people subbed to her said she doesn't post anything worth while. Don't spend your money
>>263430 she had a tummy tuck huh? you can see the scar in the last pic
>> atleast the white woman defended herself in court. I got more respect for her.
>>263744 You call that a tummy tuck? lol
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my baby shes the girl of my dreams
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Are these new?
>>263686 Seconded, this has piqued my interest 😁
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Don't give your money to that whore, she's not worth it, plus she never appreciates anything, don't waste your money on that whore
>>you make me want to spend it on her now. Thanks for letting me inside your minds.
>>264010 We will not. We promise.
I think it's only a matter of time, she's playing dumb by walking around knowing damn well her tits look monstrous. She took pics at the beach so the cleavage is back and she's doing stupid videos dancing in her room but she's not wearing a bra. She knows damn well what she is doing. I think if you dm her enough and if you offer the right amount she'll send a topless pic.
This is the last message I left in this forum, and I am not going to interact with you again, just like I stopped responding to my comments. I am not going to make adult content again; I’m just being myself, walking around as everyone else does on the street. My body looks this way, and that’s it. But what’s certain is that no matter how much money you send or how many private messages you send on OnlyFans, I am not going to change my mind. I also didn’t know that I was prohibited from going to the beach and wearing a swimsuit. You all are pathetic and can’t get over it. I don’t even want to imagine you with a girlfriend in person. And if I was so ungrateful to all the subscribers I had because there are so many nude pictures of me on the internet, you are the ones who are being foolish. Don’t waste your money because I will not undress for anyone for any amount of money. What you see on OnlyFans is what there will be now and later. Stop expecting anything else, and the only reason I am being more flexible with the content now is that I was told to do so. The rest of you can keep digging through old photos from a year ago on the internet; I look better now. Bye.
>>264192 Rp is gay
Sounds done, one more would be nice
>>264192 Síguele chupando las bolas a Maduro en mierdazuela y cállate la jeta
Hola daniela porfavor dame una foto mu
>>264192 No you guys can stop sending her money and she can go get an actual job.
>>264195 She's posted on here before. And if you couldn't tell from the semi broken English... Google translate was used.
>>264223 She does post on here and Google translate was probably used. I don't understand why people are still giving her money. Unless I get to see those titties are she's butt ass naked iam not giving her a dime. People literally paying her to eat sandwiches. Come on man.
>>264240 Yep. She even made that Instagram video complaining about the very same thing.
>>264243 recently or is this just more fucking larping?
>>264247 This isn't "Live Action Roleplay", this is reality. Just check her past Instagram reels. She was complaining about people wanting her to come back to adult work.
It's this video. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C_wd-pJMX4o/?igsh=MXdvb3g3OW96OWZpMw==
>>264250 Did she mention this place?
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>>264272 Le gustan las vergas grandes a la tetona
>>264272 Wait I’m confused. How is jiggling and shaking giant macro boobs in a way too small bikini at a low angle not considered adult content? If that’s all she’s comfortable doing right now that fine but it’s just not too much different than just letting them fall out.
>>264276 no nipples I guess
>>264276 You must be one of those guys who thinks rubbing your dick over a clothed woman is having sex too
>>264272 and like many said, when money gets tight, shes gonna do it again, thats always the case. If your gonna tease you might as well go all the way, especially whyen you STARTED doing all the way.
Let this bitch go and get a reduction, she's cleary mentally unstable. We got thousands of girls with tits as big as hers, she's nothing an attention whore. She love's when you guys beg her to make nude content. For god's sake, stop giving her money to see her eating sandwiches.
>>264260 You can kind of tell it's her because it's normally a paragraph and it's normally a lot of broken English because she uses Google translate because she can't even speak English. Let me take that back. She can say a couple words
>>264281 It may come to that
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I feel bad for this dumb bitch, she looks possessed. She needs real help and all she knows is to walk around showing off her dumb tits. It's sad and pathetic
>>264275 She's telling people that she doesn't do adult content but here she is telling her follower that she wants to suck his dick. So which one is it?
>>264192 Bye dumb bitch, you won't be missed Stop giving yourself so much importance and GTFO
>>264276 Because adult content usually starts at toplessness/full nudity and goes from there. And she probably doesn't want to do more because she got caught by her parents and they gave her an ultimatum.
Any live so far?
>>264272 I get she's not topless in the recent videos but is this not jerk off material? Idgaf about the nipple she's teasing enough for guys to jerk off. Let's cut the bullshit.
>>264281 Lol once she does, those views will stop and Toby's is gonna wanna see her anymore, no more money, no views, time for a real job.
>>264309 She lives in Venezuela, so she's pretty fucked up, and that may end up happening sooner than you think LMAO
So no one has the slightest sniff proof that was her? I call bullshit.
>>264312 At this point, it doesn't even matter. She posted a video on her Insta saying almost the exact same thing. The private conservation posted was hilarious. She never said anything about retiring from being sexually active and horny lol
>>264366 I could do that too. Take notes and run the broken toilet speak she uses though google a few times. You know, just for a giggle and to make people here lose their minds. Fun stuff.
>>264367 Uh... Okay. She's a mom too now? >>264368 I mean it's pointless pretending to be her when she said it for real.
>>264370 >I mean it's pointless pretending to be her when she said it for real. I could repeat it. Show me that she made the post. I never said it wasn't her opinion.
>>264375 I posted it here https://bbw-chan.link/tits/last/263430.html#q264250
Just scroll up. It's a instragram link.
>>264380 she did not mention this place
>>264384 Who cares https://gofile.io/d/yHa1pD
She’s decorating her Christmas tree guys!
>>264272 OOh where do you find these ? Is still active on OF ?
>>264456 I'd decorate her
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She's got big tits, but she's also as boring as watching paint dry. To sub and watch her eat and make stupid faces is just ridiculous .. but to each their own.
>>264706 She still looks better than that other dead face from Florida
She’s such a pathetic whore
>>264861 No need for name calling
>>264865 I like still like her content, but he's not really wrong
some just aren't fans of greatness and it shows. one the best young titty babes ever whats there to complain bout lol especially enjoy the skirt bondage vid so amazing https://gofile.io/d/hLWSBI
wake me up when she'll be fucked. i'm fed up of her retard vids with tongue
Tanks for this new content
Old Gold Don't post the links they’ll get nuked. I would have ripped the videos and posted em here but I didn’t have the time. REPORT MY POST2Eva1NnNG1jb0c= REPORT MY POST2EvUkhWa3dzR2w=
aHR0cHM6Ly93 d3cuZXJvbWUuY 29tL2Eva1NnNG1jb0c= aHR0cHM6Ly93 d3cuZXJvbWUuY 29tL2EvUkhWa3dzR2w=
She got OF now guys
She has been posting more bikini content on her onlyfans now so I think it’s only a matter of time
>>265268 Let's see some
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Wow guys. She’s just wearing bikini tops that are too small with her huge tits barely contained. It’s not adult content it’s just how she looks. She’ll never to adult content again.
>>265315 Then she needs to end her onlyfans and disappear off social media
>>265315 She's a troll. You're a troll. I can jerk of to these as well as her simply bouncing down the street. No worries at all.
>>265339 Is onlyfans and ”social media” only for nudity?
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>>265399 I actually like these. The tease is hot and she was live on Onlyfans last night with a a tiny PJ top and there was a few nip slips cus she literally couldn't keep her massive tits contained. Her tits are way bigger, she gained some weight but she has mentioned a few times she's in a relationship which is normal. I'm cool w her content
>>265408 last one would be, she was not pierced before
Noise aside, it's nice to see her (those tits) back. They've been missed. She's got them Leanne Crow kinda titties and I'm all for it.
What is her ig?
>>265533 daniels_pereira.21
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>>265565 Dang those are juicy. 😍
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Looks like she broke up w her boyfriend. Tits coming soon boys
>>265710 Her food reviews sucked. Like people don't know what toast and eggs taste like.
>>264275 Tienes mas?
>>265710 Iluvbigtits19?? Is that you?
>>265790 I'm not that guy, but it seems that now the Onlyfans whores can see who takes a screenshot and their nickname, what the fuck
>>265416 Anybody saved those streams?
>>265710 she didn't break up, dude got the goods and bounced, her face man, her damn face...
>>265824 I like her face. Wouldn’t change a thing about it. Girl-next-door is a much bigger turn on than a ”perfect” model face. Perfection is boring.
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>>265868 This bitch loves showing off her tits
>>265868 Nice... This is new?
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>>265869 Not enough to take them back out
>>264275 When was this?
truly a work of art this young goddess is. would love to be her husband
Her live stream tonight was a see through white tank top with tiny straps. I can't record from my laptop I'm retarded but it was amazing.
>>264275 So hot
>>266474 Record it with android emulator or with snap saver on your phone
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Recent post of the same outfit she posted like 40 photo looking the same 😬
She is streaming live now
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Did a screen record of everything it was nothing except this for 1 hour I was on it 😬 never again
>>266712 Surely next time she will use a bikini or something like that
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Her tits are bigger than ever
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She is very determined not to be topless and still make the same amount
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>>266759 Well she received close to 400$ last live so its working.. Heres one of the two slips she had. Couldn't react in time for the other one.
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She's being a slut via messages, nip slips, see through tops, massive tits running on the beach playing dumb like as if we're there to see her stupid ass dog. I bet she has done nudes with certain VIP costumers. She claims to not do adult content but still everything she does is meant to be jerk off content. We will see her tits again, sooner or later. Just like Kaitiecali, it might even take a few years but she will be back. We're already almost there.
>>266712 Its funny, in Spanish she said something along the lines of "i know you guys are recording me so thats why i dont do anything more than cleavage because i know you're gonna post it online"
She is offering video chats now are they worth paying for anyone has done one ?
Now she just posted a mass dm and a post about how sexual harassment wont be tolerated and that she'll blacklist users from dming her, this bitch hates money holy shit
Sad to admit boys we might never see these titts out of a bra again and on that note I just hit unsubscribe from her OF
>>267153 At this point everyone should. She needs to be realistic. Why are we going to pay for her Onlyfans?
I think so too so we can see 28 pictures a day of her and her dog at the beach 🤷‍♂️
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Best women
Well on her socials she posted sonogram pics sooo guess she's gonna be back, yitties gonna be bigger than ever and she gonna need money from simps to support lol
>>267445 There isn't a single sonogram pic anywhere
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Has anyone talked to her on Whatsapp or done a video call? She is mia on Onlyfans, I'm guessing she's making money off her WhatsApp now.
>>267467 No way that's really her. Plus she wouldn't use that pic. Hell, most of us didn't know about that video before someone uploaded it here.
>>267473 The phone number is confirmed. It's been leaked. I agree it's not her but you can still hit her up and message or call her.
The absolute most boring Onlyfans ever. I'm finally unsubscribed. DO NOT SUBSCRIBE
I just canceled my subscription the worst onlyfans there is she doesn't post anything and when she does post it's shit
This chick needs a financial advisor. Yes we obviously want to see tits but can you imagine how rich she would be especially living in Venezuela? And she doesn't even do porn, all she did was solo nude modeling. She got out way to early and has nothing to show for it. She should just come back, buy herself a mansion and a few properties and then retire by 30. Yeah your tits are out for the world to see. Who cares? They're already out there. She's trying to make money blogging when literally every single viewer is there for her massive tits. Come back Daniela, we get to see your tits and you'll be rich. It's a win win for everyone.
>>267485 What is a person who leaks her number thinking? ”This will lead to something good!” 🤪
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You mean to tell me that this isn't meant for jacking off? She's telling subscribers that she wants to suck their dicks. Whether she meant it or not who gives a shit. The point is that she got out to not be an internet whore, yet she still is one but only now a mediocre version of one. Making worse content and making less money. End of rant.
This Lady blocked me on Insta, I only said I would faint if seeing her in the streets, because she posted a video of her walking...she seems to prefer Guys who talk in her language, really not nice...
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This is the only garbage she has posted since January 20th. She doesn't have TikTok and she only post stupid ass selfies on Instagram. Idk how this bitch makes any money online but please let her starve
>>267885 Better than nothing.
>>267960 Such a low bar to beat but sure better than NOTHING is indeed a fact lmao
With the amount of nudes she has on line everywhere ,if people just stayed away from her OF and enjoy the ones that are out there already I’m sure she will make more, but I guess we all can’t help it as guys with the hope that’s one day she might so we keep subscribing and coming back again and again
She's doing customs on Onlyfans
200 bucks for no nudity 🤯 wtf that’s crazy !!
Slowly but surely yall boys
>>268091 She looks extra massive and juicy in the first pic. Love it! 🤤
too bad that she's so ugly and stupid...
>>268298 She's definitely not ugly, dude. Come on.
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I think she's really pretty
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What really happened for her to stop Posting nudes she seems torn between wanting the attention and being dramatic with going off at anyone who sexualises her but yet she is on onlyfans 😬🤷‍♂️ does anyone know what happened for her to stop nudes
>>268411 It's a combination of things. She first stated on her social media that it was God and when she nuked her Instagram she started posting a few Christian things like music and quotes. Then she said it's not God, she's just mentally over it and she feels better not having to do that for money. She wants to say she's a valuable citizen to society so to speak. Now the truth is that the she lives in Venezuela where a regular job makes shit and even she can't deny that she has 2 massive money makers attached to her chest. So instead of going back on her word and "God" she now does content that does not include nudity. Somehow if it's not nude she thinks it's better and righteous even though her and all her fans know it's content to masturbate to. Which is why a lot of us are saying it's only a matter of time that people get over the tease and when she sees that money dry up as well. She's going to say fuck it I'm back who cares I need money. If you look at her Onlyfans timeline, the outfits and pictures are getting sluttier and sluttier. And right now she's promoting video calls and custom videos where you can pick the outfit and what to say. It's adult content, doesn't matter what way she slices it. She might as well go topless which is what is so annoying about this chick and why everyone bashes her. She's a hypocrite.
>>268318 horse face
Okay, I'll stop doing that.
>>268442 Lmao at this point no one is buying into the whole “it’s just my body” or “I don’t make that content anymore”. There’s nothing righteous or better about what you post than the average nude picture seller, especially when it’s clear you’re edging that kind of content anyway. Everyone is here for those tits, so you might as well go full bore and milk them for all they’re worth. Hell, you might make more money by literally milking them at this rate.
Amen to that!!!! She just posted she will no longer be making videos again after 48 hours and I’m guessing everyone just requested see though things to see those milkers that’s what we all want to see
>>268443 There is a clear difference between nude photos and sexy clothed photos. Either your incel brain is rotten or you are trying to trick her to start posting nudes again. I don’t think she reads your posts, though.
she seems very fair skinned for a latina...burns in the sun and a nice colour skin generally
>>268472 Considering you couldn’t grasp the basic english of “nothing righteous or better” and read/translated that to “nothing different”, you should be worried about your own brain activity Simpboy.
https://saint2.su/embed/anI1_brASwf shes amazing even clothed
>>268428 How you idiots even say this fr?
