/tits/ - Tits

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Y.S.P Anonymous 12/12/2024 (Thu) 12:46:42 Id:891def No. 264181
Anyone got her customs or new PPVs thanks https://bunkr.fi/a/w5kPJCix https://bunkr.site/a/qEaHNj4a
Hands down! Best tiddies ive ever seen. She's a rare breed.
agreed def some of the best tits I've ever seen and if I went out with her and she pulled those out I'd probably literally blow my load right away something so epic about huge full perky tits that drives me crazy
>>264308 I have a feeling if she showed her face she wouldn't be very good looking.
>>264314 I was just having the same thought. fuck it though. look at those tits
beautiful body but butterface
>>264351 Do you just post non sequiturs all over?
>>264350 Butterface? She don't show her face
Yeah she’s Elmer Fudd with perfect tits
Perfection in a body, too bad she makes boring content and doesn’t put out frequently enough. She asked what would we like to see more from her on her page and my answer was something like “for you to put out content”. She liked the comment so she’s doing it intentionally, this is clearly a money grab for her.
Oh woof, I see why she doesn't show her face. For privacy.
Where have you guys seen her face?
>>264714 I've seen a glimpse of her face which I think she dide by mistake but she's not very good looking. Awesome body but other than that just an average looking chick in her 40s.
Do you have a screenshot???
Post her face, wonder how she looks like
>>265977 She looks like your uncle Jim
>>265972 I don't remember. It was some random video she did where the camera was higher than it normally was in her vids. I didn't record it because it was only topless and I mainly only keep full nude vids in my library. Trust me though she's not very good-looking but her body is out of this world.
She never bounce them properly. That is probably why they remain so perky...
>>265990 Do you remember if this vid was a vid posted on her wall? Or was it a ppv vid?
>>266008 It was an vid posted on her wall but I don't remember which one. You would have to look through them all.
>>266012 if her full or even partial face slipped wouldn't someone had posted it by now? we sure it wasn't a deleted post? yall go through now this moment before she or her bf sees this and deleted, look at , download or seek every vid on the c00m3r page
>>266257 Yeah I’m guessing it’s on coomer but there’s so many vids on there, and I’m surprised no one has leaked that face vid yet
https://bunkr.si/f/TlNZIBx9AUnJP https://bunkr.black/v/TQU9zTmhOMDL1 https://bunkr.media/v/PXIEGc77GKWjG enjoy
https://gofile.io/d/c7jwpO Shame she never did any lives or try on hauls
(854.12 KB 1043x1927 Screenshot_20250201_135605.jpg)
>>267588 Yeah you can kind of get an idea what she looks like but man I've bought so much content from her it's ridiculous. I was buying so much she literally told me to slow down on requesting shit. This was a couple years back though.
