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LDM legendary 01/09/2025 (Thu) 21:07:53 Id:f72b5e No. 266151
the best ever in her prime and made me a boob man
FOH Wat happen to goddess thread
Shame she lopped them off, and then got shit looking implants when she realised her small ones no longer made the grade
anyone have a good quality version of the gym threesome?
>>266167 >>266167 There you go. https://gofile.io/d/WBuDg6
>>266168 Lucky guy....he didn't know how good he had it. LDM is an icon.
>>266168 >https://gofile.io/d/WBuDg6 >>266168 thanks
>>266181 She's terrible right? Just awful. So glad she had the reduction. She's a pig.
>>266181 yeah you're a few decades off you fuckin retard
>>266206 .......
>>266206 ha ha gottem
>>266181 >>266206 >>266214 It's funny how you fuckers have a shit fit when somebody mentions race, gender, tats or other triggers. But you're perfectly at home being ageist. I guess it's the last exclusionary thing you can get away with right?
>>266226 You know i saw a video where she was getting her pussy ate by some chick and she was looking around like it was no big deal like. That chick could have stuck her entire tongue in their and I almost guarantee she wouldn't have flinched not one bit.
>>266224 Ageism is, excuse the pun an old one. It was a thing long before that tsunami of diarrhea we call woke. I think it was conceived in wokes previous iteration. Political correctness.
>>266206 Old or not this content is still good and I can jerk off to it. Feel free to continue to do the same over whatever does it for you.
LDM could've maintained legend status for decades if she'd left the gifts god gave her alone. The desperation with which she tries to claw back the level of attention she once had is depressing and amusing. Her failure is a fitting punishment.
>>266235 She didn't and it's time you accepted that. If you can't enjoy the old material without the new, or what she is now affecting your enjoyment then it would be better for you to spend your time on models more to your liking.
(2.62 MB 498x270 It's been 84 years.gif)
>>266268 >.wmv Windows movie maker...I remember.
>>266237 Her body her choice. The obvious fact that she regrets what she did is delicious to me, and the fact that you're out here still trying to get her to fuck you is even better.
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>>266271 >The obvious fact that she regrets what she did is delicious to me I can't say I don't find it strange that this gets you of but good for you. You carry on kid.
To this day I haven't seen a pair similar to Linsey Dawn Mckenzie since she got them reduced. You can find similarities with other models but not with her.
>>266278 They were world class
Who is thatttt!! holy moly
>>266276 this, Who is thissss
Just one anon’s opinion: She went from hot to meh. She had big tits then got a reduction realized that was a mistake and got implants making her tits just so so and not the gems they were. Now I could understand if it was something like cancer but from what I know she reduced and regretted.
>>266316 I wonder what was going through her mind when she made that decision, like fk. Why!!
Anyone got that one video of hers where she was jumping with a skipping rope outside that church or something? Looked like an old building.
>>266323 Yeah I'll post it later today.
>>266316 This could be said for many reductions. Almost all. It's not worth concerning oneself over.
Come on, OP. G.O.A.T.? Lol. She looked good on Howard Stern, that's about it.
>>266357 She was the most popular and profilic glamour model compared to just about every other model posted on this site with content that spanned decades. Only other women that came close is Danni Ashe and Chloe Vevrier.
>>266393 Seriously, this. Y’all bunch of fetuses don’t understand just how big a deal she was and how long her career lasted. And get off my lawn, too.
>>266394 i agree she was a huge deal this was back in the day when the popular women had giant natural tits AND were slender, imagine that
A little dance number https://gofile.io/d/jPYYMH
>>266619 Top-10 in the spank bank. LegenDAIRY.
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Did someone has this video? https://abxxx.com/video/230600/the-great-lineup-of-1999-bigboobbundle/?campaign_id=520379779
>>266645 >https://gofile.io/d/jPYYMH thanks.. thats what made her so great even in a group of the hottest busty babes she stands out ahead of the pack. Just pure raw natural sex appeal
>>266645 https://gofile.io/d/CYGVho
Hero 😘
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Did someone has her boobcruise stuff?
>>266645 I know who Chloe and Lindsey are but I'm not familiar with the other 3. Who are they?
>>266803 Girl next to Linsey is Autumn-Jade
>>266803 Left-to-right Jessica Turner, Kathy, Autumn Jade
Autumn Jade's first hardcore scene: https://www.playvids.com/es/gPP-rw7U6lm/score-video-autumn-jade-ultimate-autumn
>>266877 Thanks! Haven’t seen Autumn Jade in ages. She used to be right behind Kerry Marie and Lorna Morgan for me.
>>266329 So this was a fucking lie. I'm actually gonna do it this time I think I reckon.
Anyone got the curse of page 3 she was in
>>266935 A quick google search gave me this as a first result, you lazy fuck: https://www.tnaflix.com/es/big-boobs/Linsey-Dawn-McKenzie-skips-and-strips/video7222694
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Boobcruise stuff, who has someting? https://www.whoreshub.com/videos/292243/linsey-dawn-mckenzie-in-boob-cruise-97/
>>268177 Busty Dusty, Sarenna Lee, Tracy Topps, Angelique ....These women were my fantasies back in the 90's...
