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mona_offiziell_vip 01/11/2025 (Sat) 07:26:56 Id:a81e53 No. 266264
She is very underrated Pussy vid : https://bunkr.ph/f/FBHH0OxSDJEVP
(1.08 MB 2000x1333 bella_mona.jpg)
Perfect body
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>>266451 I love the way her body looks. Her face is fine. Normal looking face but I love her body. I wish more women looked like this.
Brooo love this girl! Good shit, thanks for the shares
Found this https://bunkr.site/a/jep9yGYT
>>267339 These are old shes been doing more glamor photos shoots lately. She hasn't been making very many videos
>>267345 Actually she does. She DMs about one ppv a month.
(417.82 KB 1536x2048 GikXbYnW0AADvPO.jpeg)
She does ppv's...but not " free " ones which are included in the subscription...
>>267471 Her sub price is 25 bucks and I've literally subbed and bought more content from her than I have bought from anyone other than yourshamelessplug. It would be nice to get something for free every once in again.
>>267527 I agree. 25 buck is pretty steep for sub. Although the customs are reasonably priced compared to others. And whatsup with the chatbot lately. Did she get lazy replying to her fans? I'm disappointed actually.
>>267471 I hope someone shares her new PPV's
I wish there were more pussy vids
>>266264 Nah holup, that pussy looks immaculate, good god
I subbed to her OF. She only posts pics on her feed. One to three posts per week max. Vids are exclusively via dm. Most are not PPV, but it means you only can watch maybe one or two vids if you sub for a month, because that’s all she sends out. So, unlike wall posts, everything previously posted via dm is not visible if you weren’t subbed at that time. Make the $25 even steeper IMO.
>>268262 The thing is, she's working with a company now. As you said, longer or more explicit videos are only available in "private". She doesn't want the leaking stuff anymore. That's the reason. She has a lot videos from masturbating to got grabbed her tits from a guy and so on. Probably around 30 Euro or something.
How You mean she works with a company? I thought she does all by herself?
>>268287 >>268287 Not anymore. She worked as I said with a company now. They are doing her OF and so on. Just the "movies" n pictures are sent by her but only in private.
>>268324 Yeah it's such a shame. I'll be quiting soon because of this. I had a great time small chatting to her directly. Also bought most of her ppvs and have few customs. But now you're undoubtly talking to someone else. That's a no go for me.
>>268366 Bro , would you be sharing her stuff ?
