/tits/ - Tits

Hangers, bosoms and knockers

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emily she grew 01/19/2025 (Sun) 22:03:08 Id:ebccd3 No. 266760
one of the most beautiful busty blondes I've ever seen
>>266760 She looks a bit like Cassie0pia. Awesome tits!
Any ass shots? Looks like she’s got a big juicy one to take her from behind and feel those tits.
>>267086 She doesn't lmao Her ass is like non-existent
/www.REPORT MY POST.com/a/ V8ZnEwmt
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I heard she was Cassie's little sister. Is that true?
>>267174 Now that you say it. They look almost the same!
She looks so angry cos someone drew on her tits
>>267183 I dunno....
>>267174 What's her name?
>>267174 If so, God bless that family and their massive milker genes
>>267204 I'm an idiot ignore me
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The perfect italian hottie I mean this girl is hot and does it all with a big fuckin smile on her face. Total dream fuck
>>267029 Good point hopefully she dethrones cassies dumb fuckin ass and motivates her to make something besides the same 2 videos over and over
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a knockout amazing tits
>>267205 >>267183 >>267174 Folks, not saying it's impossible, but I will share this: when I was at my most mentally unwell, I was constantly getting the idea in my head that people who kinda looked like each other were somehow related. I'd talk to women downtown when I was out in my 300k+ person town and be like, "wow you look like so and so, are you related to so and so?" Not exactly alarming, but definitely an abnormal thought pattern. Hot if true of course, but take care of your health out there, fellas.
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Think she is more beautiful than Cassie, I think she has more Glamour and better boobies, one of the best Newcomer in years
>>267147 its the way it usually goes, front OR back, rarely both
>>268505 Agree, and that fact sucks.
