/tits/ - Tits

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Chyna Chase - The Busty Gamer HugeTittyLover1972 01/21/2025 (Tue) 17:43:51 Id:21c924 No. 266890
Enjoy - https://gofile.io/d/6qqGJj
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Enjoy this one as well - https://gofile.io/d/MOH0iR
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Why does she never just back the camera up in the videos to actually fit her tits in it?? I get people are buying it either way but come the fuck on. Just back the camera up.
>>266890 Is there a problem with the vid linked here for anyone else? I can't view it, nor download it.
>>266904 Shes insecure about some shit. I told her to change the camera angle and she blocked me
>>266906 This should work, if not, then it's you - https://gofile.io/d/IMcPTn
this chick is weird as f. when she first came out idk ten years or long time ago she was hot as hell..all natural short, thick, and stacked ass and tits for days. then she went weird anime and got all unnatural body looking. she went from being my dream women to someone i havent jacked off to in over 5 years lol
>>266904 Her and Poetry, man. One and half damn steps from the camera and pure bliss
Had these lying around. https://gofile.io/d/XysSeZ
Has she lasted with those pumps?
Has she lacted with those pumps*
>>266913 wdym ? That she gained weight or something else ?
Weird stomach lol
I just want to see her on all fours with them tits hanging. She never shoots any quality stuff. What a waste
>>266981 She had a tummy tuck and lipo. They have to make a new belly button
How can anyone get off to this terrible content? Sure she's attractive enough but it's all the same.
No one ever mentions the length of these which i think is the real problem
>>267057 Plenty of models make 10 second clips but very few insist on this camera angle for every single shot.
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I will never understand why she had the tummy tuck and lipo done in the first place. she was never obese fat in the tummy she was just thick with a huge ass and huge tits. then she went and lipo'd her tummy and looks weird as f and fake thats when i stopped following her. before that she was a dream come true natural looking thick 10. I forget the year exactly but sometime around 2020 she got the weird tummy done and went with the full anime thing, but heres some pics of her all natural from where i first started following her back in the 2015 ish era. DOES ANYONE REMEMBER HER BACK THEN HOW SHE LOOKED FROM THESE PICS?
the early years when she was all natural around -2016-before 2020
these are pics from 2016-2019 when first appeared online when before the weird anime stuff and surgury. nowadays most of the attention goes to her boobs but when she first came on the scene i was into her huge ass and big thighs on her short lil frame
heres some of again back in the day boobs pre surgury or weird anime stuff (2016-2019) INCLUDING 1 VERY RARE FACE DROP
>>267066 I dont understand why she hits her face and everyone already knows what she looks lole
>>266931 I'm pretty sure there's a moment in the bonus clips of the leprechaun video where milk leaks out, but I'm not 100%
>>267062 I remember bro, I was graduating high school and she was perfection. She definitely fell off with the surgeries
>>267082 Cool so we can all talk about your mother then?
What a waste. She has everything to show off: big tits, a giant ass, a small waist, and a fat, juicy vagina. But all the videos I've seen of her are the same shit, very, very close shots that barely show a nipple or only part of her waist or ass. Does she have videos with a more distant frame where she looks more complete? Or where she masturbates?
>>267094 she needs to make a video sucking her tits again, but longer
>>267073 muh god if that is true... someone please share
This womans perfect
>>267094 May as well call her "Butterpics"
ayo does anyone have a REPORT MY POST/mega link with alllll her old stuff? that was floating around sometime a while ago
>>267169 if vipeerius still exists, used to post here and had some kind of backup of her stuff
>>267066 Nearly positive #4 is Darth siren and not chyna
>>267100 Again? Show me the first
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>>266913 Same. Chicks who do all this weird shit remind me of prostitutes from the future—and not a good future, but some dystopian future like blade runner or the fifth element.
>>267281 This some good shit
A new short clip - https://gofile.io/d/7aNesC
>>267335 >>267278 https://gofile.io/d/5czIci
>>267279 Areolas lookin dark af, she ain't pregnant is she?
>>267659 Na, she just added some dark makeup to her areolas to show them off.
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Man she’s hot
>>266890 What the fuck am i even looking at here is this a human?
>>267829 >huge tiddies board >is confused by huge tiddies Cmon man, appreciate the damn tiddies and move on
>>267829 Yes a extremely altered human that covers her face for absolutely no reason because everyone already knows what she looks like and Noone gives a shit.
https://gofile.io/d/pP3qUt Is there a full version?
>>266904 I don't got time for these 2007 myspace fat girl angles
>>268448 Seriously? Get some glasses. That's not Chyna, it's Busty Ema, so ask in the Busty Ema thread.
>>268009 That wasn't actual confusion you autistic fucktard, im making a point, and you know exactly what that point is, so piss off. You move on
>>268452 Nobody gives a shit about MySpace you fucktard. Full of busted cunts and whores!!!
>>268623 Your mom ass is to die for
I see why he picks up food from her every day gyaaaat damn
>>268624 You’ll be dead before the day ends motherfucker
>>268629 Thats rude im going sniff that huge ass again.
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