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Vixen Virago Anonymous 01/28/2025 (Tue) 19:06:09 Id:2e4625 No. 267325
Need more!!!
>>267325 Playing Comix Zone on a projector... That's hot.
The fact that I'm allowed to exist in the same time period as this goddess is an act of providence in and of itself, but I wish she'd do more ppvs. Hot as her photos from below and gifs are, my dick craves more.
Those huge titties on that slender, toned frame drives me up the wall😍😍😍
VV is a true living celestial goddess. I fucking love her so much.
Where’s she from? Eastern Europe?
>>267346 Sounds quite American
Want to stick my dick between her tits and aim for her lips🥵🥵🥵🥵
too much filters, makeup and duckface, but fuckable
if i remember, she is american but for one of the best big tit stars of last 3 yrs, is very low key, i had forgotten her for months untl i saw thiis
>>267390 Shes also has a really bad attitude and blocks people if they even remotely comment on how she looks. she sometimes has to much makeup on and the costumes she wears are fucking retarded. When I buy content all I want them to be is fully nude, they don't have to talk or show their face.
>>267395 Considering how steadfast she has been in her appearance and how she likes to present herself, she clearly isnt't what you're looking for in an adult model, so why do you complain? Move on to an adult model that does what you do like.
>>267411 Facts bro. THANK YOU!
>>267411 Her body isn't the issue it's her personality that's the problem. Pretty sure you've never tried to talk to her.
with that body, she could be the number one but mind and will make the difference in this business. busty ema has the mind and the body, that's why she's on top and vixen is easily forgetable.
>>267395 Yeah she definitely has a personality disorder. Great bod tho. Would be hotter if she didn’t
What have I stumbled onto? Psychology Now? When a bitch has a wooden leg you either look past it or find another. jfc, fuckin fags
>>267507 opinions are for faggots who have no content
It's really too bad they this boring pillow princess clip is seemingly the only sextape that she has. https://bunkr.cr/f/0h6oikl6dler5uy9j44fn_720p-I105U3CX.mp4
>>267541 imagine being a titcow famous for your tits (shocker) and you finally release a sextape and its vertically filmed from behind with nothing to see
>>267395 Ok that explains it. I dont remember what I said but apparently she blocked me. I dont recal ever like insulting her or whatever, but now I see she has a tendency to do it.
(428.91 KB 1284x1416 IMG_3864.jpeg)
>>267554 Super hot but reeks of BDP
>>267779 at this point its safe to just type heart emojis and be done wih it, say one thing and boom blocked
i love her looks but i always found those cosplay things a big turn off...its a bummer to see her as avatar or some anime imo
>>267779 you mean BPD?
>>267906 He doesn't care. He just wanted a way to sound smart while calling her a cunt. And if he gets the attention and approval of other men, then that's a bonus.
>>267919 Can you get the winning lottery numbers for me too?
>>267919 She's a cunt and your opinion means even less to me than your sex.
>>267919 Yeah if your critical in any way pertaining to her content she will block you
>>267985 And if the criticisms are legit, then she's a cunt for blocking people for it and surrounding herself with sycophants who won't tell her her shit stinks.
Someone asked for content?
too bad that surgery on her face now... plastic doll
Don’t care about any surgeries she might or might not have had the shape and size of her tits are insanely good
>>268035 Exactly! Regardless of anything else, the shape and proportions are just on another level. Absolutely unreal! She's unmatched
>>268018 What's wrong with it? And how did she look before ?
>>268080 I've been following her for a few years and I have no idea what they're talking about. But maybe I'm just focusing too much on her tits.
She the one with the nice coochie
She's from a small town in Pennsylvania. She wasn't shy about talking about it when she first hit the scene.
>>267325 As the progenitor of this thread I must keep it alive! Please add more content as her stuff is harder to find!
