/tits/ - Tits

Hangers, bosoms and knockers

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ellseve0 major 02/24/2025 (Mon) 16:19:24 Id:93b654 No. 269365
huge titty milf not sure wheres shes from tho
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>>269386 Horrifying
>>269386 nice macromastia hangers
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Her name is PriscillaDeFatima28, she’s from Brasil. She’s on a YT video from around end of 2023/24 where she got a reduction. Her TikTok is her raising money for a second reduction because they grew back to the same size.
Oh I and I almost forgot to add that she blames her breast growth on the vaxxine. 😂 and the nude photos are from right before her first reduction. She’s making it a point to not “sexualise” herself or show any nudes this time around but begs for money the whole time on TikTok. Typical clown behaviour.
>>269414 Is this actually her?
>>269441 Are you blind? Of course it isn’t. That girl doesn’t have a Skeletor face unlike the girl this thread is about
true she just has gigantomastia udders like her
If you see her face :-) Skinny and with those gigantomastia udders, she could look like a witch for all that i care :-D A pity if/when she goes through with reduction. Hey popularity will go from 100 to 0 in a knife sweep
We need a rich guy to get her naked
Tomorrow is her birthday
>>269520 How old will she be?
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Super titty woman
She’s the best/top tier. Only a lil bit of forgivable fat, unlike most of these unhealthy, morbid fatties here.
has anyone seen them? she has hypertrophy, had them hacked off and they grew back again? they must look like the back of darth vaders head. yeesh!
