/tits/ - Tits

Hangers, bosoms and knockers

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She has a very pretty face, and her boobs have grown a lot lately; they're huge. But she goes to the gym a lot now. If she loses weight, her boobs will get saggy.
>>271197 These lazy girls go to the gym for a month and then they quit. don't worry.
She’s not hitting the gym with how fat those titties are getting, she’s eating GOOD
>>271201 She says she goes to the gym and also has pictures of herself there on her social media. I hope she doesn't lose too much weight.
>>271207 Dude would you shut the hell up and enjoy some fat titties
>>271218 Can't I give my opinion? I'm not trolling or anything, I'm just saying her breasts are too big now and if she loses weight, they'll look like punctured balls.
>>271222 i'm with you on that one
>>271222 it's never "too big"
>>271222 Actually, she stated a year ago that whether she gains or loses weight, her boobs will keep growing or won’t be affected. It’s weird to believe that that can happen but that’s what she said. Having said all that, if she choices to lose weight, her boobs would look even bigger proportionally speaking, but they won’t decrease in size.
>>271224 I agree
How active has she been on her onlyfans cause her twitter is mostly dead except for a few recent posts. Love this girl, though. Beautiful face and great body.
>>271225 As a fan of hers, I hope so. For example, when Busty Ema's weight changes, it's very noticeable on her boobs.
What’s her latest videos to buy on the OF? Still $30 for a short vid?
She sometimes responds in a friendly way to Instagram and TikTok messages. Is she really, her boyfriend, or another person?
>>271225 If that's actually true, than I'm all for her losing some weight. She's not a small built girl, she'll still be on the big side. For me personally, I don't like cows. She's a pretty girl.
>>271287 cool story bro
(2.69 MB 3024x4032 2u04f4aqacfV8132oe0.jpg)
(2.20 MB 1080x1920 ssstik.io_1742922704701.webm)
>>271236 You can always tell when people here have never actually been with a woman
>>271297 It’s actually pretty fun when you get to make fun of little bitches on big titty forums
>>271284 Trying to buy it. She’s not good at responding to messages.
>using bbw chan to look at boobs >saying you don’t like cows on a forum of dedicated fat girl enthusiasts >babyrages when called out for being retarded Would you prefer her tits to get smaller too while you’re at it?
(6.16 MB 720x1280 ssstik.io_1743008029574.webm)
Like how the fuck could you not like this? You gotta be a genuine incel
Not only does she have a pretty face and big tits, she seems to have a nice personality, and she says she's a good cook. Her boyfriend is really lucky.

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