/bbfurries/ - BB Furries

Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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Anonymous 04/15/2024 (Mon) 17:49:17 Id:85f8ee No. 61776
Smokedstacs/Stacpac Thread IV
Is smoked still doing requests?
I believe it should be in >>>/bbwalt/
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>>63088 Do fatart of nine layer bean burrito from ATHF
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>>63088 Requesting you make the unpleasant gradient creature gal incredibly obese. Just to show off the gaudy pallet.
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>>62173 https://youtu.be/dh8Nhx8o2no?si=mVGiqzivDQH53KuZ Requesting fatart of the Brakettes from the Brak presents the Brak Show ( not to be confused with Leave it to Brak) starring Brak. https://youtu.be/dh8Nhx8o2no?si=bm4KiMBbL3tRAozu
(2.29 MB 5215x3606 box pearl.png)
You should draw my OC, Pearl! Fat as this or more!
>>63365 HUWON?! Hi.
(63.40 KB 375x349 pearl peak.png)
>>63366 hai lol
>>63367 Way to get an official job on I Wani Hug That Gator. Do you want a thread too? >>63365 Seconded
>>63367 You know where to put that big dick
>>63367 >>63369 Please? I’d like to request art from you too if possible.
Not requesting anything specific beyond character. Go buckwild. I know she's a one-off gag character in a gag show with literally only two lines, but I've seen characters with literally zero lines get more art. So. Captain Doctor Frigeeman, from Star Trek Lower Decks.
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>>63369 Wani Hug That Gator XXL mod when?
>>63400 Ask Smokii
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Request an immobile luna
>>63423 She has to have a big ass & shop at jc penny for bedding......
>>63426 When you pick your woman. Where she shops tells you alot !!!!!!!! U dont want these bum bitches who run their mouth to saturate the evidence they grew up poor with lack of moral or understanding of the high working class!
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Saved this image. Need to bring up the archive later.
it's da month of may babyyyyy, how about some nice and fat Mae NITW? hope ya doin good btw
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>>61959 Seconding
Those finals must be tough. Can I request your sona reclining after finishing the semester?
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Can someone repost the fat eagly lady drawing based on this he did like 2 threads ago please?
(2.30 MB 1794x1543 Mogging you.PNG)
>>64138 Yo. https://web.archive.org/web/20240429195016/https://bbw-chan.link/bbfurries/res/56155.html
(1.27 MB 1588x965 bun carter.png)
requesting Jimmy Carter getting crushed by a killer bbw rabbit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jimmy_Carter_rabbit_incident Make her like a bumpkin chuddette,or a DC Tory. Whatever is funnier. Make jimmy carter a fat chick if you want even. Just as long as her peanuts went sour ORDR 04 FEB 2023
>>64140 Thanks man!
(2.61 MB 1102x1447 Karsketti.png)
Requesting Rick and Morty’s Kiara fattened up on Ethical suicide spaghetti https://rickandmorty.fandom.com/wiki/Kiara
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There's not a good pic of her, but I'd really love to see you fatten up this dino gal
>>64326 Where’s her nose/snout?
>>64435 I don't think she has one in her anthro form, it's a stylistic thing
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>>64456 Well it's bad stylization. Now that your semesters over Requesting these water skiing fish ladies from a newer season of SpongeBob fattened up.
>>64563 Is it over?
Anyone have that muffet from the last thread?
>>64563 "it's bad stylization" It doesn't matter, why do you care so much?
>>64595 This one?
>>64616 Yeah, that’s the one. Thanks!
Gonna try and request a flabby atraks-1 that is blobbed out. Not sure about character limit, but maybe she could be fed by her clones of varying weights/sizes
>>65007 oh hell yes
Sup dudes, someone has this pic in a better quality and more smiling friends content?
I’m gonna take guess that smokes may or may not return here at this point
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(8.54 KB 259x194 that's the way .jpg)
(65.77 KB 686x386 we like to.webp)
(1.12 MB 2500x2007 fuck.png)
>>61776 Smoki, bud. How have u been? If I may ask for a request, could you please draw an image of Angel Gabby from the wholesome, yet unnerving analog horror series "Angel Hare"? Please add some dialogue and an alt that replicates the feeling of watching the series on a CRT Tv? Thanks! Here's the series if u want to check it out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWUUg598wEE&list=PLDf4D84f4DIR_KAN3Sc7T76zbDtsbEV67
(190.28 KB 755x803 Its-Joever-meme-7h368t.jpg)
I suppose he won't back.
>>68086 Can't blame him. Some of these requests are dog shit
>>68086 good, leave him to rot in obscurity >>68088 jump off a building requestcuck
>>68397 Save what?
Anyone have that kindred pic he posted on here?
Anyone have the color Roxanne Wolf pics they did?
