/bbfurries/ - BB Furries

Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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Anonymous 04/15/2024 (Mon) 17:49:17 Id:85f8ee No. 61776
Smokedstacs/Stacpac Thread IV
>>61776 Requesting an image showing the previous events before the sumo match, here is a reference.
Requesting Ammit from Moon Knight as a fat blobby goddess
>>61796 That was quick, but the ID suggests it’s not Smokii. Is this a different artist here?
Different artist for sure, skilled too >>61799
>>61801 No doxxing on bbwchan. Its coming all the butt
>>61802 >>61801 Whoever he is, I hope he’ll help offset requests. Hell, it’d be nice if he got his own thread too. Thanks again for doing mustard >>61792 but why is she so low quality?
Used the sketch layer with half opacity then doubled it because clean lines looked terrible, it was also tiny, like actually pixelwise tiny >>61803
>>61804 Well at any rate thanks for making it. Re-requesting a fourth entry for the Helios Megistus duel monsters line >>57924
(7.12 KB 125x125 Vampiress_Dragon.png)
>>61776 requesting this dragon anthro and obese sitting on a throne drinking blood from a goblet, celebrating (I forgot they named her Antonya in her description in game she's called the vampiress dragon)
>>61807 damn the image is small
(8.25 KB 544x416 chloe1.png)
(764.23 KB 3300x2550 cseries3.png)
Requesting Chloe from SFOAS absolutely overstuffed with chocolate
Requesting a blimpy mouse being tickled.
(894.24 KB 1024x853 IMG_1926.png)
(785.21 KB 750x627 Bacon.png)
(465.33 KB 750x610 Eggs.png)
(155.95 KB 750x1000 IMG_1615.webp)
>>61824 It’s another masterpiece. Thanks for filling a request although I’m not OR. Here’s mine. Requesting a poster titled WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIPS: BACON VS EGGS with these two headlining. I want go try making it the OP for the next thread. It can just be up to their torsos too
Welp, gonna try one more time, maybe I'll get lucky. Requesting Leeko as a sweaty, huffing, horny blob.
>>61832 This is the first time I’m seeing this request
Requesting either a anthro shimo or bile titan as a immobile blob
>>61834 elon on demon time
(253.77 KB 894x425 download.png)
>>61824 >>61796 Ya know what'll be nice? some fatart of Dagwood and Blondie. For a comic iconic for ridiculous sandwich consumption there's zero wg art of it
(948.13 KB 750x877 Felicity fat.png)
>>61824 Requesting a post epilogue and grossly obese Felicity Fox/Mrs.Fox from Fantastic Mr. Fox fattened up on Mr.Fox's bounty and other treats while an equally fattened Mr.Fox Trundles from Behind
(234.55 KB 1280x989 IMG_4778.jpeg)
Requesting a sequel to this image where the wolf maid is just plain obese,same areas,but flabbier plus face fat.
(46.17 KB 525x167 Cool dress.JPG)
(116.18 KB 900x282 It’s a mystery.JPG)
(1.55 MB 750x934 Tiffany Fox.png)
>>57027 I’ve seen you do Cassandra Cat, but can you do Tiffany Fox stuffing her fat ass with cookies? Bursting out the purple polka dot dress specifically.
(1.22 MB 2646x2094 Berner_dog.png)
(1.38 MB 1747x2537 wdgc.png)
(1.60 MB 2149x2799 Doggydress.png)
Oh, new thread. Requesting this doggy turned obese-oïd, same Bernese doggy as >>61199 except it's a gurl now. Chonking up either gender of it works for me. Hope everyone is having a good week <:)
Repost from the other thread But does anybody have images of the fat deadite punk lady and the fat fem Cells Smokii drew? I really miss them :(
>>61834 I agree with the anthro blob Shimo, I need to see this fr
>>61956 The old administration from the 90's was scary. These guys?? FUCKING JOKE!!!!!!!
(379.84 KB 480x600 IMG_9814.png)
>>61943 https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Kitmum I would love to see fatart of Kitmum,the Wookiee Gym Teacher. Would be pretty funny if she was strongfat.
>>61961 Im telling Big James youre acting tough with his gang.
>>61969 Yeah behave yourself. Now.
I can't :(
>>61973 Bwcause you know big james will find you anywhere in country. Keep it up. Youre dismissed.
>>61824 Nice! Thank you very much! :)
>>61943 Bumping this, it'd be much appreciated
>>61993 Okay because I'm requesting a fat bear trying to get a fat mink to stop doing yoga.
(155.12 KB 1024x1024 IMG_4786.jpeg)
(150.75 KB 874x1024 IMG_4785.jpeg)
(101.52 KB 833x1474 IMG_4784.png)
(212.16 KB 1024x1024 IMG_4783.jpeg)
Requesting Elec-tracey from the DHMIS series fattened up and over juiced on tesla coils.
(1.04 MB 1629x2150 EwnxgGNUcAAPItp.jpg)
Requesting Loona in this SpaceJam outfit, fat and full, on all fours, and holding a deflated basketball in her mouth.
(27.24 KB 365x626 IMG_3648.png)
(44.52 KB 716x748 IMG_9959.png)
(115.89 KB 916x757 IMG_9961.jpeg)
(1.77 MB 1790x1271 IMG_3774.png)
(60.47 KB 1410x778 IMG_9954.png)
Requesting some fatart of these mint and wafer duo characters. They come as a pair.https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/54178848/#q54184121
(46.24 KB 560x560 IMG_0669.png)
(619.62 KB 1459x1125 IMG_0671.jpeg)
(733.54 KB 1463x1125 IMG_0672.jpeg)
Requsting for Marroncream from Sanrio. She’s turned into a gluttonous and blob.
>>62098 Based on the “wafer-thin mint” joke with Mr. Creostoe
(512.81 KB 1125x1791 IMG_8353.jpeg)
(579.89 KB 1125x837 IMG_8354.jpeg)
(417.92 KB 1125x623 IMG_8355.jpeg)
Hi I like your thread. Requesting Winnie the Pooh fattened up after eating too much honey like in these images thanks.
>>62171 People get paid to read comments here. Lets control what they think happens or goes on. Pure mind fuck everyone is here everyone. TRigger time and your boss. Let them have. Piece of your mind your boss trolls on weed dis cord servers
(201.77 KB 884x474 IMG_0026.png)
(121.91 KB 810x810 IMG_0027.jpeg)
(74.05 KB 850x592 IMG_0028.jpeg)
(205.70 KB 483x650 IMG_0030.jpeg)
https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Yaddle Requesting the first ever fat art of Yaddle.
(122.90 KB 1200x1012 Tigress2_29.webp)
Hello, I would like to request Tigress from kung fu panda being a massive fatty sumo.
>>62173 Schizophrenic you are. Meds, you must take.
(94.70 KB 1000x747 IMG_7382.jpeg)
(275.20 KB 750x421 IMG_7383.jpeg)
(299.47 KB 750x418 IMG_7384.jpeg)
>>61776 Hey Smokii, requesting The peacock queen from hero 108 as a Massive immobile Blob of fat being fed By a Blobby sweaty naked and immobile Mystique Sonia Both are as blobby and fat as your recent sumo request
(2.09 MB 1321x1382 IMG_1935.png)
No I wanted to make to make my own because they’re technically goblins >>62175
>>62199 I think this is the first time I’ve seen someone make a yoda donut steel and fatten them up. The internet is more powerful than anyone can imagine
Would like a fat mommy mouse made.
>>62202 The autistic side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural >>62199 Now draw her as a floppy frank oz muppet
(327.75 KB 512x512 1713227537905663.png)
Might as well give it a try. Requesting this mama sumo wrestling bear fattened up after winning a bout, paid for by the looser.
(163.31 KB 500x378 IMG_8109.png)
(126.17 KB 540x427 IMG_0094.jpeg)
(64.37 KB 540x456 IMG_0095.png)
(913.02 KB 1280x1326 IMG_0096.png)
Requesting fat art of Brak's mom but obese. Maybe with a bigger cat like snout and the fangs and ears or whatnot. https://youtu.be/A0AnUHfiGlA?si=aOTsXPAGbVYlLY2g
>>62199 Her name is Grado
(737.57 KB 1130x594 IMG_1939.png)
Requesting fat blob art of either Milktchi (the red and white one) or Neliatchi (the green and pink one).
(84.21 KB 1080x1035 1712108931590.jpg)
R/ sybil from pseudoragalia taking a deserved rest [same size as ref] with a very unfortunate victim seconds away from joining her seats
>>62330 Thanks Smokii!
(719.62 KB 1037x723 IMG_1940.png)
(240.56 KB 405x582 SUSie.png)
>>62383 Great, now with her please.
>>62331 >>62383 Holy Moly! Thank you!
Requesting some fat Chippettes.
>>62199 Fupas Flepp
>>62408 Big butt in biniki damn those titiesssss
>>62347 sybil's been done to death. I'm more interested in seeing this little fella as a gluttonous fatass
(345.76 KB 1053x1486 IMG_0136.jpeg)
(546.48 KB 1125x1394 IMG_0137.jpeg)
Requesting a fat Warhammer T'au girl bursting out of her power-armor due to her obesity. Increase the brow ridge though.
(567.48 KB 2206x1784 IMG_0170.jpeg)
(1.34 MB 4000x2828 IMG_0169.jpeg)
(1.99 MB 1826x1698 IMG_0168.png)
While you're at it why don't you make an ewok oc? Seems up your ally. >>62199
(41.66 KB 330x340 IMG_0694.jpeg)
(269.26 KB 660x430 IMG_0696.png)
(200.95 KB 660x360 IMG_0697.png)
Hey Smokii. Can you draw any of the fairies from Precure?
(497.21 KB 769x571 IMG_1942.png)
Any chance to get a Tsukino? Most art already paints her as being somewhat bottom-heavy, so I figure a couple hundred extra pounds of ass won't hurt her much. Or a couple hundred extra pounds in general.
>>62559 Hot damn didn't expect this to get drawn since this thread is getting bombarded with requests.
(157.42 KB 1104x1220 tat.jpg)
Requesting Tat from the Klonoa series as a fatass
(41.04 KB 600x600 tat 2.jpg)
>>62572 Another reference image for her
Hope your having a good day, Smokii! I just want a simple drawing of me and my girlfriends Sona being absolutely fatties and kissing each other. I think that's simple, maybe. I won't mind if you never get around to it though, you are free to draw what you please.
(323.32 KB 2048x2048 b858b1166387add6c52c544491106e63.jpg)
i think floramon should be unable to move properly
>>62581 Hmu bigm@@rvb I have all her stuff
(162.05 KB 768x681 IMG_1737.jpeg)
New candy lady from The Amazing Digital Circus Ep 2. Try to show her legs and feet bursting out of candy stockings and high heels
(174.92 KB 724x1024 p0 Master1200 Loolilalu.JPG)
>>62603 Here’s reference for her lower body. Her name is Princess Loolilalu
(758.87 KB 3599x4569 erika_by_mizz_britt_dfy0ro6.jpg)
(802.58 KB 5696x6492 erika_complete.png)
>>61809 >>61824 Requesting Erika from SFOAS absolutely overstuffed with chocolate
>>62639 Don't just copy someone else's request Jeez
(1.44 MB 2000x2200 Fd7DUX8VsAEBjti.jpg)
Requesting Cherri Bomb, stuffed and fattened up to near bursting point (maybe by Sir Pentious?)
(110.47 KB 1280x471 IMG_0236.jpeg)
(1.13 MB 865x1132 IMG_0237.jpeg)
>>62672 Tbh I don’t see the Etiquitte or rule books on not doing so lol. >>62559 https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Peppi_Bow Requesting The Gungan Girl Peppi Bow Obese
(232.00 KB 388x512 T_Ratatoskr_Default_Card.png)
Requesting SMITE Ratatoskr with a hefty belly
>>62176 Would like to request this once more
(28.79 KB 359x877 1466494649475.png)
(120.81 KB 1100x900 1604506345143.png)
(419.13 KB 1533x901 IMG_0372.jpeg)
(98.70 KB 800x800 IMG_0374.png)
(23.42 KB 125x125 IMG_0375.jpeg)
(79.32 KB 688x516 IMG_0378.jpeg)
Requesting “Topsy” from the Mickey Mouse Boiler room shorts fat all around. Especially in her chest area.
(277.63 KB 1825x1576 F1PB-l6WcAA0pA7.jpg)
(424.19 KB 2100x1650 FwcBaoHaAAAr84v.jpg)
Would like to request a stormtrooper lady being a massive fatty in zero gravity.
I really want to draw her and my sith lady both helplessly gargantuan but I gotta wait till work lets up and my assignments are taken care of cause I’m towards the end of my semester >>62861
Is smoked still doing requests?
I believe it should be in >>>/bbwalt/
(25.58 KB 234x360 IMG_0516.webp)
>>63088 Do fatart of nine layer bean burrito from ATHF
(46.18 KB 257x343 IMG_0519.jpeg)
>>63088 Requesting you make the unpleasant gradient creature gal incredibly obese. Just to show off the gaudy pallet.
(166.48 KB 800x578 IMG_0689.jpeg)
>>62173 https://youtu.be/dh8Nhx8o2no?si=mVGiqzivDQH53KuZ Requesting fatart of the Brakettes from the Brak presents the Brak Show ( not to be confused with Leave it to Brak) starring Brak. https://youtu.be/dh8Nhx8o2no?si=bm4KiMBbL3tRAozu
(2.29 MB 5215x3606 box pearl.png)
You should draw my OC, Pearl! Fat as this or more!
>>63365 HUWON?! Hi.
(63.40 KB 375x349 pearl peak.png)
>>63366 hai lol
>>63367 Way to get an official job on I Wani Hug That Gator. Do you want a thread too? >>63365 Seconded
>>63367 You know where to put that big dick
>>63367 >>63369 Please? I’d like to request art from you too if possible.
Not requesting anything specific beyond character. Go buckwild. I know she's a one-off gag character in a gag show with literally only two lines, but I've seen characters with literally zero lines get more art. So. Captain Doctor Frigeeman, from Star Trek Lower Decks.
(2.19 MB 2357x1400 image-16.png)
>>63369 Wani Hug That Gator XXL mod when?
>>63400 Ask Smokii
(27.53 KB 771x398 images.jpeg)
Request an immobile luna
>>63423 She has to have a big ass & shop at jc penny for bedding......
>>63426 When you pick your woman. Where she shops tells you alot !!!!!!!! U dont want these bum bitches who run their mouth to saturate the evidence they grew up poor with lack of moral or understanding of the high working class!
(239.83 KB 458x452 IMG_1821.png)
Saved this image. Need to bring up the archive later.
it's da month of may babyyyyy, how about some nice and fat Mae NITW? hope ya doin good btw
(776.35 KB 2037x3056 IMG_0955.jpeg)
>>61959 Seconding
Those finals must be tough. Can I request your sona reclining after finishing the semester?
(244.82 KB 1024x1536 1689918003106.jpg)
Can someone repost the fat eagly lady drawing based on this he did like 2 threads ago please?
(2.30 MB 1794x1543 Mogging you.PNG)
>>64138 Yo. https://web.archive.org/web/20240429195016/https://bbw-chan.link/bbfurries/res/56155.html
(1.27 MB 1588x965 bun carter.png)
requesting Jimmy Carter getting crushed by a killer bbw rabbit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jimmy_Carter_rabbit_incident Make her like a bumpkin chuddette,or a DC Tory. Whatever is funnier. Make jimmy carter a fat chick if you want even. Just as long as her peanuts went sour ORDR 04 FEB 2023
>>64140 Thanks man!
(2.61 MB 1102x1447 Karsketti.png)
Requesting Rick and Morty’s Kiara fattened up on Ethical suicide spaghetti https://rickandmorty.fandom.com/wiki/Kiara
(338.84 KB 750x650 IMG_3842.png)
(81.63 KB 960x1500 IMG_1839.jpeg)
(86.85 KB 868x1228 IMG_1840.jpeg)
There's not a good pic of her, but I'd really love to see you fatten up this dino gal
>>64326 Where’s her nose/snout?
>>64435 I don't think she has one in her anthro form, it's a stylistic thing
(125.59 KB 623x603 IMG_1645.jpeg)
(164.39 KB 1107x603 IMG_1644.jpeg)
>>64456 Well it's bad stylization. Now that your semesters over Requesting these water skiing fish ladies from a newer season of SpongeBob fattened up.
>>64563 Is it over?
Anyone have that muffet from the last thread?
>>64563 "it's bad stylization" It doesn't matter, why do you care so much?
>>64595 This one?
>>64616 Yeah, that’s the one. Thanks!
Gonna try and request a flabby atraks-1 that is blobbed out. Not sure about character limit, but maybe she could be fed by her clones of varying weights/sizes
>>65007 oh hell yes
Sup dudes, someone has this pic in a better quality and more smiling friends content?
I’m gonna take guess that smokes may or may not return here at this point
(8.38 KB 270x187 face down.jpg)
(26.02 KB 1000x750 ass up.webp)
(8.54 KB 259x194 that's the way .jpg)
(65.77 KB 686x386 we like to.webp)
(1.12 MB 2500x2007 fuck.png)
>>61776 Smoki, bud. How have u been? If I may ask for a request, could you please draw an image of Angel Gabby from the wholesome, yet unnerving analog horror series "Angel Hare"? Please add some dialogue and an alt that replicates the feeling of watching the series on a CRT Tv? Thanks! Here's the series if u want to check it out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWUUg598wEE&list=PLDf4D84f4DIR_KAN3Sc7T76zbDtsbEV67
(190.28 KB 755x803 Its-Joever-meme-7h368t.jpg)
I suppose he won't back.
>>68086 Can't blame him. Some of these requests are dog shit
>>68086 good, leave him to rot in obscurity >>68088 jump off a building requestcuck
>>68397 Save what?
