/bbfurries/ - BB Furries

Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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General Inflation Thread 2 Anonymous 10/01/2022 (Sat) 04:21:43 Id:0c3cc7 No. 22496
Let's try this again.
>>22496 Source for the first 3 images?
(50.13 KB 1154x894 DCt1YIIUAAMwXMy.jpg)
(183.52 KB 2048x1583 D2cIvegUcAIYlPr.jpg_large.jpg)
(2.86 MB 3457x2518 9a1.png)
Did the board get reset?
anyone have this image from the last thread?
(172.37 KB 2150x1518 Fd6net7XkAEbYkZ.jpg)
(29.50 KB 1052x740 FIHWpzqVkAI8qSO.jpg)
(157.37 KB 593x677 FIHWuekVQAU6c5O.png)
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(96.53 KB 1280x759 1651439407.animous_fayberry.jpg)
Inflated women: The only way to travel!
(227.53 KB 2048x2048 Fe1OE0sXoAAySqN.jpg)
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(84.28 KB 1072x852 Disco_Chaos Bouncy Fuzz.jpg)
(180.86 KB 2000x1627 Disco_Chaos Puffed Puffer.jpg)
https://bbw-chan.nl/inf/res/61940.html hmm, yall anons thinking of making your own ver of this here?
(1.22 MB 2486x2000 ferret berry com.png)
>>24848 Probably not because the folks there are quite anti-fur
(887.82 KB 4082x4096 20221031_214133.jpg)
(111.55 KB 768x1024 Untitled608_20220825103955.png)
(99.70 KB 768x1024 Untitled608_20220825104505.png)
Here's 2 sexy unikitty inflations I did
(84.51 KB 1100x869 E5Twy28VoAQJ4ju-orig.jpg)
(54.63 KB 1200x949 Ec_WqZhUwAACGQV-orig.jpg)
(639.39 KB 2382x1260 E_ILWgSWQAQStxj-orig.jpg)
(672.12 KB 2897x3051 FLpFscDVQAEn3--.jpg)
>>22496 This board needs a video game and comics thread.
>>23082 I got one question? Did Pressurpurse stop animating? if so then why?
(978.57 KB 1200x1500 Puffy Alex.png)
OC I made up for a Frog and the Ox thing I wanna do at some point. Was playing around with some inflation shapes and I liked it a lot, so I polished it up into a whole thing. Haha
(1.38 MB 2500x2000 Wing Wolf Inflation Redesign.png)
(193.15 KB 2048x1448 20221212_030519.jpg)
(122.30 KB 927x790 image-69.png)
(120.46 KB 922x799 image-92.png)
(1.57 MB 1280x720 iSVYsCDSfKpIWAfn.mp4)
(1.04 MB 2611x1131 zb656_wolfyx_2p_r1.png)
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(630.76 KB 1510x1200 p2_yuki.png)
(579.10 KB 1129x1400 p3_yuki.png)
from veiukket
is pressurepurse still animating?
(994.33 KB 1280x720 5J6fIO0c0x_6auPp.mp4)
Does pressurepurse still animates? cause I looked up on twitter recently and only saw more posted images?
(930.11 KB 4000x3000 FnXo_cqXEAMWMQx.jpg)
(1.94 MB 2222x2657 Huge Beth 2.png)
(2.75 MB 2222x2657 Huge Beth 1.png)
(2.18 MB 2222x2657 Huge Lucy 1.png)
(3.70 MB 3000x3000 winona altaria blimp.png)
(151.55 KB 1280x1018 1660637276.fig_blueguy.jpg)
(191.09 KB 1203x1076 Fn-hxZKXEAcNwbo.jpg)
(154.08 KB 1981x1909 FoJfxLGakAAegyj.jpg)
(8.02 KB 673x534 FXbrxJ1WYAAuizR.png)
I'm making a inflation based TTRPG system. https://drive.google.com/file/d/18YqisojftGSE14GD760gt8ZZ7agRO3gL/view?usp=share_link There is a link to its discord on the final page.
Dough was an experienced high altitude spy plane pilot, and flew many successful missions over her career, but after getting shot down over hostile territory her career took a different turn. After being captured by the enemy they tried her for spying, but instead of prison the military court had a better idea. Why not turn this acclaimed spy plane pilot INTO their own spy? Of course they couldn't convince her to work for them, but they still got what they wanted. She was stripped, hooked up to machines, and pumped full of helium till she filled the hangar she was imprisoned in. After she began to float they hooked up a large observation device to her, stuck a massive vibrating pad to her inflated clit, and kicked on the air compressor. As she drifted up into the atmosphere the air got thinner and thinner and her internal pressure rose higher and higher. Soon she was on her way over the Pacific Ocean at a comfortable 60,000 feet, but the air inside her was pushing out anywhere it could. Luckily the massive industrial compressor kept her nice and topped off as she carried her payload back to her home country...
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(984.19 KB 1033x839 1678958355400722.png)
(5.19 MB 2000x1545 1635359918.cleverfoxman_zucca.png)
(7.50 MB 960x718 Orchid's Flower Fatflation.mp4)
(4.53 MB 1920x1080 alfred ass 4 sfx lq.mp4)
(428.71 KB 2000x1294 Fv20UngXgAAuq7A.jpg)
(80.02 KB 1280x979 1626887979.gabi17_2961778.jpg)
(79.81 KB 1280x886 1626979653.gabi17_29617782.jpg)
(1006.95 KB 1500x1350 Cayda.png)
My half of a trade with a buddy. Drew his pufferfish ninja in a less than stealthy look.
>>38496 Super cute. You got a gallery?
One day in the valley, Fox was reminiscing those times when he would take deep, long breaths during her training, which would cause her to swell up like a balloon. Of course, she couldn’t help but admire those times when her body was warm, soft, and round like a ball. She felt tempted to do it again. Just then, she remembered the time Skunk found a shipwreck outside the valley, which had some various equipment being left behind. One item she recalled the most was a portable air tank. She had an idea of what to do with it. Because it was already taken to the valley, it was parked underneath a tree near a set of stairs going up the mountain. She scurried her way toward the exact location and inserted the hose into her mouth. With a flick of the switch, she walked away and stood in a balancing position as the air entered her mouth. With her cheeks turning red, she felt the pressure going on inside her body. She could feel her stomach stretching out beautifully. With both arms spread out and one leg up, she began to feel light as a feather. Her belly finally reached the size of a yoga ball and the machine was still pumping her up. Do you think she might outgrow the Dragon? She might as well become one if her belly’s big enough.
(107.44 KB 2048x1739 artist is beeblimp.png)
>>38818 >story Nice.
>>38790 Found it. https://www.furaffinity.net/view/52587428/ https://www.furaffinity.net/user/cursereaper/
(326.32 KB 2800x1990 FpQ-p5AX0AMMgF5.jpg)
(153.27 KB 1207x1284 FdskAzpXgAA-oaS.png)
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(390.32 KB 2679x2286 F235m0-WgAAJziR.jpg)
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Post more art drawn by artistettes.
(260.23 KB 2000x1355 F3GoDMUbUAAWI2i.jpg)
(1.48 MB 2400x2122 tbjrelax.png)
Does anyone have the full patreon version of the 2rd piece by bodbloat?
>>41790 Source for the second image?
(367.15 KB 4096x1512 F3R6mdRXcAAVtZj.jpg)
(19.60 KB 399x399 F2960PmbgAA64WC.jpg)
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(944.76 KB 1970x1440 ce11d3b95e58bb2e427510d332d64aac.png)
Dunno how many would be into this, but might as well since it's still technically inflation.
(37.26 KB 786x863 1692037435882496.png)
>>44364 >a bump
Thought it would be nice to share
(268.50 KB 2966x740 F53YXY9XgAAgfdu.jpg)
Please help, I’m scared of what is possible…
More nipple insertions.
hblue42 missing>>46192
(544.97 KB 4000x4000 vaxscene.PNG)
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>>47532 The first 4 images are fascinating me to an unexplainable point i am astonished it is just so perfect i am not an usual bbfurries enjoyer but these are amazing so much details so much imagination i am astonished i fell in love with these
(4.26 MB 1701x2166 1701020352.rushrabbit_koblimp.png)
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I didn’t know if I should put it in inflation or weight gain, so I’m doing both. Also somebody make a thread for honey inflation.
>>49025 Sauce?
>>49449 Solve my riddle
>>49455 Nevermind found it myself It's by RushRabbit on furaffinity Fucking dumbass, don't need to do stupid shit like that, asshole
Can someone get the uncensored version of the from fur affinity?
(145.41 KB 1426x1289 F8QFwVpXAAAbHho.jpg)
(467.82 KB 890x720 syn2zTDjcmPfbqjp.webm)
(932.81 KB 3439x3787 GBa9mYqW8AASjDB.jpg)
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(1.05 MB 4096x2529 GBCvs5GWwAAiPoS.jpg)
(89.12 KB 1434x991 GBkgkwvWwAU7Lff.jpg)
>>50321 >932.81 KB I must be trippin
(2.54 MB 2250x1500 Dragon King.png)
Didn't see a thread for him, so figured this might be as good a spot as any. Finally got around to drawing a Dragon King from that Monkey King movie Netflix put up earlier this year. He's quite fun to blimp up!
(545.40 KB 1000x1000 1c16cd1935d536eaa215cf2e8cd5baaa.png)
What's this tag? Lactation retention?
>>48939 Damn , it's like I'm looking at my own art
(146.13 KB 2000x2000 caught.PNG)
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Wolf girl screws up her infiltration mission and gets caught! The gecko guard who caught her decides the base could use some permanent decor...
(10.27 KB 215x234 images (15).jpeg)
>>53502 One of my all time favorite sequences. Love the way it starts in her belly. Then the second panel, the look of panic as she tries to make a run for it all while her body is rapidly inflating. Then in the third panel, the look of exhaustion on her face as she realizes she's become to fat to escape. Finally in the last panel, absolutely love how huge her final size is. Also really like how her breasts blew up to the size of weather balloons, great contrast to how modest her chest size was in the first panel. The last detail I really like is her puffed up cheeks. Really helps emphasize how she's been bloated beyond recognizing. All she can do now is be rolled about helpless to do anything about it. This whole sequence is just *chef's kiss*
>>53524 Idk what made me more dissappointed the missed opportunities in younger days or the weight gain transformation years later. Because those tities is HUGE
>>53525 I like to think that even if they ever got her deflated there's no way she's gonna be as slim as she was in that first panel. Let alone with tits that aren't as big as beach balls! Post inflation/deflation aftermath is one of my favorite concepts that just never seems to get explored?
>>22867 Cute!
(3.10 MB 1920x1080 Kabul and The Racclloon.webm)
>>22738 Do you think we should always post source?
>>49039 That can be arranged.
How's this? Too big for upload, so I saved it with pixeldrain. https://pixeldrain.com/u/rFLPi23o
(1.58 MB 360x202 IMG_2105.gif)
(1.99 MB 360x202 IMG_2106.gif)
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Here’s some gifs of Tom using his weight passing command grab on some characters in Kazecat’s fighting game Crushing Force
(580.77 KB 2806x2476 media_GKRGhJUboAAr4I-.jpg)
(731.26 KB 2000x3500 GJc2pjUXkAAznQP.jpg)
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(709.12 KB 2000x3500 GJtClqkWsAAB_OF.jpg)
(707.12 KB 2000x3500 GJxET8mWYAE8jo9.jpg)
(648.05 KB 2000x3500 GJ2ROauX0AAlnjw.jpg)
(938.55 KB 2000x3500 GKK8uG-XMAE3foq.jpg)
(1.02 MB 2000x3500 GKQoQ4IXEAAOHNX.jpg)
(996.10 KB 2000x3500 GKV4Gt9W0AEOd6u.jpg)
(1.13 MB 2000x3500 GKgCv0lW4AE2VgY.jpg)
(751.21 KB 2000x3500 GKlJpBLWUAAIUfP.jpg)
(640.25 KB 2000x3500 GKplJE8W8AEV30l.jpg)
(841.15 KB 2000x3500 GKvo_nmWcAAg34y.jpg)
(698.97 KB 2000x3500 GK0p8srWoAAOVI8.jpg)
(119.66 KB 3098x2524 GK5FDLrXEAA_tJ9.jpg)
(668.00 KB 4000x2900 GEAs32gaEAA84q7.jpg)
(509.33 KB 2440x3000 GK6GGaWWsAEBI7p.jpg)
(159.47 KB 3000x2809 GK6Gac6WwAECxmF.png)
(44.99 KB 1177x1193 GK6E9jLXMAA-ox2.png)
(186.69 KB 2004x3000 GA0NgixXAAApTs-.png)
(49.73 KB 1289x1163 GA0NhR3XQAESASv.png)
Their was a point where Lumpy would be inflated in Helmet Chaos but was unused.
>>50364 Very nice job anon
(93.84 KB 600x438 [email protected])
>>62938 No, no, no, the lesson is ultimately a moral one. One involving pride and an inflated ego.
(191.35 KB 927x1200 EUJ6z_RWAAAYrwX.jpg)
(164.64 KB 3072x2048 GL-ljtdXsAAqG94.jpg)
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(130.24 KB 3072x2048 GMXZrigW8AAF1WT.jpg)
(214.29 KB 3072x2048 GMXZww-WMAAghZC.jpg)
taranimart and DoughAfterDark on the funny bird aka x site
(217.02 KB 3072x2048 GMXZ2TpXAAATrK5.jpg)
(156.37 KB 3072x2048 GMXZ5QEX0AAIuAC.jpg)
(147.51 KB 3072x2048 GMXZ6F3XQAA3Fd3.jpg)
(146.07 KB 3072x2048 GMXZ6sYXsAAaHER.jpg)
>>63320 some close ups too
(228.16 KB 2200x1700 FaUBqF9XEAAupR8.jpg)
(360.63 KB 2900x2000 GDzdPYrWYAA4yQO.jpg)
>>63318 artist is Theorangelion aka satsumatheblue
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Anyone ever fantasize about being inflated by Minerva Mink?
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Artist: Berseepon
(958.52 KB 2550x2100 Fat Dragons.png)
Art by me (Cursereaper) :) The big guy is one of the OCs of FatRabbitKyle, and the smaller is Dragon King from that Monkey King movie on Netflix
>>65027 NICE. Do you take requests?
>>65029 Every once in a while, if I have some spare time! I can't make any solid promises, but I'm always willing to hear ideas just in case!
>>65103 You're open to suggestions which is the best this board has seen in months.
>>65103 Will you consider >>65135 please?
(272.83 KB 2000x2000 weed.PNG)
>>65363 hey dude, the guy who did that 3rd pic of yours is a minor. the kid claims his art is "sfw" even though it's clearly fetish-driven.
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>>49039 Here you go. >>65871
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(339.34 KB 1601x2048 EOIe3N4WAAAGmQV.jfif)
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(185.80 KB 1280x960 tQ6rBEg6Io8.jpg)
>>61191 >>61194 >>61195 Dahlia the dino secretary is mega sex. Shame she's attached to a male vore/expansion fag
steam balloon
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Where's the enjoying inflation thread?
(51.57 KB 952x1080 media_Fj6lSTIXgAAmpwQ.jpg)
>>68955 >>68905 is that-away.
>>69094 Thank you.
>>69161 You're welcome.
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>female artist draws herself >as a furry Nice.
>>69660 What’s the artist’s name? Now I’m curious.
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>>69832 Where's the first gif from?
>>69917 https://x.com/Thunbeh/status/1814730564412313788
>>69918 Thanks!
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https://www.furaffinity.net/view/57571621/ Can someone get this image?
(473.03 KB 2000x2000 lopmorelikeaboutto-fixed.PNG)
>>69707 done
>>71442 Nice.
(1.55 MB 4000x4000 gem-alarm.png)
>>71454 thanks
https://www.furaffinity.net/view/57571621/ Can we get this image? I don't have fur affinity
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>>34058 Who is the artist?
As a guy, i wish there were stuff where Minerva Mink or Loona was inflating a guy or a male viewer. So male inflatees, which characters to do fantasize being inflated by?
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>>78253 Nice.
(751.13 KB 2480x3508 marty.png)
(1.07 MB 2480x3508 i wanna go boomboom.png)
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(1.03 MB 2480x3508 destress.png)
some recent artworks
Is their any way I can watch LadyLuckFate’s private Vimeo videos, including this?: https://vimeo.com/1000326639
