/bbfurries/ - BB Furries

Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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Indigo Park Thread Anonymous 05/25/2024 (Sat) 23:58:38 Id:4663cb No. 65246
I'm honestly surprised a thread has not started on here yet for these characters. They're total fur bait but screw it, I bit on the hook.
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he may be bait but goddamn is he tasty bait
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rambley is too cute for his own good.
anything of Salem?
so far only one piece I could find, so far it seems like the rascal rambley is the main star so far. have hope tho, there might be more art in the works that we might not even know about.
>>65251 Yeah, maybe there'll be more art of her once she has more appearances than a destroyed cardboard cut-out and an arcade game that most players would miss.
I wish the game was as good as the art of the characters
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>>65353 The game only exists to justify the porn on a more public scale.
>>65361 I am going to draw gore of this person’s oc
>>65372 You can gore an OC, BUT YOU CAN’T GORE THE TRUTH!
>>65353 >>65361 >>65372 >>65377 This thread is already falling apart, good job gamers.
Y’all suck
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Now take this
>>65388 I'm sorry for not being a fan of the industry plant furry bait
>>65372 Draw the raccoon fat to spite him, also sitting on him
>>65393 Nah, draw them as enormous slobby blobs having sex
>>65378 You’re welcome. >>65361 Haven’t you considered that a trash can is a raccoon’s favorite place to be? >>65393 >>65396 So draw him fat and stuck in one.
>>65396 Based. blob sex is hot af
>>65392 >"industry plant"
>>65415 He's right you know
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finally some salem stuff
>>65246 Atlas is a fag
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>>65490 spoilered for gas alts for the brave
>>65436 LLOYD??
>>65513 what for
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