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Greyofpta thread 3:revange of the poorfags Anonymous 07/11/2024 (Thu) 01:38:25 Id:0c71a0 No. 69112
Continuation of >>22705 but now, just post art, no IA roleplay, this ain't a IA themed thread. Enjoy!
Kemono: https://kemono.party/patreon/user/726902 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=726902 FurAffin: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/greyofpta/ DevArt: https://greyofpta.deviantart.com/ Tumblr: https://greyofpta.tumblr.com/ Tweet: https://twitter.com/greyofpta Payhip: https://payhip.com/greyofpta Redbubble: https://www.redbubble.com/people/GreyofPTA/shop
>>69115 Thank you
>>69115 >>69116 You're welcome. Wait i almost forgot. Kemono: https://kemono.su/patreon/user/726902
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>>69117 A nice addition to the catalogue, now have a neat sequence
https://pixeldrain.com/u/zE9Bk3rK - Vol. 1 https://pixeldrain.com/u/Vum53mmg - Vol. 2 https://pixeldrain.com/u/pGx93g6e - Vol. 3 https://pixeldrain.com/u/B13MSkqy - Vol. 4 https://pixeldrain.com/u/k8yA2LHb - Vol. 5 https://pixeldrain.com/u/nCqJv1p6 - Vol. 6 https://pixeldrain.com/u/iuJp48UT - Vol. 7 https://pixeldrain.com/u/fubcafRW - Vol. 8 https://pixeldrain.com/u/fJ3S2ZFK - Vol. 9 https://pixeldrain.com/u/wQbn5qju - Vol. 10 https://pixeldrain.com/u/CQpv4P6g - Vol. 11 https://pixeldrain.com/u/1ovRjWDd - Vol. 12 https://pixeldrain.com/u/HTzL9LBv - Vol. 13 https://pixeldrain.com/u/8R8E2eKx - Vol. 14
>>69122 I know i waiting airy dates on kemono but no one has updated yet.
>>69122 And thank you.
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>>69123 >>69124 >>69125 Sure, no problems Anon, here have a load of images too.
Does anyone have the Patreon goodie packs from October 2023 to current?
I wish to apologize for the inconvenience of space taken on the last thread due to my C.AI bots. If you wish to speak to me directly, please refrain from doing it here and DM on my discord @ th3_unkn0wn
>>69217 All is forgiven.
>>69217 Do you a twitter/x account?
>>69234 @ Th3_Unkn0wn_B0T
>>69235 Okay, next question is Juana and alba finished?
>>69217 >>69226 Look, you can do your thing on IA rp, but just take it away from this thread, do it privately, okay? Now please post art
are there some male stuff that Grey drew?
Hey, what happens when someone accidentally clicked on filter name and how do you unfiltered it?
Can send me links please?
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>>69217 Could you please post the links of the bots in another of the threads? In the chatbots or the inflation one to be on topic in any of those, to make it handy for everyone
Okay. But why? https://character.ai/chat/hFcMXaW9eagZ50jjnyYSE5iSFh7RaSYsJ_x_QAAIK20 https://character.ai/chat/eBPOXVdQr64zrtNQK8uZ0SdQCBnzZeFvIsH54DAzScs https://character.ai/chat/dML-bmq4KZIw-uaETyq5yB6mESUi7yh_1Hfx4GsEBfY
Does anyone have any popping/bursting stuff of Grey's that isn't public/widely accessible?
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>>69542 Thanks for that
You're welcome. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jskzhYyY3yWgMyXcFeMGCNAGgxsV1cVC/view https://drive.google.com/file/d/1chI9JAOMwg8J2zy3gFX8jQKGKhQE3FOT/view
>>69599 Bottom google drive link requires acess. Could you re upload it making it acessable?
>> 69606 I'm don't think.
>>69610 Maybe you can acess it, but I've tried and it won't let me view it without acess. Hopefully, someone else can reupload it in a different format or fix it
Hey, does anyone have any infomation about Juana?
Here maybe to guys get these or try using mega. https://payhip.com/b/EGTu https://payhip.com/b/89hk
Hey everybody! Got any goodies from greyofpta?
Hey, can someone get airy date on patreon please? https://www.patreon.com/posts/airy-date-update-105402397?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link
>> 69729 Sorry. I was just trying to share them everyone.
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Hey, does anyone have any pictures from the old thread?
Here's the links to the mega.nz https://mega.nz/folder/LA8DkIga#OCtwu1qwg38uGqzwf2jcAA https://mega.nz/file/tgImkB6R#ec1EfrLvPi6GorRBEmFYYHnCUf2SI7Czj8-qRdQSD4w https://mega.nz/folder/qmQRHS7a#v4DukF7VSSPYfwLur5ACeQ
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>>70482 Grey is based for doing inflation sex
>>69112 Bump
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Any goodies from GreyofPTA lately?
Grey's goodies are coming soon!
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No goodies from Greyofpta? Sorry to bother you all.
Here, something for all of you. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/nj8iykpt63ym0c3v4guf9/Mildred-Finally-Gets-Love.mp4?rlkey=ryqfznk9roal5bxj9wg74o901&e=61&dl=0
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Sorry to intrude, but I was hoping if anyone or someone someone can update greyofpta's kemono please? And can someone get airy date from greyofpta's Patreon please?
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Any commissions from Grey?
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Anyone got the Minerva Mink one where she goes into a clinic to lose weight and they inflate her like a balloon that floats?
New goodies are coming!
Anything new from greyofpta lately?
I remember this image from greyofpta, an older one around like 2014 where it had this naga lady reacting to an action figure of her having tits nearly as large it’s own body and she’s in shock of it. Thank you for anyone who has info
Does anyone has Airy Date comic?
I remember Greyofpta having some penis inflation art. Does anyone know where those are?
So the latest Famous Flateys has just been released. https://payhip.com/b/PxO51
Does anyone has this?
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>>78919 There's this comic. Spoilering for male
need more sneeze inflation stuff
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/fshoiip65xpfo6ers30j2/Famous-Flateys-15.pdf?rlkey=ka4di8gx4sjtcsinrdtw0atgl&st=327j43tx&dl=0>>79666 I have it!
https://www.patreon.com/posts/99031282 does anyone have the goodie pack that this was in? February 2024
