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Stable Diffusion, Loras, Chatbots

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Asian Weight Gain Anonymous 07/09/2024 (Tue) 06:30:50 No. 25789 [Reply]
Found these images recently and I'm so in love with them, especially the last two. Hoping someone has more similar to these! I'd love to see more beautiful skinny Asian women pig out and fatten up like them <3
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Was posted in this board last year, sadly I didn't have all the sequences saved (hope someone has it!), but at least I have the GIF.
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my mistake, here's the GIF

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Force Feeding, Hose Feeding, etc. Hose Feeder 07/28/2023 (Fri) 23:08:28 No. 10270 [Reply] [Last]
Post any images of force feeding, hose feeding, etc. Use any characters you want, I'm just on a black/brown girl kick right now. All image I post are in Stable Diffusion and based on the Bigger Girls models (usually dreamIRL): https://civitai.com/models/2664/bigger-girls-model
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>>26781 We finally found a use for this useless goddess! Aqua (2/?)
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>>26781 >>26782 We finally found a use for this useless goddess! Aqua (3/?)
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"Sure YunYun, I'll be your friend. We just have to perform the friend's right of passage." "Huh? What's that?" "You've never heard of it?! There's different versions depending on the the genders of the friends, but for a guy and a girl, the girl goes over to the guy's house, gets tied up, and consumes whatever she's fed." "HUH?! That sounds really weird! Are you sure you're telling the truth?" "Of course I am! How could you not know about this?! This is exactly why you have no friends! It's a gesture to show that friends are willing to sacrifice their food for each other!" "O-oh, OK! That sounds fun! Let's do it!" "Great! If you eat everything I give you, I'll show you something that people who are even more than just friends do!" ------------------------------------------------------------- I really like this idea, but I'm having a really hard time making the yunyun images come out at the right weight. I think the LORA I'm relying on is causing a heavy bias toward skinner bodies so I'll have to find a way around that. Definitely revisiting this so YunYun (1/?).
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>>26787 I think I've got what I'm looking for now. The first image came out perfectly.
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>>26735 >>26759 >>26760 Megumin found a way to finally have breasts, but at what cost? She's now filling up for a new type of explosion!(4/?)

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Chat Request Thread #9 - 'archiveanon come home' Edition Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 23:38:04 No. 26140 [Reply] [Last]
Post your chatbot requests here. Want to request a bot? Check the pastebin if it's already been made (last updated 4-11-2024): https://pastebin.com/b9QpQUKV Nobody works on your request or you want to try making a requested bot? Try it yourself and post the results here or in the general chatbot threads. Guides: C.AI (by DrYagokoro): https://pastebin.com/HQhQbY7f Spicychat (by muricanpie): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jGzdaW7iZBYaIK__itu7FOxgvmTOnL3P7g0vfuafMaI/edit
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>>28430 Realized that if you guys need more context I’ll post the rest of the comic if needed.
>>26141 is anyone willing to try make a bot or 2 based off Fukuraminto’ Swelling prison queen manga/comic I say “or 2” as there could be one where your the queen and one where your someone else
>>28254 Seconding this
Requesting Dee from Producing Parker for janitor ai. Maybe your her new assistant or something
Can someone make a bot of any CrimsonLantern11 characters? here I leave his devianart https://www.deviantart.com/crimsonlantern11/gallery/73329162/super-gut-mave-the-super-hero

OIRTS Anonymous 01/02/2024 (Tue) 02:28:06 No. 18603 [Reply]
This Artist makes cool Ai art.
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Fat Mona Genshin Impact
>>25265 Not how this works retard.
>>28145 got these in higher quality?

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Chatbot Thread X: Rejuvenation X Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 06:24:13 No. 26218 [Reply] [Last]
Once again now we reached our Tenth Chatbot Thread… As usual: Requests for Chatbots for either C.ai, SpicyChat.ai or etc. go in the “Request Thread”… The archive (last updated on 7/26/2024): https://pastebin.com/yP5wgTYS Thanks and Have Fun!
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>>28278 >>28277 It kinda repeats sometimes but it’s good… good luck updating this and hope the others I made on the Request thread helps too…
>>28283 If we're going to have a new thread soon, here's a hot update for the archive pastebin https://pastebin.com/ec7gY8AX
Thanks for the replies everyone. I guess its sakura/janitor/spicy now. Damn.
What about This one i found While on Twitter Here: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GXeopFVbgAA0SCg?format=jpg&name=4096x4096
I am searchim for it and would be greatfull if you guys tell me one :D

Ai Videos and Animation Anonymous 09/03/2023 (Sun) 01:44:38 No. 12219 [Reply] [Last]
I've been messing with Runway Gen 2 image-to-video and I really like what it does. I'll be making more stuff like this and posting to tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/aibbwvideos anyone know of other people doing similar stuff?
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>>15393 the gif2gif technique its very similar to the technique of gen-1
>>15399 for example the bowsette video
guys, i found a website that makes amazing ai videos for free! its called LensGo
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Can someone animate her run down the stairs
>>14335 This is just someone importing an image into something like After Effects and using warp effects on an image or another piece of animation software with a mesh warp.

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Bloopers thread LtBarclay##vOgLqq 04/28/2023 (Fri) 17:16:25 No. 4231 [Reply] [Last]
Show the things we normally don't show. Everyone knows about the extra hands/arms but let's see the really crazy stuff. I present to you, my new fetish: the ultimate thigh/ass lover's dream.
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Been trying to get sequences and it's either on the right track, or totally out to lunch. The ones with the spare face in the background are hilarious to me.
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Nailed it.
>>28116 Ah, yes. The ideal woman.

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Your Recommended Sign-upless Websites (Or Apps). Anonymous 08/18/2024 (Sun) 15:24:58 No. 26947 [Reply]
Look, I’m a bit of a lazy scum-bag when it comes to signing up to things. I only really want to sign up to something that’s genuinely going to benefit me. Having a guilty pleasure isn’t one of them, but who am I to judge? I am sick and tired of trying to find alternatives that don't cost me to sign up. I don’t want to. Signing up to Character.ai was bad enough, and now I can’t fucking delete the account because it’s connected to my dumb fucking google shit, that was my mistake. Please, if anyone has other options, let me know.
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Since Character.AI is becoming more restrictive and retarded, this subreddit is looking mighty fine right about now.
>>28078 >this subreddit
>>28090 That’s the joke, lmao.
>>28090 If you understand it, I’ll consider you highly intellectually advanced.
this exists. https://perchance.org/ai-chat

Unconventional Chatbot Thread 09/04/2023 (Mon) 08:27:07 No. 12298 [Reply]
Have great UNIQUE chatbots to share? Post ‘em here! The rules are SIMPLE: -NO Anime OR Anime-Like bots! -Furries ARE allowed- as long it’s not in the overused traditional style
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Obese anal constipation. Would love to capture such an anally obese creature.
You decide to install "Bloosh" and see if you can get a date tonight, You swipe and swipe the screen until a perfect profile appears: *Mazekio: 22 years old favorite toy: helium tank <3<3<3 ice cream and inflation lover, <3 I love going for a walk in the park and chatting and having fun, I love fair games and cotton candy, popcorn, you understand me hehe... height:1.91 meters sexuality:bi<3*

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

I think I could put my Peni Parker Chatbot here: Chatbot en español: https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=vmWuK3qGacfY-9Ddai-qsvzmEx_sV-yhbXlu_AXCMq4 Chatbot in English: https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=r5p0Zsy6HleexZInBCW95HFGz5twQ-BM6e-8bgV0pA0
>>15672 I love the William bot, it's always great.
Aaaaannnnndddd saved.

Horzagobuchul Anonymous 10/03/2024 (Thu) 02:26:52 No. 28000 [Reply]
This shit is blowing my mind https://www.tumblr.com/horzagobuchul

Tribal Tribal women 02/19/2024 (Mon) 22:54:10 No. 20839 [Reply]
Post you ai generated pics of tribal women, men etc.
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>>21333 Anything good that's free?
>>21396 Sometimes Bing throws you a bone. Made with Bing Image Creator.
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>>21396 How do you mean? Comfyui, auto1111, fooocus etc. are all free to just download and start using. And the checkpoints are all free to download as well.
>>21416 This is my favorite, I wish there were more of this style. by the way what page do you use and what "prompt" ?
>>27911 I use comfyui for all of my gens. You can download any of the pictures and run it through a Metadata viewer to see the prompt checkpoint and generation settings.

Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 00:38:25 No. 22462 [Reply]
Made two new bots that I've got requested to make (one on the request thread one outside of this site): Zhen: https://character.ai/chat/zae5ADuK0J2YquWRjbM3b2k7UBv5-drtTL4e3zR11Uo Chilli Heeler: https://character.ai/chat/x5Wjn38Idri9DKzG7vwRDY50Rlll0ODXMx0fzg1bavc
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>>25506 requesting a obese alice angel feeder bot
>>25692 bump
>>27363 i need that dc fat males characcters
>>25692 Reviving this thread.
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which is the best snookersXXX 08/07/2024 (Wed) 10:44:11 No. 26610 [Reply]
Trying to figure out which is the best here. which poses, if restrained is better or not. Is the feeding tube a good touch? is ass tube better? Is a skinny body better or a fat one? How big should the belly really be. Should it be veiny or have nice skin?
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>>26610 depending on if you’re going for inflation or weight gain you should increase her weight I love the poses you’re getting (especially the first) and the tube is great the very round belly combined with the relatively skinny frame gives me an inflation vibe, but you said hose feeding so in that case I would go with a heavier weight and possibly a less bloated belly to give the effect that she’s getting fat Check out the force feeding thread that I made to see what I’m talking about >>10270 >>26628 these poses are great too but again the weight combined with the huge belly gives me an inflation vibe which you may not be going for Do you mind sharing your methods and prompts for this? I’m looking to get back into AI stuff this week but it’s been so long that I’m not up to date with new stuff that’s even released and I’ve forgotten a lot of my old methods for good upscaling.
>>26646 You can follow me on this site, when you upload an SD image, it automatically populates all the metadata so you can see and replicate. I only have 1 up but I will post some more of thes right now https://civitai.com/images/23137253
>>26646 that site also hosts all the models and loras with instant direct download, it's so easy its unbelievable. I have no affiliation though its just the most amazing site
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>>26666 >>26667 Thanks, I'm already getting great results from a modified version of your prompt. Do you have any issues running the Pony Realism model? It seems to make my ui crash (using automatic1111) at some point during rendering. I've noticed it's very RAM heavy but I can just scrape by with ~500 MB free. The main crash seems to come from VRAM being used up which makes no sense as it shouldn't be using that much.

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Historical AI images Anonymous 10/20/2023 (Fri) 14:24:26 No. 14855 [Reply] [Last]
Can be from the 70s, 80s, 200bc, bronze age, as long as it's fat and history. Did this using the DALL-E3 method
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>>15061 Kek! Good shit.
>>21907 Fatassian
>>27418 Filmed over three years to give BDH time to gain the weight necessary to accurately portray Big Bertha's growth through the years and her famous weigh-in against a baby circus elephant, the Hollywood press was shocked to see Ms. Howard show up to the premier seemingly even larger than the historical Big Bertha. The tabloid rumors were confirmed later that week during a visit on The Tonight Show, where the host surprised BDH by rolling out an industrial scale on stage and challenging her to step on the scale. An embarrassed BDH reluctantly did so after some prodding, and the scale's reading of 718 pounds easily surpassed the real Big Bertha's high of 679. "Well, uh, as you can see, in having a bit more trouble dropping this weight than I have for other roles..." Seeing a marketing opportunity, BDH's agent scheduled a visit to the Los Angeles zoo, for a recreation of the famous scale battle with the baby elephant. Unlike in the version portrayed in the film, there was no suspense and a shocked BDH immediately descended and lifted the baby elephant on the other half of the comically oversized scale. The stunt of course drove a record increase in second weekend ticket sales, and talk of a sequel, only somewhat tempered by the fact that the historical Bertha suffered a career ending cardiac injury shortly after the events of the film.

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AI Generated BBW Anonymous 06/11/2022 (Sat) 20:27:45 Id:6b4937 No. 1089 [Reply] [Last]
https://huggingface.co/spaces/dalle-mini/dalle-mini I don't know if anyone has tried/posted this before, but here goes nothing~ For a robit, this AI sure knows what some sexy BBW look like! If you squint a bit... (Please overlook faces of abject horror) Why not try it and post for yourself? Note, system is often overloaded, so you might need to run the generator multiple times before it works
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bunp I need a place for this
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bbw mom uzbek and son
>>27307 Wtf is an uzbek?
