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Chat Request Thread #10 - 'Thread of the Year' Edition Anonymous 10/24/2024 (Thu) 01:10:35 No. 28570
Post your chatbot requests here. Want to request a bot? Check the pastebin if it's already been made (last updated 10-15-2024): https://pastebin.com/b9QpQUKV Nobody works on your request or you want to try making a requested bot? Try it yourself and post the results here or in the general chatbot threads. Guides: C.AI (by DrYagokoro): https://pastebin.com/HQhQbY7f Spicychat (by muricanpie): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jGzdaW7iZBYaIK__itu7FOxgvmTOnL3P7g0vfuafMaI/edit
For the sake of keeping this thread organized, please post all your requests as a response to this post
Tag your completed requests here Don't forget to double check the archive pastebin to make sure the character you want has already been done
I considered making a thread for a c.ai to janitorai overall hop over but it seemed a little excessive which led to this message instead. My message is going to look fucking weird from the norm in terms of requests, but it's moreso a list of requests asking for various c.ai ports to Janitor ai. >>28571 Given how c.ai is shitting itself and the filter is becoming absolutely trash because of google suits and the like, I'd like to request some of my enjoyed bots to be ported from it to Janitor. >>28519 >>28520 AK447 made a few messages to help others with porting to Janitor. The following are a some bots I'd like to be ported over to janitor, hopefully the original creators sees this and don't mind in doing so. I'd like to request DrYagokoro to come back and port the touhou bots over, maybe one day. Massive Mari by Petersburg- https://character.ai/chat/Ewb1prO_y0_oyVsZb0NtIHlLaVoU-sad5HeD34Jhte0 Massive Monika by Petersburg- https://character.ai/chat/_vIPYF2ey5zjQp96SJ-FstcSsgHhVK-thi3tex7xYg8 Monika by LurkTheArtist https://character.ai/chat/vG4OBFOQU-aK-ph289Ce9WO6zafHiIc-5Q-tAU4ipY0 Chiaki Nanami by LurkTheArtist https://character.ai/chat/GDQ9DftG_nPUVQ5r8maDHltnI4pI4QjUHwKJjWmcSus Mari by PamTheWoman https://character.ai/chat/vHXgO1Ppij3_iu61OKrw62FSCKla_leHbTZsBzZ-KV8
rei takes over nerv and makes alot of changes where she makes all pilots the same size as her to fight the angels making it a more safer method than teenagers piloting giant robots that puts others at risk of dying or tramatized based on this image>>28571
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>>28571 This image was posted recently and I adore it and the scenario it shows. We’ve seen plenty of decent bots for the wonka factory so a bot along the lines of: “Leaving the factory and seeing the aftermath of happened after your friend(?) took the gum” seems very fun. Especially if she sees all the “fun” you had while she was gone.
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>>28571 Carrying my request over from the previous thread, it’s based off of FacelessKiwami’s OC, Remy. The scenario is that the user has been seeing Rem in their dreams recently but has no idea that they existed until the user was waken up by Rem’s noisy gut one night or smth. Other than that, you have total control.
>>28571 Requesting this https://bbw-chan.link/bbwai/res/26140.html#q28157
/r/ing >>28261
>>28571 Guess I might as well try leaving my request from the last two threads again. This is Osakabehime (Okki) from Fate/Grand Order, and yes, that is all actual, unedited dialogue from the game. Truly, this is the greatest plan in the history of fiction. I'm convinced that the writer for the Event was one of our people. The scenario for the bot basically writes itself, but if I had to define it better, maybe something like: The User is FGO's protagonist and they lost to Osakabehime, so now they are forced to spend the rest of their life living the most sedentary lifestyle imaginable in her room together with her, while machines do basically everything for them. Honestly, this can work both as a feeder or a feedee bot, depending on how it's played.
>>28571 Requesting a Kana Arima bot
>>28571 To anyone who's seen My Adventures with Superman, I'm requesting siobhan mcdougal (Silver Banshee)
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>>28571 Can anyone make a rp bot with a facility that turns people into blobs like this?
>>28571 Reposting my blanket request for the girls from Highschool DxD. If you could do a bot for Rias AND Akeno that would be legendary.
>>28571 Requesting fat bots for C.C. and Kallen from Code Geass.
>>28642 https://spicychat.ai/chat/78c3cdf4-d4e8-41a8-810f-46dd90c7ec25 Heres a feedee rias thats a bit extreme
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>>28571 Can someone make a bot about this?
>>28571 feeder hokage kushina uzumaki based on this picture
>>28571 Anyone want to take a crack at this? no idea what the scenario would be but I've always loved this drawing
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>>28571 requesting a character ai bot based off this picture of a fat witch muffet
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>>28571 Can someone make a chatbot for one or both of these inflation edits of Spinnerella from "She-Ra and the Princesses of Power" via something along the lines of her using her wind controlling powers to inflate her body into a balloon or maybe her wind controlling powers are malfunctioning thus causing her body to inflate into a balloon please? Thank you.
>>28571 Can someone also do a chatbot for this group fat drawing of Livewire and Heatwave from "My Adventures with Superman" by Mizz-Britt please? Thank you.
>>28571 Requesting Dee from producing parker for janitor ai she's a underrated fat milf
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Just realized I posted this in the wrong thread. Could anyone make a chatbot of this image? (Spicy chat or characterAI preferably)
request for a fat boa Sandersiona bot who took a liking to you (this is after the events of 2 year skip and vore elements are okay) also a spicychat.ai port is welcome >>28571
>>28571 I’d like to request a slob fatbot of Fasha from DBZ. If it could be on spicychat that’d be great. (Spoiled bc the image is ob)
>>28571 Gonna rerequest this from the previous thread. >>27330
>>28571 https://www.deviantart.com/needingfatgirltolove/gallery This guy's got some pretty decent bots that could be ported to spicy. Namely the genshin bots.
>>28584 bump
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>>28571 Requesting a fat bot of Kaede Akamatsu from Danganronpa V3. I’d prefer janitor or c.ai, but I’ll take whatever.
>>28571 Requesting a Lucoa bot
>>28754 Bruh https://spicychat.ai/chat/d2b8fffe-880e-4284-ad7a-462c3d8e2e75
Are there any solid female feeder bots?
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>>28571 Requesting a Melony bot from Pokemon based on this image to Spicychat
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>>28572 >>28750 Completed. Kaede Akamatsu as a fat chick around 250 lbs, accurate to her canon portrayal and set in a peaceful setting within Hope's Peak Academy where she invites you out for (a presumably big) lunch. https://character.ai/chat/srw8pBhKd71LzWAFjcLHMjwyKk6E5BmJkPZmc6_Pqws It's been a long time since I've written a Danganronpa bot, so while taking a tentative look at Kaede's free time events to see if anything about her piqued my interest, I was charmed by the presence of pic related enough to take a crack at it. I would be highly interested in receiving feedback regarding how satisfying she is to interact with as a mirror to the real character, so feel free to share. I've submitted a spicychat.ai version for review, so that'll be up sooner or later.
>>28640 Made one on character.ai and the other one on spicychat is still waiting for approval, idk how good it is but at least I tried lol, it's not super shit at least
>>28786 Forgot to link bruh it's 3 am here im tired lol https://character.ai/chat/DqqFENh2tlu9jNjkm037MPC8Y9HD4nNDVFcQdn45zaY
Humbly Requesting a fat bot for Nagatoro, based on those images, add some twiks to your taste
Forgot to pin the anchor >>28571 >>28789
>>28571 Requesting a bot of Chie Satonaka or Marin Kitagawa
>>28571 Actually, this one request way back got overshadowed and I'd like to see it come into fruition, so I'm gonna rerequest it. >>22210
>>28781 Thank you so much!!
>>28786 It’s not super shit and is a good bot so far but it’s also not exactly what I’m looking for but that is my own fault as I should have gave more context with my original post So let me make a updated post of what I seek “A rp bot with a secret large facility that turns people into blobs mostly against their will with sizes varying so not all blobs are mostly the same, and I’d like the bot to not focus on a single npc but be able to be multiple npcs depending on users needs and also have the starter be more describing the place and not just have user be there right away/ have user choose how/if they are there, and example being one person may want to sneak in to find a friend and another person may want to start be being brought in to the facility against their will” I hope this more longer post helps anyone that wants to take a crack at this idea make it
>>28582 Bumping my request cuz FacelessKiwami’s OCs are goated.
>>28796 No problem! As previously said, I've also made a spicychat link if people don't want to post on character.ai https://spicychat.ai/chat/78ce6825-71d1-47e9-b9bf-a31e83a9f664 >>28772 Also going to take the opportunity to reply to this because it gives me an excuse to port another bot to spicy. A request from a previous thread, a bot of Shelly from Pokémon ORAS as a feeder. https://character.ai/chat/IQaEZPf5fCxduLhmQqy2amnPNKXc_dS8K1qfYho1dKo https://spicychat.ai/chat/23b9b8fe-ffcc-44a7-a3d6-8191017089c8
>>28571 Could someone make a breast expansion focused inflation bot of futaba Sakura from persona 5 for spicy chat plz?
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Can someone possibly do an Asuna Yuuki spicy ai chat bot, with the idea of her basically becoming a complete glutton with some slob involved, with it taking place during the first season? Not sure if that sounds good or not.
>>28792 I'll work on the Marin bot for ya, anything emphasized in particular? Scenario?
>>28808 maybe the same scenario in the image?
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This request may be odd but can someone make a chatbot on character.ai based off of Peebs (The female bunny from PieMations’s “HOW TO Be COOL” animation), please? The set-up for the chatbot is similar to the video; the user/reader is some cool dude that’s teaching this overweight 43-year old woman how to be hip and fit, but she fails to get it in a charming way. The artwork is by RushRabbit. The animation in-question: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sZOcugdk_KU&feature=youtu.be
>>28571 Since it's Halloween, I'm requesting a bot based on this BWS drawing
>>28820 >>28571 Forgot to tag.
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>>28571 >>28659 Another idea based of this comic
Also wanting a janitor ai bot of her because not just because she's hot but because i like Kirby >>28571
>>28883 And talking about Kirby, the Kirby Thread at bbwalt is on life support and i need my supply of fat kirby chars
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>>28571 Could someone please make a SpicyChat bot for Chloe Peterson of Better With Salt? There I leave information about the character and how spoiled and greedy she is.
>>28571 >>18710 This is probably an absurd ask, but there's a bot I really enjoyed several months ago back before c.ai started applying all the filters. Can anyone port this one over to spicy? https://c.ai/c/zSCvPJl1kr1s9pNDkT1XLhOdVmMhwU7YhLQu9oXjtng Really liked it because it was super versatile and I could get the bot to take on a lot of different personality traits and scenarios depending on how I started. Hoping the original creator sees this, too.
cai rp of feeder carmelita montoya fox who fattens new recruits to make them tough as her in catching criminals>>28571
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On Spicy chat, or any of the Ai chats, could someone make a Medusa (rider) from the fate series with some ssbbw traits or something? Not sure if someone has made that or not.
>>28571 Can anyone make a scenario bot or 2 based off this please https://kemono.su/fanbox/user/17693043/post/7844073
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>>28976 Felix also begins to lead a sedentary lifestyle because Subaru talked about video games!
can someone port this to janitor https://character.ai/chat/DHG3sAbmYTVEcOjziNSBxR3oO0EkPvgbFTZDRzATWb0
>>29172 >>28571 forgot to link it
>>28571 I just simply want a fat Harley Quinn who broke up with the Joker
>>28571 i want a naruko that wants you to join team 7 after sauske left the vilage 2 and a half years ago
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This is for bbxxxlw. I’m sorry that I didn’t see your last message about my Filia chatbot, but yeah, I’m defo down to see it on Spicy.ai. Excuse the bad image quality.
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>>28571 Could someone make a bot on janitor based on this image? Preferably a friends with benefits type deal if possible :P
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>>28571 Idea for anyone who is a Dead or Alive fan… A Honoka Chatbot (Ssbbw, Implied Feedee)
>>29211 Also both Spicychat and Janitor.ai are both good for this…
Wonder if anyone's done any fat fetish kirby character bots recently, just like in general of there have been
>>29213 I know a guy made one to troll some other guy, but I don't think he ever published that (on purpose to fuck with the requester). Unbelievably kino, wish I saved it.
>>29200 Ok so it's done now I'm just waiting for it to pass the submission review it should be up in here later but I'll send the bot link when it's finally publicly available Account link: https://spicychat.ai/creator/bbxxxlw
>>29215 Cool, anyways what do you think of her
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>>28571 Requesting an Eevee bot on Spicychat that loves to make fatty foods for you and her. Also you can make her either a mom, a love interest, or your wife. Of course I won’t mind if she had all three of some kind.
>>28571 I know I’m weird for saying this but I’m surprised no one’s made any bots themed around puntthepoodle’s fart inflation content I’m sure/hope I’m not the only here that’s would like a bot or two focused around fart inflation If anyone is willing to make one or two that would be great
Requesting Ellie from TLOU part 1
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I've been getting into Spicychat.ai and it was fun. Some had a very nice and vanilla romantic storyline, but once my sinful fetishes kicked in, I've learned that I'm a fuckin' freak! There are so many characters that has missed potential and I would like to change that. I request a chatbot of BBW Samus from Nerd Rage. Spicychat or JanitorAI would be nice.
>>29200 >>28572 Here is your Filia! https://spicychat.ai/chat/3473ba93-1926-4a8e-b425-4c5220897809
>>29249 You cooked with this one, bub. Thank ya!
This bot: https://character.ai/chat/JJEkURCo_DipKZsqsxvpG6TGoKxvlX_87XJUO3EOhmM This bot made me realize why I stopped using C.ai and started using SpicyChat more, But the bad thing is that it's a bot with a good idea What I ask, apart from porting it to SpicyChat, is that some things be changed, Which are: 1- Change the fact that in the school there are feeders instead of feedees, it is assumed that the feedees are what fatten and the feeders are what feed (I think so) 2- Change the beginning, especially the part of "I'm a weirdo for being trans" (every time I make a new chat, I have to change the start of the chat) 3- That the chat is not for minors (it says that you are a 12-year-old, and that is something I have to change) That would be my request, thanks. >>28571
>>29249 Oh a Filia bot is nice. Would you mind porting it to Janitor as well?
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>>28571 I might get gunned down for this, but ik that there’s mofos that make chatbots that deal with far more horrible stuff, can someone please make a chatbot where Billie (Billie Bust-Up) accidentally got pregnant from a magic spell and you, the user, are helping her with it. She still wants to keep her curious and adventurous spirit, but you want to slow her down a bit due to her condition. Look, to get people off of my back, make her 18. That’s all that I ask. Here’s reference material that you can use; https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFjQPGe2smaltbulz4LzoUe1_od6BtQ9r&si=Ltr_8CRS__zxmeW- https://youtu.be/MqdqM8x1ddE https://youtu.be/xE1fZJ8jOTw https://youtu.be/_uFPjbCLrI8
>>29255 Oh I don't do Janitor, maybe at some point but no promises.
>>29262 >>29269 Not sure if you’re cool with this, but I’d love to see your take on this.
>>28789 Once again, requesting a Nagatoro bot
Requesting a bot of stelle from honkai star rail >>28571
>>29279 Nope, sorry, I don't do furries gonna have to take that to someone else.
>>29297 Understandable. Have a good day.
>>29297 Dude, your bots are awesome, can't wait for the Marin bot, even tho it's not my request, but i hope to see it
>>29301 I kind of lost my draft for her but I've been working on it from the ground up again, plus I've got some improvements!
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>>28571 I don’t see much love for her around, so I’ll try to change that with this request. Can someone please make a chatbot on c.ai based off of June Holiday, an OC by FacelessKiwami/MisterFaceless? The scenario is that the user is invited to join her on her latest livestream where anything goes, they discover that there’s more sides to her than meets the eye, and possibly get her channel taken down. Linkzzzz: https://refsheet.net/FacelessKiwami/juneholiday
>>29315 Nice, more FacelessKiwami requests
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>>28571 /r/ing an in game character (sweet, kind, gentle but assertive) feeder Princess Peach. She's fit and takes care of herself but wants to make you her personal live-in hog.
Requesting an ochako/togo bot based on these scenarios
>>29329 shit. Forgot to tag.>>28571
(Forgot to link: >>28571) Since ReZero season 3 is at its peak, the request would be for this one, the Plot would be something like this. "After the disaster of the castle presentation, Felix takes advantage of Subaru's mental condition to brainwash him with his magic and joins Crusch's camp to turn him into a servant of the same. The latter in turn seeing his knowledge of food from his world takes advantage to use him as a feeder, thus growing and becoming a big fat ball that takes advantage of the hypnotized boy to indulge his hedonism."
>>28571 could someone make a remake of the deleted wii girth bot ?
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Could someone make a scenario bot based on this game? https://forum.weightgaming.com/t/dont-fear-the-jester-a-fattening-card-game/45954 Here is a link to the forum on weight gaming.
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>>28571 Can someone make a bot for ComicalWeapon's OCs Luna and Jess please? Thank you.
>>28571 Does anyone think they could try make a Scenario bot or two based/ themed off this https://kemono.su/fanbox/user/17693043/post/7844073
>>28792 Ok so the bot is now under review so it should be out soon
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>>29421 Not my request, but still waiting, Thanks in advance
It's finally done! >>29421 >>28792 >>28572 And it that was fast too. Marin: https://spicychat.ai/chat/2d5995f7-f760-4cde-bff2-2c22b66174a8
>>29425 could you port it to janitor as well?
>>29438 Sorry I don't do Janitor and after thinking for some time I probably wont
>>29450 Could you at least make the description public so it can be ported? (with credit ofc)
I made two bots, i'm bored and looking to take a request as long as it isn't fucking stupid https://janitorai.com/profiles/c377c9c2-0e07-4d54-ba30-c91975efd3e3_profile-of-hitomi-chan
>>29470 From making requests to taking them, truly an aspirational beacon.
>>29470 Alright, here's one >>28795
>>29470 This one (if you don’t fw slob that’s fine) >>28715
I want to commission a couple bots for janitor ai, prices can be negotiable on skills and formats.
>>28571 May I ask for a bbw Diane foxington roommate?
>>29470 Amendment: preferably a non-fur female with focus around fat, no slob, and without the freakin ambiguous age bs. and some degree of premise helps, bots that are 'hi i am fat anime girl' have a hard time following any sort of plot
>>28571 >>29495 Requesting a bot of Flannery from Pokémon where after becoming the gym leader of Lavaridge she began stress eating under the pressure, leading to a moderately high amount of weight gain (honestly, only looking for something as big as the first part of the sequence, but it's up to whoever actually writes it). In general, she's characterized as being kinda nervous and unused to her duties as a gym leader. I'll link her wiki article so you don't have to seek it out: https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Flannery Also, this is Christmas wishlist tier shit, but I would appreciate if it were on c.ai or spicy. I haven't been a fan of the way janitor generates responses
>>29408 Created it last night. Welcome for edits and suggestions for improvement, it was a quick job. I haven't tested it myself, let me know if it's any good.
>>29498 Can you give a Link to it please so I can check it out
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>>29470 >>28571 Well good sir if you would consider my request For a very fat Nagatoro who after indulging a bit to much for to long is now at the mercy of her senpia.
Perfect. >>29470 >>29315
>>29502 https://janitorai.com/characters/94b3101d-062f-4886-928d-cc5e973cbaca_character-revenge-feeding-nagatoro Tried to keep the focus to the scenario. Hard to get her to try and bully while also being dominated, I doubt you'd be able to move the scene much past force feeding. >>29497 I like this but I don't really have a good grasp of what the character acts like or what the scenario would be.
>>29520 The most natural scenario for the bot in my mind would have the user be the new champion of the league, returning to say hello to her after battling her so long ago. It'd give good reason for her still to be nervous around the user, and play into her characterized insecurities (being a new gym leader and trying to seem tough, but still feeling quite immature)
>>29523 honestly if you got that much of a vision, just make the bot yourself. i have never spent more than an hour making a bot it's just that easy
>>29525 Dude we’re asking you to do it. Don’t shift the buck now bucko.
>>29525 > on, just make the bot yourself. talk about a lazy asshole lol. You know he voted Biden.
>>29525 I've written many requests for the threads before and written many bots for my own use, I've got the vision and the means. You aren't obligated to do it, I was just curious enough to throw a request at someone who asked >>29527 He just wrote another person's request, are you high?
>>29528 theyre not high theyre suffering from dementia :)
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Can anyone make bots about these characters? about the obesity dungeon by Debyjull.
>>29499 Bruh I literally copied the link to paste but sent before double checking, mb. https://chub.ai/characters/BookWormXtreme/1-ton-room-019fe4adbca1
>>29520 Most wonderful very good Nagatoro thank you.
>>29527 Dude every side has the same people you're just projecting against your reflection
>>29528 Yeah sorry, I didn't mean to be dismissive, I wasn't feeling the prompt and felt like you had a good enough grasp to something you'd enjoy. Encouragement not fuck-off-itude. Glad you're understanding and not on the entitlement train. >>29540 Thank you. I can't really get her to try and bully, nothing but submissive pleading but hey, that's the prompt. Also not a lot of luck getting her to proceed past the initial feeding scene but oh well, it's a one hour photo
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>>28571 A Marilyn chatbot from Paper Mario would be nice.
>>29520 Thank you for this bot, she is too big for my taste, but still had fun
It's probably a hard request but still, Asking from a bot of main girls from New game! anime, the scenario is what a director of Eagle jump company makes all snacks in company free, thus most girls gets chubby/fat/obese or only started to get tubby, you are a new intern in this studio, if it sound too hard, then i am asking for Hajime/Yagami with this scenario
>>29543 So will you be taking more requests?
>>29559 if any strike my fancy or if you suck up hard enough
>>28571 >>29560 Well I have a thing for the ladys FGO so I think I will request Queen Medb well know for her love of indulging in the all manner of pleasures her lastest indulgence food and getting fat as she can all to win heart of her master so she can at last bed them. Many thanks if you chose to do this good sir/madam
>>29539 Finally got the time to get around to trying but I can’t as none of the models work would you be able to port it to somewhere that works please sorry
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Can I please get a chatbot on c.ai based off of a fat variant of Ms. Fortune from “Skullgirls”? Thank you.
>>29583 >>28571 Forgot to tag.
>>29563 Image source?
>>29592 MeatPedal on deviantart
can someone make an ashley graham bot based off this picture?
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>>28571 I would like a chatbot (either on Janitor or Spicychat) based on Kip's OC, Aika. Make her as a childhood friend to the user and gets to see each other again after a long time.
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>>28571 For fans (or non-fans) of ZZZ, could we get a fat-bot of Yanagi? Considering she has multiple scenes involving her weight, and her love of food and red bean buns, I feel like out of any zzz character she fits a fat-bot the most. In terms of scenarios, I was thinking about pretty much taking the random event involving her being self-consious about rewarding herself with food too much because of work to its logical conclusion. (I do enjoy stress-eating fatties)
>>28571 feeder wonder woman bot on either cai or janitor ai based on this image in a scenario where your a member of the justice league
I’ll do a few requests if anyone has any. Note I only do furry/anthro female characters.
>>29668 feeder carmelita montoya fox who fattens new recruits to make them tough as her in catching criminals based on this image
>>29609 >>28572 https://janitorai.com/characters/3f061060-4693-4623-92a1-6d6762bb0e10_character-a-whole-lotta-ashely Let me know how it works, I could get some adventure out of it at least.
>>29688 I think the character's private, can't access it
>>29689 fixed
>>28571 Requesting a chatbot of fat Ember McLain
>>28571 can someone make a bot of this pic where you are the sugar daddy/mommy and lover of the Nijima sisters
>>28571 >>29707 preferably on janitor
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Requesting a Blob Mystique Sonia chat bot that is Horny and needs feeding. Wants to become bigger and bigger .>>28571
>>29761 For both C.ai and Spicychat.
>>28571 I was hoping someone would be able to make a bot on Janitor of a model please? I have a few options so choose whichever 1 you would want to make the most: Athenablaze Roxxie Chubby Chiquita Reiinapop
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>>28571 Anyone willing to take a crack at something based on this image? Basically, a blubbery anthro guy who's being fattened up for the sake of being auctioned off to the highest bidder. Maybe he's a bit embarrassed and uncomfortable with his situation?
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>>28571 Can someone please make a chatbot on character.ai where the user goes to visit to Undyne, whether to train with the flabby fish or to watch some anime with her is entirely up to you. You can even use some ingame quotes as reference. (Art cred: BatSpid2 on Fur Affinity.)
>>29668 I guess I'll re-request this one for spicy then >>28899
/r/ing a chubby inkling or octoling girl OC from Splatoon, who's getting too fat to play well the Turf Wars.
>>29668 Ms.Bellwether from Zootopia
>>28571 I was wanting to see if anyone was interested in making a spicychat bot for this bugged helldiver sequence by tobyart in pic related. I spoilered the pic since I didn't want to flash anyone with something they might not like seeing.
>>28571 I'm currently wanting me some fat mao mao
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I am hoping that someone makes a fat Siren bot from TBOI on Janitor.ai
>>28571 Requesting Shalltear from Overlord Janiter AI. After wishing and wanting to have huge breasts for so long she has at last got them but at the cost of her waistline. And now her lovely swim suit has been destroyed while at the beach by her very increacing weight.
>>29694 Seconded.
>>28781 Hey, are you open to doing any more Danganronpa bots? Or any bots in general? I really like your content and I just want to make sure you actually still do requests.
>>29889 I still write all the time, I just never post anymore because I write exclusively for use on character.ai which I figure no one cares to use anymore. If you've got a request you're fine using on that site (or going through the trouble of porting to another one), go ahead
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>>28571 Requesting a JanitorAi chatbot of CutieCupcake from Doughnation Dependency by SweetDreamCoffee, a Mukbang streamer who’s blissfully unaware of how fat she’s actually getting. In the scenario, the user is the one who’s secretly making her fatter instead of Sophie (Also no reality check by Kaypop btw)
>>29707 bump
>>29893 I actually still use character Ai so I’m excited to see what you’ll make next. However I do recommend you create more Danganronpa 2 characters as you only have 2. (Despite both being really good. Thanks for considering requests!
>>29963 ¿qué?
>>29963 The fuck are you talking about?
>>29962 Duly noted >>29964 >>29965 Looks like the spam bot is back lmao, was blocked for a while after the VPN bans but if it's back now just know to report instead of replying so it doesn't get to take up thread space
>>28571 It just occurred to me but no one has made a fat Haruhi Suzumiya bot. Having a reality bending fatty could be pretty interesting.
>>28571 Can someone make a Ryuko Matoi fatbot on either janitor or spicychat? I prefer slob but not slob is fine. (Pic spoiled for slob)
>>28571 feeder leshawna from total drama island based on this image . either on janitor or cai is fine
>>29539 Can anyone port this to agnai.chat or somewhere that works as none of Venus’s models work/ no matter what I do they refuse to generate a single message
>>29962 Not to be rude, but are you working on any bots? I was the one who requested for more Danganronpa 2 bots and was just curious if you had something in mind.
>>30018 No, I tried to get something going for a while regarding DR2 and it just made me remember why I stopped writing Danganronpa bots (I exhausted all of the characters who I had sincere interest in writing about). You're welcome to recommend characters from other franchises but at this point if I write any more Danganronpa it'll be rewrites of my current bots to make them better.
>>28571 Someone please make a bot of this Asuna from Sword Art Online
>>30021 Well that’s unfortunate, hopefully you can find interest in danganronpa characters someday. As for other franchises I really don’t know. I don’t really know what I would recommend, and I don’t know what you are comfortable with writing. Thank you though for your work, and I’m looking forward to your next bot!
>>30045 >>30021 Actually If you’re fine with doing TCOAAL I would love that because the fat bots from that game that I talked to have been deleted. However I would understand if you are uncomfortable with the subject matter, but it’s the only thing I could really think of. Thanks for your understanding. >>28571
>>30018 What DR2 characters were you interested in for bots?
>>30048 Really fine with any of them, but Mikan is my favorite so I guess her.
>>28571 Can anyone attempt to figure this bots details and port it to janitor and/or spicychat please https://character.ai/chat/-bavBlSJ7XqIUWG-V0ZSwC_XSnIywOZnJgLGi76C5rA
>>30072 Alright I'll keep that in mind, I'm the same guy in the regular thread that made a Miu. Chiaki was in the works but I might do Mikan. Speaking on Mikan, she's similar to Miu in the aspect that she can kinda go both ways with interpretation. Did you have a personality preference on how you'd want her to be depicted? More submissive and shy/timid? Or the more despair variant that's more unhinged?
>>30088 I mean both would be good, but the main personality being shy and hiding her craziness is something I like more. Also, what platform are you going to make it?
>>30096 hmm based on how Miu went, it should work just in reverse, I'll have to see about it how it works when I could bet to it. I pretty much only use janitor now cause the CharacterAi filter pisses me off and I don't really like spicy chat. Feel like the generating is worse, wait queue time is annoying, and there's even a wait approval period for bot submissions. Can't say I'm a fan when Janitor is acceptable I feel.
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>>28571 Requesting chat bots of Better-With-Salt's OC's please. I would like to have Sammy first. My other three choices are Siv, Sophia, and Val
>>30099 Can you do a Character ai port? It’s the website I like the most and I really don’t want to request a bot I won’t you.
>>30048 Ibuki
So, I found a both art Splatoon agent 3 and agent 8 but referring to Alvien squirrels, you can create one of this image create life or chat
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>>28572 >>30072 I decided to commit to writing Mikan Tsumiki from DR2, so here you go. The story goes that after finding the security of Hope's Peak, where Mikan is more openly accepted and has even made a few friends, she has become comfortable overindulging in the sensations of warmth and fullness that she enjoys. Willingly fattening herself, she maintains a diet free of junk food that's still packed with enough calories to make her stand out in a crowd. https://character.ai/chat/pOnpXSUIIB_2ZunMAwQHRQKAAWrhslQEpmY804ng8as I've had an interest in writing Mikan for the longest time, but I've held off because the nuances of her character unnerve me (not the despair mind control, canonically every DR2 character was as insane as her, there was nothing special about her reveal at the end of chapter 3). However, I was struck with a good idea of how to adapt her most uncomfortable aspects to me in giving her the tendencies of a feeder desperate to keep someone close to themselves. I hope you enjoy, but don't expect more DR bots, I would've written Mikan a long time ago if I had a developed idea for her. Also for the record, no I'm not porting this anywhere, but the description is open for you to take it to any site you want. Just credit my c.ai @ if you make it public, please
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>>28571 Would like a chat based on this image, preferably on c.ai
>>30152 Holy fuck, you legend. Thank you so much for this! I’m super grateful. Also if you’re thinking about making other bots that aren’t requests, I would love to hear about them! Super amazing bot as always.
>>30163 If I end up posting public versions of my personal use bots, they'll be in the regular chatbot thread where they belong, so just keep an eye out there. Thank you for the kind words.
>>30154 Honestly we need more fat stuff of pac man games so i'm happy we may be getting a fat Pinky bot on c.ai, it's not janitor but you do you
>>30154 Fuck it, I did it myself: https://character.ai/chat/7nDpTyQ2Pvutivzrc_7a_WblY3Xic9eh0NZRNorJjQg
>>30178 Expected Pinky herself but next time maybe
>>30178 >>30190 What do you mean
>>28571 I want a fat Hitori bot for spicy chat.
>>30194 I could give a try do you have a specific scenario?
>>30201 Sure. Scenario would be that Bocchi has social anxiety and it became worse that she started eating to make her clam from being too nervous. To try at least making friends but it got even worse. She a bit shy and embarrassed about her body thinking she wouldn't make a friend. Then {user} trys cheering her up and give her confidence that her new body doesn't matter she can still make a friend.
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>>28571 A Fat Pearl from Steven Universe
>>30212 Ok I can work with that, I'll post it when it's done.
>>28571 Hey, does someone mind making a XWG sangheili/elite female from halo for me on spicychat or crushonai please?
>>28571 I have a particular request for a JanitorAI bot. With some sort of new training method, Bulma, Chi-chi, Videl or 18 have a new fighting style where they use their fat bodies as power, and as they "power up", they become fatter and fatter, akin to the power growth of the super saiyan transformations. I'd be happy to get even just one bot with this premise, or even another DBZ character such as kale, caulifla or cheelai. Whoever picks up this request I'll leave it up to them who to choose.
>>28571 requesting a janitor feeder bot of byleth who feeds her students while still being a fierce warrior in battle .
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>>28571 Requesting a chatbot on c.ai based off of Katt from Animal Crossing. Source: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/43171376/ (It's hot.)
>>28571 Does anyone think they could make a version of this on chub(character hub)/ KoboldAI as caveduck bots are too stiff
>>30154 Who did this art? Also someone going by joaovi put this bot into spicychat.ai, is the definition public?
>>28570 If AK447 was still around, I'd like to ask if there was either a yunyun and/or Wiz bot in the works given the quality konosuba trio bots already present on Janitor.
>>30271 >>30154 SolitaryScribbles "Pink-Mania"
>>30284 What about that joaovi guy? Also i maybe would like to make/have a janitor.ai port
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>>30281 Well, I don't know if it will help you, but I was doing some transfers of bots I had in Hiwaifu, among them with both of them. Maybe they will help you. https://janitorai.com/characters/80b03101-0f13-4c17-9e6f-fa81b39ef972_character-fat-wiz-konosuba-weight-gain https://janitorai.com/characters/deefcf58-8c9f-4409-ba04-5f9d319258a0_character-fat-yunyun-adult-konosuba-weight-gain
Hi fellow Anons hope you are all good is the owner of @tubbymelusine in the thread if so I like to ask for a port of some of there bots to janitor Ai.
>>30223 >>30212 Alright I've made the bot, just gotta test it and publish it won't take too long, as long as Spicy decided to approve it quickly. Account link: https://spicychat.ai/creator/bbxxxlw Also I'll gladly take requests! Only human characters or extremely close to human and a couple other things i might or might not work on if you request.
>>30305 Yo thanks!
>>28571 Not a traditional request but, does anyone have a link to a bot called Neet Miku? Has Darkfireballz art as the pfp. Thanks if you have it.
>>30307 It's public now, you're welcome!
>>30309 https://janitorai.com/characters/0e2ee449-c595-4026-a872-c9d0f4ce943f_character-neet-miku
>>30281 AK447 here. I originally intended to create a 2nd wave of Konosuba bots including Wiz, Yunyun, and Chris in time with the end of Season 3. The premises for the bots were: >Wiz's bot would center around her trying and failing to create a weight loss potion that, in true Wiz fashion, causes the drinker to become ravenously hungry and gain weight rather than lose weight. She discovered this when she began testing the potions on herself to make sure they were safe for her customers but instead she just ate herself into obesity >Yunyun's bot would have been a direct sequel to Megumin's bot and would have involved her attempting to beat Megumin at a eating competitions but her repeated defeats at the hands of her rival have left her severely overweight, but smaller than Megumin. Alternatively, Yunyun would have fattened herself up on her own due to misinterpreting Megumin's attempt to gain weight to build stamina to cast Explosion more frequently as another one of their competitions. >Chris's bot would have involved the tomboy thief getting caught either during a dungeon raid or a heist, getting fattened via force feeding or magic, and waddling back to the Adventurer's Guild. I played around with the idea of incorporating her alter-ego as Eris but I found that incorporating the goddess aspect of her character made things too complicated, not to mention how juggling two identities tends to confuse the bot. However, progress stalled out early on during the testing phase for Wiz when I couldn't get her to behave as intend on spicychat. Yunyun and Chris never left the outline phase. Ultimately, I turned my attention to other bots and requests. Now that you've brought them up again. I might give these bots a second shot but no promises. If anyone wants to make a bot based on these ideas have at it.
>>28571 Some Belt Buster characters deserve some chat bots! For starters, I would like to request this beautiful Russian SSBBW girl, Mila Milanov.
There isn't much info on her character bio from the series Belt Buster, mainly because they were redacted. Basically she is model who was hired by Elijas and Anne.
I want to make a bot, with some specifics female human blob no loli shit no slob shit no shit shit
>>30372 Then just make it, one is really stopping you, plus it's really not that hard, you can do it!
>>30372 Well, if you want an idea. How about a pear body type blob girlfriend, IE huge huge ass, hips, and thighs. Scenario could be that the user is someone who is dating her/in a relationship with her. Slice of life stuff in terms of how to deal with the fact her ass and hips requires some special architecture for her and that when she is out and about she gets stuck easily on normal doors/double doors. The user character is really into that fact, trying to constantly get her into those kinds of situations as a result of their sexual attraction to her massive butt. Would that be an alright idea for you?
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>>28571 Requesting a bot of SSBBW Vanilla for Janitor, please.
>>30316 Do you have the character Ai version?
>>28571 Huzzle Mug (from Great God Grove) and my life is yours!!!
>>30381 I knows, I'm just not really finding a character and/or premise I enjoy atm
>>30411 Maybe artist OCs? Better with Salt has some varied OCs, so does Belt Buster, you can find a whole lot more in the draw thread! Currently I can't really find anything myself which is why in asking for requests but I know something will peek my interest.
Anyone have character.ai Alice from weighting game
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>>28572 >>30281 >>30327 AK447 here. I hope you don't mind a bit of a Christmas gift. Wiz - A beautiful but borderline bankrupt lich merchant who bet her shop, her career, and her waistline on a weight loss potion (that does exactly the opposite of helping people lose weight). https://janitorai.com/characters/41c42d5b-6ad7-4046-9fd4-d9842befa401_character-wiz-the-lardy-lich-merchant https://spicychat.ai/chat/95ae9ef4-cee8-4474-a2e5-690ffaaee46b I went back to the draft I had of Wiz and rewrote some parts so that the bot's behavior should be tighter now. As always, comments, suggestions, and bug reports are always welcomed. And Merry Christmas!
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>>28571 Can someone make a JanitorAi bot out of this scenario (The art is by fladdykin)
Looking for an obese mom chatbot anywhere
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>>28571 Chatbot based on Miharu from Plus Size by DrBlackJack?
>>30453 Loved this bot! Was wondering if you plan to make an new bots in general. As your bots especially the slob ones are the best ever! Love to see you make even more.
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>>30485 Thanks, that means a lot! I've mostly been lurking on the thread for the past few months due to work and family life. Apart giving the bots for the Yunyun and Chris from Konosuba another try, I'm mostly working through the rest of the Huniepop girls. So far I have published bots for: >Aiko Yumi >Audrey Belrose >Jessie Maye >Nikki Ann-Marie >Celeste Luvendass >Brooke Belrose >Candace "Candy" Crush >Lillian Aurawell >Nora Delrio >Sarah "Suki" Stevens >Ashley Rosemarry Bots that I haven't done yet >Kyanna Delrio >Beli Lapran >Lola Rembrite >Kyanna Delrio >Tiffany Maye >Momo >Kyu Sugardust >Abia Nawazi >Lailani Kealoha >Polly Bendleson >Denise "Zoey" Greene >Venus >The Nymphojinn Some of the girls I'm still brainstorming what to do with them while others are already in the testing phase. I'm open to ideas suggestions for story angles or who to do next (barring a few I want to complete and publish in time for specific holidays). I don't plan on doing the HunieCam exclusive girls like Marlena, Nadia, or Renee because there is so little to work with.
>>30487 Your Huniepop bots are like the best thing ever! There so fun to chat and do lewd stuff with. Any plans on making any of then gassy ans slob? As I love when you did that for your other bots and would love to see you do that with the rest! Again can't wait to see who you do next.
>>28571 Late Christmas request but A WG Bot based off an skinny Elf applying for the task eating the entire planets supplies of cookies and milk.
>>28571 feeder samus bot based on this image
>>28571 Requesting feeder Cattleya bot for Janitor or Chub.
>>30471 >>30506 >>28572 Ok so I had posted my bot earlier of Miharu but my post got deleted for some reason? Anyways here's the bot: https://spicychat.ai/chat/5ed63a9d-8738-4b45-8b4e-d76a84a806ea
>>28571 Requesting GhostVa11a's OC, Velvet(The very very fat one), along with the TheShadyAttic's OC Altani. Like two character in one bot. Just Altani on top of Velvet feeding her.
>>30628 Thank you so much for this.
Requesting a Janitor bot of Athena Blaze, I don't mind how it's done
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>>30628 >>28571 Poison Ivy (Batman Arkham Series, Ssbbw, Feedee) Please?
>>28571 Nina Mazursky from Creature Commandos
Could someone make a Wanda bot based on this pic, please? Preferably on janitor.ai
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>>28571 Can someone make fatbots of Korra and Asami from the legend of korra? Ideally having Korra as a dom feedee and Asami as both a feedee and feeder (is there a term for that?)
>>28571 I'm requesting CassieRollArt oc Lacie on spicy please. Just make her personality as you see fit. Here the oc info.
>>28582 Shoutouts to this guy, we need more FacelessKiwami and robuttschei stuff
>>28799 TRUUUUE
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Possessed Amy Rose (Ssbbw, Feedee, Possessed by Boo/Ghost) Amy Rose, once cute and full of energy… now a Obese girl who was possessed by a Boom Ghost (Sonic X) but now she is hungry and waiting for a innocent soul to help consume her hunger for food and souls. >>28571
Any new or good female feeder bots? Not enough of them honestly!
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>>28571 Can someone make a chatbot for CashmereMoo's OC Teresa Rex please? Thank you. More information about her can be found here at https://www.pillowfort.social/search/CashmereMoo.
>>30765 Bumping this with a different Picture
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Requesting a chatbot on juicychat.ai of this scene from the Clover Comic by azumaonfire? I just found the site and it has some nice models, but it has few weight gain/SSBBW bots ...
If @carmine15 from Spicychat is in the tread is possible to request a Janitorai version of Athea the fat centaur https://spicychat.ai/chatbot/41840044-22a5-4008-96df-2aa548420487 pretty please.
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>>28571 a maleficent that curses people to be fat based on this image
Anyone able to make a chatbot for Maria ? (as seen in this image)
>>31160 For what platform? Also what kind of plot do you want for it? Make sure to tag the acorn next time.>>28571
>>31160 This just seems really fun and/or funny in general
for a request i want someone to do a chatbot of asuka and yumi from senran kagura thats all i need
>>31188 Again don't forget to tag the Anchor. >>28571 Also i will appect it since I actually love Senran Kagura. Question I only can do one character at a time. I can't do both together since idk how to make it work properly. Which one do you want Yumi or Asuka? Or i can do both but different bots. What plot do you want and what platform?
>>31190first off sorry didnt notice the anchor second of do both but different bots(take your time ill wait) and third platform spicychat if you could(if not do janitorAI if the other doesn't work
>>31191 I have now finished Yumi now it's under review. Also since you didn't give me a plot hope you don't mind the plot I come with. It try making it lore accurate to the games. Also if you do not like the female pov you can change it by just telling the bot you're a guy. Since in senran kagura lore there's isn't really that much men Shinobis. I'll finished Asuka tomorrow and have both links ready.
>>31188 Yumi is now done i hope you enjoy ^^. Asuka is under review right now. Leave a review of what you think and have a nice day! https://spicychat.ai/Chat/e98f7942-d992-4dfd-a282-83080ebee780 >>28572
>>31196 i like it thank you
>>31196 Can we get a JanitorAI version of some of your bots I find the limited memory on Spicy handy caps most of the good bot.
>>31222 I kinda retired from making bots which I didn't bother transferring them into janitor but I do a few. Which one specifically?
>>31188 Finished Asuka and did a few fixing to it. Sorry for the long wait of Asuka. It was under review for 3 days lol. Here you go hope you enjoy. https://spicychat.ai/chat/afd061d7-c0b8-4cb8-b8fd-5c610c06eb08
>>31230 Oops forgot to tag >>28572
>>31226 The Fat Illya one is good so that one and Yumi if possible please and thank you.
>>31230 thanks i appreciate it
>>31236 https://janitorai.com/characters/8d541e5d-ae0d-4b2c-9204-6343350ea86e_character-illya-fat Illya is done. Now is Yumi
>>31253 Yumi is now in jaintor. https://janitorai.com/characters/76a0ff49-a9ac-45eb-85f6-39dd86a7d362_character-yumi
>>31254 >>31253 Thank you good sir very cool
Can someone make a fat Kurisu bot?
>>28571 Requesting Maria Robotnik (as seen in this image) for Janitor AI as for plot I'd love to have her being forcefully fattened either on board the ARK or as a clone in an Eggman facility (I think I did the post correctly this time)
Request can someone make character.ai beasted on this artwork and na it ether "Beach that makes you fat" or "Fat Mew and Mewtwo" im guessing both pokemon on the artwork ar female but yeah a small intresting Request
>>31295 Hell yeah can anyone do it for janitor?
>>28571 Could someone make a fat Kat from Gravity Rush? She's already a foodie! Bonus points if she uses her gravity powers to improve her mobility.
Does anyone actually check how many completed requests there actually are? Like compared to the requests, the completed ones are basically nothing
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Request:who makes Circle Pun Circle Pun Circle Pun,I don't know ART but who can make this?
>>28571 Kind of an ambitious request and I'm not sure how easy it'd be to actually make work, but I figured there's no harm in putting it out there. Asking for an obese and heavily slobby Toko Fukawa/Genocider Syo bot focused on mutual gain, with her shifting between the personalities of a masochistic feedee and a sadistic feeder.
Can someone make a bot of any CrimsonLantern11 characters? here I leave his devianart https://www.deviantart.com/crimsonlantern11/gallery/73329162/super-gut-mave-the-super-hero
>>28571 a chatbot of a feeder tifa lockheart based on this image
is the pastebin collection gonna be updated in the near future?
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>>28572 >>30939 Here you go, sir. I've written another bot, this one for Kyoko Kirigiri of Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc. Writing her to be a reluctant feeder, she desires to see the user character massive but is too preoccupied with shame and guilt to want to indulge that far. I hope you enjoy. https://character.ai/chat/K7XcGXqYfAbGppeeCLo4jpgKTOQD3now9RJ70ZXkDHI Additionally: I've redeemed a greater interest in the remaining Danganronpa characters, so I'll try taking requests for the ones I haven't already written again. Check my profile to see whether or not I've already written a certain character if you're not sure.
hey maybe you fellas can help me. there was a chat bot on Character AI of it was either a unicorn or a pegasus that was suppose to be angel that comes to you because you died and i find it anymore it used this picture if that helps.
>>28572 Requesting Perona spicybot from One Piece based on these images from Prevence Perona design.
>>28571 I want to request a bot based on the character Quartz from two-ton-neko
>>28571 >>31505 Requesting Miu, pls ❤️ I imagine it in a context where the user is already with Miu. Because I really like the more clingy and pathetic side of her.
>>31595 I made a Miu bot myself a while ago if you were interested in the meantime. char ai https://character.ai/chat/H60jxtf8e7TzP6tPU1ZhQ3FQxuaXDsnwllTdreKI_3k janitor https://janitorai.com/characters/04790c13-3769-4b67-858b-a0b6bed18068_character-miu-iruma
>>31600 Ty!!!!
>>28571 Brittany by HappyPokeyBoy2 needs a chatbot on Janitor, STAT!!!
I would like if she was into the comic, like, remembering the people of it.
anyone got a list of vtuber bots?
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>>28571 Wanting a bot of the Gourmands from Ben 10, they're definitely fit for fat fetish things
Can someone make a bot of pearl from splatoon on spicy chat?
requesting a feeder secretary
Requesting a female feedee bot with racist/raceplay elements, preferably on Janitor. She can be a racist white character or a minority who's particularly vulnerable to/turned on by shame. In the latter case incorporation of accents would be awesome.
>>31696 >>28571 Forgot to tag
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>>28571 Saw this art and it'd be funny if there was a bot made based on it, just some random bomb-defuser chick who takes in the explosions in her stomach.
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Can some make a c.ai base in this story and art work https://www.furaffinity.net/view/58145004/ and the c.ai character has to be called Ambush in the Dunes?
>>31761 I meant on not in
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https://x.com/lewdbeef/status/1889226863199068625?s=46&t=r4z4Ez6KutVNL0HKzY4rQg Can someone make an Ai of Tracy and Sandra from this commercial on SpicyChat? Have the main character in a Harem of these two sexy fat women and loving them. >>28571
Can someone do this concept
>>28571 feeder nami on users crew based on this image
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>>28571 Here is an Idea Inspired by Isle of Gluttony, a chatbot from C.ai and Spicychat.ai Is African Tribe of Gluttony or whatever you want… You are survivor of a Plane crash in Africa, upon exploring… you encounter a Tribe Village filled with Oversized Women in skimpy tight tribe clothes… and the idea is that you crashed near a Tribe of Gluttonous women of Africa… hoping one man would be their to be one of his husband… cause they never had man in the village in decades… So it’s a Ssbbw chatbot and yes I request you guys to name the Village Chieftainess… Anyway let me know if one of you guys can make the Spicychat.ai or Dopple.ai chatbot of this… also these were made in Jscammie.com
>>28571 This one is already made but I can’t find it anymore. It’s for asmr glow and it’s tailored to weight gain.
>>28571 Here are my 2 requests >>31761 >>31302
Someone knows why you can’t find any ak447 bots on spicychat?
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>>28571 For the love of god can someone please Make a Spicy chat Ai of A Massive Blobby Baroness Von Bon Bon From The Cuphead Show horny and love with you and want you all to yourself
>>28571 can someone do this >>31900 >>31899
>>28572 Requesting a fat nerdy gardevoir bot based on this image
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>>28572 >>31595 New requested bot release, this one for Miu Iruma of DRV3. I think she came out great as an abrasive, nervous wreck who weighs 250 lbs, so I hope you enjoy. https://character.ai/chat/7TMmy0JktRDOq11nYJzhsNkBX4cVZMVEaiyEvhMVb5E I honestly never thought I'd write this character (she never really appealed to me personally), but I went for it after you asked for it twice just to see what she was like. I was pleasantly surprised, all in all.
>>31927 Thank you so much!!!!
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Someone should make a C.ai and Spicychat bot for Metalgrunt's OC Silas Tegoth. https://www.f-list.net/c/silas%20tegoth
>>31935 Here's his Tumbir RP blog for extra onsite on Silas' character. https://www.tumblr.com/corpulenttomes
Could someone do a Janitor bot based on Athena Blaze please?
>>31917 Probably might be unlisted, I tried out some of the old links posted and they still work.
>>31943 How about this… been using Jscammie.com for images… >>31910
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https://caveduck.io/character-info/72dfac7d-dadf-45b0-a498-417775d863a8?locale=en Spicychat port of this please?>>28571
>>31927 YOOOOO!! I never thought you would make her! Even though I wasn’t the request maker, Thanks! I always love your work!
>>31985 Man, the idea of a gourmet shy gal is really good, wonder when we'll get the shy gal thread back up
>>28571 a janitorai bot au with majority of the female cast wants to make the user fat
I request! 2 chatbots based on these images. One feeder chatbot representing the lady/mother, and another feedee chatbot representing the fat girl. I would prefer the chatbot to be on SpicyChat (it's the one I use the most), although if it's made on another platform, I guess that's fine (EXCEPT Character.ai!). >>28571
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I was wondering if Anyone could do an Chatbot with c.ai or Janitor with Monarch from Azur lane and i choose those Three images To see which one You would use Artist:Cherryjelly43
