Rarity - Hello there, darlings! I know the summer has just gotten started, but I hope it’s been going well for all of you so far. Personally, I’ve been quite busy running around lately.
I’ve had to attend a couple of receptions to get acquainted with a few potential clients. Thankfully, in a room full of strangers, there’s always at least one person I recognize…
I’ve had to keep up with my regular spa appointments, as well as convince my girlfriend to come along. After all, I can’t let the summer heat get the better of us…
And just yesterday, I shared a delicious lunch with my little sister, just like we used to…
Oh, goodness. It really has been so long since we’ve seen each other. 🥲
Sweetie Belle - Uh, Rarity, don’t we still live in the same house? With our parents?
Rarity - Quiet now, don’t ruin the moment. It was such a lovely day we had yesterday.
Sweetie Belle - Yeah… until after lunch…
Rarity - Sweetie, I’m over 600 pounds in 110 degree weather. What did you expect to happen?