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02IeN 10/22/2023 (Sun) 08:58:48 Id:e975d0 No. 46114
Helo people of the weird and the wonderful! Welcome to the amazing fatty circus! If you couldn’t tell, this is a amazing digital circus thread, so post everything fat and digital circus related!
anyone post that time Goose was caught drawing comically obese Jax during a stream?
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>>69896 Excuse me what
>>69897 fucking legendary.
>>69897 What's he doing tho
>>69897 >obese Jax >long-coveted Gloink Queen fat anthro art >FROM THE SHOW’S OWN CREATOR Unfathomably based!
>>69747 nice >>70038 that locked twitter account (gooseworse) is probably full of that
>>69897 >Tfw that Jax fat art is somehow better than a good amount of fat artist... Bros... is she like us?
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>>72334 It doesn’t matter if he can’t do if publically.
>>72334 Goose is into transformation in general, but not really weight gain. The locked gooseworse account doesn't have much fat on it, but it's full of inflation and pootoys stuff
>>69747 >Appear in the circus, your the only one in the circus with skills as a chef. >Get to be roommates with one of the obese characters of the circus, where they will get first dibs on constant meals, and possible cuddles. Who would you fatten and befriend? Zooble seems fun since they would probably be pissed about getting fatter and need lots of warming up to make them gain willingly.
>>72342 Wait there's official fetish art of TADC? Like is that actual Gooseworks on a fetish alt? Out of the loop. >>72659 I'd love to see this illustrated if not described in detail in a story.
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>>72702 >Wait there's official fetish art of TADC? Like is that actual Gooseworks on a fetish alt? Out of the loop Gooseworx has a fetish alt from way before TADC premired, @gooseworse on twitter. It's locked but still posts a few times every couple months. There's no official TADC fetish art on it though. Goose likes mostly keeping professional projects separate from fetish art from what I can tell. And almost none of it is weight gain, it's all either inflation like picrel, or toon TF stuff like flattening, pooltoys, stretching, that kind of shit.
>>72711 I like all of those, especially that pic you posted. If you can post some more I'll upload more TADC fats
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>gooseworse Kek. This showed up on /co/. Some believe it’s IRL Pomni
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Sauce: https://aryion.com/g4/view/1058940
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>>72926 Ik vore ain’t everyone’s cup of tea, but it’s still neat to get fanart of the series. Also human Pomni is kind of cute.
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This might be out of topic, but since the 4th ep is gonna be about fast food are there any pieces of fanart revolving the gang and wg scenarios involving that stuff?
>>74170 You already know the WG community's gonna hop on that like hot cakes.
>>74181 Bit surprised that no one has made anything like that at all since the trailer, since they’re really quick to hop on a lot of stuff.
>>74181 I get it, cake maek u fat
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Where’s the hype for ep 4?
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>>75333 Damn Gummigoo lookin' fine
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>>74170 Lmao I was just going to share this. By ChubChubby on X.
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Never enough Ragatha.
Anyone wanna get this and post it, please?
(142.27 KB 1170x1898 Big Mcthankies from McSpudsy’s.JPG)
>>75603 Where is more fat manager Gangle?
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Art by Garazune
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How hard is it to find content?
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>>78087 Pretty hard
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I hope we haven’t posted this already.
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Would this work?
