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(706.47 KB 918x1195 IMG_1080.jpeg)
02IeN 10/22/2023 (Sun) 08:58:48 Id:e975d0 No. 46114
Helo people of the weird and the wonderful! Welcome to the amazing fatty circus! If you couldn’t tell, this is a amazing digital circus thread, so post everything fat and digital circus related!
(147.59 KB 1038x1004 part 2.JPG)
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(170.90 KB 1329x934 part 3.JPG)
(121.74 KB 970x890 part 1.JPG)
>>46114 From that image’s original description on twitter “Pomni’s fucking dead” I have a theory that they’re all already dead. I don’t know where else to post. Have a sequence by CrudeIba
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Oh damn didn’t expect people to come here this quick. Also gangle fat
(148.75 KB 1365x1372 20231019_064658.jpg)
(95.63 KB 2910x2400 20231020_114629.jpg)
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(235.92 KB 2048x1618 20231021_010312.jpg)
If Helluva is Hazbin at home what does that make this?
>>46115 Is it that fucking hard to post the damn pictures in order?
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Well, it’s not hard to just….. look at them…. In order mate
(2.09 MB 4800x2800 pomni pumpkin.png)
(116.62 KB 1068x1203 1697683882331320.jpg)
Love how much good content the shows getting
Who ever did the sketch of Ragatha, I love it and can't wait for the results.
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(47.10 KB 607x367 assripper.jpg)
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>>46130 Yes, actually. I can’t fucking figure it out. No wonder this site’s going down. Have more femfats.
(945.03 KB 1170x786 IMG_1106.jpeg)
We got the whole gang! Minus kinger, which is how it should be. I love how every piece of fetish digital circus art that includes kinger, just have him, in the background, “normal” ol kinger
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(228.98 KB 654x939 PomniClown.jpg)
(428.12 KB 2048x1820 Polish_20231028_145955401.jpg)
>>46115 I think there might be another image to that sequence.
(168.47 KB 1515x850 Here.JPG)
>>47479 Fucking post it next time.
(321.85 KB 657x1203 IMG_1304.jpeg)
Alright, I found the most acceptable kinger fat art
>>48341 That’s just godawful
>>48347 how so?
>>48350 Anon has a hateboner for Metalforever, and is probably the same one bitching and moaning over in /draw Best to ignore him.
some actually good zooble art
>>48347 TF you talking about??
(219.11 KB 2460x1080 XRecorder_31122023_193232.jpg)
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Damn this place kinda fell off. (Also kinda my fault) Sooooooo-
(143.63 KB 1200x1148 IMG_0180.png)
This show is too popular.
(98.87 KB 2048x1104 GHD8j0qb0AAaSQp.jpeg)
Any goodies of this guy?
>>53391 >Guy >In BBWalt No.
>>53391 The candy princess is better. So much fat art is going to happen because of her
>>46114 sauce for the pic?
(117.03 KB 690x1199 Exponentialmass.JPG)
>>53398 No idea, here’s one from Exponentialmass
>>53392 >no guys in bbwalt You're saying this as if guys were worse than Lolis LMFAO Even then the mutual WG/fat sex thread is like 75% males so who cares rlly
>>53465 Mainly because lolis are allowed here, while males obviously have their own place and not here
>>53478 I don’t want to see either in this thread
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>>53465 >'Who cares rlly' Are you new here or just absolutely fucking retarded? Male content is mobbed out of alt the literal nanosecond it shows up, always has been. Same for goes for furry shit and on occasion inflation. It's tolerated in mutual/sex because males tend to be somewhat endemic to those specific topics, but that's by and large the only exception. Male content almost never gets posted to alt because A: The vast majority of anons here don't wish to see male content and will immediately come down on anyone who posts it. And B: There's already a dedicated board for male shit, so it should be contained there. This is not fucking hard to understand and it's kind of an embarrassingly pathethic display of sub-human intelligence for you to say something like this whilst speaking on a board where literally 99% of the content posted is of fat chicks. Try reading the room next time, smooth-brain.
>>53487 Eh still don't care tbh
>>53465 >guys were worse than Lolis Yes.
(88.57 KB 1200x941 IMG_0525.jpeg)
Fat Pomni from Calorie
Shit man, I missed a bit. >>53398 Also that is made by NintendoBlendo on DA
>>53487 I’m not reading all that
(232.69 KB 1448x2048 20240229_011109.jpg)
Here's one from Plumpchu. Hope they finish it soon.
(225.15 KB 815x585 IMG_0680.png)
Cloudboyo’s back
>>53579 There it is. Big beautiful Pomni succumbing to gluttony. Love to see it!
(488.74 KB 525x540 1709920353.calorie_pomni_p.gif)
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>>54536 Got a more higher quality version of this?
(2.99 MB 2626x3150 PomnisBuffetPatreon_4.png)
(5.74 MB 2954x2807 IMG_1077.png)
>Aw, Come Now, Surely You Jestin'!
(311.28 KB 1200x1172 IMG_1224.jpeg)
Jax teasing Pomni about her weight is the best
(125.99 KB 1010x791 IMG_3537.jpeg)
I’ve had weird crushes and I don’t give a fuck about what anyone says about them. (Art Cred: Yambedoodle on DeviantArt.)
>>55360 Who hurt you?
>>55365 It’s ur life so imma let u be.
>>55369 You have no choice its amazing. Without you in it. Anon.
>>55370 Physcial appearance say alot about one self then it does the other person. Like looking older then your age. Or using surgeries to be healthy instead of exercising. These are all signs of evil in the world. Gods ppl age gracefully and filled with health and minimal sickness or weight challenges. Wake up already bad ppl age bad.
(182.81 KB 1200x1133 Shinybelly_.JPG)
>>54592 sauce?
(154.93 KB 1200x948 IMG_1339.jpeg)
Wake up
(196.07 KB 512x512 IMG_0328.png)
(8.16 MB 3840x2160 Pomni-2.png)
(408.10 KB 2950x1850 GJWksoCaAAA0Guw.jpeg)
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Have any of you seen the preview for ep 2 yet?
>>57199 The body gaurd who knew to much. 🤣
(356.11 KB 410x554 candyprincess.PNG)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ofJpOEXrZs Digikino is back on the menu. This episode should be excellent for fetish fodder since it takes place in a candy kingdom with a candy princess.
(143.67 KB 927x1200 Redphucksaround.JPG)
I don’t like pomni
>>58209 Agree. And remember that the monster Fudge said that in his free time he does terrible things. This is a good opportunity for force feeding. Well I think so.
(502.10 KB 1591x1742 Pomni.png)
(168.44 KB 1200x946 Blimey….JPG)
(4.22 MB 2144x1718 Fudge monster female fix.PNG)
>>58234 I’m a little disappointed in the fat output in this thread. Someone made the Fudge monster female, which fixed my one issue with the episode (no female fats). >>58217 So when are those violent shipping wars Caine promised coming?
>>58475 How tf did someone make Gangle curvy?
its cool knowing the creator is actually into this stuff too >>58209 i imagine Goose literally thought of that and, obviously, didn't want to put fetish material in her toon.
>>58595 Gooseworx is?
>>58595 Wait goose is into fat stuff?
>>58623 >>58625 https://twitter.com/gooseworse It's a secret to everybody.
>>58632 >These posts are protected In other news, I’m not seeing any new art here.
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More art did someone say more art I think someone said more art
(138.96 KB 1024x711 Gloink Queen.JPG)
Gloink Queen fats?
(3.02 MB 2237x1476 GLOINKS.PNG)
>>58857 Only this one.
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Just a bump
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Any one have a better quality of the art of the artist "reversedhumanity" his DeviantArt appear but all his art don't.
>>58933 Here's not the place but i guess we can make another thread
(118.26 KB 1200x982 BANNED.JPG)
>>59338 Fuck you By DenFatty84122
>>59538 Nigga what the fuck is this shit
>>59538 This shit still sucks and I'm still killing myself
>>58217 Why?
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Wake up
(1.00 MB 2048x2048 Tumblr_l_339568780536428.jpg)
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Been a long time since I’ve seen this artist
(5.72 MB 5502x3559 Candy Canyon Mishap.png)
Well, what could you expect from an accident in a world full of candy, or was this all intentional? Jax seems to be enjoying what is happening, with Ragatha and Zooble swelling all over the chocolate puddle below and where they fell in. Inside, ragatha is wondering what's going on amidst the laughter of Jax, who seems to be enjoying the moment as the doll swells more and more. Zooble, on the other hand, simply disregards everything that's going on wondering various things, with Gangle watching her in a bit of surprise. How far will they go with this increase in size? it will be a matter of waiting to see the result... (I love this image so much)
>>62819 I'd guess they'd end up outgrowing the candy kingdom itself. Some nonsensical cartoon logic could make that chocolate "puddle" endless.
>>62862 I hope so, I like the idea
>>62819 zooble fat is underrated.
>>64640 The fuck is this
(2.71 MB 2286x1612 IMG_3374.png)
Wake up.
We need more art
>>65284 Just holding out for more episodes
(59.79 KB 600x543 [email protected])
(145.43 KB 727x740 1713902953.cro-iba_various_50.jpg)
>>65284 What's the original artist of this art?
(264.72 KB 1900x1500 debyjull.JPG)
>>66071 debyjull. I think it says so in the filename
>>64640 If this is your art, very nice. Keep up the good work! :)
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(1.14 MB 2428x2181 IMG_4318.png)
I made this colored edit a while back so I decided to share it
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(331.29 KB 2048x1536 media-GUPN2A-WQAAA2-j.jpeg)
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(237.98 KB 2048x1583 media-GVXGTMxWMAARzCF.jpeg)
(150.00 KB 1378x1308 EP 3 hype.JPG)
I’m disappointed at the lack of post EP 3 fat content.
>>69416 You mean like this?
>>69470 Kim381 on deviantart, they have a series where everytime silksong doesn't release they make Hornet fatter
(65.39 KB 750x797 IMG_4227.jpeg)
(9.32 MB 3840x2422 IMG_4226.png)
>>69484 Not bad.
and a magnum opus!
>>69747 I wish it was only the chicks but I have to give credit for good art none-the-less.
anyone post that time Goose was caught drawing comically obese Jax during a stream?
(666.48 KB 1080x617 bk4x1fhjo59c1.jpg)
>>69896 Excuse me what
>>69897 fucking legendary.
>>69897 What's he doing tho
>>69897 >obese Jax >long-coveted Gloink Queen fat anthro art >FROM THE SHOW’S OWN CREATOR Unfathomably based!
>>69747 nice >>70038 that locked twitter account (gooseworse) is probably full of that
>>69897 >Tfw that Jax fat art is somehow better than a good amount of fat artist... Bros... is she like us?
(96.67 KB 1026x695 -Kain.JPG)
>>72334 It doesn’t matter if he can’t do if publically.
>>72334 Goose is into transformation in general, but not really weight gain. The locked gooseworse account doesn't have much fat on it, but it's full of inflation and pootoys stuff
>>69747 >Appear in the circus, your the only one in the circus with skills as a chef. >Get to be roommates with one of the obese characters of the circus, where they will get first dibs on constant meals, and possible cuddles. Who would you fatten and befriend? Zooble seems fun since they would probably be pissed about getting fatter and need lots of warming up to make them gain willingly.
>>72342 Wait there's official fetish art of TADC? Like is that actual Gooseworks on a fetish alt? Out of the loop. >>72659 I'd love to see this illustrated if not described in detail in a story.
(131.97 KB 1722x1253 GGif2m5bkAANis0.jpeg)
>>72702 >Wait there's official fetish art of TADC? Like is that actual Gooseworks on a fetish alt? Out of the loop Gooseworx has a fetish alt from way before TADC premired, @gooseworse on twitter. It's locked but still posts a few times every couple months. There's no official TADC fetish art on it though. Goose likes mostly keeping professional projects separate from fetish art from what I can tell. And almost none of it is weight gain, it's all either inflation like picrel, or toon TF stuff like flattening, pooltoys, stretching, that kind of shit.
>>72711 I like all of those, especially that pic you posted. If you can post some more I'll upload more TADC fats
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>gooseworse Kek. This showed up on /co/. Some believe it’s IRL Pomni
(70.38 KB 900x694 IMG_8686.jpeg)
Sauce: https://aryion.com/g4/view/1058940
(499.87 KB 777x802 Pomni?.PNG)
>>72926 Ik vore ain’t everyone’s cup of tea, but it’s still neat to get fanart of the series. Also human Pomni is kind of cute.
(201.86 KB 2048x1396 GWA1x-pXEAAh4wo.jpeg)
This might be out of topic, but since the 4th ep is gonna be about fast food are there any pieces of fanart revolving the gang and wg scenarios involving that stuff?
>>74170 You already know the WG community's gonna hop on that like hot cakes.
>>74181 Bit surprised that no one has made anything like that at all since the trailer, since they’re really quick to hop on a lot of stuff.
>>74181 I get it, cake maek u fat
(169.26 KB 1200x853 PixxyVoid.JPG)
Where’s the hype for ep 4?
(410.90 KB 632x474 Daddy.png)
>>75333 Damn Gummigoo lookin' fine
(702.95 KB 3300x2271 GeP1BtvakAABxkr.jpg)
>>74170 Lmao I was just going to share this. By ChubChubby on X.
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Never enough Ragatha.
Anyone wanna get this and post it, please?
(142.27 KB 1170x1898 Big Mcthankies from McSpudsy’s.JPG)
>>75603 Where is more fat manager Gangle?
(245.87 KB 2197x1357 GgJAcfcbUAA3C8Q.jpg)
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(163.16 KB 1280x1024 Pomni (1).jpg)
(158.71 KB 1280x1135 Pomni (2).jpg)
(147.04 KB 1280x1024 Pomni (3).jpg)
(164.94 KB 1280x1024 Pomni (4).jpg)
(136.29 KB 1280x1024 Pomni (5).jpg)
(158.36 KB 1280x915 Pomni (6) end.jpg)
Art by Garazune
(884.59 KB 2022x2583 20250109_133508.jpg)
(92.50 KB 1024x713 IMG_5357.jpeg)
(3.92 MB 4020x3500 IMG_7648.png)
(83.19 KB 1200x1066 Spudsy’s.JPG)
How hard is it to find content?
(151.45 KB 1200x840 How?.JPG)
>>78087 Pretty hard
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I hope we haven’t posted this already.
(4.94 MB 2886x2873 IMG_5498.png)
Would this work?
