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Mary Wendle thread Anonymous 06/11/2022 (Sat) 18:28:01 Id:054071 No. 21266
Figured I'd return Clarence back onto this site.
(346.85 KB 850x1280 Tumblr_l_416363009270020.jpg)
(476.12 KB 850x1280 Tumblr_l_416368967593247.jpg)
(609.52 KB 1280x1118 Tumblr_l_416372971015224.jpg)
Some artwork of her by Akjonson. A little Birdy told me she's his favorite character.
(230.99 KB 1903x1389 Tumblr_l_416448211689883.jpg)
(347.07 KB 2020x1480 Tumblr_l_416451155069934.jpg)
His latest artwork of her.
Found these screenshot edits by Bluespider17.
Another by Akjonson from his iFunny account.
Made by Neongothic.
(970.85 KB 1183x1122 image0-2.png)
(846.89 KB 969x1037 image0-3.png)
(889.90 KB 1391x1166 image0.png)
Some guy sent me some sketch drafts of these unfinished pictures by Akjonson.
(88.02 KB 932x767 image0-1.jpg)
(146.08 KB 1268x1102 image0.jpg)
(879.80 KB 1301x1061 image0-1.png)
He also had drafts of that immobile Mary image.
(656.04 KB 1980x2980 image0.png)
(774.74 KB 1980x2980 image1.png)
(1.41 MB 4048x3536 image0-1.png)
Alternate versions of AK's sequence, called the non-slob version.
(260.58 KB 736x768 BigMary.png)
Saved this from when it was posted seven years ago.
(529.04 KB 713x740 Untitled1733_20220701050353.png)
(684.26 KB 914x676 Untitled1732_20220701042845.png)
Recent edits from Bluespider17.
(129.95 KB 477x425 unknown-1.png)
(211.93 KB 551x703 SPOILER_unknown.png)
(241.41 KB 633x742 unknown.png)
From AK's Discord.
(706.13 KB 2048x1383 Tumblr_l_834968321230437.jpg)
Recent from Akjonson
>>23389 How does someone become apart of his discord
>>27402 You'll have to ask him. I just got the hookup on this pictures.
(704.37 KB 3080x2080 Fat_Mary_with_Jeff.png)
https://www.deviantart.com/smashupmashups/art/The-New-Mary-by-Akjonson-937510331 https://ifunny.co/picture/hi-jeff-it-s-good-to-see-you-sorry-i-YE05oXT2A
(718.73 KB 3080x2080 mary_ripped_boots.png)
(608.91 KB 3080x2080 Fat_Mary_date-1.png)
Done by SolitaryScribbies.
(466.78 KB 709x677 image-25.png)
>>21316 Buddy of mine showed me this sketch that gotta be a continuation to the last one.
(233.07 KB 1280x1280 1496567181.sooperstuff_colormary.png)
(691.11 KB 1280x1685 tumblr_o7u2tptpDv1r1f2iho1_1280.png)
(465.61 KB 3680x3264 SPOILER_IMG_8534.jpg)
(100.92 KB 1378x1378 mary_wendle__by_nitaug_dfz7vfa.jpg)
(529.21 KB 1095x730 Untitled2101_20230608163215.png)
(2.09 MB 1920x1080 Stuffing animation ad.gif)
(351.56 KB 1481x462 image-1.png)
>>31070 My friend showed me this latest goodie which is a continuation.
Pal of mine showed this to another guy and it's a mix of all the parts.>>21316 >>31070 >>38753
>>38400 Anyone have the full animation?
(69.21 KB 700x999 url(5).jpg)
>>38400 >>39085 I second that question.
>>38400 Let us see Mary grow in all her glory! XD
Yeah, let's see it!>>40838
>>38400 Anybody got the full version of this?
>>38400 I am so curious how big she'll get
>>45923 Had a link to this in the description.
>>38400 what happens next
(134.47 KB 737x838 Massive_Mary.png)
Found this on Discord.
(9.12 MB 746x420 Mary burger eat.gif)
>>49151 Finally thank you!
>>49249 You're totally welcome. ;)
>>37578 This dude made a remake of this other thing.
>>37578 >>51374 Whatever happened to that other guy's version? I can't find it an DA anymore.
(287.97 KB 2402x1951 fat mary.jpg)
She is so sexy fat
shes the best underrated mom
i found this new mary art
>>58136 Honestly after over 12 years of seeing who was there and who wasnt and who is here now and who is making an excuses and adding it up. Honestly god picked me over all of them and honestly I have idea why I do. Life is amazing outside!
>>58139 what are you talkin about
>>58139 what the hell are you talking about
>>37578 pretty ugly lookin
>>43364 bruh
>>30185 MASSIVE!
>>55352 Jesus.
(961.38 KB 2454x2239 1727497948556.png)
>>69008 Thse were drawn by DickerGazer and uploaded to rule34, here are some other pictures of women from clarence he drew since this thread is pretty dead anyways
>>69013 This is a Mary-centered thread.
>>69012 >>69013 Could somebody remove these?
>>70196 Might as well remove the thread then since it's only you and I posting and you want to nitpick artwork dedicated to an already incredibly obscure character
>>70601 I concur
