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Tifa lockhart thread Anonymous 01/25/2020 (Sat) 22:26:46 Id:cc0ab2 No. 222
Since the thread keepa being deleted It might as well be placed here
Heres a link to final fantasy thread https://bbw-chan.nl/bbwdraw/res/36.html
(479.24 KB 1650x2550 Tifa XL 1.png)
(370.97 KB 2550x1650 Tifa XL 2.png)
(1.42 MB 2550x1650 tifa XL 3.png)
Just use the damn Final Fantasy thread.
(390.28 KB 700x540 711.jpg)
(399.16 KB 700x540 899.jpg)
(484.25 KB 1414x2048 EFMPsn0W4AM3tCO.jpeg.jpg)
(747.54 KB 2048x1320 D72dQzgXoAYuBc1.png)
(507.76 KB 2048x1750 D9jAAj_XYAISyqc.png)
(81.81 KB 900x1200 D-rMG08XoAAfXK0.jpg)
(7.47 KB 222x227 images.jpeg-1.jpg)
(2.20 MB 3000x2400 f7f.png)
(580.56 KB 1748x1157 13b.png)
(941.09 KB 1280x1067 1578787205865.png)
(763.70 KB 1280x1108 20200122_081957.jpg)
(1.69 MB 4020x2884 1580007398947.jpg)
(297.84 KB 666x900 20200207_184321.png)
(129.33 KB 960x960 EQIpz6JXkAEr1eY.jpeg.jpg)
(41.03 KB 640x828 30LUTL8_d.jpg)
(1.50 MB 1650x2550 Tifa Weight Gain page.png)
(161.87 KB 1134x2065 Tifa 003.jpg)
(174.87 KB 600x672 20200321_192614.jpg)
(229.69 KB 600x778 20200321_200142.jpg)
(467.57 KB 900x751 1585067905336.png)
(51.82 KB 956x836 Tifa WG Drive 1.jpg)
(63.26 KB 956x836 Tifa WG Drive 2.jpg)
(61.75 KB 1073x745 Tifa WG Drive 3.jpg)
(40.49 KB 1073x745 Tifa WG Drive 4.jpg)
So is there like a reason you keep posting to this thread, not not using the FF thread in /bbwdraw/?
>>1515 Great job, you broke the waifufaggot.
(378.00 KB 1200x1698 2.jpg)
(257.58 KB 1200x1705 20.jpg)
(280.19 KB 1200x1705 23.jpg)
(252.50 KB 1200x1705 22.jpg)
(280.19 KB 1200x1705 23.jpg)
(247.58 KB 1200x1705 24.jpg)
(251.25 KB 1200x1705 25.jpg)
(276.98 KB 1200x1705 26.jpg)
Anyone have the full sequence?
>>1622 This comic was going good up until all the giantess shit.
(59.99 KB 732x1000 EWQflSAUwAAUFFP.jpeg.jpg)
(900.67 KB 1941x1703 EVZpS6gUMAA4Sje.jpeg.jpg)
>>291 The missing piece
(472.54 KB 1066x1438 1588414299361.png)
(284.60 KB 2750x2391 EXC-8LoXQAAsH28.jpg)
(474.05 KB 2750x2391 EXHWn_bXQAAuVx1.jpg)
(351.50 KB 2750x2391 EXNkxv7XYAU_OrZ.jpg)
(556.43 KB 2750x2391 EXWYcLUVAAEMG1c.jpg)
(107.85 KB 750x1200 EYNzX6SVAAEQ34p.jpeg.jpg)
(186.71 KB 1365x2048 EWqAws2U0AAdmlR.jpeg.jpg)
(222.44 KB 1365x2048 EWoLsDOVAAA5rTW.jpeg.jpg)
(158.65 KB 1080x1620 Tifa_Fatty_Berry_workout.jpg)
(82.13 KB 953x907 1590944389187.jpg)
(1.82 MB 3000x3000 TifaBlewb_v006a.png)
(823.19 KB 2012x2048 EVQJsQdU4AAb9hs.png)
(98.21 KB 1197x1392 EVaM-CTU0AAW06Q.jpeg.jpg)
(74.33 KB 600x464 20200614_072130.jpg)
(918.02 KB 3000x2000 Nuevo_Lienzo40.png)
(1.17 MB 1104x1200 1590416530945.png)
(408.75 KB 603x800 Tifa-histoire-edition.gif)
(160.31 KB 1260x1440 EbWYOCbXgAY2WFQ.jpeg.jpg)
(131.02 KB 600x429 20200626_223113.jpg)
(260.99 KB 1200x1705 19.jpg)
(257.58 KB 1200x1705 20.jpg)
(227.09 KB 1200x1705 21.jpg)
(252.50 KB 1200x1705 22.jpg)
(280.19 KB 1200x1705 23.jpg)
(252.50 KB 1200x1705 22-1.jpg)
(280.19 KB 1200x1705 23-1.jpg)
(247.58 KB 1200x1705 24.jpg)
(251.25 KB 1200x1705 25.jpg)
(276.98 KB 1200x1705 26.jpg)
(1.29 MB 1400x1546 1592932447001.png)
(1.15 MB 2757x2278 tifa.png)
(145.63 KB 600x963 20200703_141333.jpg)
(150.99 KB 600x824 20200704_085926.jpg)
(522.02 KB 1000x1000 tifastech.png)
(107.06 KB 900x900 beefa_lines.png)
(333.98 KB 1000x1000 tifabiggerstacks.png)
(324.44 KB 1000x1500 inktifa.png)
(357.80 KB 1000x1031 ffffff7r4.png)
(295.61 KB 1200x865 plaguetown1.png)
(595.32 KB 2000x2000 ff7Rgy.png)
(1.29 MB 1200x1440 tibblabla.png)
(85.62 KB 600x455 20200706_193128.jpg)
(108.76 KB 600x411 20200706_193120.jpg)
(93.48 KB 600x759 20200709_130112.jpg)
(185.00 KB 2048x1378 EY_1leDWkAAC4M8.jpeg.jpg)
does anyone have this?
(158.99 KB 600x825 20200802_160627.jpg)
(185.23 KB 600x825 20200802_160636.jpg)
(131.71 KB 1293x2048 EbiMqDRVAAMIBJ2.jpeg.jpg)
(467.45 KB 900x751 1594820289049.png)
(1.20 MB 1104x1200 1596723247959.png)
(51.92 KB 780x1205 1597048879110.jpg)
(89.17 KB 600x406 20200814_192914.jpg)
(87.42 KB 800x1000 EWXiMqHU0AQTjnt.jpeg.jpg)
(128.44 KB 800x1000 EWXiMqJUMAII1NJ.jpeg.jpg)
(831.52 KB 2550x3300 Untitled_Artwork.jpg)
(815.24 KB 2480x3508 20200825_153452.jpg)
(520.89 KB 1980x1080 20200825_153502.jpg)
(1.42 MB 1132x1686 20200825_153521.png)
(85.08 KB 806x615 20200905_093833.jpg)
(102.46 KB 600x496 20200905_203355.jpg)
(2.39 MB 3477x3786 TIFAbelch.jpg)
Started drawing fats a few days ago
(67.24 KB 1169x821 EhUCinQVkAAQG-G.jpeg.jpg)
(39.68 KB 506x345 20200907_085006.jpg)
(225.09 KB 600x800 20200909_103614.jpg)
(422.58 KB 600x870 Aerith_bend_2_by_Marabobpsy.jpg)
>>2568 If you're Marabobpsy, would you be kind enough to repost your old work somewhere? Also, do you have any current art accounts anywhere?
>>400 What's the source on this one?
(502.20 KB 998x980 20200913_112255.png)
(141.71 KB 600x809 20200913_230719.jpg)
(144.92 KB 731x2048 EfMtrGvUcAEQdLI.jpeg.jpg)
(63.73 KB 1024x586 EaDW9qhUwAAjLU3.jpeg.jpg)
(119.00 KB 1176x1517 EhxFionU8AAPYA7.jpg)
(51.33 KB 925x736 EhJbpvzU0AEZBJ3.jpg)
(135.85 KB 600x619 20200920_181502.jpg)
how is this "alt" exactly?
>>4184 OP is an idiot mostly who doesn't understand the reason for the threads being deleted.
>>4187 From what I remember, there was a perfectly fine Tifa thread in the early days after the purge which got delet, then a FF thread cropped up later. Meanwhile waifu threads for other series/franchises are A-OK, I.E. Wii-fit and Midna. Not saying that a lot of content here shouldn't go to /draw/'s FF thread, but it was a weird double standard to witness.
(184.52 KB 1080x1166 20200928_170404.jpg)
(414.50 KB 2048x1493 EabJ7WbUcAA0EXg.jpeg.jpg)
(266.19 KB 2048x1387 EhRnYP-UYAAOL75.jpeg.jpg)
>>1723 Source?
(191.62 KB 1050x850 Tifa_Belly_Smash.jpg)
(774.40 KB 1134x1101 T&A.jpg)
>>4064 >Mara Unfortunatly, lost in HD crash, everything...
(82.42 KB 997x1126 EjdiRATUcAACIFg.jpeg.jpg)
(106.03 KB 600x510 20201004_153636.jpg)
(139.06 KB 600x510 20201004_153624.jpg)
(90.95 KB 600x297 20201009_153344.jpg)
(472.82 KB 1826x1220 20201014_213902.jpg)
(255.48 KB 600x980 20201014_213913.jpg)
(209.75 KB 2048x1325 EeHDjZqU4AYPx9p.jpeg.jpg)
(1.82 MB 3000x3000 TifaBlewb_v006a.png)
why is tifa alt instead of draw? huh? what is it that i do not know about tifa?
(146.82 KB 2048x585 ElIiVo_U8AIAe4g.jpeg.jpg)
(48.21 KB 875x768 EnD4m8lVkAAeUMs.jpeg.jpg)
Can anyone upload Comical-Weapon's Tifa Sequence?
(837.29 KB 2047x1490 EmJa-o_XYAASjyl.png)
(172.69 KB 994x2048 EmJq4xbW0AAa43f.jpeg.jpg)
Anyone know the artist?
(54.81 KB 280x576 20201202_213940.jpg)
(180.29 KB 600x848 20201208_124352.jpg)
(131.25 KB 600x800 20201212_131628.jpg)
(241.37 KB 1080x772 20201215_174757.jpg)
(605.46 KB 1488x2038 20201229_104653.jpg)
(325.56 KB 1920x1920 Eq_RyHtXIAEbhx2.jpeg.jpg)
(308.81 KB 2048x2048 ErWR9NGXcAAauBB.jpeg.jpg)
(295.46 KB 2048x1583 Era5EW4UcAcohQu.jpeg.jpg)
(172.37 KB 1375x1286 EraiTQeVcAItNh1.jpeg.jpg)
(114.17 KB 911x1263 EqMJB6aXEAAe6g6.jpeg.jpg)
(172.33 KB 1018x1329 EsTPxMdUYAALbFl.png)
(141.25 KB 1280x1600 Eslrj9fXMAETMtc.jpeg.jpg)
(486.38 KB 2048x1576 EsiZMFyW8AI9VcT.jpeg.jpg)
(159.36 KB 1077x832 Es-INZhUcAE38b4.jpeg.jpg)
(204.16 KB 2048x1513 EWQdzskWsAAipB1.jpg)
I'm pretty sure that i have seen a video with this image, i remember a dialogue from Aerith, but i don't find such a video nowhere. Can someone help me plz? Thanks for advance
>>7208 Trying to link it directly got me autobanned, but it's on Lewdsmith's blogspot about three pages back.
>>7226 I'm sorry for the ban you received, i really appreciate your help, i don't seem to find it, but i'll keep searching now using that artist name. So much thanks again
>>7226 It's me again, i just found the video, i really but really appreciate your help, thank you pretty much
(502.26 KB 2048x1676 EtjMiyvWQAQylmC.png)
>>7229 >n Lewdsmith's Can you post the video please
(196.67 KB 2048x1536 Eu637xsXUAYeE84.jpeg.jpg)
(206.33 KB 2048x1444 EvhRddQVIAAYDCH.jpeg.jpg)
(69.54 KB 2007x1871 Er6GvUoXIAEYS03.png)
(146.82 KB 2048x585 ElIiVo_U8AIAe4g.jpeg.jpg)
(75.81 KB 780x960 Ew_dpphVkAMhRmN.jpeg.jpg)
(89.37 KB 850x1169 ExNySCuWUAM092k.jpeg.jpg)
(91.76 KB 1600x1600 ExP_ilEXMAAe0aq.jpeg.jpg)
(1.55 MB 1893x2045 ExZXCl7UUAQF0Sq.jpeg.jpg)
(251.51 KB 2048x1767 EyfnIm5VcAImUGh.jpeg.jpg)
(100.19 KB 1200x1525 EzQWCOCVoA4cH7m.jpeg.jpg)
(63.94 KB 1188x1131 Ezi-WAcUcAYyox9.jpeg.jpg)
(2.47 MB 2048x1448 tifa fucking lockhart.png)
(254.82 KB 2048x2048 E0AzFnQWQAEUDWq.jpeg.jpg)
(185.45 KB 1351x2048 E0MCJALVkAElY29.jpeg.jpg)
(180.81 KB 1200x1000 E0jRrqWVkAA6Njb.jpeg.jpg)
(197.42 KB 2048x2048 E0stxU6VkAIrzxL.jpeg.jpg)
(9.07 KB 320x295 dufIfFjm.jpeg.jpg)
(1.23 MB 1800x1800 E0xpm-3VEAUU1sD.jpeg.jpg)
(1.28 MB 1800x1800 E0xpoctUUAIy8ME.jpeg.jpg)
(158.75 KB 2048x778 E1zeDb5UYAIngqt.jpeg.jpg)
(182.37 KB 2047x1638 E2pQMvxWQAUPpny.jpeg.jpg)
(63.23 KB 600x236 20210611_224513.jpg)
(118.54 KB 600x413 20210611_224519.jpg)
(147.10 KB 600x825 20210611_224528.jpg)
(173.96 KB 600x802 20210611_224539.jpg)
(61.53 KB 1024x576 E3t8abkVoAAd_Yi.png)
(275.57 KB 1522x1811 E3vAy2WUUAImSSk.jpeg.jpg)
(180.81 KB 1200x1000 E0jRrqWVkAA6Njb.jpeg.jpg)
(126.27 KB 1647x1051 E3wvyBYVIAg3uLV.jpeg.jpg)
(352.46 KB 532x726 20210613_134245.jpg)
(733.19 KB 2048x1513 E329TazVIA4K3A7.jpeg.jpg)
(295.92 KB 2048x1434 E4M5kb2VoAEsHK3.jpeg.jpg)
(112.63 KB 1147x1255 E4AaKDMVUAI8qqd.jpeg.jpg)
This tread basically
(320.77 KB 2048x1448 E2rK20vXoAIh68M.jpeg.jpg)
(304.64 KB 2048x1447 E2wUhvAX0AAxeZS.jpeg.jpg)
(300.26 KB 2048x1446 E21eIZjXEAYgbnm.jpeg.jpg)
(264.04 KB 2048x1448 E26nqBnXMAM1Lfd.jpeg.jpg)
(272.66 KB 2048x1447 E2_xnBiXEAIYXfD.jpeg.jpg)
(136.15 KB 1720x2048 E8qwZ8JVgAUJeUI.jpeg.jpg)
(222.27 KB 2048x1705 E9ZT7oHVcAYDpM-.jpeg.jpg)
(42.51 KB 680x638 E-n69o0VkAAGgPV.jpeg.jpg)
(146.38 KB 978x692 20210912_163643.png)
(98.23 KB 1224x1476 E_KhZl6UYAs0yIl.jpeg.jpg)
Anyone got the new Tifa art from the-fun-police both fat and slob
(350.12 KB 620x371 tifa.png)
(388.73 KB 620x371 tifas.png)
Now that theres a yang thread, looks like this thread must step up
>>13528 Or you could stop with the single-character threads and put this in bbwdraw in the Squenix threads.
>>13533 Maybe people just want one specific character, no need to get mad so calm down. Not everything has to be about the cast of characters in a franchise
>>13539 This thread has almost exclusively been posted in by one person. And I suspect the same for the others. Because we don't need threads THIS specific, since it bumps actually worthwhile threads off the boards.
(312.88 KB 2047x1141 FAd1hbiXsAUOTT8.png)
(123.27 KB 1600x1500 COMM258_4.jpg)
(492.29 KB 2992x4096 20210919_135728.jpg)
(127.38 KB 1000x1333 DwLbY3tX4AIOM0y.jpeg)
(214.89 KB 1325x2048 FGnajo2XwAQ5JWX.jpeg.jpg)
(1.11 MB 2988x4019 Tifa_FinalFantasy.jpg)
(344.20 KB 2047x1489 FHZ6Km5VEAQTQTu.jpeg.jpg)
(320.34 KB 1470x1650 FBH95GtXoAw5hde.jpeg.jpg)
(185.45 KB 1351x2048 E0MCJALVkAElY29.jpeg.jpg)
(61.53 KB 1024x576 E3t8abkVoAAd_Yi.png)
(141.99 KB 1500x1500 E25JkyjVEAIflYC.jpeg.jpg)
(106.40 KB 927x1000 IMG_20220223_222914.jpg)
(192.65 KB 2048x1446 FOP3H2LXoAsrExE.jpeg.jpg)
>>5599 Full image please?
>>5404 Source?
>>1571 Source from the second Art?
(980.79 KB 1650x2550 Tifa 2.png)
(848.49 KB 1650x2550 Tifa 1.png)
(962.37 KB 1650x2550 Tifa 4.png)
(4.72 MB 2400x2700 Beer Belly Tiffa.png)
(4.72 MB 2400x2700 Beer Belly Tiffa (1).png)
(183.63 KB 1325x2048 Fn9-njqacAIpqrz.jpeg.jpg)
(101.65 KB 776x1200 FGnajo2XwAQ5JWX.jpeg)
Any tifa
>>9655 source? I used to know this artist but forgot the name and can't find it on reverse search
>>289 >>290 Has this been voiced yet ?
What was too close
Any tifa
>>1588 i need the source on the 3rd image
Aeris is better -Aerith rules gang
Any tifa
(166.49 KB 812x1153 IMG_7370.png)
>>48371 Get that male shit out of here.
Any tifa
>>48377 7 dubs cannot be argued against, bully the middle schooler speds out of here.
>>6987 The Artist for the second pic?
Any tifa
artist name?
>>51476 Exponential mass
>>51476 you get this art?
>>222 I'm surprised there's this much content.
(646.62 KB 682x921 IMG_8368.png)
(582.39 KB 842x956 IMG_8369.png)
(1.08 MB 1600x1086 IMG_8367.png)
Any tifa
Any tifa
(276.79 KB 1431x2048 GKsqB2EWsAArpSo.jpeg)
(366.24 KB 1788x2048 GKsqE7hWgAAzXIy.jpeg)
(237.81 KB 1749x2048 IMG_8308.jpeg)
(212.67 KB 2048x1583 IMG_8343.jpeg)
(200.69 KB 2048x1583 IMG_8344.jpeg)
(191.97 KB 2048x1583 IMG_8345.jpeg)
(194.48 KB 2048x1583 IMG_8346.jpeg)
(135.96 KB 2048x1583 IMG_8347.jpeg)
(171.53 KB 2048x1583 IMG_8348.jpeg)
(147.81 KB 2048x1583 IMG_8349.jpeg)
(163.31 KB 927x862 IMG_8489.jpeg)
(171.38 KB 2048x1294 IMG_8577.jpeg)
(115.67 KB 867x921 IMG_8583.jpeg)
(105.57 KB 1190x671 IMG_8582.jpeg)
(84.57 KB 1280x267 IMG_8584.jpeg)
(558.33 KB 1934x1742 IMG_8741.png)
Interested in Tifa related literature if anyone has any lesser known pieces.
(93.50 KB 894x894 IMG_8890.jpeg)
(244.71 KB 1280x1280 IMG_8891.jpeg)
(81.99 KB 828x1104 IMG_8954.jpeg)
(72.28 KB 1001x798 IMG_8955.jpeg)
(98.40 KB 1231x649 IMG_9167.jpeg)
