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(151.22 KB 600x667 20200802_160608.jpg)
Uzaki san wants to hang out thread Anonymous 08/02/2020 (Sun) 23:08:21 Id:1ceda4 No. 3378
New anime, new thread
(1.48 MB 498x250 tenor-1.gif)
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>>4193 How can he draw in the same lvl for decade, like its intentionaly bad..
>>4390 for real, as if this year wasnt bad enough i am now suddenly informed that mistystuffer is still around.
>>4392 what's the history of this guy anyways, seen his art over the years and all I know is that people really hate him.
>>4414 Point 1, massive blatant pedophile. Point 2, no artistic development in over 15 years
>>4416 point 1 is ironic considering we have a loli thread on this section of the site
>>4417 Lolicon isn't pedophilia, they're talking about his interest in real children. He was also an obnoxious asshole that posted his shit art all over the site to the point that for a time his art was a banable offense.
>>4419 Lolicon is drawn characters 12 and under. It is entirely based on age, nor appearance. Uzaki isn't a loli so this is all irrelevant.
>>4643 Why’s a completely normal girl on alt
>>4643 Loli is a bodytype but Uzaki isn't one because her hips lands her in the shortstack group. If loli wasn't a bodytype, it would cause a ton of confusion from shit like pic 1 related, grown women who are are actually toddlers, and the halfling/Harvin/Lalafil type races.
(327.85 KB 600x600 hT6ikhV.png)
(613.23 KB 2048x1536 media_EkGZEX7XcAAvX5f.jpg)
>>4803 And the sites shit connection forgot the pics, why am I not surprised.
(218.68 KB 600x848 20201023_231136.jpg)
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(165.73 KB 1673x2416 EkxrEtSW0AMWuGX.png)
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>>5286 Thank you for blurring the dumb shit
>>5288 Kinda has a point though there were a lot of morons complaining about her
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(142.09 KB 600x830 20201208_205137.jpg)
Lots of tsuki
(79.17 KB 425x458 20201208_205820.jpg)
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(240.11 KB 1536x2048 EqV_d89VoAE6213.jpeg.jpg)
(222.13 KB 1400x2000 EuHUJ4RXYAIUayf.jpeg.jpg)
(47.83 KB 800x608 Uzaki_patreon.png)
(140.55 KB 1280x1587 RO.jpg)
(114.54 KB 1280x861 15.jpg)
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(297.29 KB 1583x2048 FAtLlrXXsBIm_J3.jpeg.jpg)
(257.27 KB 2048x1583 FAtM-LgXoAcgSW-.jpeg.jpg)
Can someone find this sequence?
(202.34 KB 1311x2048 FBUHPvJVcAEGzSY.jpeg.jpg)
>>5509 >>5510 >>5511 Sauce on that sequence please?
(2.15 MB 4536x4402 1638590114792.jpg)
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(355.30 KB 1223x1200 Reactorgirl_793398_10a.jpg)
Is there any slobby Uzaki pics
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Any uzaki art
(199.80 KB 1448x2048 FqiPZxBaAAAZez1.jpeg.jpg)
Any uzaki
(90.52 KB 1200x675 Es-aAoGXAAUIL7H.jpg)
Does anyone have Uzaki Blueberry video by Imbapovi? Also, non-blueberry version?
(135.41 KB 1240x1754 FvtpufjWcAELtGL.jpeg.jpg)
Amazing I wish I could be vored
(185.35 KB 1457x2048 F0mbhq5aMAExOc-.jpeg.jpg)
>>38976 I refuse to take A.I. slop as a consolation
>>4894 Source for the first one?
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(93.84 KB 600x400 IMG_7129.jpeg)
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(260.49 KB 1300x1848 11.jpg)
(85.90 KB 600x845 112006996_p0_master1200.webp)
>>42502 Source?
(195.23 KB 1174x1200 EhcB58FU4AAt7n8.jpg)
(477.54 KB 2048x1629 GBIWASLXEAAUmsj.jpeg.jpg)
>>48618 Sauce?
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Any uzaki
>>3378 I think /bbwalt/ should be reserved for non-furry non-humans.
>>4896 Source for the second one?
(500.28 KB 2200x2800 IMG_8275.png)
(117.37 KB 1192x670 IMG_8274.jpeg)
>>58290 I found the second photo with better quality.
(78.03 KB 891x897 IMG_8490.jpeg)
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