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SVTFOE Thread Anonymous 04/13/2023 (Thu) 22:28:36 Id:8db5bb No. 34775
Because it would be neat
Does anybody have the image of strar and someone's oc I beieve it was made by butteryinking and was deleted
>>34784 You mean this one?
lets pump this thread to the fucking moon
My Chubby Babies.
Queen-size Star
Does anyone have copies of -The bedbound Star by HDoodlez -ChungusArt's Star -TheNeverWere's Star -The nude Starco edits from like three threads ago
(139.39 KB 799x856 hekapoo_by_disguting_deyrbfu.jpg)
(197.49 KB 1051x1200 1637630485340.jpg)
Super-sized Starco comin' atcha!
Anyone have the Star pics by ChungusArt and TheNeverWere?
(54.27 KB 832x961 url(2).jpg)
A little less than expected, ain't it?
(790.38 KB 1893x1908 jackie bra.png)
(806.90 KB 1893x1908 jackie nude.png)
(185.60 KB 1280x1280 1595867020.mrglazed_hekapoo_hug.jpg)
(223.59 KB 1280x785 1602547753.mistermope_hekapoo2.jpg)
(13.69 KB 200x200 [email protected])
I just tell myself she lived
(224.15 KB 637x807 20230818_003610.jpg)
(282.07 KB 1100x1062 20230815_061218.jpg)
(709.13 KB 2000x1285 1693021405095.png)
(958.07 KB 2365x2400 [CM] Jumbo Jackie.png)
(2.63 MB 6372x4000 [CM] Gonna Get A Little Wide.jpg)
(789.46 KB 5000x2728 [CM] Gonna Gain A Little Weight.jpg)
Does anyone still have that animation with the Jackie girl getting fat from eating a fuckton of nachos almost exactly like that one scene from that sabrina the teenage witch episode where the girl has a pancake addiction and even gets fat from it. Technically IIRC it wasn’t actually a full on animation per say, just scenes from the show spliced up together. The only actual animated parts were the raining nachos and Jackie’s gut getting bigger as she stuffed herself with nachos. It was posted on here before. Anyone here still have it?
(518.70 KB 1752x1515 [CM] They Re Big And Round Here.jpg)
Forgot to upload this one
(1.88 MB 540x484 1490747978786.webm)
Gotcha covered lad
(892.77 KB 1280x720 10 sin título_20230601232832.png)
Gonna also upload this goofy ah edit I made (Warning: Gas, Sweat)
>>43402 God I would love to see a full-body version of this
>>43402 Lines could use some work but that's hot
>>43473 Aye thanks, for now I'm trying blob face edits with close shots, but I might try full body shot edits as well :)
>>43401 to this day i fucking wish i knew who made this cus it’s so well made and ask if he ever made a full version
>>43401 Heya. This video isn’t loading for me and I really want to see it do you think you could send it to my discord dms. My username is nationalbluebird196345
Another dumb edit I made since I was bored, made variants just in case (CW: Sweat, Gas)
>>43604 Hooh These are so good~ Would love to see you do more Marco!
>>43604 could you do a gassy full body one of her and marco?
>>43610 Sure! I'm currently practicing full body to see how it goes! I'll keep up the blob faces by the meantime
>>43630 Perfect, here's a clip from the show if you need a base to work on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=toUojHE-TUk
>>43747 Thank you very much! I'll show any updates or results when I'm working with it!
(1.15 MB 1920x1080 Jarco_Blob_Kiss (Sweat Alt).png)
(586.51 KB 1920x1080 Jarco_Blob_Kiss.png)
One more edit before starting to practice full body edits. For all Jarco lovers out there(? (CW: Sweat, Gas)
>>43960 Stop posting male shit. This is still a BBW board.
You can always post it on the Mutual thread if it's BHM/BBW.
Spoiled because slob Made by Chungusart
>>44587 Holy shit I've been looking for this forever. Do you have the Star by TheNeverWere by any chance?
>>43835 Damn those are nice blob faces, are ya open to take requests for characters from other shows? If so, which are those? Oh I would forgot, you got.any socials you post this? It's absolute treasure
>>44647 >2023 Of course! I've just begun trying this whole editing thing, and for now I've only tried with SVTFOE, and I'm currently putting my DA up. I also accept any request you have! I'm currently practicing for full body edits as well.
>>44603 Unfortunately not, I've been trying to find it as well. And glad you wanted that pic! I remembered I had it saved somewhere lol
(22.82 KB 600x450 73523046_p1_master1200.webp)
Made by Dark Dragon Spoilered because of Slob and Gas
>>44679 Definitely link that DA once it's ready
(88.14 KB 1026x779 20231008_044829.jpg)
By TopShot123 on deviantART.
>>45766 This is AI, it doesn't belong here.
>>45766 odd I thought I seen those before when messing with AI
Made by Vhite9
Made by WhiteRaff (FA)
>>44708 no higher res version?
(315.67 KB 815x1112 Janna_Belly.png)
(671.54 KB 1752x1515 image0-6.png)
(485.61 KB 1504x1850 Chelsea.png)
(191.26 KB 960x1080 Chelsea Belly Reveal.png)
Some Chelsea.
(244.21 KB 900x1200 Fat Brittney.png)
(251.72 KB 1040x1080 Bikini_Jackie.png)
>>43401 does anyone know who the actual author is tho, been trying to find them but no luck so far
(604.87 KB 2048x1821 Untitled38_20230429214341.png)
>>53005 Source?
>>53006 Sx Deluxe, I color it myself
(94.29 KB 2000x1000 chopper-crying-meme-one-piece.jpg)
Heyyyy lads, it's that one editor who made the kinda crappy edits or Star and such lol I've finally made a DA account where I will be uploading all the stuff I made and more that I'll make in the future Cheers :P https://www.deviantart.com/thatoneeditor
(961.50 KB 3500x3000 1490446797290.png)
Anybody have that fat star fat eclipsa sequence from the old thread?
(525.34 KB 1650x1400 33 sin título_20240228183009.png)
Made this base edit thing
>>34775 Isn't there a cartoon thread?
Originally posted by bluespider17.
Made by AltzEgoz
>>57921 thanks for the reupload, the mods took it down from deviantart like a day after
(238.57 KB 2048x1448 GNvS_sPbcAA60lJ.jpeg)
(229.15 KB 2048x1448 GNvTZKobcAAxDhd.jpeg)
Made by Vhite9
Made by booberries-morphs
Damn we need more fat art from her
This thread ain't dying on my watch
(177.89 KB 2048x1158 20240824_121111.jpg)
(205.91 KB 2048x1158 20240824_121109.jpg)
Text version
Ahoy m8s, here sharing recent edits I've done from a screencap! (Spoiled Pics CW: Gas / Fat lips / Fat Forehead / Uber fat)
>>67272 These are absolutely brilliant, good job! So glad to see some representation for the fat forehead niche. Could I trouble you for a gas version of the uber fat edit if that's not too much to ask?
Alright, you've convinced me of doing other two gas Alts. Wanted to toy around with the whole "The larger, the worse they get".
>>67285 Absolute legend, thank ye kindly.
>>67286 Aaaaye, no problem at all :P
>>67272 These are amazing, please do more! Maybe some fat Starco?
