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Calamity Girls thread Anonymous 04/16/2023 (Sun) 10:30:22 Id:09483d No. 34918
As the title goes by, you can only post fat art of Anne, Sasha, and Marcy.
>>34936 Even Anne's mom as well. Any girl as long as they're human.
(490.92 KB 1364x781 SPOILER_image (3).png)
(102.75 KB 810x1440 1668795466877.jpg)
(191.39 KB 604x894 1673724099553.png)
(181.77 KB 1453x2000 AKJonsonAnne.png)
I actually requested that second drawing by a good friend of mine on discord. it's still a w.i.p but it's worth posting cuz it's paused for the time being.
(66.05 KB 976x818 url(1).jpg)
>>35039 Honestly the 2 calamity trio pics are Spoe's greatest
>>35040 Woah, were did ya get that one?
Here's some massive Marcy.
Some Ms. Boonchuy
Anyone got the full picture of Anne?
(465.21 KB 2000x2000 Anne Boonchuy 1.jpg)
Anyone got a full picture of Marcy?
(1.60 MB 1598x1492 43.jpg)
Anyone got a full picture of Anne
(1.60 MB 1722x2000 Patreon post image.jpg)
Anyone got a full picture of Marcy
>>36692 artist name?
(1.59 MB 2093x2239 Patreon post image.jpg)
Anyone got a full picture of Sasha
>>36696 Got anymore you need, I'm subscribed to their patreon
(2.20 MB 2100x2003 Patreon post image.jpg)
(404.64 KB 2000x906 Polish_20230522_150100443.jpg)
Anyone got a full picture of Anne
(1.19 MB 2000x2000 Patreon post image-4.jpg)
Anyone got a full picture of Sasha
(1.91 MB 2000x2000 Patreon post image.jpg)
Anyone got a full picture of Ms. Boonchuy
(1.88 MB 2000x2000 Patreon post image-1.jpg)
Anyone got the full picture of Jess
(564.02 KB 1688x2688 Patreon post image-2.jpg)
>>36741 I am grateful for all pictures you send. But do you have the other full picture of Ms. Boonchuy
(611.72 KB 2375x2000 Patreon post image.jpg)
>>36809 Any others you need
>>36812 Yes actually, I know they're not from Amphibia but it would be great to see full pictures of them.
(484.15 KB 2000x2076 Patreon post image-5.jpg)
(421.37 KB 1594x2100 Patreon post image-4.jpg)
>>36814 I'll post these two here, abd the rest on the western lolis chat
>>36817 Okay. thank you so much, you're one of the great ones.
anybody else think there should be more marcy
>>37384 She’s pretty cute and is well suited for it. So I’d definitely like to see more fats of her. Especially of her becoming really fat.
Anyone got a full picture of Sasha?
(922.67 KB 1157x1880 Chubby Sasha.jpg)
>>37657 Thank you ;)
Even More Marcy
(101.54 KB 1259x635 url(2).jpg)
Excuse me just asking here, does anyone have some heavy bottom pictures of Anne?
Anyone got the full picture of Dr Jan?
I know there's another part to this where her mom is feeding her cookies but I can't find it anywhere
(230.46 KB 2700x1300 IMG_20230915_100159.jpg)
(288.20 KB 2700x1300 IMG_20230915_100202.jpg)
Anyone has more Sasha art? Spoiler for blob, loli and gas* *only the second one
>>43559 This is your lucky day.
>>35037 https://kemono.party/patreon/user/36111768/post/81658324
>>35658 https://kemono.party/patreon/user/36111768/post/81977725
(582.84 KB 1000x750 fatty marcy.png)
Here's another Christmas one.
>>47706 With another Christmas one
Anne Claus
(1.39 MB 1500x1200 Belly Kisser!.png)
(729.51 KB 1400x2000 Belly Bump!.png)
(163.06 KB 591x693 IMG_2852.png)
(138.32 KB 750x900 adultannealt.jpg)
>>46486 edit of adult design alt cuz we need one
(656.96 KB 1620x1620 115017321_p0.png)
Saving this thread
Givin' Marcy some love.
>>38370 Found this edited version of one of Tubbytoon's things.
(1.00 MB 4200x2500 115550492_p0.png)
(214.60 KB 1530x1828 Polish_20230708_210025751.jpg)
(205.94 KB 720x725 Polish_20240211_050813402.png)
>>54788 Do you have the original sketches by ProfessorDoctorC?
>>54788 While we do have Anne, what about Sasha or Marcy?
(9.38 MB 7515x5815 113852108_p1.png)
>>54801 I've got both, here you go
(5.47 MB 5647x7617 113852108_p2.png)
>>54809 >>54801 Along with Marcy
>>54801 I appreciate finding both Marcy and Sasha in high res. What about Anne?
>>54813 Found it, but it's too big to post. I'm so sorry
>>54827 Can you make the image smaller to save space? If not, is there a link to the original high res image at least?
>>54842 I did make it smaller, but for the more HD one, here's a link https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/113852108#big_0
>>54848 >https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/113852108#big_0 Oh! No wonder I couldn't find on DoctorC's account.
I've been wondering, are edited pic alright?
(72.00 KB 302x482 Untitled13_20230820230823.png)
(192.59 KB 424x862 Untitled15_20230821035839.png)
>>55428 Just asking my question again if that's okay, I did color these in by SB99
(2.17 MB 5565x3178 IMG_8525.png)
(2.65 MB 4746x4314 IMG_7247.png)
(1.74 MB 2033x2033 IMG_8382.png)
(643.99 KB 3480x2426 anne_comm_by_mrlowground_dh7u89s.jpg)
>>55428 Bumping my question if that's okay
(165.93 KB 2048x1956 GIZzhnQW8AMFAxx.jpg)
(1.09 MB 1791x2160 118196693_p0.png)
(2.96 MB 1637x2251 DTVA_Amphibia.png)
>>57820 Who made this?
>>57867 Tridoc... his signature is at the bottom of the image
Does anyone have this?
>>58151 Im worse then a philly lawyer hoes dont try me.
>>58152 That's understandable, just asking anyway
(3.98 MB 3240x2160 Tubby_Thai_Deux.png)
Saving this thread, I love it so much
(734.52 KB 3000x2188 118888781_p0.png)
(131.18 KB 1060x1019 97251846_p0.png)
(5.75 MB 2880x2160 118989771_p0.png)
(234.03 KB 750x1200 85808392_p0.png)
>>61006 I like that Anne by SB, he doesn't draw full body expansion too often
(781.93 KB 3000x2643 119637373_p0.png)
(641.92 KB 2782x2960 119637373_p1.png)
By UndercoverPervert
(79.88 KB 900x900 Polish_20240304_214348182.jpg)
(797.49 KB 1620x1620 h9W3s40Q.png)
(955.19 KB 3440x3304 KLLomm9H.png)
(231.95 KB 1912x2416 GMgi-LQWwAAbA7h.jpeg)
(551.15 KB 1912x2416 Untitled1302_20240705141233.png)
I colored this one, what do you think?
>>62938 Great work!
(641.83 KB 4049x3187 sasha_by_mrlowground_dhqcvsw.jpg)
>>63024 Thanks
(221.72 KB 2048x1599 Lazy Marcy.jpeg)
(720.43 KB 964x848 dr.jpg)
(84.58 KB 941x850 IMG_2745.jpeg)
(2.03 MB 1800x1200 365_Ip1y.png)
(6.13 MB 3840x2160 j_lkoxcI.png)
(286.93 KB 1080x823 IMG_20240715_003516.jpg)
(62.31 KB 600x437 IMG_9061.jpeg)
(82.66 KB 600x437 IMG_9062.jpeg)
(70.49 KB 600x450 IMG_9063.jpeg)
(1.08 MB 5500x4000 118079470_p0.png)
(1.74 MB 5500x4000 118319874_p0.png)
(1.04 MB 4000x3000 113987796_p0.png)
>>57818 >>63969 Better quality
>>64061 Got a source for those first two? Signature suggests someone called Tridoc but looking that up gives nothing.
>>64225 That gives you everything. https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/34044485
>>65025 More like ai slop warning
Honestly, i wanna see the same thing but with Sasha and Marcy
>>65523 AI does not belong here.
>>65524 I didn't realize it was ai, sorry bout that
What about Mrs boonchuy Anne boonchuy daughter
(265.78 KB 1500x1840 121752814_p2.png)
(318.89 KB 1500x1840 121752814_p1.png)
(1.02 MB 1280x720 61etvljo4yz81.png)
Does anyone have the picture in which there's a Fat Anne Boonchuy that says "Very funny Molly" or something like that? I believe it was the same artist of this
Oh, like this,
>>67362 theres also another with kim possible by jjvas but its too heavy for the thing to be uploaded
(100.05 KB 822x900 GXyKy7AWcAA6oCm.jpeg)
Keeping this thread going
(405.61 KB 1282x1441 122277618_p0.png)
>>62029 Whats the source for these?
>>59374 Whats the source?
>>68709 >>68708 Look JJvaculist on DA
(49.14 KB 680x677 GYuqVPAXYAEfB7e.jpeg)
Found one
>>69351 Ooooo, where did ya find those?
>>69356 The filename said they are by naruto1234007. I don't know where this poster find them since they aren't from DeviantArt.
(184.89 KB 850x1068 Untitled1486_20241005195236.jpg)
(76.83 KB 800x932 Untitled1487_20241005201018.png)
(215.99 KB 2048x1580 20240925_224735.jpg)
>>69357 They're from some fanfic that primarily focuses on The Owl House: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51790951/chapters/130936735
Like this?
