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Debyjull thread Anonymous 06/21/2023 (Wed) 03:56:25 Id:41a1e3 No. 38061
Considering most of their art is slob, this thread goes here.
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>>38833 Didn’t know I loved the phrase “Sweating, Farting Blob Volcano” until now…
Can someone upload their stuff to kemono?
>>38061 Is this artist similar to j8867bbw’s art because their style looks very close
>>39945 Yeah they are the same
Does anyone have their games?
Man, it’s fucking bullshit that this guy paywalls ALL of his art.
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>>42140 lil bro's never heard of kemono lmao
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>>44263 I cant seem to find it.
>>44313 https://kemono.party/patreon/user/79210439
where i can see j8867bbw old drawings?
>>45090 on the internet
Alright now I want mutual weight gain Cherry and some guy
Anyone got those pictures from that one game?
>>48001 If you look up j8867bbw on youtube you'll find playthroughs for a couple of his games, You can also search j8867bbw weight gaming and scrounge around those forums if you actually want to play them.
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im pretty sure deby once drew Fairy Festival from lobotomy corporation once, but i can't seem to be able to find it
>>51145 They had a ton of drawings about LC, even something what looked like a mod, or at least the concept art for one. And then their Pixiv was nuked and all was lost because fuck you i guess...
>>49824 are they good as in being good games or good for busting?
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looking for Debyjull/j8867bbw old drawings from Pixiv
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Does anyone have some sprite sheets from the game fatt fatt?
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>>58885 Thank you! What’s the source?
>>58916 Don't know. I downloaded it years ago. Back when it was on Pixiv. I only have these sprites by Fatt Fatt.
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finding out they also made the ONLY piece of Path To Nowhere fetish art i could find and that's kinda just sad
>>58916 https://app.box.com/v/0897344FattFatt
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Bump! I am once again here to revive this thread
https://kemono.su/patreon/user/79210439 For anyone who wants his kemono this is it. You can't really look it up manually because of the symbol he has as his name
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