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Madoka Magica 07/03/2023 (Mon) 06:52:08 Id:61947f No. 38542
Post obese Madoka Magica girls
Going to start dumping my collection starting with best girl.
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Oh, finally,a madoka magica thread! How didn't I notice this?
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Art by NylonWave on Twitter
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>>50625 Oh god, that last image just gave me massive PTSD. Basically the artist just went off the deep end and started referring to themselves as a goddess and all that
>>50667 thats hot. where can i find more
>>50667 they were off the deep end for years before.
>>50667 Does she have the same neck bracelet
>>50740 Took pic down off ig not quick enough
>>50741 But I dgaf. I waited years to see who would be honest and you all failed. You not coming with me. Only these women. Fuck off.
>>50735 >>50739 I want the big one that comes with her dark bootie holes love demon dick
(185.84 KB 596x550 EsHiZaGW8AEuw2H.png)
>>50667 >>50735 I have a higher-res version of that fanart and I noticed the name "Ikirhio" so I did a bit of googling. The only thing I could find was a random Twitter account that posted pic related as a screenshot on a post from three years ago. The DA account I got this from seems to have been deactivated and the Twitter account belonging to the artist no longer exists either. The artist doesn't have a Kemono party page either so unless someone has more there's no more info left.
>>50842 Catbox link since the higher res version of the fanart in question is fourteen mb: https://files.catbox.moe/01adgd.png
>>50842 twitter account changed name and is priv
>>51025 Do you have the link to that account? That's if they are still doing art anymore.
>>38718 Third one is a classic.
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Anyone have this by ExponentialAtomicMass?
Does anyone have the source for this Yachiyo pic from Carch's c.ai bot? Thanks
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For the guy asking for yachiyo, you can find it from duel1st_dki 's kemono i think
>>55481 who drew these
(116.45 KB 1600x1200 GQWqvz4acAAHZh9.jpeg)
>>61755 What the fuck is up with all those Kyoko commissions? I've seen someone getting a lot of them
(90.20 KB 574x1030 Screenshot 2024-06-19 064251.png)
>>61771 I'm the person comming them all, she's my wife. I wanted fat art of my wife but found that not much was out there so I decided to throw money at artists.If you guys want proof I have a copy of the images in this tweet that predate it being posted. forgive the tripcode usage https://x.com/fyuujin/status/1773123427492102272
(512.76 KB 3184x2000 wg.jpg)
the artist isn't around anymore so here, have this
>>61007 I'm questioning what Madoka is suppose to do in that art?
>>38705 Artist's name? (left picture)
>>62165 royaloppai, it's in the filename. >>61826 >>61874 As a fellow Kyoko lover I always love seeing your commissions. It always irked me how little fat art she had for a character who was always eating and I'm grateful that you're fixing that.
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>>62277 source for the first pic?
>>62332 I'm almost certain sirmasterdufel is the artist but he's always mostly drawn My Little Pony stuff for one reason or another.
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>>62333 I see. Nice trips BTW. If anyone wants to contact me you can find me here lel https://x.com/Ayden_Sakura
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>>62329 got quite a few alts of the last one, file size is too large tho
>>62338 Thanks! >>62341 Who drew that second one? >>62342 The limit is 10mb per post, so one image can be 10mb and it'll go through as long as it's the only image you've attached to the post. It took me embarrassingly long to figure that out.
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>>62352 https://x.com/alguien9955 BTW if ya wanna talk on discord or something just let me know by posting it here or something. I have some stuff that is straight up too large to post even with just a single image
>>62372 I'll shoot you a DM on Twitter at some point. Who drew the pics there?
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>>62460 https://x.com/TummyPhobia
>>62332 Pinkforsynthia on DA
>>63319 Nevermind, I mistook it for another artist upon closer glance
>>59368 I've got more Magia Record stuff I might upload later.
(741.79 KB 1171x2160 KillerPerro-894482-KyokoPost3.png)
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Criminal that there's only one Sayaka blob at least from what's posted here
>>67098 Artist?
>>67170 https://www.deviantart.com/pinkforsythia/art/Ko-fi-Sayaka-and-Kyoko-1095013330
>>67217 Thank you very much, I hope we see a color version of this image later
>>67217 And hopefully in the future we will see Madoka, Homura and Mami
>>67288 Yeah, I like Kyoko and everything but the other girls deserve more love too
>>67291 The truth is that I hope I do them, but what's coolest about all this is that yes, it's okay that they are huge, but let's say that they have an intimidating or threatening appearance/appearance, that is, they are very fat but at the same time they are move or show signs of looking imposing or threatening
>>67291 What I'm trying to say is that I hope the artist makes the other 3, and as I mentioned, it's good that they look fat, but that they also look big, threatening and imposing, that is, more or less giant.
>>38604 Seeing this drawing makes me wonder, what would the girls look like separately and not a Nikutower drawn by the artist?
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the sayaka blob is reaaal
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