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Fat Country Humans Anonymous 08/28/2023 (Mon) 12:15:10 Id:562d60 No. 42400
I know, weird.
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>>43565 Everything I got
(1.04 MB 2080x2520 fatfuck.png)
jeff194gaming on newgrounds has more stuff, plus inflation would honestly kinda be fair game too since we're in alt
(2.30 MB 2048x3742 Robuttschei.PNG)
Robuttschei used to be the king at this. Now he’s just a faggot
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(207.17 KB 1580x833 vanuatu.png)
>>43614 Truthfully, I think he stopped due to ech0 at the time
>>43849 Who’s that >>43634 Great to see you here, whatever you want to call yourself now. Are you taking geopolitical requests?
>>43852 Ech0 , god of country human inflation art , specially Japan empire
(356.42 KB 3000x1680 kilometer.jpg)
(118.75 KB 1143x1668 ech0.JPG)
>>43855 It can’t be just that. He’s not that good.
>>43852 Nope sorry. Just kinda floating around threads now, making "art" on whatever.
>>43913 Than can I aske where your next artpiece will be?
>>43915 I've posted art in a bunch of threads like the alien chicks thread, the cartoon furry girls thread and obviously I have a lot of art in the pvz and object threads. Basically, you'll know my art when you see it.
(287.08 KB 2048x2048 After Americanization.JPG)
(189.39 KB 2048x2048 Japan before.JPG)
>>43917 You’re doing a little bit of everything? I like it, keep it up.
(174.82 KB 1466x861 USA.png)
>>43920 Thanks for the support man >>43868
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>>43926 You’re welcome. Be sure to seek out characters and countries no one has ever heard of before too. Wonder what an r63 of this ship would look like https://youtu.be/bVVVVvRrHcQ
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>>43932 https://www.deviantart.com/virus-20/art/American-Piggy-Girl-Falls-On-Japanese-Boar-970211086 Here’s something similar, but it’s not country humans and it’s Virus-20. Open at your own risk. Artist is aysabivi1383 for Fat America X Vietnam. This shit’s funny. Hope i can find more.
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>>43933 Holy shit
(83.75 KB 692x3750 The origin.PNG)
>>43954 Do polandballs count?
Hi there everybody! It’s seems nobody has been here for a bit, however, if anyone wants a c.ai country human, I will be here.
(846.87 KB 1097x1314 IMG_1271.jpeg)
Also have a……. Preggy
>>47376 What do you offer?
Finally! A reply! Well, since ya asked, I’ve already made three Sweden https://beta.character.ai/chat2?source=public-profile-2&char=Y91pvMNyod9_cFOta41IO2v2sCGri1lstcn4ZDiD_Do&hist=f3349356-6c7d-4166-9f0b-0b7cf7dfda3b Poland https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=s72ya7WiqrsjRu3yYokSXi6vR1cwTVsdEaLUOhES2II&source=public-profile-2 Panama https://beta.character.ai/chat2?source=public-profile-2&char=UJsO2k0yNHX8rLeGYS6zesuwltsDr2ZF91CIoSEAm8g&hist=2c133e75-11cd-412a-8a86-121f86403f7e
>>48457 Pretty nice. What else can you create?
Whatever you really want mate, just give me an image and we’re good
>>48528 Shame I have nothing right now. But I did make a fat America bot myself (Male) https://c.ai/c/U-y1fOEHarXWKcboVhECQSIyOA43io7xpoNtH8Y9ODw
Another c.ai creator? Most interesting
>>48558 I try it since no one else will for the characters and concepts I like
That is basically what I do. But I’ve made over I think 50? I do have another idea but I would be casted into hell
>>48599 what's the idea
Umm, this https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=TEnFmpYOKF_-Iol3oNIBsY5iB0mGL24ZsFWP4RtNhX8&source=recent-chats
(91.16 KB 750x755 Hmnfly.JPG)
Where are the fat country humans?
fat countryhuman
fat countryhuman
Thượng đế đã chết. Thượng đế vẫn chết. Và chúng ta đã giết Người. Làm sao đây để an ủi bản thân, những kẻ sát nhân của tất cả những kẻ sát nhân? Đấng linh thiêng và hùng cường nhất mà thế giới can tâm công nhận đã chảy máu đến chết dưới lưỡi dao của ta: vết máu này ai sẽ lau cho sạch? Thứ nước nào để ta tẩy rửa chính mình? Ta còn có thể bày ra những lễ sám hối toàn thiêu nào nữa đây? Liệu sự lớn lao của hành động này quá vĩ đại đối với ta chăng? Phải chăng ta phải trở nên như Thượng đế mới xứng hợp được với việc làm này?
Is this a language? If so, someone who speaks it, please translate
>>49555 I reckon not many Viets visit 'round here
So it is a language? Which one?
>>49589 FOR FUCK’S SAKE >God is dead. God is still dead. And we killed People. How can this comfort yourself, the murderers of all murderers? The most sacred and powerful person that the world courageously recognizes has bleed to death under my knife: who will wipe this blood stain? What kind of water do we wash ourselves? What other total penitential ceremonies can we perform? Is the greatness of this action too great for us? Do we have to become like God to be worthy of this? Now post fat country humans or shut the fuck up
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I will do as told
(173.03 KB 1088x1280 Gonna pop.JPG)
>>49616 Damn straight you will. Much more fun when there’s images to post
(554.59 KB 1082x1059 IMG_1542.jpeg)
Yes sir
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Do these count? Eh, don’t care
>>51095 They’re fine
>>48528 How shameless I am. Think you can make a fat Mexico bot my good man? (Also bumping the thread with the pic)
anyone got that one ech0chamber image of a character holding her massive breasts and saying something along the lines of "people say 'too big', but i say 'bigger'", haven't been able to find it
(307.09 KB 1080x1080 Ech0Chamber_Bigger.png)
>>52472 I gotcha
>>52501 thank you kindly, this is still my favorite work from them
>>51095 Dude is be real If I have to put Ech0 and Atlas artworks to see who's better I'll put Atlas, no doubt
Are there any 'Inside Jokes' or Unique WG scenarios for each contry? For example: US >Fat slobs riding scooters because of McDonalds and other Fast Food joints Mexico >Getting fat throughout the holidays (Independence Day, Halloween, Day of the Dead, Revolution Day, Pre-Christmas Parties, Christmas Eve, Christmas, New Years, Day of the Kings, Tamales Day) England or Australia >Huge Beer Guts and lots of Roasted-Grilled Food South Korea >Mukbangs
>>52665 Being overfed by your aunts and grandma in Italy.
>>52665 Hungary: >being a feeder to any visiting countries while being heavyset herself Poland: >same as Italy >>52666 >same goes for most of central/eastern Europe Pacific island nations (ESPECIALLY Nauru): >obese from their dependency on imported food full of preservatives Saudi Arabia and other petromonarchies: >women secretly obese under their burkas and veils
>>52668 >Hungary: >being a feeder to any visiting countries What? Why? Do they bring their own food or take you out to eat?
As a Welshmen. I have no fucking clue what ours could be. We don’t have many things people outside the UK know about.
What would Venezuela´s be?
(12.88 KB 588x522 images (12).png)
>>52677 Eat a Pea then die.
Can y'all country fat bitches stop whining and enjoy some good o' artworks or do I have to use the air pump
>>52366 So sorry for the delay. And terrible image quality, it was the only way c.ai would accept the image. But here you go https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=aQgxr5xdiqUB90yslpjgjKz9w_b7PR92r1Y8S4WrB4w&source=recent-chats
>>52672 The country is somewhat renowned for its cuisine - ironically, considering all the "Hungry" jokes. And the same thing about grandmas feeding you until you practically have to be rolled home applies here as well.
>>52366 I just realised the artist drew her hand holding the bottle completely wrong side 0_0
(3.67 MB 2600x3100 sadadsadsads.png)
>>52739 i can fix it
>>52742 Good man 👍
>>52781 Lets bury this. Put it to bed.
>>52783 Hush and stay in your coffin, my man
>>52711 Nah it's fine. Thanks for the bot m8.
>>52742 Neato. And turns out c.ai will accept this version full quality.
>>52858 Shut up meg Go kill yourself Hehehehe
No fat country humans? 😔
(104.90 KB 1200x675 CH Rome ant_spark.JPG)
>>54577 Yes, but you need to find them.
Anyone know who this art is from?
>>55644 H0rnywithlemon but she's deactivated on all social media
>>55653 any archive?
>>52677 For countries with a weak currency (Greece, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Weimar Germany). >anything with economic inflation making them swell up or getting in the way of basic things.
>>52668 Mauritania & other parts of Africa historically (ESPECIALLY THIS ONE) >has obscene levels of fatness & gluttony as a beauty standard for women >to the point that 4 in 5 women are obese, especially in the traditional countryside >even has folk stories glorifying immobility dating back to pre-Islamic times >used to be way more common across North / West Africa >Greeks, Romans & Egyptians probably saw this in their borders & trade routes Any country that's rich from one resource / industry / ship-lane (Saudi Arabia, China, Singapore, etc) >gets fat off their profits from dominating the global market >>42401 >great example with Panama canal pic Colombia & other Latin American countries probably >getting fatter from insanely oversized, decadent street food & generally having chubbier beauty standards. >stereotypes that fat Latina women wear undersized clothes & strut their stuff, totally indifferent to what others think. >BHM US looks on with both hunger & lust
I’m not sure if this’ll get read, but if anyone likes to roleplay and is open to do something involving country humans, i’m open to dm! I’m on discord either tonywuff or the same with #7370
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Here’s hoping for a thread revival
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you know what ? Fuck you. America-ed your American
https://youtube.com/@simb?si=gNhSgwg4qpTmDOF5 link
>>58590 these are amazing
>>59176 Too bad they’re the only ones like them
Bits and pieces...
Does anyone have more humanoid stuff like Ashgallalla‘s?
>>58590 who's the artist?
>>60004 Ashgallalla. Says so on subject
>> Told you it was her. She offended no bloodclat
too lazy to post pics, but here's a couple links to stuff that has a good concentration of countryhumans stuff: https://www.deviantart.com/gaspoweredpirate/favourites/86163294/country-humans https://www.reddit.com/r/CountryhumansFat/ that's all I could find without doing too much digging, feel free to look further
>>56329 Hi, I'm HornyWithLemon. I have the link to a Google Drive which contains all my drawings related to Countryhumans https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1SAGM7MdRfCpfi6qkBBTnRG9B4efa5jux
(1.26 MB 3000x2300 Happy 248th.jpg)
>>62719 Just in time for the 4th too. You’re done making fat country humans, right?
(615.98 KB 2400x1350 Bluethebot.JPG)
Happy 4th
man i wish there would be some new art soon.
(756.89 KB 2200x2600 SPOILER_bruuuuuuuuuuh.png)
>>62749 I'll actually take up the occasional hobby of drawing these kinds of things again, though I'd rather just post them here from now on (I was really stressed about the requests). Idk, I really need more drawings of USA being chubby (Plus God only knows how much I love watching USA being chubby lol)
>>64703 Do you love watching USA be female too? In fact, are there other countries you want to do? It’s great having you here at all.
>>64703 Honestly, I'd throw money at you if I could for more fat merica art
I refuse to let this thread die
Also to the homie of the c.ai bots, think you could do an Italy one? (No worries if you can't)
Hello chat. And yes, of course I can. Any specific image?
>>67172 I think the second one works better
>>43563 >>67172 Or I guess this one can also work pretty good. Your choice good sir.
I wonder when we'll have more of Brazil, i'd be pretty happy to see more stuff of my country
Here’s you go https://character.ai/chat/Qwt-2xGS_-Q3upUXRaleACyqPh-OJCp2YgpXLnUGQIM Hope it’s good enough. Been quite a while since I did a request
>>67255 I think it's a good one!
Ah, very good. Diolch!
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>>67505 Where did you get those from? Is that old robuttschei?
These were old comms I got from Schei about 3 years ish ago. I have one more with Panama I forgot to post, but will do that later.
>>67513 Bless you and your tastes. Can’t you commission artists that haven’t gotten lost in the gay sauce now?
(242.06 KB 2048x1608 u0qMKV0Q.jpg)
No, I only commission lost in the gay sauce
>>67544 That’s completely understandable. His art style is so good even if drenched in gay. Can you commission him fat country human commentary on modern events right now?
(184.36 KB 2048x1545 D8qct1yWsAAO4jG.jpeg)
Does this Russia pic count? >>67544 God bless you either way anon
Warning: shipping pic hence the spoiler, but at least has a fat USA If it ahs to be deleted, I will understand
>>67558 If it’s fat and a country human it belongs here.
>>67559 Don't mind if I do then
>>67562 Very good. Just wish they weren’t all men.
(98.52 KB 1181x1748 GE0WxtiaMAAZfyk.jpeg)
(107.84 KB 1181x1607 GEaLuPtbkAAGDM6.jpeg)
>>67564 Tough luck. There's this guy on Twitter who ocassionally does females (emphasis on "ocasionally") But most of his gallery is gay shit (A lot which might reek of SJW or something similar). So enjoy these two gals hopefully
Oh yeah, forgot about this one
>>67570 >>67565 Which guy is that? He does bush which is pretty based.
>>67574 https://x.com/FlagsAfterDXXX For the two above. The fat USA below, I have no idea who made it
>>67578 >mostly gays You were right. Thanks anyway.
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(199.17 KB 1998x1267 aV8rSGBa.jpg)
Noticed these weren't in the thread and decided to remedy that
>>67641 This warms my heart seeing big countries help developing countries get big themselves. I sure wish it happened more often than not in reality.
>>43917 Are you still here?
(127.66 KB 1200x1898 GLaV7rEaUAEBfzV.jpeg)
Another unusual female. Wish there was more though (Of fat CH in general).
Still trying...
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