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Fat Gooning Obesity Worship General 2 Anonymous 09/27/2023 (Wed) 00:52:50 Id:70436f No. 44556
For worshipping obesity with fellow goonblobs. We need a discord to spread edition
(171.45 KB 1000x1183 goon1.jpg)
someone make that discord!!
first attempt
>>44560 >>44562 These are perfect~
>>44562 Love the tease of a navel creampie with this. Nice job indeed anon!
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>>44571 feeling gas rip from both sides after eating nothing but atery clogging slop must feel soooooooo good
(2.92 MB 2440x2708 1694483239458701.png)
>>44577 Can't stop it even if you tried; endlessly venting gas like you were under some sort of magical curse; stuck between the pain of constantly stuffed bowels and the pleasure of pumping it all out, and then there's the burning fire in the pit of your gut; hunger; that must always be dowsed with liquid slop the likes of lard, grease, batter that drowns all the food you consume every waking moment
>>44580 just makes me feel so..... fat...
This is more of a question, but what clothing works best? Would a tracksuit do just well?
>>44586 No clothing
If that discord ever gets made I'd love to be the skinny everyone bullies around into fapping to more fats. I'm not into any degen stuff like farts, slob, health issues, or gaining weight myself, but if anyone wants to feel sexy knowing they were someone's reason to cum, id definitely be of service~
>>44586 one day we'll all just wear oversized spandex
>>44594 Why care about clothing Just stay nude, you’re gonna have to take it off to fuck or outgrow it anyways No need to do anything except eat, cum, sleep
I’m willing to try my hand at that discord if anyone wants, is it just tedious making one? Fuck it
>>44596 Thank you fellow goonblob
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(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄
>>44611 just cumming handsfree from how fat you are and how you will never be thin again
Would you guys mind stuff like Marijuana added to the whole fat gooning thing?
>>44623 It only makes sense to include weed, to further slow your mind and metabolism~
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if only there was a place to get organized
Any image requests?
>>44650 more ones about the obesity crisis and statistics!
>>44650 Would this work? >>44652 Also seconding this. Society-level stuff is really hot.
I would love to do a societal fatness one. Send a base image and I’ll try.
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>>44656 Oh shit, that was quick! Thank you. I know >>44657 already sent you one for the societal fatness thing, but if you need another here's one.
>>44659 Goon away
>>44660 Thanks again!
>>44662 I hope you all love them and read them close
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>>44650 Could you be so kind to make a joi out of any of these, especially teasing to cum in the navel
>>44650 What do you think about degrading comments? (๑ ´•ω • `๑)
Discord when
>>44687 Working on it. Setting up rooms and the like. Will post as soon as it’s ready
I hope the audio guy is still making his perfect slob/obesity goon audio
>>44690 Where can I find these audios? I need them 🥵 I've been looking for obesity and slob stuff
will I be able to change my username/avatar to something else so I'm not using main when I join the discord?
discord .gg/6pmYkCvJ There’s the link, extremely fucking basic rn, just the channel is set up. I’ll add more tonight as I’m able. Feel free to suggest things in general
>>44690 Working on it going to try to get it out when I feel it’s perfect
>>44698 This is great
>>44670 Well, I think they work quite well if they are well written and subtly encourage degradation. A random insult won't do for me.
>>44690 Soon you will be so fat that you won't need them anymore.
>>44660 I have a feeling that with the amount of physical contact people will have with each other that it will be a much more peaceful and happy future.
>>44657 Now that's a real happy family.
>>44660 Ban all PE lessons and replace them with more time at the cafeteria.
>>44611 I want to milk his fat tits and cock. I want to get fat consuming his fatty piggy cum~ He's beautiful! I want to be like him so badly~ No thoughts, only gooning and consuming.
>>44735 I am getting there~
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>>44738 fat camps and pe is fatphobic~
>>44743 We need thin camps. It's like fat camps, but you gain weight instead (Attendance is mandatory to all scrawnies).
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>>44741 I am getting there~ Soon I'll have to say goodbye to my cock, and to mobility.
>>44650 Can you make it encourage kidnapping skinny weaklings and force feeding them?
>>44745 eventually we wont even need that, skinny people will just be seen as losers and we slurp up our cake shakes and ooze proudly in our hoverchairs. >>44746 health and mobiliy is overrated, huge moobies and blubbery bodies and junk food is the key to happiness.
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>>44749 the fat cult must corrupt everyone
>>44749 posting these to twitter now https://twitter.com/futurefattest/status/1707755122674049105
>>44750 Soon everyone will be a part of our big fat cult~ Make sure to include our discord in your edits~ discord .gg/6pmYkCvJ
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>>44562 One of many to come. Wonderful work, but there is room to grow an improve. I suggest you look at other popular edits and learn from them. Give it your own unique spin too.
>>44748 Yes, you speak the truth. We must gorge ourselves with junk food, that's the only path to happiness.
>>44765 happiness is immobility... eat until you can't walk~~~
>>44670 Only if you follow them up with force feeding me and fucking my massive immobile ass~ If you're really mean to me, I will sit on you and fart on you~
>>44767 all scrawnies deserve such a fate
>>44766 Eat until you can't reach your little goonstick. Obesity is happiness. Every bite of junk food brings you greater happiness~
>>44768 That's what they get for choosing to be miserableness little sticks. Why be a sad scrawny when you can eat junk food all day?
>>44698 Everyone joins the discord now! (same link) discord .gg/6pmYkCvJ
>>44747 Feed the scrawnies till they are just as big as us~ Obesity is happiness.
>>44769 feeling sexier with every belch, every added flabby pound... every fart and grease stain~ >>44771 reject health, embrace dumb hedonism
(1.12 MB 2100x1420 01302021re_E0LVN24.png)
>>44774 You know you can't say no to another slice of pizza. While you're at it, why not eat another whole pizza? And you know you have to wash it down with a milkshake~ Eating all that artery clogging junk food while watching porn and gooning is the best way to live.
>>44775 dip the pizza into the milkshake your tastebuds rotted long ago~
>>44776 Then stuff yourself with cheese burgers and sodas until it gets harder and harder for you to breath as your fat belly grows bigger and bigger and your little brain gets dumber and dumber. Give into your desires~
>>44777 right until the end~ a worthless blubberpile~
So hot to see our numbers (and weight) imcreasing on the Discord~ One waddle closer to a heavier world~
>>44786 imagine the human evolution diogram but it's erect walking to waddling to scooterin'~ uuuuuuurp
>>44775 hey where did you get the art?
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>>44788 Or something like this
>>44740 Sauce?
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I agree especially femboy >>44804
>>44796 ymir https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=3909658
>>44775 I believe I got it from our discord server. Feel free to look around: discord .gg/6pmYkCvJ
>>44799 It's a political cartoon I saw a few years ago, IDK the sauce.
(926.18 KB 3402x4252 discord_waifu.png)
>>44556 Join the discord~ discord .gg/6pmYkCvJ
>>44818 doing this beside other immobile blobs and ordering for more~
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help me get addicted: Discord - grassy_gnoll2
obesity won
>>44805 Fatty femboies~ The ideal male body of the future~ Honestly, why waste time at the gym when you can be stuffing yourself with junk food and rotting your brain with porn?
so what happened to the discord?
>>45131 It's as alive as ever~ discord .gg/vsAKkbBK
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I assume this is what police are gonna look like in the future, right?
>>45216 Resistance is futile. Submit to obesity.
>>45216 >>45241 >you're -BWOOAARP- behind your -chugs cake shake- calorie quota, citizen!
(285.25 KB 1573x1200 5d94872bf16745cd90ef725d803cf4b7.png)
>>45246 >You're hereby sentenced to -BUUUOOORRRP- force feeding, citizen! -wolfs a cheeseburger-
>>44556 who drew this picture?
>>45257 >force feeds scrawny protestors whilst saluting the fat flag and farts proudly during the obesity anthem
>>45263 Fat pride!
>>45260 https://rule34.xxx/index.php/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=5595917
>>44556 We reached 100 users! Come join us! discord .gg/fCAUHsBF
>>45297 world wide!
still excited for the audio to goon and gorge to~
>>45297 Is that supposed to be Neapolitan Ice Cream, or is that just a hilarious coincidence?
>>45491 yes anon, it is supposed to be that
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Why aren't you fat yet, nonny?
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Not my best edit ever, but figured I should contribute
>>45667 this is god tier anon this makes me wanna chug some full fat milk rn
>>45674 That's a good little twig. Better put some flab on those bones if you don't wanna look like a fatphobe!
>>45679 I must do my part... for the obese world to come.
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>>44640 I can tell this artist uses Canva (canva.com). It's actually a decent program to caption with, it has a shitton of free fonts to use and isn't very paywalled. Kinda lazy how the artist just slapped the preset texts and edited it, though. Also covering the face with "Find other gooners" was a shit idea. Anyways, I should stop sperging and start making captions
>>44657 Fuuuck I need this one
(2.96 MB 4425x3991 ↑.png)
>>44668 Did 3rd image. I'm sorry it's jank I'm fucking sleepy. The arrows are unicode and this is low quality caption tbh
The discord link isn't working
>>45710 Join us~ discord .gg/7HeNPvV2
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have I posted these here yet?
>>44657 Really like this one as an idea. Something about a whole family falling into gluttony gets me.
>>45954 I know how to edit but I've never done one of these things, what should I put on it? please go as deranged with detail as you want
>>45739 need new link G
>>44747 could we get more of this?
Anyone have this pic without all the words? (I really love it and don't mind all the tags, but if my wife ever saw that there would be hell to pay. :D)
Need that discord link pls
Discord link? Site could go down any time
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>>46167 >>46162 https://discord .gg/8wpmWyv7
I think somebody else said it before me but it bears repeating. I wish someone with such editing skills/flair was more than willing to make a gooning video around SSBBW.
>>45882 Can I ask for source for the fourth one?
>>46180 Hey can someone pass the link again?
>>46180 can you post again please?~
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I just want to adore obesity uwu please help me with the discord. Discord: sowkattrina
https://discord. gg/zny75BZh
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i fucking hate how many of these captions look like they were written by a retard with his dick in his hand. a good caption makes hot art hotter but some are boner-killing bad. picrel
>>47030 Invite dead
https://discord.gg/V3HjTUjr>>47979 >>47979
Can we just get a persistent link already, that one’s dead now
(1.54 MB 800x534 ezgif.com-gif-maker(2).gif)
>>50043 Waitin' for a new invite
>>49097 That needs a seizure warning ⚠️
>>50106 A lot of these need seizures warnings
This thread needs a seizure warning ⚠️ ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️
>>50106 >>50116 >>50118 Quit fucking same posting you goddamn meth head
Link's dead
Can somebody send a new one?
Seconded, please, id love nothing more than join the obesity world order~
>>50383 >>50198 >>50135 https://discord.gg/BNnUK9dx
>>50386 I love being a hopeless dumb fat addict~ It's who I really am~ Lobotomize yourself with porn and junk food.
>>44556 I can't help myself~ I must goon~
>>50386 300 members! We're going to rule the world and fatten up everyone who stands in our way!
>>50475 You’re my dream guy.
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>>50511 *Burp* You like my massive belly, don't you? My thick tree trunk thighs? *Brap* My buried cock? My thicc ass? My greasy double chin? Face it, you want to be just as fat as me, if not more! Stuffing your greedy little face... Ruining your body... Erasing your brain... Giving all in like me~ Get comfortable in your chair... Cause you ain't ever sitting up ever again~
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We need schools to fatten up the femboy.
>>50514 A school where femboys get to be first in line to the cafeteria, have free unlimited food, can eat during class, must be complimented on sight, have free mobility scooters, exempt from PE, and get free estrogen.
>>50513 What’s your discord, I need to have you reach into my brain
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>>50516 It was also interesting to watch them trying to swim in their tight swimsuits and greedily eating their food.
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And anyone who opposes it will be hard-fed.
>>50529 Tight swimsuits should be their school uniform. Friday would be no uniform day, meaning that they come naked to school.
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>>50531 Friday they have sex class or orgies.
Anyone who wants to turn me from thin femboy to fat pig message me on discord @grassy_gnoll2
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Fat femboys who have been eating their way through walking and gasping at every turn. They also ask to feed their big bellies
>>50535 The feeling of your fat pressing down on your overgrown body and making it nearly impossible to breathe normally is exhilarating. The frantic gasping for air sends a rush of euphoria throughout my body. The hopelessness and inability to change course, the thought that you're the only one to blame for the state of your body, and the thought of somehow growing even larger within the near future fill me with unparalleled joy. Each labored breath deepens my addiction.
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Hopefully soon they'll be dressing fat femboys instead of trees
>>50545 Such femboys will be loved and respected for their size! The bigger the better
>>50556 I wonder what presents they're hiding under all of that fat? Maybe a buried dick that hasn't seen the light of day in years, eager and ready to blow its fat load? Maybe a tight fat ass that's softer than marshmallow?
>>50557 Never big enough... Must eat... More... More... *Brap* MORE!
(744.34 KB 2051x2160 dG1tirOB1tI.jpg)
Oh how I wanted to get into clubs with fat femboys and really wanted to be between me
>>50558 Yeah yeah yeah eat more fat pig~ *Shaking your fat ass*
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>>50560 And if you don't pay up, you'll become of them~
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Every day watch your favorite femboy eat and get bigger and more gluttonous
>>50563 Volunteer to be a fat femboy milker today! Every day millions of cute femboys gain hundreds of pounds for your pleasure at the cost of not being to pleasure themselves! It's time to return the favor and milk em'! Volunteer to be a fat femboy milker today!
>>50564 Does that mean Im apart of the wealth family now. I am humble & honored
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>>50564 The first client is already waiting
>>50568 Sorry honey, but you're clearly below the weight requirement. Although... I suppose I could make an exception just for you.
>>50572 Thank you always I wont let any of you elites down. I promise. My last message on this website.
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It's so sexy to be between their buns.
>>50574 Soon enough that'll be the size of your buns~
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>>50576 Always have to start somewhere
>>50577 Your cock will be buried under your fat belly, no matter how big and juicy it is, luv.
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>>50578 It's gonna take a long time to find a dick under rolls of fat.
>>50579 Who needs a chastity cage when you have rolls of fat?
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>>50580 Yeah, I agree~
>>44556 Goon away, dumb piggy~
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>>50665 Why? Because anything goes! Now get to gooning piggy~!
>>50563 I just want to hug him and comfort him~
>>50685 Can I grab your ass next time I ask you for a hug? I like hugging you
>>50687 I thought you'd never ask~ These big buns are meant to be manhandled~
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Oh, that's a big, heavy ass~
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It's so sexy to watch fat little femboys running on the treadmill and panting from the weight of it~
New link! https://discord.gg/9DRRBP66
>>44556 Bump! This thread must stay up as long as there are weak minds to corrupt and fatten up~
There are so many little asses in the world that need to be fattened up~
>>51117 Feederism back in style
This world needs Fiderism, nothing more.
>>51119 anarcho-feedism will win
Explain the appeal of the text edits
is there a new link to the server?
Bump for the sake of growing the addiction
>>51385 https://discord.gg/TNtPFrsJ
>>52426 >Imagine eating healthy in 2024 >Imagine going to the gym in 2024
>>44637 Who made the og?
>>52504 Hypnagogum
obesity will win fitness will die out
>>52427 lol one last time please
Can we get an updated discord invite please?
Anyone got a new link?
I wonder if someone has made a teen obesity one yet m, that sounds like a good concept
>>53237 thats a good idea yeah, someone make that. ill goon to it so much for obesity
>>53236 I second this
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Can someone post a new link to the discord, I think the last one expired
>>53529 https://discord.gg/6SSUzAT2
>>53784 Link died, reup?
>>46180 original image/artist??
>>55430 sooftly
>>53784 The invite ran out. I too would like to request a new one.
>>51119 Holy shit this is such a hot setting
https://discord.gg/K3GKRs2DkH Here’s a new link, hopefully it stays permanent, made sure to set it to that.
>>53514 omg i love this <3 makes me wish there was more to it. have her get humiliated by her old skinny friends, have her cave in and embrace her new unhealthy fat life as she gets more and more mindless
>>56438 Dead link.
>>44746 I need a big boyfriend <3
>>57039 The bigger the better~
>>57039 >>57099 I want to pork up a boy to unhealthy gross immobility so bad
>>57101 Too fat and too dumb to do anything by himself. Make him so fat he can't even reach his cock. Make him to be horny and hungry all the time. The perfect hog boyfriend.
>>57120 You went out of fear.
>>57127 Nah, he's too young for my taste. But thanks
>>57228 More like 22 years old. He's too old for this thread
>>44556 Have you gooned enough for today? Nope, you can't ever goon enough. You must goon gorge and grow all the time.
>>44556 Become the goon material you fap to. Ruin your body to satisfy your fetish.
>>50513 Cute <3
>>50514 Sign me up!
>>57766 Can I get the original uncaptioned pic for this? I can't find it anywhere.
>>57833 Now be a good gooner and pump your little goon stick to her~
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I like all the ideas here, but I kind of want them only applied to women. I want to spend my time stuffing and pleasuring women. If men have to go hungry for women to glut themselves more, so be it.
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When they're so fat regular clothes don't fit them and they have to wear revealing kinky clothing.
Uhm. I'm a fat guy (25 y.o,) It's "benisnoticeme" on Discord.
thick twink looking to take the plunge and become a fat slob. feeders, encouragers, fellow gainers pls add my discord: lexxxi_0w0
>keep telling myself I'm not into fat women >start listening to hypnosis files about getting into fat women >keep revisiting bbwchan so I can blow multiple loads to >>45882 's second pic and >>50476 >still keep telling myself I'm not into fat women
>>62872 >Let me feminize you, teehee >Submit to being a fatty UwU There was literally nothing in that anon's post that suggested they want to gain weight themselves or that they have any interest in feminization. Why would you try to push this on them entirely without prompt? Like there's emphatically a difference between people with explicitly stated kink interests encouraging others with the same interests and then someone being entirely presumptuous and trying to force things down someone else's throat without ascertaining their boundaries first. It's self-indulgent behaviour and honestly kind of makes you a fucking creep, especially when the subtext of what you've written is quite explicitly non-con. Like what the fuck dude. Now I don't speak for this anon, maybe incidentally they ARE into everything you said. Doesn't change the fact that it's still kinda weird and gross for you to jump into this straightaway without even checking that it's something they're into first. Be better.
>>62874 Force feminization and control has become a common theme in this thread. It turned from a simple thread about gooning and captions into something resembling a cult worshiping gluttony and femininity. TLDR We're larping as fatty cultists. I am for it. We even had a discord. I wonder if it's still up.
>>62875 I'm aware. But you're both grossly exaggerating the state of this thread and emphatically missing my entire point. There's as much generalised feederism goon content here as there is explicit feminization stuff The enjoyment of these things together aren't mutually exclusive and you're going to have people here who enjoy the goon stuff but not the effeminate male content and vice versa. But that's only secondary to my main fucking point, which is that OP did not mention or imply males. They didn't mention or imply wanting to be turned into a woman. And they didn't mention or imply wanting to gain weight themselves. So for someone else to write an acutely rapey message directed towards this anon implicating all of those things without being signposted that it's okay to do so, is kinda fucked up. And that holds true whatever the context is. Yes you can larp as weird hyperfixated freaks if it gets you off, but you're also all human beings at the end of the day so I don't think it's too much to ask that you have a degree of self-awareness and consideration towards the people you're interacting with. Because you know, it's generally frowned upon when people are genuine creeps and sex pests to others and this behaviour is closely bordering that.
>>62874 >>62877 You hate fun. Go start your own gooner thread.
>>62872 This sounds so fucking hot~
>>62871 Can you link the hypnosis files?
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>>62877 Can we all collectively just ignore this fuck or turn him into an excuse to spread obesity propaganda? He's ruining the vibes... How about instead we all say how many times a day we cum to fat :3 I cum twice a day to fat at minimum <3
>>62879 Hehe, OP here. Thanks <3 Submit to obesity, let it make you into an adorable blob of a girl~
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>>62881 3 to 4 times a day. I make sure to cum before every meal or snacking session to increase my appetite. Also, I started learning how to cook and bake myself so I can ensure my food is unhealthy as possible. Sending positive trans fatty vibes! <3 <3 <3
>>62883 Impressive :3 What's your diet like, fatty? Let's hear just how awful you're making your poor, singular, finite life in dedication to obesity :3
>>62882 You need to make gooner centered content. I like your vibes. Btw, are you trans yourself?
>>62884 My motto is "Good, but can we add cheese to it and fry it?" I just can't resist frying almost everything eat. It just makes everything better!
>>62884 Also, life isn't singular or finite to me. I know that when I die I will become the gluttonous demon that I have been nurturing inside of me and spread the joy of gluttony.
>>62888 Good girl <3 eating and gorging will reward you when you become a cute gluttony demon spending eternity extracting pleasure and bringing other people into obese supremacy <3 your name will go down as a soft succubus bringing men into health issues~ who's a cute death feedee~?
>>62878 What a considerate and thoughtful response to my statements, you got me there pal! I just hate fun. Cos that's what it is after all right? I mean if someone just happens to become uncomfortable after being pelted with sexual comments putting them in a non-con scenario they didn't solicit, it's on them for not liking fun. Cos at the end of the day it's all just a bit of a laugh, a lark really. A little bit of hoo hee haha to lighten up the mood, obviously. I mean you guys enjoy it, so why wouldn't the person on the receiving end also enjoy it too? It only makes sense they would if they're a person who likes fun, right? Considering your eloquent defusal of my point, I'm really curious to know if you have any thoughts on the event here a couple months back where someone here tried to seed underage content on this thread and in a similar vein presented it to someone who didn't consent to being shown underage shit. I'm sure the mods would cleaned that mess up would love to hear your detailed thoughts on that one.
>>62890 Yeah I am the guy who reported that shit. You're delusional at this point.
>>62889 Me! Me! Me! Mommy! Me! *Burp* <3 (Just writing this makes my chest feel tight.) (Are you trans by the way?)
>>62892 Earn my information~ Just how far will this growing gooner go destroying her health? How willing are you to *BURP* destroy your body for the obesity you adore? <333
>>62891 >I reported that shit. Oh cool, so we got a double standard going on here then brilliant. Obviously when kids are involved you don't hesitate to act in the right. But then suddenly when your average Joe has to deal with being jumped by out of the blue creep comments that have literally nothing to do with what they said, it's okay. What is the attitude here exactly? Do you guys think that just because you occupy this niche of feminization brainrotters on the thread that suddenly everyone else here has to cow to or humour your fantasies even when they don't show interest or consent? You call me delusional and yet you haven't provided an actual rebuttal to anything I've said lmao. Everyone who's replied to me thus far has just conveniently skirted around what I'm saying and tried to divert the conversation. Y'all are being super deflective and would rather just troon out than actually acknowledge what I'm saying even though its kind of fucking serious. You either can't think of a good counterargument or are being apathethic because you enjoy employing inconsiderate behaviour like this because it gets you off. Either one would ultimately prove my point that some of you are starting to come off as actual creeps, seperate from the kayfabe of twinks and transfems encouraging each other to jack off.
>>62893 I am willing to spend the rest of my life as an immobile androgynous blob~ I will irradiate fatty vibes that will infect others and turn them into perfect fatties.
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>>62894 Just fuck off to a different thread before you have a meltdown, you shining beacon of modesty and piety.
>>62893 Also, what's wrong with the question? I was just curious. We're all accepting here.
Is the discord still a thing? >>44556
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We are coming
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>>62872 Kill yourself. >>62880 Sure: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWyQKFKTjfA
>>62910 Thanks
>>62875 The server is still up, it's just been much less active over the last few months
>>62926 could i have the invite
>>62929 https://discord.gg/9yXZReXH
>>62971 >>62972 Kill yourself.
>>62984 I have to agree with this statement
where can I find more goon pics regarding obesity
>>62971 >>62972 Why is this shit in the goon thread?
>>63037 Pedos like to stick their malformed dick where it doesn't belong.
>>44560 >>>/gen/51420 Tell them I sent you.
>>63069 What did he mean by this?
>>62948 Could someone resend a link please
Any got any joi captions like this, or know how to make any? I really love these type of captions, especially when they're belly focused.
>>62948 Someone should post a permanent link.
>>63576 https://discord.com/invite/wMwZjpZQ
>>64035 To make one, you can use any art program, but I'd recommend GIMP or Krita for the lowest barrier of entry. If you already have one written out with a pic I can make it for you.
>>44556 Taking suggestions for MILF/mom themed goon poster!
Is the discord still active?? If so can someone give me the link? I need to be indoctrinated
>>64549 I like the idea of obese mom encouraging an even more obese son, or vice versa!
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>>64035 Oh hey, didn't expect to see my caption in this thread, good to see still making rounds. For a while, I wanted to try and do a 'sequel' of sorts to it using the first pic in my post, but am stuck between either making a direct continuation to the first, or something entirely different. >Any got any joi captions like this, or know how to make any? Unlike usual writing, you'll likely have to write your idea around the image, which can be harder than expected if you had a specific scenario in mind before starting. You can get a good feel for prose by referring to a few fat chat or JOI videos from real models, most aren't that great, but there's usually a few lines in them you can you as a starting point to bounce off of for your own work. >especially when they're belly focused Repetition can become an issue since size and weight is such a big focus of this kink, doubly so when focus on body parts get involved. Best way to try and avoiding this is by giving attention to different facets of their body. Like, if you were describing a belly, instead of immediately jumping to mentions of its size, you can gradually lead into its size by going over the depth of their belly button, how it interacts with clothing, or the way it rises and falls with their breathing. Basically, features that allude to their size or the effect it has on the character with outright mentioning it at the start. The second and third pics in this post do a pretty good job going over pacing and buildup, and how to actually format an image for captioning. >>64549 Based on the first pic in my post, either MILF giving her son an interesting surprise birthday gift after stumbling on his search history (or his friend if you want to avoid the incest angle).
>>64169 can we please get a new link this one is expired
>>65261 You made that caption? Good shit! I would say it's a fave, but I think it's like the only JOI caption that's focused on the body. I know there's other captions, but all of them are just mutual gaining from what I've seen, which I'm not really into...
Can I get a discord link?
Is the Discord server still around? The last posted link obviously wasn’t made permanent.
>>66597 https://discord.gg/z5zShE33
i hate to be annoying, but could we maybe just get a permanent link to the discord so people dont have to keep asking?
>>67215 https://discord.gg/EckPZHe5S2 this one should be perma
