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Pizza Tower thread Anonymous 10/17/2023 (Tue) 05:23:58 Id:01925a No. 45828
from the Toppin Gals to Peppina Ramen, all the existing females of this indie game, wether from the main game or mods, are allowed here.
(6.26 KB 436x242 Fswk0_SXsAA522N.png)
>>46426 artist?
>>46448 NarkuuSerkai
(38.39 KB 1009x744 1677354823603.png)
(43.10 KB 890x763 1677363873893.png)
(392.47 KB 1500x1080 IMG_1215.png)
Does anyone else even check into this thread?
Does anyone here have that sketch of the Toppin Girls showing their butts. I saw it on 4chan.
(110.62 KB 1024x739 IMG_6351.jpeg)
>>49341 This?
(89.13 KB 1900x1400 FwQW_b0akAE_Q-g.png)
(41.96 KB 908x707 Fw6flYYXgAo5vPo.png)
(43.68 KB 1300x1080 Noisette_UYGdMek.png)
(41.61 KB 1000x700 noisette_7gF2fK3.png)
(6.29 KB 800x800 F_6wtccW4AAxw83.png)
(7.79 KB 800x800 F_6wY26WkAAGKbF.png)
(693.06 KB 4096x3818 F_6wKMpWcAAQGg1.jpg)
(53.79 KB 1033x783 F_6xOYHWoAEw9eg.jpg)
>>51827 Idk why this gremlin's hot but Noisette's appealing.
Tour de Pizza has an RPG in the works, and one of the leaked concepts is of a new girl related to Peppino. I wanna see her huge and drenched in burger grease.
>>51829 Artist for that? Hot Noisette.
(85.35 KB 2000x828 Rosette.jpg)
>>51959 Not that anon, but the artist is spaggoot on Twitter
(3.81 MB 3508x5980 grip5-884762-pizzard.png)
(197.17 KB 1638x2048 Fuan5y0XwAIpbLX.jpeg)
(502.23 KB 700x900 1688748091706732.png)
(18.77 KB 857x546 1702900040332492.png)
(15.63 KB 633x702 GEfMLsua4AAErkU.png)
There's an expansion subfolder in /ptg/'s Toppin Gals MEGA, but the archive's last update was in April: https://mega.nz/folder/HX4EkBhL#Fn-jpqkI1W1yD-5AH04ibw/folder/eapxXRTT
(104.83 KB 1080x1789 GGZwIJRbIAAvaSJ.jpeg)
(170.66 KB 1890x1200 GDXeR-6aoAAstro.png)
(210.72 KB 1023x1396 GIDwNViXgAALVMX.jpg)
The Noise Update The Noise Update Is Real https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/2231450/view/4112420967356457268
(180.58 KB 1588x1140 1711230212482076.jpg)
(26.53 KB 360x706 IMG_3504.webp)
(85.04 KB 1053x759 IMG_3503.jpeg)
>>46846 Mushroom Toppin’ be lookin’ like Glendale from Centaurworld. Also this. (Art credit: Lumerrac on Deviantart.)
>>55162 Who asked?
(909.94 KB 2048x2576 1713312965593.jpg)
(557.75 KB 4096x2302 20240426_201139.jpg)
Here are the only pieces of fat peppina art I can find.
>>57826 There should be more…
(412.92 KB 729x892 fatpina.png)
>>51942 I drew this a while ago.
>>57913 I agree, but I also recall seeing people seethe over the peppino gijinka looking too much like an anime girl so maybe people just don't draw her much because of this
(81.30 KB 1200x677 GG11xNBaMAATS87.jpeg)
>>57962 That was the point of her creation, pizza tower old anime au
(76.86 KB 1644x1596 1000012640.png)
>>58203 This is just a fat Miku in the PT style.
(90.70 KB 1509x947 GJ46sfLbgAA23XN.jpeg)
(109.24 KB 1729x1639 tumplescrump-994944-mush room.png)
(76.52 KB 1150x1150 GMobgy2acAAwed9.jpeg)
(181.01 KB 1500x1080 GMrsD4NWoAAB3pF.jpeg)
(387.92 KB 2048x1785 GIrDPN3WYAEx3YC.jpeg)
(403.21 KB 1838x2048 GIhHzqRXwAArKpf.jpeg)
(408.09 KB 1626x2048 GIhHzp2XUAAj8b2.jpeg)
(416.08 KB 1824x2048 GIhHzxBWAAEkBvP.jpeg)
(458.91 KB 1872x2048 GIhHzr7X0AAmN1b.jpeg)
(208.48 KB 2048x2037 GI6du25XoAA4nUt.jpeg)
(234.76 KB 2048x1850 GI1lEE6XcAA5PIF.jpeg)
(10.25 KB 768x768 GPBPF4eXIAAGxs-.png)
(6.91 KB 600x600 GPBPF4bWIAAncVv.png)
>>59459 Bumping for the pizzard
(56.57 KB 809x809 GL3ovCAWYAAdAwx.png)
>>64446 Thanks, but hope other people post more pizzards or so
(1.75 MB 2217x1662 1677704580173.png)
(2.59 MB 3200x2400 1709655041718010.png)
(383.14 KB 2048x1785 1710544225895389.jpg)
(210.72 KB 1023x1396 GIDwNViXgAALVMX.jpg)
>>64472 there isn't even that much of him to begin with
>>64595 But it's still gold
(156.32 KB 944x1390 1678991967891.jpg)
>>64735 See? Well he isn't really as fat but they got some chub too
>>65021 There's a cheese gal one
(53.45 KB 768x1024 GUzJx3rWkAAx3Pv.jpg)
>>65411 All Noisette fats are my favorites
>>65685 I took a screencap of the noise on image 3 and im still waiting to use it
(318.93 KB 3000x1680 FxuTNQrXwAY9WdK.jpg)
(465.79 KB 1774x2048 Fat Noisette Edit.png)
A nude fat Noisette edit I've made.
>>66529 Very nice work anon
(256.58 KB 1280x1280 GXKPg78boAAIX-I.jpg)
(249.59 KB 1280x1280 GXKPg8BaUAAeFKH.jpg)
(233.02 KB 2500x2000 export202408041215020841.png)
(202.06 KB 2047x1755 20240801_205724.jpg)
